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The Big Red Door


The Monthly Newsletter of St. Andrew’s, St. Matthew’s, and Emmanuel Episcopal Churches — July/August 2018

In this Issue
1. General Convention cess. They will be working on some handi-
The Rector’s Desk ................1 capped parking near the parish hall at a later
So, this year (actually starting to- date.
Soul Kitchen........................ 2 day) the General Convention of the Episci-
pal Church is meeting in Austin, Texas. 3. Flower Angels
Ask a Priest ..........................3
This gathering occurs every three years and
Serving Schedules is made up of hundreds of deputies and For the folks at Emmanuel, I hope
for July/August ................. 4-5 bishops from around the ECUSA. In the you will read the news blurb about Flower
past, these conventions have been conten- Angels. We really need some of you to step
News Around the tious, touching on things that tend to divide up and help with this. We have all these
Kingdom .......................... 5-9 us. And while the deputies do love a good beautiful flowers that just go to waste after
Food and Fellowship ............7
argument, much of the convention this year the service. It would take an extra ten
promises to be more process-oriented than minutes of your time on Sunday to sign up
Food Pantries .......................7 focused on social issues. to take the flowers after the service to the
assisted living facility just a few blocks up
Pastoral Needs and Prayer The major topics so far will be 1) the road. Emmanuel will provide the vases;
Requests .........................9 prayer book revision (don’t be anxious— you just need to provide the car and drop
July/August Birthdays/
this process takes years, even if the conven- them off. Please consider this, and call the
Anniversaries ................. 9-10 tion decides to pursue it), 2) whether to pay office if you are willing to be part of the
the President of the House of Deputies Flower Angel schedule.
Our “Creed” .......................10 (this job has grown to a full-time position
and she does the work for free), 3) increas- 4. Finally — Thank you
ing the retirement age of priests to 75, and
4) a response to the #metoo movement. Last July 1st was my first day on the
job as your rector. It’s been a year now, and
Given the extreme temperatures I have to say that I have enjoyed it so much.
outside the convention center, this year,
St. Andrew’s, things promise to be somewhat cool inside. All of you have been so welcoming
St. Matthew’s, to me, making sure that I knew where to get
and Emmanuel 2. Construction Projects spicy food, keeping tabs on me during my
faithfully serve God’s first winter, bringing me sweet corn, and
Kingdom in the Well, things seem to be winding up trying your best to make sweet tea in the
Diocese of Central around our three churches. At Emmanuel undrinkable way we do down south.
New York we’ve installed a new security system that
will be operational later in July. This As I travel around this foreign land,
change will be awkward for a few days as I realize how truly blessed I have been to be
people will discover that their old keys no called here, and after just one year, I feel like
longer work and that they need a new entry it’s home.
card or fob. If you have fallen through the
cracks on this, please contact the office so Well, that’s it mostly. Summer is
we can work with you. kinda slow and sultry, even up here. So, go
out, have fun, but remember — keep loving
St. Matthew’s has a new parking lot God and your neighbor.
that no longer becomes a lake whenever it
sprinkles. And St. Andrew’s now has new Peace,
sidewalks and an entry ramp for easier ac- Fr. Steve
Page 2 The Big Red Door


Hot Dogs Are Good

for the Soul
Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Norwich, NY sup-
ports a program call Soul Kitchen, a seasonal monthly
free meal for the community of Norwich. From Septem-
ber through May each year, on the second Thursday of
the month, Emmanuel volunteers prepare and serve a hot
meal in the Parish Hall for any and all who show up.
Some favorite menus are meatloaf & mashed potatoes,
roast pork with vegetables, beef stew, and spaghetti.

In November, Emmanuel also sponsors a free turkey dinner with all the fixings on Thanksgiv-
ing Day. For this one, with delivered hot meals, take outs and those coming to the Parish Hall to sit
together for the holiday meal, we serve about 400+ meals that day. The monthly dinners are only
provided as sit down service, and serve from 50 to 100 people.

