Coven Try

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Dear Mr Benson‘

Please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to this request.‘

In response to your Freedom of Information request below, I adopt your numbering and answer as

1.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`he University does not offer formal guidance to staff or students for accessing teaching materials
which may potentially result in liability under `errorism legislation. `he vast majority of courses
provided by Coventry University do not relate to material which should result in such potential liability.
`he very small minority of courses which do look at issues relating to terrorism or terrorism legislation
do not directly relate to materials which should result in potential liability.‘

R.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`he University does not have procedures in place to review course content, reading lists or module
descriptors to specifically consider terrorism legislation. `he University does have procedures in place to
consider the risk of exposure to acts of terrorism, particularly in relation to overseas travel, but these
procedures relate to being exposed to the risk of terrorism rather than the potential liability under
terrorism legislation.‘

ÿ.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`he University does not have policies in place to deal with actions taken by authorities against the
University, its staff or students under terrorism legislation.‘

.‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`he University does not have policies in place such as ͞dealing with violent extremism͟, however
University staff have attended seminars relating to terrorism and extremism.‘

I hope this has answered your request. If you would like any further information, please contact me.‘

If you are unhappy with the response provided, you can request an internal review by writing to:‘

ëssistant Registrar (Legal Services)‘

Coventry University‘

Priory Street‘


CV1 5FB‘

If, following an internal review, you remain unhappy with the response provided, you may contact the
Information Commissioner, whose contact details can be found at‘

Kind regards‘

Philip Ryan‘

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Dear Mr Benson‘

`hank you for your below request for information under the Freedom of Information ëct R , safe
receipt of which I acknowledge.‘

I confirm that Coventry University shall endeavour to respond to your request as soon as possible and in
any event within the statutory time limits.‘

Kind regards‘

Philip Ryan‘

Legal Compliance Officer‘

Legal Services‘

Coventry University‘

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