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It is the turn of Denmark, in this country there is an old custom, men and women who are
between 25 and 28 years old and still remain single, they are bathed in cinnamon by their
friends and family.This strange tradition is to give good luck to single people

The Danes believe that perhaps the person with who the ritual is carried out will have some
luck to receive a couple in the next months.

the purpose of the act is that the person not only lose the singleness, but that he gets the love
of your life.

I can’t get used to being thrown cinnamon all my body because it is dangerous and it
could drown me but it would be very funny.
So If I move to denmark I have to consider this tradition


La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town
of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain. At 10 o'clock the first La Tomatina event begins.

First to start the festival is to climb a greasy stick whose name is "El palo jabon" to reach a
ham hung on the top.

Someone has managed to release the ham from the stick, the signal is give for the start of the
battle of tomatoes, It is usually at midday.

After an hour, the battle ends when the second alarm is announcing the end whole the square
is dyed red and form rivers of tomato juice.

Well if i will get used to going to this festival every year because It should be very fantastic and
amazing thrown tomatoes with your friends, family and neighbors

It is the turn of Denmark, in this country there is an old custom, men and women who are
between 25 and 28 years old and still remain single, they are bathed in cinnamon by their
friends and family.This strange tradition is to give good luck to single people

The Danes believe that perhaps the person with whom the ritual is carried out will have some
luck to receive a couple in the next months.

They throw cinnamon to people who go through singleness between 25 and 28 years, these
are more fortunate than those who reach 30 or more, because the latter are responsible for
receiving pepper and the purpose of the act is that the person not only lose the singleness, but
that he gets the love of your life.

This tradition is foreign to other countries, the Danes do enjoy this crazy tradition in the same
way that its practitioners cough, cry and even drown, in the dense dust of cinnamon and pepper.

Many people wanted a method to find that special person to love; to be able to taste with a
bath of cinnamon or pepper may serve, according to the Danes.

So If you are planning to move to Denmark, try to have a partner.

I can’t get used to being thrown cinnamon all my body because it is dangerous and it
could drown me but it would be very funny.
So If I move to denmark I have to consider this tradition


La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town
of Bunol near to Valencia in Spain.At 10 o'clock the first La Tomatina event begins.

First to start the festival is to climb a greasy stick whose name is "El palo jabon" to reach a
ham hung on the top.

Once someone has managed to release the ham from the stick, the signal is give for the start
of the battle of tomatoes, It is usually at midday.

Six trucks are responsible for distributing almost 150 tons of tomato among the participants,
which since 2013 have a maximum of 22,000 people.

the vehicles pass a very slow in the streets (San Luis, Cid, and Plaza del Pueblo) while a group
of local residents, uploaded to the dump trucks, are responsible for distributing the tomatoes
among the people

After an hour, the battle ends when the second alarm is triggered announcing the end.The
whole square is dyed red and form rivers of tomato juice.

The cleaning process of the streets to make the cleaning brigades of the locality, helped by the
Before throwing tomatoes, they should be crushed so they do not harm anyone.
Well if i will get used to going to this festival every year because It should be very fantastic and
amazing thrown tomatoes with your friends, family and neighbors
Canela y pimienta si eres soltero en Dinamarca

le toca el turno a Dinamarca, en este pais existe una antigua costumbre, los hombres y
mujeres que tengan entre 25 y 28 años y aún sigan solteros, se les baña de canela por sus
amigos y familia

Esta extraña tradición es para dar buena suerte las personas solteras .

los daneses creen que tal vez la persona con la que se lleva a cabo el ritual, tendrá algo de
suerte para recibir una pareja en los próximos meses.

Les arrojan canela a las personas que pasan por la soltería de entre 25 y 28 años, siendo estos
más afortunados que los que alcanzan los 30 y más, pues a estos últimos les corresponde
recibir pimienta y la finalidad del acto es que la persona no solo pierda la soltería, sino de que
consiga al amor de su vida.

Esta tradicion es extraña para otros países, los daneses sí disfrutan de igual forma esta loca
tradición en la que sus practicantes tosen, lloran e incluso se ahogan, en el denso polvo de la
canela y la pimienta.

Muchas personas deseaban un método para hallar esa persona especial para amar; de poder
darte sabor con un baño de canela o pimienta puede que sirva, según los daneses.

Si piensas mudarte a Dinamarca, procura tener pareja.

Actualmente la noche anterior a este miércoles se denomina "la de la empalma", término que
alude a la fecha de fiesta hasta el amanecer.

a las 10 horas comienza el primer evento de La Tomatina.

Primero para empezar el festival consiste en subir a un poste grasoso cuyo nombre es "El palo
jabón", para alcanzar un jamón colgado en la parte superior.

Una vez que alguien ha logrado soltar el jamón del palo, se da la señal para el comienzo de la
batalla de tomates, que suele ser al mediodía.

Seis camiones son los encargados de distribuir casi 150 toneladas de tomate entre los
participantes , que desde 2013 tienen un máximo de 22,000 personas.

los vehículos pasan un ritmo muy lento en las calles (San Luis, Cid, y Plaza del Pueblo) mientras
que un grupo de vecinos de la localidad, subidos a los volquetes de los vehículos, se encargan
de repartir los tomates entre la gente, lanzándoselos.

Después de una hora, la batalla termina al disparar la segunda alarma anunciando el final.
Toda la plaza queda teñida de rojo y se forman ríos de jugo de tomate.

El proceso de limpieza de las calles para hacer las brigadas de limpieza de la localidad,
ayudadas por los vecinos.Antes de lanzarse los tomates,se deben aplastar para que no dañen a

Reglas y recomendaciones
La fiesta tiene algunas reglas para la seguridad de los participantes y para la fiesta sigue como
cada año, sin ningún tipo de incidente:

No se debe lanzar botellas y otros tipos de objetos que puedan provocar daños o accidentes.
Sólo se pueden lanzar tomates.

No se debe romper las camisetas de otros participantes.

Los tomates se deben aplastar antes de su lanzamiento para que no hagan daño a nadie.

Al disparo de la segunda carcasa se da por finalizado el lanzamiento de tomates.

A todos los participantes se recomienda el uso de gafas protectoras (de natación, de bucear,
etc.) y guantes.

Llevar ropa vieja o que no se volver a usar más; lo más probable es que acabe para tirar.

Elegir zapatillas cerradas que luego se puede desechar

Si se quieren hacer fotos, se recomienda usar una cámara resistente al agua y a las caídas.

Do not throw bottles and other types of objects that may cause damage or accidents. Only tomatoes
can be thrown.

Do not break the shirts of other participants.

Tomatoes should be crushed before their release so they do not hurt anyone.
The firing of the second casing is considered the end of the tomato shoot.

All participants are recommended to wear protective goggles (swimming, diving, etc.) and gloves.

Wear old clothes or do not use them again.

Choose closed sneakers that can then be thrown away

If you want to take pictures, it is recommended to use a camera that is resistant to water and falls.

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