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Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto elon ala lel What does it do? What does it look like? MATCH finds the numeric position of an item in a list (10) “coordinates” Diameter (km) fe 4879 42,104 12,756 6,792 142,984 120,536 51118 49528 2,306 =MATCH(‘tem’, array, match type) item — here you type the item whose property you want array ~ tis the range of cells that you want to retun a value ftom :match type — Approximate (abovey Exact! Approximate (below) Combination of INDEX and MATCH allows for powerful look up: INDEX(C3:E11,MATCH(H2,B3:B11,0),2) Be: F 6 #H Name | Mars. Diameter [6,792 ‘wonoreaa a snoseenaaTowa 31.9.2) —— > srs $506 suse? $2560 51025, sce 10902 srs $4758 re ‘Objective: Extract information from the Sales table for yellow cells in the Summary table. Summary Name Frantz 1D ‘Month Mar lssles S052 ‘sales Name Employee iD] Jan Feb Mar Alper 167| $11,882 /$ 11519|$ 7,565 Burrows 268, $ 11,676 |$ 6,344 | $ 5,406 Chandler 205|$ 10,296 |$ 9,693 $ 11,867 Colby, 129$ 4,752 $ 6,786 | $ 12,560 Frantz| 2ail $s 10.699|$ 5,198 | $ 10,525 Gonzalez sil $ 10,40a|$ 3,487|$ 8,964 kly 335, $ 11,841|$ 4,689 | $ 10,992 Little ajs_5,259|$ 3900/8 7,845 Long 147s 6,364/$ 6,183|$ 4,759

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