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Read the following text and answer the question

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all land animals. It is a strange looking
animal with thick legs. Ears, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, a small tail, small eyes,
long white tusks, and above all it has a long nose called the trunk
The trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and cat squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also
lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm
and hand. An elephant also looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
An elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great
strength makes it very useful to man and it can be trained to do many things suck as carry
heavy loads, hunt for tigers, and even fight.

1. The third paragraph is maiinly about the fact that ...................

A. elephants are helpful animals
B. elephant are intelligent
C. elephant can lift logs
D. elephant are strong
E. elephant likes human

Read the following text and answer the question

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all land animals. It is a strange looking
animal with thick legs. Ears, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, a small tail, small eyes,
long white tusks, and above all it has a long nose called the trunk
The trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and cat squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also
lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm
and hand. An elephant also looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
An elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great
strength makes it very useful to man and it can be trained to do many things suck as carry
heavy loads, hunt for tigers, and even fight.

2. Which of the following is not part of how an elephant is describes in the first paragraph?
A. It looks strange
B. It’s strong
C. It’s wild
D. It’s has a trunk
E. It has long white tusk

Read the following text and answer the question

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all land animals. It is a strange looking
animal with thick legs. Ears, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, a small tail, small eyes,
long white tusks, and above all it has a long nose called the trunk
The trunk is an elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant
draws up water by its trunk and cat squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also
lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm
and hand. An elephant also looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.
An elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great
strength makes it very useful to man and it can be trained to do many things suck as carry
heavy loads, hunt for tigers, and even fight.
3. How does the elephant draw up water?
A. By its trunk
B. By its nose
C. By its tail
D. By its legs
E. By its ears

Read the following dialog and answer the question

Resti : Do you have any jacket?
Shopkeeper : Sure. How about these?
Resti : how much are they?
Shopkeeper : Two hundred ninety thousand rupiah each.
Resti : Wow! That’s expensive! Can you make two hundred fifty thousand rupiahs?’
Shopkeeper : Sorry. It’s a high quality jacket
Resti : How about two hundred sixty thousand rupiah?
Shopkeeper : Sorry, but if you agree. I’ll sell it to you for two hundred sixty five thousand rupiahs.
Resti : Ok. I’ll take it.

4. What’s kind of that expression?

A. bargaining
B. complaining
C. agreement
D. complement
E. making invitation
5. We can’t swim because it is not .................... to swim
A. hot enough
B. enough hot
C. hot too
D. too hot
E. hotter
6. The students are very hungry but there isn’t ................. for everyone.
A. too food
B. enough food
C. food enough
D. food too
E. too enough food
7. I haven’t got ................ information about that program.
A. too
B. enough
C. many
D. too many
E. too enough
8. This poem is ................... difficult to memorize.
A. enough
B. much
C. too much
D. too
E. many
Read the following text and answer the question!
The best trip that I’ve ever taken was when I was in the second grade at Senior High
School. I went to Yogyakarta with all my school friends. My school held the trip. We went
there by bus. We spent three days and went to some tourist places around Yogyakarta.
First, we went to a small village near Yogyakarta where we were divided into small
groups consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’s houses. We learnt many
traditional arts and culture, such as how to make batik, how to play a gamelan (karawitan),
and how too cook traditional food. The next day, we went to Yogyakarta and checked in into
a hotel that we had reserved. In the hotel, five to six people occupied earch room. My best
friends and I were in the same room and we spent the night by talking and sharing about
many things.
In Yogyakarta, we went to many places. We went to the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta,
shopped in Malioboro, saw the sunset from the rubble of an old temple that is found on the
top of a hill ( I forgot the name of the temple), watched a Rama Sinta play in Prambanan
(which was really a fascinating performance and play) and the best part was that we got to
eat at a seafood restaurant that was located above the fond where we could eat big delicious
fresh lobster.
I have to say it was a great holiday. I had so many great new expression and it enabled
me to know about one of the many Indonesian tribe’s culture better. It also helped me get
closer to my friends and know the better.

9. The second paragraph talks about ...............

A. The reason for the trip being held
B. The details of the trip’s schedule
C. The things the writer did on the trip
D. How long the trip was
E. How great the writer’s trip

Read the following text and answer the question!

The best trip that I’ve ever taken was when I was in the second grade at Senior High
School. I went to Yogyakarta with all my school friends. My school held the trip. We went
there by bus. We spent three days and went to some tourist places around Yogyakarta.
First, we went to a small village near Yogyakarta where we were divided into small
groups consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’s houses. We learnt many
traditional arts and culture, such as how to make batik, how to play a gamelan (karawitan),
and how too cook traditional food. The next day, we went to Yogyakarta and checked in into
a hotel that we had reserved. In the hotel, five to six people occupied earch room. My best
friends and I were in the same room and we spent the night by talking and sharing about
many things.
In Yogyakarta, we went to many places. We went to the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta,
shopped in Malioboro, saw the sunset from the rubble of an old temple that is found on the
top of a hill ( I forgot the name of the temple), watched a Rama Sinta play in Prambanan
(which was really a fascinating performance and play) and the best part was that we got to
eat at a seafood restaurant that was located above the fond where we could eat big delicious
fresh lobster.
I have to say it was a great holiday. I had so many great new expression and it enabled
me to know about one of the many Indonesian tribe’s culture better. It also helped me get
closer to my friends and know the better.

