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Science Research

By Jagadish

Was sun called as earth during the times of pope (INDIA)

Earth was the center and planets used to roam in and around it

Said by pope

Sun as earth is not gravity but anti-gravity

Meaning whatever it gets inside it throws outside into space

So, sun is emitting out light of its own into the world for sustenance of milky way

Hypothesis: antigravity created planets

When a planet can't sustain itself inside and knows that it can't exist by involving itself

To survive it emits out to save itself from destruction

Hypothesis :

Human body can't eat everything

If it eats more than required it emits out food through vomiting

Europeans can't live inside their continent for long

To survive they go out of their world and live outside for their citizens to be wealthy
Hypothesis: sun citizens groomed up planetary system for their survival once sun became

Europeans increased the life span of European citizens by moving out of the country and increase the
chances of its mother land tenfold by having foresight to leave the continent

Hypothesis: sun increased its lifespan as it is creator of everything by having citizens leave its territory
for welfare of the constellation

Would you believe in this story of

Hypothesis multiple of how creation can happen

Let there be light said by god

It was got through air Vayu

Let there be place for people to reside

It was got through earth bhoomi

Let there be darkness outside

It was got through space Akash

Let there be rains to keep earth flourishing

It was got through fire storms to create rains

Let there be food for everyone

It was got through fire for consumption

If you are given a problem to solve on your own what would you do

You look ways to create it using elements of your own to see whether it is possible or not

Were Shiva, brahma, Vishnu citizens of sun planet???

Hypothesis: rulers of constellation create empires of their own

2) buffalos, Fishes, humans are created by human beings on the basis of DNA (INDIA)

Check out YouTube

Where is calf?

Where is growth?

Where is child?

Where is intelligence?
Hypothesis: diseases are adult based when it comes to DNA acceptance when microorganisms detect


Hypothesis: animals don’t have self-defense inside their body when it comes to creation

Hypothesis: these animals when consumed for which they are born lead humans to self-degenerate

Hypothesis: these animals because they are adults have shorter life span and decompose air and soil
after death

Hypothesis: body of human beings is not built to eat animals as human beings' teeth is herbivorous
and not carnivorous

Hypothesis: life span of human beings is going to decrease

Hypothesis: consciousness would quadrapulate beyond manageable levels (high cholesterol)

3) Shiva story

Brahma and Vishnu fight over who is great

Suddenly Shiva comes into light that I am great

Brahma and Vishnu say prove it

Shiva states find out my starting and ending

Brahma goes up Vishnu goes down to see the starting and ending respectively

Brahma lies coming back that he has seen the starting

Vishnu says he couldn't find the ending

Now how to prove the story as right

Hypothesis: Shiva is actually timer the one who wields the time

Time doesn’t have starting or ending as it is boundless endless sea of time having no starting or ending
to find out that’s why brahma and Vishnu failed to see the starting and ending in the story as

They weren't able to know that Shiva is time

Shiva wields time in the form of past, present and future

When he talks inside knowledge of his is thrown backwards

When he talks in the present through voice knowledge is thrown present

When he talks in the future tense by specifying the time of future knowledge is thrown forward

That’s how knowledge is played by Shiva in the world of earth acting just like professor x of x men

Karma kanda of rig Veda powers to read

4) How to know the decision you made is harmful or relishment to society being beneficiary to you

The answer is nose, smell

Hypothesis: it is the smell of nose which breathes air would tell you whether your decision is doing
what to society thought process

the smell is relished by the individual only once decision is made, before the decision is made in the
thought process is never taken into consideration, once you confirm it and finalize the decision inside
then the smell comes into operation to tell you whether to implement it or not

Smell of nose doesn’t tell you to implement or take certain action , it only tells you the state of decision ,
ultimately to take decision on decision decided by you rests on the individual and has to face
repercussions on it

The smell is only a helping hand to individual to get scared or be brave, to implement or not to
implement on the problem arose and decision decided upon

Every time the smell doesn't come into operation unless decision made is vital for the society benefit or
not to individual or decision made is ultimate or worse


Important decisions made by individual which can change the humanities lifestyle are the only once
decided by the smell to highlight otherwise normal decisions smell has no role to play

5) how much to eat as per my opinion (INDIA)

Everyone has tongue

Tongue has juices and cells

They need to be excited for food to relish


how much cells can get busy that much taste flows in , over and above it cells become dead and even
if you eat there is no excitement in food

So eat till cells of tongue don't become dead and if you are hungry still change the menu card


Each item has its limit of excitement on tongue, over eating of same food leads to indigestion because
of lack of formation of saliva juice in the tongue as food has already been relished by it

