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Cornwall & Isles of Scilly LMC Newsletter

July 2018 (No 321)

So here we go with a rather simpler form of newsletter. I just couldn’t copy with “Publisher”
so decided that I would draft my own easier format rather than pull my hair out again with
the old format!!

Many thanks to everybody that contributed by way of donations and messages to Dawn on
her retirement. The messages that were received have been put into a book for her to keep.
With the donations we bought an Amazon voucher for her to spend. She is an avid book
reader and so I am sure some if not all of it will be spent on books.
My time alone is coming to an end with Emma joining me here in the office from 7 th August.
I am really looking forward to this date and working alongside Emma. I have not exactly
been alone for the last few weeks but have had the support from Angela Edmunds, the
retiring Director of Operations from Devon LMC. Angela has been an enormous help and
among many things has been able to answer many of your questions that I have not been
able to. And of course, I have had the support of the Executive Chair – both Chair Elect and
the outgoing Chair – thank you one and all.
And finally, can I just remind you that if you have any items for the newsletter please email
them to me at before the end of the month the newsletter is due
out please.

Your Chairman writes…………

Summer is generally a slow time in politics and medical politics is no

exception. Unfortunately, this does not mirror what happens in our
practices with, for most of us, a glut of holiday makers presenting
with their needs and wants. Temporary Residents (TRs) never cease
to fascinate providing a mixture of the banal to the completely
unbelievable - a bit like medical politics and the sorts of meetings I
attend! When you think you think you have heard or seen it all you
are reminded that there is always something new to shock or amaze.
However, what never changes is the increasing complexity and
demands of General Practice. To this end we will shortly, together
with the CCG, embarking on a review of Local Enhanced Services.
This has been a long time coming and practices in Cornwall have
been well protected from fluctuating demands and income
consequent on changes in LES specifications. One of the aims of the
review (from an LMC perspective) will be to protect and maintain
income and to possibly shift or increase resources into Primary Care
to reflect new working realities. To be fair this is a view shared and
endorsed by the CCG. We have good working relationships with CCG
colleagues and although some labels and priorities will change, I am
confident stability will be maintained.
Meanwhile if you can, wherever you are, enjoy the summer.
Emma Ridgewell-Howard, new CEO, in post from 7th August 2018

I am so delighted to have been asked support and work alongside GPs in my new role as Chief
Executive Officer of your Cornwall and IoS LMC. After many years of living and working away from
the county, I am finally coming home.

My grandparents farmed near Wadebridge, and I went to school in St Kew, Wadebridge and Bodmin.
Coming from a family of teachers, I broke with tradition and headed to law school, qualifying as a
solicitor in 1994. After finishing my training in North Cornwall, I ‘emigrated’ to North Devon to
practise for seven years before heading to work in a sales and marketing role for an international law
publisher based in London.

From there, I worked for a south west regional children’s charity as their Head of Fundraising until
2016, during which time I completed some additional HR and business qualifications which led me to
discover a whole new set of learning challenges and opportunities as I entered the profession of
Practice Management.

I have spent two and a half very happy years at a small rural dispensing Practice in North Devon,
while also being involved with the Practice Management Network at a national level. The pressures
and issues, the pace of change and the challenges for GPs, whatever their role within Cornwall and
the IoS, are unprecedented: I do not underestimate them. Nobody does.

However, nor do I underestimate the strength of passion, of concern and genuine commitment to
the services provided so ably and with such dedication by GPs, Practice staff and so many others
supporting Primary Care across the region. The LMC has played a central part in supporting and
working for our GPs since its inception; I am immensely proud to join it in developing that strong
role yet further at such a critical time for us all.

I cannot wait to meet you all.

Varicella Zoster Immunoglobulin (VZIG) guidance

Please see attached.

Practice Staff Courses coming up

Weds 12th September 2018 – Information Governance and Confidentiality

Thurs 20th September 2018 – Employment Law Seminar

Weds 10th October 2018 – Managing Pressure at Work

I still have a few places for Information Governance and Confidentiality – let me know if you are

And, the other two courses have plenty of spaces.

Attached is the agenda for the Employment Law Seminar on 20th September 2018.

Rather than put another attachment to this newsletter just email me and I will send you the booking
form should you require it –

Weekly South West CHIS Bulletin

Please see attached and the link is:

BMA – ‘Women in Medicine’ – South West Conference 2018
Schiller Hall, Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre, Northwood Lane, Buckfastleigh, Devon TQ11 0EG:
Thursday 4th October, 09:30 – 16:45

The BMA is hosting a one-day regional conference for doctors in the far South West. It is open to both BMA
Members and non-members, from medical students to senior Consultants, GPs and Junior Doctors – a great
opportunity to meet and share experiences.

There will be networking time, presentations by leaders who are making a difference, policy briefings, access
to tailored employment and financial advice from expert staff and a good lunch in a relaxing environment. I
am delighted that Dr Sarah Wollaston, former Devon GP; MP for Totnes and Chair of the Parliamentary Health
Select Committee has agreed to be our key note speaker.

Plan a study day to gather with colleagues from across the region and in different areas of medicine and hear
from specialists and senior policy advisors to broaden your perspectives of the environment in which you are
working. Buckfast Abbey Conference Centre is in a delightful location by the River Dart, in the grounds of the
beautiful Abbey and set in lovely gardens. Consider car-pooling with colleagues for a great day out! Men-in-
Medicine are also very welcome to attend! Comfortable B & B accommodation is available through the
conference centre:

[Mileage to Buckfast: Barnstaple 75 miles; Bristol 110 miles; Dorchester 75 miles; Exeter 24 miles; Plymouth
24 miles; Taunton 53 miles; Torquay 22 miles; Truro 75 miles; Yeovil 70 miles]

Places will be limited, so register as soon as possible, tell your friends and colleagues and plan to join us for a
super day! BMA members: £35; Non-Members £50; F1, F2, Trust doctors: Members £20/Non-Members £30;
Medical Students £10.

Registration is essential via Eventbrite:

GP Health Service

The NHS GP Health Services is a confidential NHS service for GP’s and GP Trainees in England. The
link below will give you the full information on this service.

BMA GP Pension Survey

Another useful link:

Identification of Carers in GP Practices

The attached document may be of some help and interest to you.

BMA LMC Update Letter

Each week I try to upload the weekly LMC letter from the BMA to our website – it does contain
useful information, so I would encourage you to have a look at it when you get the chance.
July Practice Vacancies

Salaried GP with view to Partnership – Stennack Surgery, St Ives

Practice Nurse, Harris Memorial Surgery, Redruth – C/D 31/8/18

Salaried GP or Partner, Tamar Valley Health, Callington – C/D 31/8/18

Please look at our website: for further details for the above vacancies plus
other vacancies.

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