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Dagger Scopes


Caution: Don´t use it if you are a cry baby.

Please, stop hunting .
No living being has ever wanted to die.
Respect that and let your hearth feel lighter.
Arma 2 default
Dagger Scopes

…an image is worth a thousand words.


This is the Dagger Scopes manual for both Arma 2 and Arma 3.

I do not allow Dagger Scopes or any other of my mods, or any part of them, to be included
in other mods without my authorization.

I do not allow my mods or any part of them to be sold by any imaginable means.

Current mod version:

Arma 2 v.9
Arma 3 v.5

Go to your folder:
C:\Users\Dagger\Documents\Arma 3

And edit the files:

Set: or Dagger Scopes will not work right.
fovTop = 0.89; // if your screen resolution is 16:10 fovLeft = 1.43; // if your screen resolution is 16:10
fovTop = 0.81; // if your screen resolution is 16:9 fovLeft = 1.45; // if your screen resolution is 16:9
fovTop = 1.10; // if your screen resolution is 5:4 fovLeft = 1.38; // if your screen resolution is 5:4
fovTop = 1.04; // if your screen resolution is 4:3 fovLeft = 1.39; // if your screen resolution is 4:3
Make sure all .pbo´s are in have these folders:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead\@Dagger\Addons
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@Dagger\Addons

At game start you might receive the message “Addon X requires addon Y”. They happen because my
mod was made modular and compatible with other mods. For example, if you are not using the mod
SOTG ( just delete dgr_scopes_sal_a2. Do the same
with the other .pbo´s as you need.

Back on 2009 and Arma 1, I got hooked by the scopes of the Switzerland Mod
( Since I like to play the game as a long range shooter,
I immediately knew I could make some improvements base on their wonderful idea.

At that time, my idea was to eliminate the claustrophobic feel of the black screen with a small open
(the reticle) in the middle, so I decided to increase the scopes FOV, and that’s all.

And then ... here we are! 

In 2012, the scopes were
made for my personnal use
with Arma 1. There were 20
In 2013, I first added some
plain effects, ported them
to Arma 2 and released the
mod in Armaholic. 12 new
reticles were added to the
Still in 2013 the number of
scopes was increased to 60,
the basic effects were
improved and they looked way
better in game due to my
catching up skills with
Photoshop and alpha chanel.
In 2014 I really knew the
looks was the name of the
game and I made more efforts
to improve the feeling of
using a Dagger Scope. No new
scopes were added but, all
of them received more and
better visual effects.

On that year I have released

twice in Armaholic. On the
second release I increased
the number of scopes to 73.
Now, in 2015, we have 100
reticles, way more effects,
and the mod was released for
both Arma 2 and Arma 3.
What´s next?

Oh, yes, the FOV was reduced

a bit  but, the scale has
always been kept the same.
Dagger Scopes was born with
range estimation accuracy in
mind and it will keep that
way forever.
Dagger Scopes = Accuracy

Dagger Scopes was born from accuracy. All reticles are extremely accurate, so that you can effectively
estimate range to your targets should you know the math.

All range estimation should be done at the maximum zoom power.

In the case of BDC´s – Bullet Drop Compensators, the bullet drop markings are very accurate when
using Dagger Ballistics ammo, which is the M855 for the .223/5.56 caliber, M80 for the .308/7.62x51
caliber on the MG´s, and M118 LR for the .308 sniper rifles.
The Math Behind the Scopes

All scopes are 2048x2048 pixels, and they must fit the whole screen. The game creators have made a
10x power scope have a half FOV – Field Of View of 0,02492 radians, which is a full FOV of 0,04984
radians, or 0,4984 radians at 1x magnification.

Multiplying radians by 1000 you get miliradians, or MIL´s. Sniper scopes´ reticles are commonly sub-
divided in MIL´s or MOA´s (which are the empyreal equivalent of the MIL´s).

At 1x power, the reticle´s FOV is 498,4/1 MIL´s, and it is rendered at 2048 pixels,
or 2048/498,4 = 4,1 pixels per MIL.

At 2x power, a scope with FOV of 498,4/2 = 249,2 MIL´s at 2048 pixels is 8,2 pixels per MIL.

