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If You're Using the XanGo 3-Step Plan Radio

Co-op, the Website is

Going to Explode the Duplication of Your Team,
and Send Your XanGo Business into Overdrive! websites for XanGo are now available
in personalized versions only!

If you are a current XanGo distributor, and would like to learn how to get
your very own Freedom Site, please submit your information below:



Home Phone

XanGo ID#


The link will be sent your to email account shortly after submission.


Mike Dillard

© 2004,
From Waiting Tables, To Millionaire By
The Age Of 29, Mike Dillard's "No B.S."
Approach To Marketing Aggravates
Many, But Offers A True Path To Endless
Financial And Personal Prosperity For
Those Who Are Ready For It...
NOTICE: The website has no affiliation with Andy Willoughby's or Corey
Citron's offices. Please contact Mike Dillard at 214-223-3725 for all questions regarding the
website. If you have questions about the radio co-op itself, please visit

In other words, please DO NOT call his office about the website!

Unless you literally sit on your product, rip out your

phone, and lock yourself in a closet, the 3-Step
Plan is going to set your XanGo business ON
The FreedomIsComing Website is Now 100% Generic for XanGo and Can
Be Used With ANY XanGo Lead Source You Want!

There is no secret behind success in network marketing: The best trained team
that talks to the most people, and duplicates, wins.

The FreedomIsComing Website is designed to do ONE thing: Show your prospects

and EASY, SIMPLE, DUPLICATABLE way to build a successful XanGo business.

It works in unison with your favorite XanGo presentation site like MyMagicWand,
NaturesWellnessSecret, or the Million Dollar Secret.

These sites explain XanGo, while the FreedomIsComing site explains, HOW you can
easily BUILD XanGo with a simple 3-Step Process, which is what your prospects
REALLY want to know!

There are 3 parts to the 3-Step Plan system:

1: The 7 minute sizzle call. This recorded call does all of the leg work for you. It tells
the XanGo story, identifies the interested prospects, and even generates sign-ups on
the first call.

2: The 2nd part of the system is the formal XanGo presentation you prefer. Some
popular choices are the Magic Wand CD, XAP CD, MyMagicWand website, Nature's
Wellness Secret Website, XanGoPro's website, or the Million-Dollar-Secret website.

3: The 3rd part is the website.

See an Example Site

As I'm sure you now understand, this is where your prospects learn HOW they can
build their business from home using ANY of the XanGo lead generating systems now

It is critical that they understand the benefits of joining a lead system themselves
for THEIR success, and that means you will be successful as well.
The FreedomIsComing.comwebsite is designed to show them the importance of
doing just that, and explode the duplication level of your team.

Your website will also be personalized with your name

and contact information throughout. Once again, this establishes your role as a
leader and business partner, because it helps to build that relationship between you
and your prospect.

It just makes sense.

Now you can have a complete presentation package just by combining your current
XanGo website of choice, and then adding your Freedom Is website for

Please EMAIL ME at with the following

information after you purchase your website so I can create it!

1: Your preferred site name: Example:
2: Phone
3: Email
4: Additional XanGo website links
5: Anything else (pictures, etc)

Get your very own website right now for just

Your site will be ready within 24 hours. (Usually MUCH sooner than that...)


Your card will show a charge from Ideal Industries

If you experience any problems with the process, please contact me

Mike Dillard

© 2004,
Unless you literally sit on your product, rip out your
phone, and lock yourself in a closet, the 3-Step
Plan is going to set your XanGo business ON
"Our nationwide advertising campaign will provide your business with a
simple yetpowerful turn-key system that will supply you with a never
ending line of peoplejust waiting to hear about XANGO. Building a
profitable home business has never been so simple.

Exclusive Interview:

Andy Willoughby interviews Bill Slaney

Learn how the Slaney brothers, (first

timenetworkers), have built an exploding XanGo
team with over 1,400 members in under 18

(Hint: People are calling them about XanGo!)

Monday, 9:47 PM
From: Mike Dillard
RE: The Secret to Success...

