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Dr. Armand Feigenbaum stipulated that total approach to quality is the best way to solve
quality problems. He supported the inspection or quality control a ter the act rather than
build it in at an earlier stage o the process. Feigenbaum method or quality is uniquely

distinctive that rom o Deming and Juran, he presented his approach in three steps that
includes: Quality leadership, Quality Technology, and Organizational Commitment. Dr.
Feigenbaum philosophy is more on avoidance o system losses by giving emphasis on

product, service and process design and by restructuring the sources o activities.
Similarly, he also gave emphasis on the signi icant roles o all members o the
organization, including o fice sta f and other key players in the improvement o quality.
Moreover, he also stated that or manu acturing a product with high level quality, Total

Quality Control should be measured instead o the implementation o the production

quality control alone. The undamental ideas o Feigenbaum’s systematic approach or

quality as ollows: (1) Quality is a companywide-process; (2) Quality is what the customers
says it is; (3) Cost and quality are a sum, not a variation; (4) Quality needs to be tried both
individual and team; (5) Quality is also a process o managing; (6) Quality and innovation

are equally dependent; (7) Quality is a principle; (8) Continuous improvement is a

requirement or Quality; (9) Quality is the most cost-e fected, least capital-intensive route
to productivity; and (10) Application or quality involves a total system connected with

customers and suppliers.


3.5. Crosby
“Quality is ree” and “Do it Right the First time” are the phrases that mostly associated

with Philip Crosby. He pointed the ollowing our (4) absolutes o Quality management: (1)
Quality is congruity to requirements; (2) Quality presentation is much desirable to quality
inspection; (3) Zero de ects are quality per ormance barometer; (4) Quality is measured in
monetary terms-the price o non-con ormance. Crosby also ramed the 14 steps program
on Quality Improvement that includes: (1) Management commitment; (2) Create the quality
improvement team; (3) Measure or quality in present practices; (4) Cost o quality
evaluation; (5) Quality awareness is central to success; (6) Quality problems? Take
counteractive actions; (7) Plan or zero de ects; (8) Exercise e fective training or
supervisors; (9) Hold zero de ects day; (10) Involve everyone in goal setting; (11)
Disregards causes o mistakes; (12) Appreciation and respect or participants should be
cordially be implemented; (13) Form a quality councils; (14) Repeatedly do the process or
quality improvement is an endless development. Moreover, he also enumerated
characteristics o a highly success ul organization, that includes the ollowing: (1) People
customarily do things right the irst time; (2) Change is estimated and used to advantage;
(3) Growth is regular and pro itable; (4) New products and services appear when needed;
an lastly (5) Everyone is happy to work in the organization. An example is the continuous
provision o trainings to employees o a restaurant specially those who are handling oods
in the kitchen where they are trained in terms o the measurement o condiments, amount
and value o value to be served in order or them to gradually produce the desire taste and
quantity o ood to their customers in avoidance o waste o resources and de iciency in
product and services o fered.
3.6. Ishikawa
Kauro Isikawa developed the ishbone diagram which philosophically ocuses on Quality
Control Circles that is used in identi ying the root causes o problems and de ects. The
QCC contains o small group o employees who do similar task and arrange to meet
regularly to identi y, analyze work related problems to brainstorm and to recommend and

implement solutions. Furthermore, the ollowing are the steps he ormulated in solving a
particular problem arises in the organization: (1) Select problem; (2) State and re-state

problems; (3) Accumulate acts; (4) Brainstorm; (5) Build possible actions on each other
ideas; (6) Select course o action; (7) Presentation. Ishikawa believed that Quality begins
with education and ends with education. The irst step to quality is to understand the

requirement o the customers, and the best state o quality control occurs when inspection
is no longer implemented. Moreover, remove the main source o causes and not the
symptoms or quality control is the responsibility o all workers and all divisions. Put

quality irst and set a vision or a long term pro it. Vividly identi y the means with the
objectives and marketing is the entrance and exit o quality, Management must be open
enough to listen when acts are presented by the subordinates since literature proved that
ninety ive percent o hitches in the company can be solved with simple tools or analysis

and problem solving; and data without dispersal in ormation are alse data.
3.7. Taguchi

Genichi Taguchi realized that methods o identi ying outside in luences or noise sources
have the greatest e fects on product variability. He trans igured the manu acturing
through cost saving. Taguchi contributed the ollowing in attainment or quality

management: (1) Loss Function. An equation that measures the decline o a customer
perceives value o a product as its decline quality. This is a great tool or projecting the
bene its o a quality improvement program. It tells the managers how much pro it they

are losing because o unpredictability in their production process; (2) Robustness. The
prowess o the process or product to work as intended regardless o intense outside

in luences. Moreover, this is also an important actor in many companies’ growth and
expansion o products and processes which per orm uni ormly regardless o
uncontrollable orces as obviously bene icial service; (3) Orthogonal Arrays and Linear

Graphs. Utilized to identi y external actors or noise which causes deviations rom the
mean, segregating these actors in determining their individual e fects is costly and time
consuming process.

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