And so on.
Be a Master of Dagger Scopes

1. Know your target.

2. Estimate range.
3. Adjust for parallax.
4. Know your bullet drop.
5. Compensate for elevation.
6. Compensate for climatic conditions.
7. Adjust for wind.
8. Know your bullet´s time of flight.
9. Adjust for moving targets.
10. Follow-up your shot and be ready to re-engage.
Invest as many training hours as you can and be a master of Dagger´s 10 steps.
You must be able to accomplish all steps without laser range finders and without wind meters like the

Once you are good enough, you must be able to memorize your range table and score hits without it
or without any ballistics computer (real life or in game ATrag).

Then, you must be able to score hits at multiple targets, at ranges from 20 to 2000 meters, at the
shortest time possible, preferable in less than 5 seconds.

And finally, you must be able to do all of the above with any sniper system. Start changing the ammo
type, then the scope, then pick a rifle with another caliber. Once you can do that, you are ready to let
the mission choose the weapon system for you. If you fail to master all sniper systems, then you are a
slave of your preferences and you will be manipulated by them. You will not be the best employment
for that mission and you will decrease it´s success rate. OK, I know this is the supreme master level .
1) Know Your Target (Arma 2)

1,8m 1m

Slow 1.7m/s Slow 1.3m/s
Fast 5.0m/s Fast 3.8m/s


Slow 0.9m/s
Fast 0.5m/s

Uaz Fast 23m/s Hilux Fast 23m/s

5,2m 6,4m

2m 1,8m

BPM2 Fast 13m/s

Fast 15m/s



BRDM Fast 23m/s BRM Fast 16m/s



T72 Fast 14m/s

Shilka Fast 11m/s
2) Estimate Range

At 100 meters, 1 meter should appear as 10 Mil.

At 200 meters, 1 meter should be half 10 Mil, which is 5 Mil.
At 300 meters, 1 meter should be 3.33 Mil.
At 400 meters, 1 meter should be one quarter of 10 Mil, which is 2.5 Mil.
At 500 meters, 1 meter should be 1/5 of 10 Mil, which is 2 Mil.
At 600 meters, 1 meter should be half 300 meters,
which is ~1.6 Mil, or a bit over 1.5 Mil.
At 700 meters, 1 meter should be 1000/700 = 1.4 Mil,
or a bit under 1.5 Mil.
At this point, a tinny error in Mil reading may affect
the POI in almost 1 Mil. You are likely to miss .
At 800 meters, 1 meter should be 1.25 Mil, or the middle between 1 and
1.5 Mil, and you might need a scope with zoom power 15x or better.
At 900 meters, 1 meter should be 1.1 Mil, or a bit over 1 Mil.
At 1000 meters, 1 meter should be precisely 1 Mil. Be careful,
because a bit over or a bit under represents 100 meters
difference, which is around 2 Mil or 2 meters off the target.
3) Adjust for Parallax
The 9-7-5 rule

30o = 0.9 size

45o = 0.7 size

60o = 0.5 size

Source: Wikipedia


If you are above or bellow target, If you are at the same height,
measure an horizontal dimension measure a vertical dimension
(because it does not change). (because it does not change).
I see a target at 090.
He is looking at me straight, wich means there is no parallax to be adjusted. The
elbow to elbow 0,42 m at 100 reading is expected to be 4.2 Mil, which it is..
Now he is at 045, which means my parallax in relation to him
is expected to be 0.7 (9-7-5 Rule).
In fact, my reading of 2.9/0.7 = 4.1 Mil, which is almost 4.2.
When you are forced to adjust for parallax know your range estimation error will increase.
4) Know your bullet drop

Holdover POI´s in meters

for Dagger M118 LR ammo.


700 (use imagination)

800 (use imagination)

900 (use imagination)

It´s easy to memorize your dope .

5) Compensate for Elevation

When shooting targets on the same high as you...

LOS – Line Of Sight

... the bullet it pulled away from LOS at full gravity force.

When shooting high or low targets...

... the bullet is not pulled away from LOS at full gravity anymore.



It means all shots will hit high.

You can not use your range table elevations for laser ranged target anymore.

Target height

Horizontal distance

You need to calculate the horizontal distance to the target using Pythagoras.

𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 = 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 2 − 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 2


Horizontal distance

You don´t need the target height if you bring a table of cosines with you.

𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑡 = 𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 ∗ cos(θ)

6) Compensate for climatic conditions

A certain miss

Your dope for mean conditions at sea level might only work at ranges up to 600 m in the mountains.
7) Adjust for Wind

The 9-7-5 rule again!

