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Prescribing in Chest Pain

1. Bedside test & bloods:
o ECG.
o Troponin:
(a) If chest pain occurred < 6 hours ago, do baseline troponin & repeat after 3 hours.
(b) If chest pain occurred > 6 hours ago, only need to do troponin once  if not raised at 6 hours, can
rule out MI.
o Routine bloods – FBC, CRP, U&Es, LFTs, TFTs, clotting, blood glucose.

2. Imaging:
o CXR.
o Transthoracic echocardiogram.
o Coronary angiogram.
o Cardiac magnetic resonance.

NSTEMI Prescribing
o High-flow O2 via non-rebreathe mask (15L of 100% O2).
o GTN sublingual spray 1-2 sprays (can give GTN infusion 2-10mg/ hour if on-going chest pain, but monitor
BP to ensure it is SBP > 90).
o Morphine IV 5-10mg.
o Metoclopramide IV 10mg.
o Aspirin PO 300mg.
o Clopidogrel PO 300mg  continue at 75mg.
o Enoxaparin SC 1mg/ kg BD for min. 2 days (2-8 days)  if renal impairment, give only OD.

NSTEMI – compare to old ECG to check if T-wave inversion is new/ old.

To determine whether NSTEMI patient requires PCI, use risk-stratifying scores (e.g. TIMI score or
GRACE score).

Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) risk score:

If patients are at medium-high risk, they should be offered early in-hospital PCI.

STEMI Prescribing
o Same initial management as NSTEMI.
o DO NOT give Enoxaparin in STEMI  if for PCI, giving enoxaparin increases risk of bleeding in PCI.
o In PCI/ catheter lab, patient should be given 2 antiplatelet/ anticoagulation drugs to reduce risk of
immediate vascular occlusion - Refer to Trust’s guidelines for which drugs to give (e.g. Prasugrel + Aspirin,
or Heparin + Glycoprotein IIb/ IIIa).
o Offer fibrinolysis (IV Alteplase) to acute STEMI presenting within 12 hours of onset of symptoms, if 1 PCI
cannot be delivered within 120 minutes of the time when fibrinolysis could have been given.
Long-Term Post-MI Management: For 2 Prevention of Further MI (Cardiology Cocktail)
o ACEI – Ramipril 2.5mg OD (PO)  increase to 5mg after 3 days.
o -blocker – Bisoprolol 2.5mg OD (PO)  target pulse 50-70bpm.
o Aspirin 75mg OD (PO)  indefinitely.
o Clopidogrel 75mg OD (PO)  for 12 months
o Atorvastatin 80mg OD (PO).

Complications of MI
Early o Death.
o Arrhythmia.
o Ruptured ventricle.
o Thrombus (mural).
o Heart failure/ cardiogenic shock.

Late o Ventricular aneurysm/ septal rupture.

o Another MI
o Dressler’s syndrome (pericarditis).
o Emboli
o Regurgitation murmur/ ventricular septal defect.

Diabetes & ACS

o Keep blood glucose < 11mol/ L while avoiding hypoglycaemia.
o If hyperglycaemia, start sliding- scale insulin.

Warfarin & ACS:

o Send bloods for INR.
o If warfarin continuation NOT mandatory (AF)  stop warfarin and start enoxaparin when INR < 2.
o If warfarin mandatory (mechanical heart valves), do not prescribe enoxaparin.

Atrial Fibrillation
1. Life-threatening (haemodynamically unstable) vs. clinically stable AF:
Haemodynamically Unstable Emergency electrical (DC) cardioversion is required, WITHOUT delaying
to achieve anticoagulation.
Anticoagulation should be continued for 4 weeks after cardioversion.

Clinically Stable
Favouring Rate Control o Older patients, age > 65.
o Hx of CAD/ IHD.
o With contraindications to antiarrhythmic
o Unstable for cardioversion.

Favouring Rhythm o Younger patients, age < 65.

Control o New-onset AF (1st presentation of lone
o AF secondary to a reversible/ treated
precipitant (e.g. alcohol).
o Symptomatic AF.
o Congestive heart failure.

Anticoagulation o CHADS2-VASc stroke risk score vs.

HASBLED major bleeding risk score.

2. Rate control:
1st-Line Cardio-selective β1-blockers (class II): (absolute CI in asthma)
o Bisoprolol
o Metoprolol

Calcium-channel blockers (class IV):

o Verapamil (cardio-selective)
o Diltiazem

2nd-Line Digoxin monotherapy (cardiac glycoside), suitable for chronic AF in:

o sedentary patients
o hypotension
o heart failure

3rd-Line Amiodarone (K+-channel blocker class III)  DO NOT offer for long-term rate control.

3. Rhythm control:
Electrical Cardioversion 1. For AF persisting > 48 hours, offer electrical (rather than
pharmacological) cardioversion.

2. Echocardiogram is performed before cardioversion.

3. As cardioversion is associated with increased risk of TED

(thromboembolic disease), anticoagulation is required for:
(a) at least 3 weeks before (INR > 2), and
(b) 4 weeks after

Pharmacological Cardioversion For clinically stable patients:

IV Flecainide o If there is no structural heart disease, 1st-line
drug is infusing IV flecainide.
o Flecainide is Na+-channel blocker (class I
drug), which reduces maximum rate of
depolarisation during phase of rapid

IV Amiodarone o If there is structural heart disease, give IV

o SEs include hyperthyroidism/ hypothyroidism
& thrombophlebitis.

Pacemaker Insertion 1. In poorly controlled/ medically refractory & symptomatic AF,
+ complete AV nodal block can be deliberately induced by ‘pace &
Catheter Ablation ablate’ strategy.

2. A permanent pacemaker is required for maintenance of adequate

ventricular rate, before catheter ablation of AVN (atrioventricular

3. AVN is then ablated using radiofrequency energy.

4. Need for lifelong pacemaker dependency & anticoagulation following

this procedure.

4. Causes of AF: MITRAL
o mitral valve disease
o ischaemic heart disease
o thyrotoxicosis
o raised BP
o alcohol
o idiopathic/ LVH

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