10. Where did the writer and her friends watch Rama Sinta play?
A. The Mendut Temple
B. The sewu Temple
C. The Prambanan Temple
D. The Sukuh Temple
E. The Sultan Palace

Read the text and answer thr question!

The best trip that I’ve ever taken was when I was in the second grade at Senior High
School. I went to Yogyakarta with all my school friends. My school held the trip. We went
there by bus. We spent three days and went to some tourist places around Yogyakarta.
First, we went to a small village near Yogyakarta where we were divided into small
groups consisting of two to four people to stay in the villagers’s houses. We learnt many
traditional arts and culture, such as how to make batik, how to play a gamelan (karawitan),
and how too cook traditional food. The next day, we went to Yogyakarta and checked in into
a hotel that we had reserved. In the hotel, five to six people occupied earch room. My best
friends and I were in the same room and we spent the night by talking and sharing about
many things.
In Yogyakarta, we went to many places. We went to the Sultan Palace of Yogyakarta,
shopped in Malioboro, saw the sunset from the rubble of an old temple that is found on the
top of a hill ( I forgot the name of the temple), watched a Rama Sinta play in Prambanan
(which was really a fascinating performance and play) and the best part was that we got to
eat at a seafood restaurant that was located above the fond where we could eat big delicious
fresh lobster.
I have to say it was a great holiday. I had so many great new expression and it enabled
me to know about one of the many Indonesian tribe’s culture better. It also helped me get
closer to my friends and know the better.

11. What is the most suitable title for the text about?
A. A trip to Yogyakarta
B. Best School Holiday
C. School Trip
D. Great Holiday
E. Holiday

12. Complete the dialog below!

Siska : Where is my wallet?
Alex : ..............
Siska : It was in my bag.

A. Where did you put it?

B. How could you throw it?
C. When did you put it?
D. Why didn’t you look for it?
E. Find it by yourself!

13. Complete the dialog below!

Rasya : Would you like to come to my party tonight?
Jean : Oh, I’d love to, but ..............
A. It’s okay.
B. I have already had another plan for tonight.
C. I don’t know about that.
D. I think it’s a great time.
E. I like it.

14. I don’t like ....................... shopping.

A. going
B. go
C. gone
D. is going
E. go to

15. I want .....................

A. to take you to the theatre for your birthday.
B. take you to the theatre for your birthday.
C. taking you to the theatre for your birthday.
D. took you to the theatre for your birthday.
E. taken you to the theatre for your birthday.

16. I prefer trains............................ cars

A. than
B. from
C. to
D. between
E. next to

17. They would rather have lunch inside, but I’d prefer ..................... outside in the
A. to eat
B. eat
C. eating
D. eats
E. ate

18. Complete the dialog below !

A : Have you heard that Jono will come next week?
B : Oh, really? When did he tell you?
A : Last week.

The underlined sentence is used to express ...............

A. happiness
B. surprise
C. pleasure
D. enjoyment
E. sadness
19. I ....................... a fantastic film at the cinema last week.
A. see
B. seeing
C. saw
D. seen
E. to see
20. ........................ you meet your friends last Sunday?
A. Do
B. Did
C. Does
D. Are
E. Were

21. Complete the dialog below !

Arnold : I feel weak and tired. I guess this is because of my weight.
Tedi : If you think so, .............
Arnold : Hmm, you know, it’s just difficult for me to get up early.

A. You should go on a diet doctor.

B. You have to watch your meal.
C. You’d better see a doctor.
D. You need to exercise every morning.
E. You should go eating a lot.

22. Complete the dialog below!

Teacher : ............. because we’ll have an exam tomorrow.
Students : Yes, ma’am.

A. Make sure you study every day.

B. You can choose to study or not.
C. You may study diligently every day.
D. You all have to study hard tonight.
E. You can study next week.

23. Complete the dialog below!

Dani : Mom, can I go with my friends now?
Mother : OK, but .......

A. Please come as early as you can.

B. don’t come home late.
C. You may leave now.
D. can you help me with this?
E. You can go now.
24. Which one is true?
A. Begin – begun – began
B. Come– come – came
C. Sing – sang – sung
D. Bite – bite – bitten
E. Drive – drove – drove
25. She is ………… young to go to that party.
A. enough
B. too
C. much
D. many
E. a lot
26. This place isn’t big ……… for the party.
A. too
B. enough
C. much
D. many
E. a lot
27. It is …….. difficult to do for a little child.
A. too
B. enough
C. many
D. much
E. a lot
28. Which one is wrong?
A. Fly – flew – flown
B. Send – sent – sent
C. Make – make – made
D. Take – took – taken
E. Win – won – won
29. When my father ........... young, he ......... football very well.
A. was – played
B. were – played
C. are – paly
D. was – playing
E. is – play
30. My father ………… newspaper every morning. My mother ………… magazine after
cooking. They ………. A book together.
A. read – read – read
B. reads – reads – reads
C. reads – reads – read
D. read – reads – reads
E. reads – read – reads

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