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3 The map shows the present-day distribution of cheetahs in South Africa. All the cheetahs in the three populations are thought to be descended from very few animals. ‘These animals were the survivors of huge fall in the cheetah population about 12000 years ago. Population a Lakh Population (i) The animals from all three populations belong to the same species. How could this be proved? mark) (ii) Geographic isotation can lead to the evolution of a new species. Explain how. (3 marks) (iii) Despite having been geographically isolated for a long time, itis not likely that the cheetahs in populations B and C will evolve into different species. Explain why. (2 marks) ‘The peppered moth, Bision berwlaria, is found in the UK. ‘The photographs show three varieties of this moth. carbonaria insularia typica ‘The three types of peppered moth are classified as varieties of the same species. (i) How is it possible to show that the three varieties belong to the same species? (2 marks) (ii) Over very long time periods, it is possible for varieties of one species to develop into separate species, Suggest how this could happen in moths such as the peppered moth. (3 marks) Question 3 “0 ) (ii) Breed animals from different populations, should all produce fertile offspring; 1 Different environments! different selection pressure; Mutations; Gene pools become increasingly different; Leading to reproductive isolation; 3 max Cheetahs are genetically very similar; As all descended from same group/ few mutations; oR Few animals: Few mutations; 2 Question 4 w ) Can interbreed/ can be mated/crossed: 2 Producing fertile offspring! described: /gnore viable ‘Mutation occurs; Correct example of isolating mechanism / ‘sympatric’ e.g. temporal — different breeding seasons / feeding times / behavioural — different courtship displays / different niches / habitats / feeding areas J mechanical — mismatch of reproductive parts /.gamete incompatibility ~ sperm killed in female's reproductive tract | hybrid inviability / hybrid infertility 1 Geographical isolation / suitable example ‘allopatric’; Allow barrier (Eventually) 2 groups can no longer interbreed successtully; 3 Total 5

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