Cross Wind

60o = 0.5 wind (Half wind) Wind

45o = 0.7 wind (3/4 wind) Yellow ≤ 3m/s
Tail wind Orange >3
(it will hit high) 30o = 0.9 wind Red >6
Violet >9
0o = 1 wind (Full wind)

Head wind
(it will hit lower)
Head Wind Tail Wind

1 MOA difference
or 10 inches at 1000 yd
for a 22mph wind.

Let´s say you could miss, if you don´t pay much attention to a tail/head wind.

Data was generated using GNU Exterior Ballistics software (

Holdover POI´s in Mil´s for Dagger
M118 LR ammo and 3m/s cross-wind.

0.2 200
0.4 300
0.5 400
0.8 500

1.0 600

1.3 700 (use imagination)

1.5 800 (use imagination)

1.9 900 (use imagination)

It´s easy to memorize your dope .

8) Know you Bullet´s TOF – Time Of Flight

Data was generated using GNU Exterior Ballistics software (

9) Adjust for Moving Targets

He is at 500m, which is more than 500yd, so the TOF is a bit over 0.7, say 0.75, no parallax.
He is walking at 1.7m/s, 90o from my bearing, so no speed adjustment. I should aim 0.75x1.7=1.3m in front of his center line.
I know that, at 500m, 1m = 2Mil, so 1.3m will be 2.6 Mil.
At 500m a 3m/s cross-wind POI is 0.8 Mil.
My wind is 0.9 yellow, so 0.8 x 0.9 x something between 0 and 3m/s, say 1,5m/s. 0.9 x 0.8 x 1.5 = 1.1.
Final target solution is: aim 2.5Mil above and 1.1+2.6=3.7 if he is moving to the right. Or 2.6-1.1=1.5 if he is moving to the left.
So, it is better to shoot when he is moving left.
And the math works with all the scopes (varying on you ammo selection), because the zoom power on all scopes was also built to be extremely accurate.
10) Follow up your shot and be ready to re-engage at the POI

1) Place your crosshairs over your target and shoot.

2) See where it hits and memorize this point on your reticle.
3) Place this memorized point over your target and shoot again.
The Sight Height Problem
Sight @ 1 in over bore Sight @ 2.5 in over bore

~ 3%

Shooting with a higher sight allow you to spare some clicks, which could be dialed for longer maximum
Problem is you don´t know how many inches the optic point of view is above the bore for each 3D
model. That makes it impossible to zero game weapons on a batch way, so don´t expect weapons with
BDC´s such as ACOG´s, Specters, PSO´s and Elcans to be ultra accurate.

Data was generated using GNU Exterior Ballistics software (

Increasing Weapon Zero

The greater the sight height, the farther its engagement range as seen before.
Plus, weapons are still limited by their scopes turrets maximum elevations.
Increasing the zero distance helps to engage targets at greater distances.
3000 meters shots still require something else... 
The Rifle Zeroing Problem
Zero @ 100 yd. Zero @ 500 yd.

~12 MOA

The shooter can spare around 12 MOA. Some long range shooters zero their rifles at long distances
such as 500 to 1000 yards in order to be able to score hits beyond their maximum sight click values (if
compared to 100 yd zeros).
The problem is that each rifle must be zeroed individually in game. I´ve zeroed only the sniper and
DMR rifles.
Data was generated using GNU Exterior Ballistics software (
Maximum PBR - Point Blank Range

Sight Height

LOS - Line Of Sight


Close Zero Range Far Zero Range

Maximum PBR

The maximum PBR is the maximum distance at which the shot will always hit the vital area of the

The far zero is also known as the Military Zero or BZO - Battle Sight Zero.
No Range Cards in Game

As you can see, it requires a lot of practice in

order to hit targets far away. That´s why Dagger
Scopes doesn´t replace ACE range tables with
more accurate ones. It would be unfair allowing a
rookie shooter to overshoot someone with many
hours of study and dedication.
Solving the Long Range “Floating” Objects Problem in Arma 3

Go to your folder:
C:\Users\Dagger\Documents\Arma 3

And edit the files:


terraingrid = 25; // you could use values from 25 to 100.
Requirements (Arma 2)


Requirements (Arma 3)

