Margin Note

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N 2014-09-19 \tcbdocmarginnote[hoptionsi]{htexti}

Creates a tcolorbox note with the given htexti inside the margin using the marginnote
package. The style of the tcolorbox is predefined and can be altered by /tcb/doc
marginnoteÕ P. 476 and the given hoptionsi.

Some text\tcbdocmarginnote{Note A}
which is commented by a note inside the margin.
Alternatively to |\tcbdocmarginnote|, you can always use
|\marginnote| with a |tcolorbox| directly.\par
This is further text%
\tcbdocmarginnote[colframe=blue!50!white,colback=blue!5!white]{Note B}
with another note.

Note A Some text which is commented by a note inside the margin. Alternatively to \tcbdocmarginnote,
you can always use \marginnote with a tcolorbox directly.
Note B This is further text with another note.

N 2014-09-19 \tcbdocnew{hdatei}
Auxiliary macro which typesets the /tcb/doclang/newÕ P. 472 text with the given hdatei.
It may be redefined for customization.

New: % Next one is displayed in the margin: New: 1981-10-29.
1978-02-09 \tcbdocmarginnote{\tcbdocnew{1978-02-09}}

N 2014-09-19 \tcbdocupdated{hdatei}
Auxiliary macro which typesets the /tcb/doclang/updatedÕ P. 472 text with the given
hdatei. It may be redefined for customization.

\tcbdocupdated{2014-09-19}. Updated: 2014-09-19.


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