Being in the right place at the right time isn't the key to
success. Realizing that you're there and doing something
about itis the key.

Starting a home based business can be scary, exciting, and

fun all at the same time. You're taking your life into your
own hands out of your desire for something better and
greater in life and I applaud you for it. You are one of a
very small percentage of people who have the business savvy
and mindset to go for it.

I can tell you right now, the rewards will be immeasurable.

You are about to go into business with some of the greatest

leaders in network marketing and that is vital. You see,
many people come into this industry with an ATM mentality.
They think that just because they purchased some product and
a distributorship, that they now own a machine that spits
out money at them. There is a lot more to it then that...

We are going to teach you how to think like a millionaire.

We are going to teach you how to create the mindset of a
winner. We are going to teach you how to run your business
like a well oiled machine that can truly replace and exceed
your current income, and we are going to have a blast doing
it together!

But you want to do it right the first time, and that is what
this website is about.

We are going to reveal a step-by-step system that you can

use to create a truly successful XanGo business. We are also
going to expose the 3 biggest mistakes new business owners
make, then show you why you will never have to worry about

So welcome to Take some time to study

this site thoroughly and realize what we already have: That
you have your hands on the opportunity of a life time...


Mike Dillard

Let's begin by asking a very important question:

"Ok, I understand that XanGo is the most phenomenal health

discovery in decades, and may represent the biggest opportunity of
my lifetime, but how in the world am I going to find all of these
customers and business partners?"

Am I going to have to...

 Drive around my neighborhood and post flyers?

 Make a list of ALL my family members and then
call them?
 Spend a fortune on un-tested newspaper ads?
 Sell XanGo door-to-door?
 Have home meetings that no one will show up to?
 Set up a XanGo booth outside and take on Little
Annie’s lemonade stand in a full-on battle for
domination of the neighborhood beverage market?

How am I going to build my business?

This may be the most important question you could ever ask when it comes to
your home-based business. Unfortunately, you will rarely find a truly worthwhile
answer or solution.

In fact, it would be safe to assume that if you have pursued a home business before,
you have found yourself participating in one of the fruitless endeavors above.

But that’s ok. It means you have a sincere desire, great work ethic, and the
willingness to do what you thought it would take to get the job done.

You were just taught the wrong strategies and tactics.

We have brand new team members achieving massive success and surpassing
industry veterans in XanGo and they are simply ecstatic.

But I have to be honest. I'm not all that surprised. You see this really is a simple
business, but most people like to make it much more difficult than it needs to be.

As you sit there, you're going to learn that every successful XanGo
marketer uses just 3 simple steps to build a massive income,
whether they realize it or not...

What's the big secret? As you continue to read further you will begin to fully
appreciate this systematic process, but simply put, it consists of what we refer to
as "planting seeds".

You see a network marketing business is a lot like farming. It's not a business
model that is designed to replace your income within 3-6 months. It's more like
investing in a CD or mutual fund that uses exponential growth to pay you an ever
increasing dividend.

It is a business that is designed to be built part-time over the course of several years
that will eventually allow you to free yourself of having a "job" forever!

3-5 years you say!? Well look at it this way... You already dislike what you are doing
now or you wouldn't be on this website, so my question to you is, would it be worth it
to build a FUN and rewarding part-time business for 3 years, instead of working a job
that you dislike for 40 years?

Of course it would! But you have to give your crop time to grow, and that is the
biggest mistake that people make when starting a home based business. They get
"sold" on the idea that they will be rolling in cash in months, and it's simply not the

Owning a XanGo business is a smart and responsible way to invest in your

financial future over time.
In fact, we'll teach you how to make $1,000-$3,000 this year just through
your new tax deductions. You don't even have to sponsor a single person to get a
year's worth of product for free, and then some.

Now, back to our farming analogy... So what does "planting seeds" actually mean?

It means that by performing the same simple steps each day for 1-3 years, you can
become financially free, retire early and never have to worry about money again.