To fill in the gap over the summer, about four years ago we started the Soul Kitchen Hot Dog
lunches in the summer months of June, July and August. Every Wednesday, outside on the sidewalk,
at 11:30 AM we start serving free hot dogs, with a bag of chips and bottled water. Sometimes volun-
teers provide cookies or ice cream to share. Many regulars show up to visit and have lunch together,
and we serve between 50 and 100 hot dogs each week. Only thunder, lighting and running out of hot
dogs ever shuts us down.

Volunteers Bernie Dye (left side), Gary Brookins (cooking at grill) and Nancy Dye (in front of tree) help to serve up the food and
jokes. Picture taken by Lynne Walton.
The Big Red Door Page 3


If you have a question you’d like answered, please contact Fr. Steve at

Fr. Steve: Welcome, Rev. Elizabeth Gillett to this month’s question. St. Andrew’s in New Berlin has been given a generous
financial gift that can be used for spiritual retreats. You have mentioned before how much you
get from going on retreats. Can you explain what happens at them? NOTE: this is the
second of a two part answer.

Mtr. Elizabeth’s Response (cont.):

Most retreats are for two or three days and are presented by a leader
who focuses on a particular theme. If one is new to going on retreat, having this
structure is very helpful. The leader usually makes several presentations on vari-
ous aspects of the theme, followed by quiet time to reflect upon what has been
presented. Most retreats usually include some discussion or sharing time, so that
the participants can ask questions or share insights.

Most retreats take place in an environment that is conducive to relaxa-

tion and turning inward to listen. For instance, Holy Cross Monastery (Episcopalian), where I go on retreat,
is on the banks of the Hudson River, with beautiful grounds in which to sit or walk, trails in the woods to
amble, and places to sit by the river where one can unwind and relax. The guest house where one stays is
welcoming and quiet, with a great library, one's own room, comfy lounges in which to read, journal, or
snooze, and delicious meals cooked by a chef who is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of New York.

Holy Cross' chapel is open to everyone and offers Morning Prayer, Eucharist, Noon Prayers, Even-
ing Prayer, and Compline every day of the retreats. Participation always is optional, but I find the rhythm of
daily worship very conducive to listening to God and turning inward.

For me, going on retreat helps me to keep my Christian perspective and my sanity. The physical
distance is conducive to stepping back from my surface life and being open to the life-giving presence of
God within. One of the Holy Cross monks is my spiritual guide, so I receive spiritual nurture with him,
from the focus of the retreat in which I am participating, from the daily worship in the chapel, from the
monks themselves who have become friends, and from the beauty of the environment. Many people partic-
ipate in the Holy Cross retreats, so it also is enriching to meet new people and to get to know some of
them. I return from a retreat refreshed, renewed, and ready to take up again the challenges of trying to live
the Gospel. I invite you to consider going on a retreat.

If you would like more information about Holy Cross Monastery, which is the closest Episcopal
retreat center to us, you may check out their web site at or like them on Fa-
cebook at Or you may contact me at 315.825.5714. I am always happy
to share the good news of retreats at Holy Cross.
(The Rev.) Elizabeth Gillett
Page 4 The Big Red Door


St. Matthew’s Serving Schedule

July 1, 2018 – July 29, 2018

Date Usher Chalice/Lector Officiant Altar Guild Coffee Hour

7/1/2018 Peter Teresa Clarke Pat Lindau Ann Faulkner Teresa Clarke
7/8/2018 Paul Cheryl TenWolde Fr. Steve Ann Faulkner Ann Faulkner
7/15/2018 Harmon Pat Lindau Fr. Steve Ann Faulkner Bonnie
TenWolde Friedel
7/22/2018 Joint Service at St. Andrew’s

