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of Living Things
Mr. Hendy Industries
Note-Taking Tip #1:
Use short form and jot notes when copying
information. Not only is it quicker, but
you’ll retain more info that way too!
Learning Goal:

WALT: Understand the

basic characteristics that
all life must have
The Seven Characteristics of Living

1. Grow and repair themselves

2. Reproduce
3. Require energy
4. Respond to changes in the environment
5. Have a lifespan
6. Produce waste
7. Are made of cells
Grow and Repair Themselves
Plants and animals increase in size from the time
they are “born” to the time they complete
maturity or until they die
All living things reproduce. Living things
reproduce in many different ways (sexually and

+ =
Require Energy
All living things require some form of energy to
survive. Most animals eat and drink to get their
required energy, but most plants use
photosynthesis to get their energy from the sun
Respond to Changes in the Environment
All living animals can respond to their
environment. This is important so that they can
find food, escape danger, and warm up or cool
down when needed
Have a Lifespan
All living things have a lifespan. If it lives, it will
Produce Waste
Waste is a by-product of life. When animals eat
and drink they produce waste. Even breathing
produces waste (carbon dioxide). Plants produce
oxygen as their waste
Are Made of Cells
All living things are made of cells (the smallest
unit of life). Some have many (multi-cellular life)
and some are made of only one (uni-cellular life)
Activity #1:
When watching the following video, relate something you
see to each of the seven characteristics of living creatures.
For example:
Respond to changes in the environment – The iguana ran,
flailed, jumped, and kicked when chased by the snakes. It
didn’t want to be eaten, and knew that it would be if it did
not respond immediately.

Grow and repair themselves – The iguana in the video was

still a “baby” and not mature yet. It wanted to live in order
to reach maturity. If it was hurt, such as suffering a broken
bone, it would be able to heal itself.
Activity #2:
Write down the name of four animals you are familiar with.
Underneath the animals, record as much information as you
can about that animal related to the seven characteristics
of living things. You may use a laptop or digital device.
For example: Ferret
Grow and Repair – Ferrets take approximately 42 days to be
born after conception, and are usually born into a litter of 8
“kits.” Ferrets are independent at 3 months and mature at
approximately 6 months.
Lifespan – Ferrets have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years. The most
common disease is adrenal disease.

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