For our purposes, we are going to "plant seeds" by performing these 3 simple
steps daily:

1: Identify the RIGHT people

2: Expose them to XanGo
3: Collect a decision

Sounds easy enough right? Well, believe it or not,

95% of business owners still mess it up!

Let’s take #1 for example. Instead of talking to people who are actually interested
in hearing about their product or business, they go and make two big mistakes... They
either tell anyone and everyone within their circle of friends and family about
it, or they tell no-one at all!

Now don’t get me wrong. I absolutely recommend sharing XanGo's product with
everyone you know, but understand that most people don’t have the business savvy
and prosperity mindset to be entrepreneurs. You have to choose THE RIGHT people!
Simply put, the right people are those who have a track record of success in their
past endeavors.

2: Expose them to XanGo: When they do find someone interested in hearing about
their business or product, they are like the proverbial "deer caught in headlights."

They don't know what to say, so they'll say anything and everything about their
business. One question turns into 10, and before you know it, they've done a
complete, (and very poor I might add), presentation of the entire business or
product. The result is almost always the opposite of what they were looking for...
namely failure.

3: Collect a decision: I'm sure you have heard that the fortune is in the follow up...
Absolutely correct!

The problem? Once again, people make it far too complicated. They hound their
prospects, then rack their brains wondering why they didn't see the opportunity of the
business, or the value in the product. The result? New network marketers soon begin
doubting their abilities.

The good news, is that you will never have to deal with these problems. The 3-Step
Plan solves them for you almost magically. Here's how:

The 3-Step Plan forces you to build your business like an industry
pro starting on day 1, and the results will astound you...
 Imagine. You will never have to subject yourself to the stress and
doubt of calling the wrong people to pitch them on your business

 You and every member of your team can tap into a pre-packaged, pre-
tested, proven national advertising campaign so effective, that it has
people calling, and emailing in 2, 3, even 4 times to get information ASAP!

 You can have have 25-100+ people requesting information about

XanGo from you, month after month from doctors, pastors, small business
owners, or corporate professionals, all eagerly waiting to hear from you about
your XanGo business!

 Save your precious time, money, and efforts by discovering exactly how
interested each person is in XanGo within 7 minutes… All without saying a
single word about the business or product!

 You'll get state-of-the-art websites and audio CD’s that will explain,
educate, andtell the XanGo story for you automatically 24 hours/day, 7 days
a week in English, Spanish, & Japanese, which means your business is built
with systematic precision.

 Your online tools will even follow up with your prospects each and
every week on your behalf and send them all of the latest updates on the
XanGo phenomenon.

 You'll be partnered with, and attached at the hip to industry leaders

who make more money in 30 days, than most people make in an entire
year. They will literally be on your speed dial, and a phone call away. Just
follow their foot steps to the top and pick their brains for the inside secrets that
took them decades of hard-knocks to acquire.

 These same industry leaders will provide training 5 nights a week so

you and your entire team can hammer them with the hard questions, and take
their answers all the way to the bank.

 We are going to teach you how to make $1,000-$3,000 this year just
through your new tax deductions! You don't even have to sponsor a single
person to get a year's worth of XanGo for free, and a few thousand dollars

 Reap the profit producing results of $2,000-$10,000+/mo in our advertising

system for just $200! (Confused? We'll show you how in just a minute... keep

Do you think you and your entire team could build a successful business if each of
you haddozens of people a month calling you to get information about XanGo,
...and all you had to do is send it to them!? Of course you could!

By now I'll bet you’re ready to find out exactly how the 3-Step Plan works and why it
is so effective, so let’s take a brisk test-drive through each step and stop to hear from
some of our team members along the way.

But first, let's get one thing clear right up front:

The ENTIRE POINT of building a XanGo business, or ANY network marketing

business for that matter, is to create a large base of happy product customers,
who have NOTHING to do with the business. They just love and use the product!

We are not here to sell an opportunity or nutrition product! We are simply

consultants who let our information tools do the selling for us. We promote,
(not sell), the most incredible, life-changing health discovery in decades, and the only
reason we look for other business builders, is to help us create more customers! Lucky
for us, the XanGo product is phenomenal! And THAT is why we are the fastest
growing company in the history of our industry. PERIOD!