So eat less and eat diversified food to keep yourself healthy with healthy saliva juice formation

6) number of waking hours being less say 3 to 5 hours sleep leads to diseases (INDIA)

Keep sleep less, it would lead you to diseases

Hypothesis: sleep is required to remove disease germs from body through RBC and WBC

The more you work and wake up number of hours body has to keep on fighting diseases

Hypothesis: movement of body from one place to another carries innumerable germs along with

Body when you are asleep body parts are at rest which means you are not in contact with outside germs

To keep body healthy, you need rest for proper formation of body fighters to form for body to

because of lack of sleep and waking hours huge, disease kills you off and you are dead meaning you
have lesser life span than normal because germs which are harmful to you haven't been removed

early to bed and early to rise

early to bed because night is the time of evil

early to rise is because it is time when sun wakes up and rejuvenates the body fresh air

hypothesis: sun early rising has more positive elements involved than sun during mid afternoon

7) diversified choice of investments with humans always saves lives in INDIA

Keep choice minimum and diversified

Hypothesis: development of front end lobes and back end lobes meaning mind usage

The more you keep choices you have to fight against it

This is the best way to groom up brain

When you have limited number to tussle with your mind never grows

You have given it work to sharpen yourself

Hypothesis :

more number of things you know more awareness with which you can fight society

Lesser number of things you keep and are aware your demise is closer by as you have minimum
choice to choose in life

Keep a huge list and be busy automatically time would set for work to be done and you would be able to
handle diversified issues with confidence

Swamijis say have minimum number of clothes and minimum choice you would be at peace

Is correct but you should diversify the choice within framework by being choosy to create awareness


Minimum choice means subject

Diversified choice means genres

Which to chose

Genres but specialized knowledge

Hypothesis: awareness but highest order is knowledge

8) crucifixation the art of dying (INDIA)

Clones if they kill humans what is the policy

Hypothesis: they are treated as human beings

If they read religious doctrine

Hypothesis: human beings are ruthless and are dead the moment they are born

When life is not to live but to die because somebody else governs them other than humans

Realization to humans

Hypothesis: earth is no longer viable to live as it is not humans implosion it is explosion of clones

When humans transfer death rules to aliens

Hypothesis: aliens are animal kingdom

Are they sensible

Hypothesis: illiteracy is huge

How would humans like to die is the topic raised in future in the kingdom of greece

Hypothesis: Aristotle said “democracy in the hands of few is better than democracy with citizens”

Who are they

Hypothesis: unidentifiable source of germination as robo has been usurped away to their territory

Who are they

Hypothesis: time machine

Does it exist

Hypothesis: it was recorded in 21st century

Is knowledge crucial for humans

Hypothesis: humans have to rule not aliens in the form of human clones

Is life a butterfly

Hypothesis: spiritualism is sustenance of spirit when the spirit has confusion humans have no morals
Has morality dead in earth

Hypothesis: sustenance of brain is implosion to kill self is the highest realization of dying

Are suicide people going to increase?

Hypothesis: when I can't use my brain why should I bother about others

Has Nazi government came back from dead

Hypothesis: gold, silver , platinum, notes , nothing is important to man other than to live

Should the humanity stop producing humans , is tension of dying eating away humans

Hypothesis: when nothing is ours why pray and die for it

Is our humanity going to decrease its life span in near future even though medical breakthroughs are

available to sustain humans only to see that scriptures have depicted life span to be 20 year in near


Hypothesis: world is not in the hands of humans, then who is ruling us is the question, nobody knows

When you can't answer the basic questions in 21st century why would 22nd century answer them

Hypothesis: governance is not birth right of politicians, sustenance of life in earth is crucial
How is it possible, is it knowledge or is it else?

Hypothesis: world is coming under blood bath to keep human race intact , nobody knows anything

Trees are dying out of thirst

Hypothesis: trees are poisonous, but how did they became poisonous , we are herbivorous

Hypothesis: inter dependency food cycle has been destroyed and been manipulated

It is not possible, we were talking about it for centuries

Hypothesis: laggards

The answer was entropy

Hypothesis: it is tough to sustain knowledge only in the hands of few 1.5%

When they change their stand from good to bad, others are crying that why you didn't think about us

Hypothesis: knowledge has to be rampant across, everyone should know , we can't live like this

Let's follow the rule said by humanity involve everyone and see whether human race can sustain itself
Final hypothesis:

The art of dying is art of how to live in earth before they take away family from us

Who are they

Hypothesis: when night falls and day becomes less we would know them



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