1 October

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Friday, 1, October 2010

Marathon Bid Waits

For Council Decision
LIVERPOOL could stage its first
marathon in over 20 years as it awaits its
decision from the City Council due to be
made on the Friday, 1 October.
The marathon would be held in October 2011
expecting to attract 10,000 competitors gener-
ating a £3 million economic impact.
The city has been short-listed after a competi-
tive tendering process by Limelight sports to
host the Blue Riband race which would be
one of the top marathons in the UK - along-
side the London Marathon and the Great
North Run.
The event is said that it would incorporate
Liverpool's major iconic buildings, National
Heritage Waterfront and skyline that the city
has to offer.
The city awaits a decision about the Liver-
pool marathon which is set to be made by the
Unveiled Plans Could
“Collapse Economy”
council on the first day of October.

HOUSE PRICES could “crash” if a new then the whole economy collapses.”
proposal from the Financial Standards The Council of Mortgage Lenders are
Authority is to be approved. currently working on some research into
A source has exclusively revealed that if the these proposals after some concern of this
FSA's 'New Standards for Responsible new legislation.
Lending' are agreed on, the damages could be In a BBC article published earlier this month,
“monumental” leading to the economy director general Michael Coogan from CML
“collapsing”. said “This is just one of a number of unin-
The plans require mortgage applicants to tended consequences of the FSA's
have affordability tests for all mortgage well-meaning but misguided proposals.
applications, as well as making lenders more “The CML believes the UK's existing 11
responsible for assessing a borrower’s ability million mortgage borrowers' have every right
to pay. to be concerned.”
This however could potentially 'cripple' the So, as more and more people struggle with
mortgage market and greatly reduce the the recession, are the new measures going to
amount of house prices in the UK. reflect the state of the public finances and
1000th Time Lucky “The borrower's will not be able to borrow as
much,” said the source. “Which means that
look to help the public in the immediate
A MILESTONE was reached yesterday as the cost of house prices will fall sharply.” “There are moral and ethical issues involved.
sport in Merseyside has seen over 1,000 “The cost is going to go down, way more I think we should delay the proposals as to
people attending Merseyside Sports Part- than the FSA think it is going to go down.” give people protection,” said a source.
nership Courses since the courses began in The FSA believes that everyone who takes on “Now is a bad time as the market is on its
a mortgage must be able to show they can knees – in the future I do think that this is the
March 2008.
afford to pay it back. right measure, but currently, this is totally the
The 1000th atendee was Dave Goodall Liver-
“There is a clear link between financial wrong time to do it.”
pool Community Cricket Development
overstretch and mortgage arrears and The FSA document also outlines the need to
repossessions,” said Lesley Titcombe FSA require verification of borrowers' income in
“I was surprised to discover that I was the
director, responsible for the mortgage market. every case to – in a bid to prevent over
1,000th attendee of courses delivered by the
“We are determined to protect vulnerable inflation of income and to prevent mortgage
Merseyside Sports Partnership,”said Mr
consumers by making sure that everyone who fraud.
takes on a mortgage can afford to pay it The FSA also believe it will provide extra
“The course that took me to this landmark
back.” protection for vulnerable customers with a
was ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ de-
As house prices fall, potentially accelerated credit-impaired history.
livered at Greenbank Sports Academy”
by these proposals, then it is predicted that it The FSA are currently awaiting feedback
“I look forward to the challenge of being the
will prolong the recession. from consumer groups and the industry
2,000th participant!”
“There could be a difference of 15% housing across the UK on the proposed agreements by
Merseyside Sports Partnership (MSP) is a
price reduction,” said the source. “It will 16th November, looking to motion the
network of agencies committed to establish-
mean more people are taken out of their proposals in the early quarter of next year.
ing an inclusive sports system.
homes, people won't be able to borrow and

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