The 3-Step Plan Revealed...

Step 1: It all starts with advertising we place on the internet, radio, and TV
through various marketing partners, searching for individuals who are looking to start
a home-base-business. You don't need to spend your time or money learning how to
become a marketing wizard, because it's already taken care of by the experts!

So, let's take our friend "John" and walk him through the system...

John hears our ad on the radio or comes across our ads on the internet. He is then
invited to leave his contact information if he would like someone on the 3-Step Plan
Team to contact him.

The message is then forwarded to a XanGo business owner just like yourself. The
system will then contact you automatically by phone or email to notify you of
John's message within minutes.

Frankly, it doesn't get ANY easier than that to meet people who are
interested in what you have!

Step 2: We are going to call our people back and do two very simple things:

 Determine if John is the type of person that we want to work with. This is YOUR
business! Would you go partner with someone who has never had much
success in life? Of course not! So why would you want to partner with them in
a business venture?
 Find out if XanGo is right for them. This is a piece of cake! Instead of you
having to explain the XanGo business on the phone, we simply play a short 7
minute overview by an experienced XanGo distributor at 973-854-4579. This
audio will tell him about the company, product, and the 3-Step Plan business
building solution.
You don't have to say a word! The audio does your presenting for you and for
each of your team members. A perfect presentation every single time! Listen right

***Step 2***
3-Step Plan
XanGo Overview

Now this is where it starts to make perfect sense to John... When he hears that
he to can join our national advertising system as well, and have people to contact
each and every day who want to talk to him about XanGo!, the light-bulb goes
off!!! Now John knows that HE CAN DO THIS too, and that IT WORKS, because
he just went through the process first hand. John is now willing, eager, and
able to duplicate the 3-Step Plan! At this point, quite a few people have heard
enough and are ready to get started.

Step 2 works so well, that 1 out of every 10 people who hear our
message, sign up and get started right on the first call!
For those who aren't so decisive, we take them onto step 3...

Step 3: The final step of the 3-Step Plan is to send John detailed information on
the best-selling XanGo product, the business, and this amazing XanGo advertising
system. We take advantage of two incredible tools for this process:

1. Our cutting edge website will provide him with an informative, stunning, no-
hype, no frills, presentation of the XanGo business and product for you, 24/7.

2. Your website shows John HOW we build our

business, and leaves no question unanswered. You get a turn-key operation
complete with a stunning nation-wide advertising campaign from day 1.

First time Network Marketer Bill Slaney

heard about XanGo on the radio, and is
now a XanGo Premier!

Let's find out EXACTLY what can happen to your business with
the 3-Step Plan...
The 3 Step Plan works so well because it has everyone on your team taking
meaningful,productive action on a consistent basis... and it starts to add up quick!
Little by little, you will begin to understand that you now have the same power as a
Fortune 500 CEO.

Each advertising source provides a different cost per leads, but let's use some basic,
conservative numbers as an example. Let's say you buy a $100 advertising share
which averages 8-15 leads. Depending on your experience level, the average person
sponsors 1-3 new reps or customers per share. (The more practice you get, the
more you will sponsor!)

Month 1: Let's say you purchase 2 shares at a cost of $200, and you sponsor the an
average of 2 new reps per share for a total of 4. Each of these new reps join the team
with 2 cases of product.

Your Fast Start Bonus would equal $240, (4 x 2 = 8 cases x $30 = $240 in
commissions,which means you've recouped your advertising costs right from
the start, plus a little extra!)

Now Here's where it gets interesting...

Month 2: You now have 5 people on your team, who purchase 2 shares each, for a
total of 10 shares. 10 shares x 2 new reps = 20 new reps.

This is were leverage starts kicking in. Remember! If you and your reps purchase 2
shares of advertising each for $200, you are getting the benefit of $1000 in total
advertising, even though you personally continued to spend $200! Wow!