Scope: Dagger_1x_NVG.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-7
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_1x_Mirror.p3d
Reference: Search mirror
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_1x_Broken.p3d
Reference: Broken scope
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_15x_Circle.p3d
Reference: Swarovski Aug 1.5x Optics
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: (for 5.56x45)
Scope: Dagger_3x_Circle.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 4 1-3x14mm CQ/T
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_3x_MAAWS.p3d
Reference: Carl Gustav MAAWS 3x scope
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Crosses are for vehicles at fast (14m/s) and slow (7m/s)
Scope: Dagger_3x_Dot.p3d
Reference: Aimpoint Compm4s 3x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_3x_TA33.p3d
Reference: Trijicon Acog TA33A-13 3x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters (for 7.62x39).
Scope: Dagger_3x_ZF.p3d
Reference: Zeiss ZF 3x4°
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters (for 5.56x45).
Scope: Dagger_35x_C79.p3d
Reference: Elcan C79
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range finding is 76 cm at 300 m.
Scope: Dagger_35x_M145_556.p3d
Reference: Elcan M145 (for 5.56x45)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_35x_M145_762.p3d
Reference: Elcan M145 (for 7.62x51)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_35x_No4.p3d
Reference: WWII Enfield No.4 3.5x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_35x_TA11.p3d
Reference: Trijicon Acog TA11J-308 (for 7.62x51)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_35x_TA11_MGO.p3d
Reference: Trijicon Acog TA11MGO-M249 (for 5.56x45)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Day view
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Night view
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Night view turn on
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Night view turn on
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Night view turn on
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Night view
Night view turn off
turn on
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Scope: Dagger_4x_ANPVS4.p3d
Reference: AN/PVS-4
Reference: AN/PVS-4 4x 4x
Elevation: N/A N/A
Windage: N/AN/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_Dot.p3d
Reference: S&B Zenith Short Dot 1.1-4x 24mm
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_Duplex.p3d
Reference: Colt 4x duplex scope
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_Eot.p3d
Reference: EOTech 516 and 4X magnifier combo (SPF)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters (for 5.56x45).
Scope: Dagger_4x_M1.p3d
Reference: Zeiss Hensoldt 4x24 M1 scope
Elevation: 100 / 600 meters
Windage: 2,5 / 25 MIL
Scope: Dagger_4x_POSP.p3d
Reference: POSP 4x
OBS: (for 9x39mm)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_PSO.p3d
Reference: PSO 4x (7.62x54)
OBS: Used in the SVD 7.62x54 (Arma2)
Elevation: 100 m
Windage: 0.5/10 Mil (Eastern)
OBS: Chevrons for 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300 meters.
Scope: Dagger_4x_PSO1M2.p3d
Reference: PSO 4x (9x39mm)
OBS: (for 9x39mm)
Elevation: 100 m
Windage: 0.5/10 Mil (Eastern)
Scope: Dagger_4x_Spec_556.p3d
Reference: Elcan SpecterDR 1-4x 5.56 NATO
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps and range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_4x_Spec_762.p3d
Reference: Elcan SpecterDR 1-4x 7.62 NATO
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps and range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_4x_SUSAT.p3d
Reference: Sight Unit Small Arms
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_TA31_RCO.p3d
Reference: Trijicon Acog TA31RCO (for 5.56x45)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_4x_XM8.p3d
Reference: XM8 4x sight
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_Monocular.p3d
Reference: Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_Thermal.p3d
Reference: FLIR binocular
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_4x_SOFLAM.p3d
Reference: AN/PEQ-1 SOFLAM
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_6x_Binocular.p3d
Reference: M3 binoculars
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_6x_Duplex.p3d
Reference: 6x Duplex sight
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_6x_MaxiKite.p3d
Reference: UK 6x Maxikite
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_6x_TA648.p3d
Reference: Trijicom Acog 6x TA648 (for 7.62x51 ).
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_7x_Binocular.p3d
Reference: VECTOR 21 (Nite)
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_8x_Mil_Line.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 4 MR/T 2.5-8x36mm (30mm) M2
Elevation: 0,25 / 90 MOA or 0.1 / 27 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 90 MOA or 0.1 / 27 MIL
Turn Off
Scope: Dagger_Dagger_8x_Mil_Line_NV.psd
Reference: AN/PVS-10 8x
Elevation: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL
Turn On
Scope: Dagger_Dagger_8x_Mil_Line_NV.psd
Reference: AN/PVS-10 8x
Elevation: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL
Scope: Dagger_9x_AccuRange.p3d
Reference: Redfield USMC Vietnam Era Accu-Range 3-9x40 scope
Elevation: 0.5 / 60 MOA or 0.2 / 18 MIL
Windage: 0.5 / 60 MOA or 0.2 / 18 MIL
OBS: Range marking is at 500 meters.