7/29/2018 Peter Bonnie Friedel Fr. Steve Ann Faulkner Pat Lindau

St. Andrews Serving Schedule

July 1, 2018 – July 29, 2018
Date Usher Lector Chalice Acolyte Hospitality Altar Guild
7/1/2018 Don Heather Anderson Maria Lynne Heather
Anderson Carl Ackerman Walton Anderson
7/8/2018 Tom Renee Ralph Charlie JoAnn Heather
Slentz Collum Malloch Ackerman Slentz Anderson
7/15/2018 Terry Morning Prayer - Joan Axtell Rae Heather
Thomsen Lennon Anderson
7/22/2018 Dick Joan Lynne Maria ECW Heather
Joint Service Gestwick Axtell Walton Ackerman Anderson
9:30 AM
7/29/2018 Carl Robin Joan Charlie Jeanne Heather
Berdzinski Cotter Axtell Ackerman Westcott Anderson

EMMANUEL Serving Schedule

July 1 2018 – July 29 2018
Date Ushers Lector Eucharistic Acolyte Chalice Altar Guild
7/1/2018 Phil Giltner Laurel Nancy Bernie Laurel Wilt- Nancy
Wiltbank Dye Dye bank Dye
7/8/2018 Fred & Sally Miers Tony Officiant N/A N/A Sally
Giglio Kisten Giglio Miers
7/15/2018 Bernie Dye Tony Kisten Pete Bernie Cindy
Giglio Giglio Smith Dye Thompson

7/22/2018 Joint Service St. Andrew’s

7/29/2018 Barb & Gary Tompkins Russell Russell Matthew Sally Sharon
Ketch Ketch Giglio Miers Everard
The Big Red Door Page 5


EMMANUEL Serving Schedule

August 5 2018 – August 26 2018
Date Ushers Lector Eucharistic Acolyte Chalice Altar Guild
8/5/2018 Pig Roast following Joint service at St. Andrew’s at 11:00 AM

8/12/2018 Fred & Sally Miers Tony Officiant N/A N/A Nancy Dye
Giglio Kisten
8/19/2018 Gary & Barb Tomp- Gary Russell Pete Sally Miers Cindy
kins Tompkins Ketch Smith Thompson
8/26/2018 Joint service at St. Matthew’s

St. Andrew’s Serving Schedule

August 5 2018 – August 26 2018
Date Usher Lector Chalice Acolyte Hospitality Altar Guild

8/5/2018 Carl Joan Axtell Ralph Maria ECW Robin

Pig Roast Berdzinski Malloch Ackerman Cotter
11:00 AM
8/12/2018 Don Anderson Heather Carl Charlie Jeanne Robin
11:00 AM Anderson Berdzinski Ackerman Westcott Cotter
8/19/2018 Terry Thomsen Morning Prayer Joan Axtell Jill Bennett Robin
11:00 AM Cotter
8/26/2018 Joint service at St. Matthew’s
9:30 AM

St. Matthew’s Serving Schedule

August 5, 2018 – August 26, 2018
Date Usher Chalice/Lector Officiant Altar Guild Coffee Hour

8/5/2018 Pig Roast following Joint service at St. Andrew’s at 11:00 AM

8/12/2018 Harmon TenWolde Cheryl TenWolde Fr. Steve Teresa Clarke Cheryl TenWolde
8/19/2018 Peter North Pat Lindau Fr. Steve Teresa Clarke Liz Vermeulen
8/26/2018 Paul Lindau Bonnie Friedel Fr. Steve Teresa Clarke All
9:30 Joint service
Page 6 The Big Red Door


New Bible/Book Study!

Father Steve has started a new Bible/Book Study. This class will be driven by choic-
es of the participants (and occasionally priest). We have begun by Fr. Steve leading a
multi-week study of the Book of Esther. As he says, “Esther is a story about exactly
all the things you don’t think it’s about. It’s like reading an Agatha Christie mystery.
What is really going on here, and who are these people.” As we come nearer to the
end of this first go-round, we will pick the next topic and leader. Let’s gather and
have fun learning what God is teaching us and where the Holy Spirit is leading us.

Classes will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesdays at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in
South New Berlin.

Come join us and bring a friend!



The good folks of St. Thomas' are taking on the

task of reading the Bible! Buckle up, 'cause this is
going to be a long and sometimes wild ride! Each
month, they work on reading a book of the Bible
(or several small ones!) together.