Month 3: You now have 25 customers or business partners on your team, who
purchase 2 shares each, for a total of 50 shares. 50 shares x 2 new reps = 100 new
reps. (Your business is now being driven by the equivalent of $5,000 in free
advertising that month!)

Month 4: You now have 125 customers or business partners on your team, who
purchase 2 shares each, for a total of 250 shares. 250 shares x 2 new reps,
= 500 new reps.

You now have 625 customers or business partners on your team for a total monthly
product volume of $125,000. If we just use the MINIMUM payout of 5%, you are
making almost $7,000/mo in residual income! That doesn't even include the Fast
Start Power Bonuses, or Global Bonuses...

(Understand that when you reach the Premier level in XanGo, which most diligent
XanGo distributors can do in about 12-14 months, you are paid on every single
bottle of XanGo sold anywhere in the world, whether it comes from your
organization or not...)

Keep in mind, that realistically numbers don't always come together perfectly as
above, so let's take a look at two conservative scenarios:

The Slaney Brothers...

There are a lot of top income earners in XanGo who are making insane money
already and we could easily use their figures here, but instead we asked Bill
Slaney & his brother Matt to provide us with a month to month
picture of what happened in their XanGo business, and then we
compared it side-by-side with the most conservative, part-time example

Why the Slaneys instead of a top income earner? Because they have NEVER
been in network marketing before. Bill & Matt heard the XanGo
advertisement on the radio, saw an opportunity, and started building his
XanGo business with the 3-Step Plan.

I love the Slaneys' story because it shows what's possible

even for beginners!

Here is a very conservative timeline of what you could expect from your
XanGo business if you were doing the bare essentials. These numbers assume
that you personally sponsor just 3 people each month through our advertising
systems. This means you are only investing a total of 1-2 hours each
week into your business. Income numbers are not included for privacy and
liability reasons. You may do better or worse.

Conservative Real Life Scenario:

Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo 9 Mo 12 Mo 15 Mo 18 Mo 21 Mo 24
12 30 59 108 168 262 353 476

Bill & Matt Slaney's actual numbers using the 3-Step Plan:

Month 1 Mo 3 Mo 6 Mo 9 Mo 12 Mo 15 Mo 18 Mo 21 Mo 24
58 178 582 904 1,416 -- -- --

What you're about to read are true stories from people a lot like you:

"I was a machinist several years ago when I was first

introduced to the network marketing industry. I had some
decent success with my former company, and got involved with
XanGo about a year ago. Today I have over 4,000 customers and
distributors in my organization, and my only regret was that
I didn't get involved with the co-op sooner. I have
personally sponsored 10 people on the very first phone
call in the last 2 months... I have never seen anything like
- Jim Bartlett

"What impressed me about the 3-Step Plan, was that it really

took the question marks out of building a XanGo business
successfully. You no longer had to worry about who you were
going to talk to about the product, or what you would say to
them. It has allowed me to grow an organization of
over 3,000+ people in 10 months. I can't imagine where we
will be in 3 years..."

- Glenn Sparks

"I'm a secretary at a software development company in

California. I have been in network marketing once before, but
I have NEVER had results like I have had with the 3-Step
Plan. The people I meet each day or so nice, and it really
makes building this business fun. I love the fact that I can
help so many people around the country that I have never met
before, and all of the new friendships are wonderful."

-Phyllis Knaak

"I am 24 years old and a certified auto-body technician. I

started aggressively building my XanGo business in August
2004 with the XanGo leads and had outstanding results. In
fact, I sponsored 5 out of 12 leads that I sent information
to. That's a 42% close ratio. I also continue to hold
that closing ratio to this very day. If that's not good
enough, I have even sponsored people onTHE VERY FIRST
CALL! These people are WAITING to hear from you. All you have
to do is check your voice mail or email box each day and get
back to the person. It doesn't get much more simple than

- Mike Boggs

"After being involved in this industry for several years I

never came across a lead source that I felt I could recommend
with 100% confidence to my peers until I came across the
Three Step Plan. This system is so simple yet provides such
quality leads that anyone who works the Three Step Plan will
see positive growth in their business. Over two-thirds of my
team can be attributed to the three step plan. This is

-Todd Vanderhoff

"If You Can Return a Phone Call, You Can be Successful With The 3-
Step Plan! (Anyone Can do This!)"