Scope: Dagger_9x_ART2.p3d
Reference: Leatherwood ART II 3-9x
Elevation: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL
Windage: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL
Scope: Dagger_9x_Duplex.p3d
Reference: Generic 9x duplex scope
Elevation: 1 / 40 MOA or 0.3 / 12 MIL
Windage: 1 / 40 MOA or 0.3 / 12 MIL
Scope: Dagger_9x_Periscope.p3d
Reference: Swatscope SSVZ
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
Scope: Dagger_10x_800m.p3d
Reference: Rapid RR-800-2 (10x42mm) (for 7.62x51 ).
Elevation: 0,25 / 65 MOA or 0.1 / 20 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 65 MOA or 0.1 / 20 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters, windage steps of 2 m/s.
Scope: Dagger_10x_1000m.p3d
Reference: Fictional Rapid 1000 scope (for 7.62x51 ).
Elevation: 0,25 / 65 MOA or 0.1 / 20 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 65 MOA or 0.1 / 20 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters, windage steps at 2, 4, 6 and 8 m/s.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_HTWS
Reference: AN/PAS-13 (V3) 5-10 zoom
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Windage: 0,25 / 20 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Range steps in meters.
Scope: Dagger_10x_Mil_Line.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 3.5-10x40mm (30mm) M5
Elevation: 0,1 / 20 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 20 MIL
Scope: Dagger_10x_Mil_Line_Illum.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 3.5-10x40mm (30mm) M2 Illum.
Elevation: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,5 / 65 MOA or 0.2 / 20 MIL
Scope: Dagger_10x_Mil_Line_NF.p3d
Reference: NF NXR 2.5-10x42 with MLR reticle
Elevation: 0,1 / 28 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 28 MIL
Scope: Dagger_10x_Oval_Dot.p3d
Reference: USMC Unertl MST-100 10x scope
Elevation: 0,5 / 60 MOA or 0.2 / 18 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,5 / 60 MOA or 0.2 / 18 MIL
Scope: Dagger_10x_Round_Dot.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mk 4 LR/T M3 10×40mm
Elevation: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 52 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
Scope: Dagger_12x_Round_Dot_Fin.p3d
Reference: Zeiss 3-12x56 Diavari VM/V T* 30 mm
Elevation: 0,25 / 18,5 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 6 MIL
OBS: Range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_12x_Round_Dot_Gen2.p3d
Reference: S&B M8541 3-12x USMC Scout Sniper Day Scope (SSDS)
Elevation: 0,1 / 26 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 6 MIL
Scope: Dagger_12x_Round_Dot_Police.p3d
Reference: S&B 3-12x50 PM II/LP/MTC
Elevation: 0,1 / 22 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 6 MIL
OBS: Range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_12x_Round_Dot_SSG.p3d
Reference: Zeiss 3–12×56 SSG
Elevation: 0,1 / 22 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 6 MIL
OBS: Range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_15x_900m.p3d
Reference: NF Velocity 1000 3.5-15x56 NXS.
Elevation: 0,25 / 100 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 75 MOA or 0.1 / 22 MIL
OBS: Windage steps of 4 m/s.
Scope: Dagger_15x_Mil_Line_Gen2XR_Illum.p3d
Reference: Premier Heritage 3-15x50 Tactical
Elevation: 0,1 / 28 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 6 MIL
Scope: Dagger_15x_Mil_Line_NF.p3d
Reference: NF 3.5-15x50 F1 NXS MLR2.0
Elevation: 0,1 / 30 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 22 MIL
Scope: Dagger_16x_Round_Dot.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 4 LR/T 16x40mm (30mm) M1
Elevation: 0,25 / 140 MOA or 0.1 / 42 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 45 MOA or 0.1 / 13 MIL
Scope: Dagger_18x_H59.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mark 6 3-18x44mm M5B2 (34mm)
Elevation: 0,1 / 20 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 10 MIL
Scope: Dagger_20x_Round_Dot.p3d
Reference: S&B 3-20x50 PM II/LP/MTC/LT
Elevation: 0,1 / 26 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 6 MIL
Scope: Dagger_25x_H37.p3d
Reference: S&B 5-25x56 PMII LP/MTC/LT H37
Elevation: 0,1 / 30 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 8 MIL
OBS: Always use this scope at maximum zoom power because its crosshairs is above the reticle´s center.
Scope: Dagger_25x_Mil_Line_Illum.p3d
Reference: Leupold Mk4 LR/T 8.5-25x50mm (30mm) M1 Illum.
Elevation: 0,25 / 70 MOA or 0.1 / 21 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,25 / 70 MOA or 0.1 / 21 MIL
Scope: Dagger_25x_Mil_Line_MSR.p3d
Reference: S&B 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC/LT MSR
Elevation: 0,1 / 30 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 8 MIL
OBS: Range finder in meters.
Scope: Dagger_25x_Mil_Line_PM2.p3d
Reference: S&B 5-25x56 PM II/LP/MTC
Elevation: 0,1 / 30 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 8 MIL
Scope: Dagger_25x_Mil-R.p3d
Reference: NF ATACR 5-25x56
Elevation: 0,1 / 30 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 8 MIL
OBS: Range finder in Mil´s.
Scope: Dagger_32x_Mil_Dot_NF.p3d
Reference: NF 8-32x56 NXS MIL-DOT
Elevation: 0,1 / 18 MIL + 10 MIL´s from canted scope rings and base
Windage: 0,1 / 13 MIL
Scope: Dagger_60x_Mil_Line.p3d
Reference: Generic spotting scope with 1 MIL stadia lines
Elevation: N/A
Windage: N/A
OBS: Stadia steps of 1 MIL.
Changelog Arma 3

