Aao No1

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Aao no

1. The posterior skull base is enclosed by ?

a) the occipital bones
b) petrous
c) temporal bones
d) all of the above

Answer A (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 6

2. The orbit-connected posteriorly to the parasellar region-makes up the anterior aspect of the
skull and is composed of
a) 8 craniofacial bones
b) 6 craniofacial bones
c) 7 craniofacial bones
d) 9 craniofacial bones

Answer C (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 6

3. The orbit is approximately 45 mm wide and 35 mm in maximal height. The total volume of
the orbit is approximately ?
a) 20 cm 3
b) 30 cm 3
c) 40 cm 3
d) 50 cm 3

Answer B (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 11

4. The most important collaterals between the internal and external circulations traverse the
orbit. They include the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries in the ?
a) medial orbit
b) infraorbital and supraorbital arteries
c) zygomaticotemporal branch laterally
d) all of the above

Answer B (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 12

5. Branches of the meningohypophyseal trunk supply the dura at the back of the cavernous
sinus and CNs Ill, lV, V, and VI entering the ?
a) cavernous sinus
b) meningohypophyseal
c) foramen lacerum
d) all of the above

Answer A (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 14

6. The anterior inferior cerebellar artery (AICA) arises from the caudal BA and supplies the
a) pontomedullary junction and distal cerebellum
b) meningohypophyseal and foramen lacerum
c) meningohypophyseal and pontoomedullary
d) foramen lacerum and distal cerebelum

Answer A (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 14

7. Ocular venous outflow begins in the arcade retinal veins, which exit into the central retinal
vein (CRV) and in the choroidal veins, which exit the sclera through the?
a) Retina
b) All of the above
c) vortex veins
d) koroid

Answer C (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 22

8. There is a variable ratio of photoreceptor cells to ganglion cells in different regions of the
retina. The ratio is highest in the periphery at more than ?
a) 1,000:2
b) 1,000:3
c) 1,000:4
d) 1,000:1

Answer D (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 25

9. The first portion of the optic nerve, representing the confluence of approximately 1.0- 1.2
million ganglion cell axons, traverses the sclera through the lamina cribrosa, which contains
a) 200-300 channels
b) 200-300 channels
c) 200-300 channels
d) 200-300 channels

Answer B (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 27

10. The intraorbital optic nerve extends approximately .........to the optic canal?
a) 30 mm
b) 35 mm
c) 48 mm
d) 42 mm

Answer A (AAO 2014-2015 neuro opthalmology) pg 27

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