Own and build the fastest growing franchise in history from the comfort of your
home part-time, then decide if you want to keep your day job or say "c-ya!"

Our nation-wide advertising campaign provides your business with a never-ending

stream of people looking for information on XanGo. On average, 1 out of every 10
people join our team on the very first call! (Your results may differ)

Our web tools ensure that everyone gets a full and thorough explanation of XanGo
and the 3-Step Plan, which means you can be more efficient with your time.
Sooner than you think, new product customers and distributors will start
to appear in your downline over night, and that's when this business
gets really fun!

Plug your teammates into the 3-Step Plan and watch your business explode as
they start to duplicate your success.

The one-of-a-kind, results driven, patented XanGo product creates fiercely

loyal customers that will build a truly residual income for you and your family.

Work with the top income earners in XanGo. As you master their methods, you will
NEVER have to work for someone else again! (Once you know how to build a
successful home business, you can do it over and over again!)

If you're like me, you understand you can make money OR you can
make excuses, but you can't do both.
This is your opportunity to make it happen. This is your opportunity to...

 Get out of debt.

 Spend the majority of your day at home with your family, instead of
working to make your boss rich.
 Set yourself up to retire in security and style.
 Learn how to make thousands of dollars per year through your home business
tax deductions.
 Throw away your alarm clock and turn your mornings into something to look
forward to.

Now that you know you CANNOT FAIL in XanGo unless you literally sit on
your product, unplug your phone, and lock yourself in a closet, you'll want to
get started immediately because in business, days and weeks can mean the difference
between mediocre andMASSIVE results. Be decisive. You do not want to let this pass
you by,

...because it's time to kick your boss out of your bedroom for good.
When he starts beeping in your ear in the morning, let him know
your days of making him money are coming to an end!

Like us, you have found a more responsible and effective way to
secure your financial future, and achieve your dreams...
Questions? Give me a call:

Mike Dillard, XanGo Team Leader

Phone: 214-223-3725
"From my very first contact it has been wonderful. I am a full time
nurse, so I was really attracted to the benefits of the product. I
immediately got involved in the business after hearing about the 3-Step
Plan. I am talking to people that are not only expecting a call back but
are genuinely interested and glad that I called. The 3 Step Plan is set
up to be user friendly and cost effective. As members of my team join the
advertising co-op they can easily duplicate the process because the
training is awesome. The XanGo advertising system has been a blessing and
the reason for our success."

-Kenia Lugo
"In God We Trust"

"The 3-Step-Plan was the icing on the cake for me to join XanGo. Never
before have I spoken with such high-caliber people “asking for

-Andy Douds

"Using the 3 Step Plan, I was able to build a team of over 120 reps and
customers in just 90 days. Soon after, I quit a lucrative yet,
unfulfilling career as a physician recruiter and have never looked
back. I fully expect to have the option to retire by the age of 29 thanks
to XanGo. As a professional cyclist, I have used dozens of different
nutrition products, but nothing comes even close to XanGo. The product
really is the foundation for this business, and the 3-Step Plan just
makes it incredibly easy to build."

-Mike Dillard

"When I heard about the "3 Step Plan" on the internet, I wanted more
information. I am a full time flight instructor and I work different
hours each week. I was serious about starting a business and wanted to
get a serious start. I had never done any Network Marketing before, but
that lack of experience didn't slow me down. I immediately started
participating in the advertising co-op and started seeing results. In my
first full month working this business I was up to 16 distributors. I
went on vacation for a week and had a nice sized check waiting for me
when I returned. The XanGo product is phenomenal. The most rewarding part
is when people tell me how it has helped them. I recommend the 3-Step
Plan System to everyone who is serious about making this business
successful. This combination of product, training and advertising is the
total package! I am very happy with my success. The best thing about it
is how easily success can be duplicated."

-Kevin McPherson

© 2004,

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