V1: First release.

V2: Added more reticles to the AN/PVS-4, fixed the zoom power on the clip-on NV sights, converted
some scopes (not all) into FFP – First Focal Plane, which means the reticle also zooms in and out,
added new scopes, added clip-on thermal sights, fixed some reticle posts coming out of the tube,
assigned different 3D models for each scope, adjusted the zoom power of all 1x zoom scopes to reflect
BI´s new FOV at naked eye, added a 55x competition scope.
V3: Made many scopes FFP (they zoom the reticle), added more scopes.
V4: Set zero range to ~100 meters (in the configs they are set to 200 m so that in game the zero
distance be around 100 m). Changed display names for better navigation in Virtual Arsenal.
V5: Set zero range to ~300 meters but now it can be adjusted in 10 m steps.
V6: Fixed an error message appearing in some systems.
V7: Adjusted the zero ranges again in accordance to the new ACE features.
Known Bugs, Issues and Fixes (Arma 3)

1. The game denies zoom powers above 30x, so the 55x competition scope
will always be missing the maximum zoom power. I haven´t tested if the
NF 32x is working right at max power.
2. Some players´ holdovers don´t match their turret elevations. It happens
when they don´t adjust their fovTop and fovLeft. You must adjust fovTop
and fovLeft in order for your holds to work.
Team Dagger

We are:

ToreDL87, supporter.
Irvin_Mainway, military research and beta tester.
VekongMaster, military research and beta tester.
Sorophx, Arma3 youtube video.
Multiplaneta, mods research, Arma2 youtube video, beta tester , military research, animations., beta tester, arts suggestions, military research, logo.
Dagger, project leader, 3D reticles and textures, FOV math, ballistics math, military research.
Special Thanks

BI team, for the wonderful game and the forums.

Massi, for the iron sights.
da12thMonkey, for the SB scope and config´s support.
WR5, for the Leupold scope.
Yakavetta, for the inspiration on his scopes since Arma 1.
ACE team, for the the many sniper toys (like the Kestrel, Vec-21, tripod, SSVZ periscope, etc).
SWM team, for the inspiration on the wide screen scopes.
WG6, for the M24A2 idea.
AR15 and Sniperhide forums, for the open minded discussions and mutual help.
A Serious Approach to Shooting
If you would like to take shooting to a more serious approach acquire the simulator from Karin
Christensen at:

You can also participate in competitions should you join the National Rifle Association:

or the International Practical Shooting Confederation:

Or you can learn a lot by reading the wonderful books by Maj. John Plaster Retired:

And the books by Bryan Litz

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