Thursday morning Bible Study will meet at 10:00

am, and they'll dig into whatever comes up.

Last month, they took on the Acts of the Apostles!

It was a real treat. It's full of the miraculous works
of the Apostles who are excited and motivated to
spread Christ's teachings.

In July they will be taking on the Book of Jonah (it’s short, so don’t be afraid), and Job in August.

This is a great way to gain exposure to parts of the Bible we don’t always get with just the Sunday lectionary.

All recipients of this newsletter are invited to attend.

If you are interested call Nan at 315.824.1715.

The Big Red Door Page 7


Soul Kitchen Lunch (Emmanuel, Norwich) — Wednesdays in June, July & August
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Good Free Meal for Body and Mind Emmanuel Soul Kitchen Lunch All are welcome to
come Eat-Talk-Make Friends MENU: Grilled Hot Dog on a Bun, Chips, and Water

Pot Luck Thursdays— Come join your friends at St. Matthew’s for their monthly pot luck supper. Pot
lucks are held on the fourth Thursday of the month. And the food is always is the company.

Our Food Pantry Outreach Hours
Emmanuel, Norwich: M-W-F, 10:00 a.m.—Noon; M & W, 3:30 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
St. Andrew’s (at First United Methodist), New Berlin: M, 3:00 p.m.– 5:00 p.m.
St. Matthew’s (at First Baptist), South New Berlin: M, 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m., W, 2:00 p.m.


Pig Roast!
The Annual Northern Kingdom Pig Roast
will be
August 5th @ St. Andrew’s New Berlin

Worship Service will be at 11:00 a.m. with the

Blessing of the Pig soon after!!

Invite your friends — and bring a dish to

Page 8 The Big Red Door


Flower Angels Needed! Please Help!

Hey, Emmanuel folks! We need your help!

Fr. Steve is looking for a crew of folks who would be

willing to take the altar flowers over to
Chenango Valley Home and Apartments once church
is over each Sunday (just down the road).

Each person would be responsible for transferring the flowers into a couple of our “to-
go” vases, driving them over to the home, and picking up and returning the previous
week’s vases.

We also would like someone to step up and be the scheduler (with office assistance).

If you are interested, please give the office a call at (607) 334-8801.

This is an easy way to bring a lot of joy to a lot of people’s lives.

Episcopal Chenango
Church District Trip

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Meet at Water Safari between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. Pick up

your tickets from Lynne Walton at the entrance

Includes Lunch for the bunch: Pizza, chips and soft drink
Contact Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Norwich, NY for more information and to sign-up!

RSVP by June 29, 2018 by calling (607) 334-8801

Only $5.00 per person for church members, $20.00 for guests
The Big Red Door Page 9


Please pray for these people as you say your daily prayers: Immediate Please pray for these people as
you say your daily prayers: Immediate Needs: George & Gina Denning, Kellie Bishop, Pauline Smith,
Leann Supensky, Katherine Mandaro, George Dickinson, Brenda, Carole Carpenter, Christopher
Widmark, Alice Angle, Sally Supensky, Cynthia Yerman, Susan Adkinson, Florence Hand, Mariba
Chmielewski, Frank Giglio, Sharon Fox, Nancy Nolan Gibbon, Mila Lent, Rebecca Bliss, Betsy Som-
ers, Jean McDowell, Elaine Sharki, Miley Parker, Sharon D, Joyce Lawrence, Mary Alice Whitney,
Laura Chapin, Lex Supensky, Charlie McMullen, John MacRabie, Marcia, Kay Nearing, Janice Cole-
man, Fiare Jenkins, Ah-mig Jenkins. Continued Prayers: Jax, Amy, Janet Kenyon Burrell. Those in
Nursing Homes or Homebound: Mariba Chmielewski, Jim Haynes, Helen Donahe, Caroline Mason,
Sally Lidell.


