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Nurse : Good morning mr. Sandy.

Patient : Good morning nurse.

Nurse : Introduce me mr. Sandy, my name is Rochmad. I’ll take care

of you for this morning.

Patient : Ok nurse.I’m Sandy.

Nurse : Ok mr. Sandy, for now I will check your blood pressure and

Temperature, this may take around five minutes. Are you


Patient : I am willing.

The nurse starts placing a thermometer to check the patient’s body


Then the nurse begins to install a sphygmomanometer to check the

patient’s blood pressure. And then the nurse starts checking the
patient’s blood pressure.

Five minutes later…

The nurse records the results of the examination on the patient’s notes.

Nurse : mr. sandy your blood pressure is rather high, are there any

people in your family who have high blood pressure?

Patient : no, in my family no one has high blood pressure.

Nurse : or maybe in your big family some people have high blood


Patient : maybe someone has a high blood pressure disease, but I’m

not sure.

Nurse : or maybe Is there something that disturbs your mind sir?

Patient : if something disturbs my mind, actually it doesn’t exist.

But last night I was sleep deprived.

Nurse : what causes you sleep deprivation sir?

Patient : when I tried to sleep last night, I suddenly woke up

because of shortness of breath.

Nurse : whether accompanied by cough?

Patient : yes I’m.

Nurse : what about the cough that you experience?

Patient : my cough is not phlegm. So coughing, it tends not to stop.

My cough tend to be continuous.

Nurse : since when did you experience this sir?

Patient : two month ago I have experienced it, but not as bad as


Nurse : did you get treatment at that time?

Patient : no I didn’t. at that time I just went to traditional

medicine, but there are no changes.

Nurse : then at that time, how do you handle it?

Patient : at that time, I just rested sir.

Nurse : how is the result?

Patient : my shortness of breath was somewhat dimished.

Nurse : what about now?

Patient : last night I tried to rest, but my breath remained tight.

Nurse : ok mr. sandy, when you try to sleep, your head position is

higher than usual. Use two or three head pillows.Hopefully

this will reduce the problems that you experience. Let me

help you sir.

Patient : ok nurse.

The nurse improves the patient’s sleeping position.

Nurse : sir, is this position comfortable for you?

Patient : already nurse.

Nurse : Allright mr sandy, for the time being I will leave, at

nine I will come here again to check you again. If any is

needed, don’t hesitate to call me.

Patient : ok nurse.

Nurses clean up equipment.

Nurse : okay mr sandy, I go first. Thank you for your cooperation.

Patient : yes nurse

The nurse left the inpatient room.


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