1 Stephanie & Timothy Paden 20 Cody Duell, Carole Deal, Kevin Lewis,
2 Abbigayle Wilkes Jennifer Button
3 Joyce Lawrence; Brayden Maistros 21 Larry McMaster, Emily Malloch
4 Walt Prindle 22 Lorraine Moore
5 Alice Maraglio 23 DeWitt Smith; Landen Stone; Suzanne
7 Sally Swertfager Callahan, George Dickinson
8 Averie Fink; John Aylesworth , Renate 24 Ashley Wilkes; Julian Kappel, Dwayne
Lennon & Becky Chapin Brown, Elizabeth Novak
9 Gerald Howard & Jeanne Spicer Evans Manter, Douglas & Gerrie Miller, Judith
10 Kai Loomis; Tambria Schroeder; Mercer Alishauskas Frye
Smith 25 Nikki Harris; Timothy Woodard; Peter
11 Don & Vi Elliott Mason, Wendy Rifanburg
13 Zachary Fowlston, Claudia Hendricks 26 Bill Spittler, Susie Clarke, Richard &
14 James Carnachan; Marlena Carnachan; Susan Ackerman
Margo Carnachan Reynolds 27 Nancy Karaman
15 Michael Gladstone, Megan Grainger 28 Stephanie Paden; Jennifer LaCoe, Tom
Ackerman Slentz, Sharon Dickinson
17 Linda Mason 29 Tony Giglio; Gretchen Jones,
18 Joe & Sara Gronwall Alger 30 Myah Conant, Heather Anderson
19 Jason Murray, Brad Carpenter 31 Mary Lou Powell, Justin & Emily
Loomis McGrain
Page 10 The Big Red Door

Whatever brought you to experience worship with us, welcome.
If you’ve come searching for a Christian community that manages to be both
joyful and reverent, welcome.
If you’re hoping to find a church that is grounded in tradition but
engaged in the present and open to the future, welcome.
If you’ve been looking for a place where your doubts and questions can be as at home as your
hopes and certainties, welcome.
If you’ve been wondering whether there’s a place for you at all in the Christian church, you are
welcome here. You really are.


1 Sally Supensky, Don & Heather An- 16 Mariba Chmielewski; Greg Baker,
derson, Daniel Harrington, Morgana Bill & Amy Spittler, Bailee Johnson,
Voss Sara Widmark, Helen & Peter North
2 Alice Stevens; Amy Church 17 Sandra Colton, Robert Elliott, Brett
3 Jacob Jenkins, Eric Lyons, Michael Taylor
Nearing 18 Rick & Karen Ingraham
4 Mike Alishauskas, Michelle & David 19 Quinton Sheridan, Debra Grainger,
Joanis Maria Colleen Ackerman
5 Paige Stone; Wyatt Uhlig, Mike Gual- 20 Bonnie Friedel, Sara Gronwall Alger,
tieri, David Mayne John & Karen Elliott
6 Janette Grainger 21 Allison Everard, Mark & Barb
7 Jennifer Elliott, Holly Carpenter, Har- Schoonover
mon & Cheryl TenWolde 22 Ken & Violet Eaton Kraft
8 Dan & Michelle Senn, Jodie Robin- 23 Matthew Schlafer
son, June Tinker 24 Matthew Giglio, Mike & Kathy
9 Daniel Wells; Patricia Woodard, Diane Gualtieri
Parker 25 Scott & Debra Grainger
11 Suzanne Gronwall, Ron Bennett, Tim 26 Kisten & Anthony Giglio
& Vicki Johnson 27 Florence Hand, Holly Barker
12 Matthew Robinson; Gary Muserallo 28 Ryan Brummel
& Deb Cassavaugh 29 Evan Prindle, Mike & Joan Allen
13 Sherri Jean Conklin 30 Lawrence Tucker, Joyce Costine
14 Bennett Paden; Aiden Morris, Donna 31 Audry Bramer; Mary Lou Christman,
Coale Lenny Westfall
15 Vera Norton Thayer, Deborah Lewis
The Big Red Door Page 11

Newsletter offices are located at:



If you have news you would like to share, contact us at:

(607) 334-8801

web site:

Follow us on Facebook, Emmanuel Episcopal Church

The Big Red Door NON-PROFIT
NEW YORK 13815

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