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Spleen related MCQs
Hello and welcome to surgery questions on spleen, splenic cyst and
splenectomy. These questions are from surgical and medical aspects of
spleen asked in exams of Gastro Intestinal Surgery and Gastroenterology.
Questions are accompanied with answers and explanations. The MCQs and
answers are free to read and download. More Questions on Related topics
All are causes of "pear shaped" 10 Signs of Appendicitis
Urinary Bladder except
a.Pelvic lipomatosis activebeat.co/Appendicitis
5 Signs You'll Get Cancer
b. Pelvic fibrosis www.newsm ax .com Learn about 10 of the tell tale signs and
c Iliopsoas hypertrophy These 5 Signs Warn You That Cancer Is Starting Inside Your
Body. symptoms of appendicitis.
d Retroperitoneal fibrosis
ANSWER -- Urology MCQs
Q1. The most common cystic disease of the spleen is
a) Hydatic cyst of spleen
b) Pseudo cyst of the spleen 5 Signs of Alzheimer's
c) Columnar lined cyst of spleen
Which of the following weight d) Cystic lymphangioma
loss technique for morbid obesity Q2 Which is not an indication of splenectomy in idiopathic thrombocytopenia ( ITP) New Books
is obsolete A) asymptomatic patients with platelet count between 30000-50000 mm3
a) Gastric Bypass b) refractory thrombocytopenia
b) Jejuno ileal bypass c) relapse after glucocorticoid therapy
d) platelet count of 10000 despite management for 6 weeks but no bleeding.
c) Vertical band gastroplasty
d) Bilio Pancreatic Diversion Q3 ) True regarding abscess of the spleen are all except
a) Majority of splenic abscess result from hematogenous spread from other sites
ANSWER -- Bariatric Surgery MCQs b) Both Gram positive and gram negative organisms are responsible for abscess of spleen
c) Splenomegaly (enlargement of spleen) is present in most of the patients.
d) 2/3rd of the splenic abscess are solitary in adults
Small Intestine MCQ
Sabiston Board Review Q4 Which of the following is not true regarding splenorrhaphy (Repairing of Spleen) Large Intestine MCQ
a) Use of Argon Beam coagulator is superior to other techniques. Bile Ducts
(Absite Questions) b) Grade II and III injuries can be managed by suture repair Peritoneal tumors
c) At least One third of the spleen should be preserved to maintain immunological function. Burns
d) Mesh wrapping is recommended for Grade IV injuries Fever
Portal gastropathy
Q5 OPSI is commonest in splenectomy done for Appendicitis
a) Thalassemia Spleen
b) Trauma
c) Hereditary Spherocytosis

Q6 Which of the following is not true regarding wandering spleen? Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological
Sabiston Textbook of
Surgery Board R... a) The spleen is attached to a long vascular pedicle without the usual mesenteric attachments. Basis of Modern Surgical Practice (Expert
Courtney Townsend,... b) Torsion and infarction of the spleen are common complications Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online
Best Price $60.67 c) There is congenital atresia of the dorsal mesogastrium in children Features and Print), 19e
or Buy New d) Splenectomy is required in all cases

Answers and Explanations

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A visitor from Houston, Texas
viewed "Spleen Questions - MCH,
USMLE, Board, ABSITE" 0 secs ago Answers
1. b
A visitor from Houston, Texas Pseudocyst of the spleen are 4 times more common than the true cysts. Pseudocyst spleen is mostly Post op Fever
viewed "Spleen Questions - MCH, Portal gastropathy
USMLE, Board, ABSITE" 15 secs ago acquired after trauma. Endocrine tumors
A visitor from Colombo True cysts of the spleen are lined by a layer of epithelium. True cysts like columnar lined cyst of spleen are Famous Surgeons
viewed "Surgery MCQ- Exam rare. The epithelial cells are rich in CEA (Carcino embryonic Antigen) and CA19- 9 but they are benign. Operative steps
Questions" 13 mins ago Endocrine tumors
Management is required if the cyst is more than 8 cm or causing symptoms.
A visitor from Jordan Famous Surgeons
viewed "Surgery Board type Classification of Splenic cysts Obscure GI Bleed
Questions- Absite and ABS True Cyst- Congenital, epidermoid, or epithelial cysts. Or Parasitic and non parasitic Weight loss Questions
Questions" 26 mins ago Breast Surgery
A visitor from Riyadh, Ar Riyad Duodenum
viewed "Surgery MCQ- Exam Splenic cysts are most common in the 2nd and 3rd decade of life, although they have been noted in all age Endocrine tumors
Questions" 43 mins ago
groups, including infants. An asymptomatic painless abdominal mass is the presenting feature in
A visitor from Portugal approximately 30% to 45% of cases.
viewed "Surgery Question on
Pancreas - Surgery for Chronic
Pancreatitis" 44 mins ago Treatment options include
Pseudocyst- Aspirations, Catheter drainage, Partial splenectomy, Splenectomy or a recent technique of partial
A visitor from Iraq splenic decapsulization (marsupilization)
viewed "Surgery MCQ- Exam
Questions" 53 mins ago
2) a
A visitor from Lahore, Punjab Indication of splenectomy (removal of spleen) in ITP are
viewed "Surgery MCQ- Exam 1.ITP has been diagnosed for 6 weeks, still platelet count is less than 10000 with or without bleeding.
Questions" 54 mins ago
2. ITP diagnosed for 3 months with platelet count of less than 30000
A visitor from Islamabad
viewed "Liver Surgery MCQs- 3. c
Questions in Hepatic Surger" 57 mins Abscess of spleen result from haematogenous spread from foci such as endocarditis, osteomyelitis and IV
drug abuse. It also results from spread from surrounding structures like colon and kidneys.
A visitor from Khartoum, Al Both gram positive and gram negative organisms are responsible.
viewed "Surgery Question on Splenomegaly is present in only a minority of patients. In adults 2/3rd of splenic abscess are solitary where as
Pancreas - Surgery for Chronic in children only 1/3rd are solitary.
Pancreatitis" 1 hr ago
R e a l - t M e ne u v i 4.ea w
·i m
Argon beam coagulator and other superficial coagulation devices are generallt preferred to the conventional
techniques but studies have not shown a definite superiority.
In grade II and III injuries pledget suturing is advised .
Grade IV injuries are mangaed with polygalactin mesh.
Advantage of splenorrhaphy over splenectomy are
1. Immunological competence
2. Prevention of Left Subphrenic abscess.

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5. a
One consistent observation is that the risk for OPSI is greater after splenectomy for malignancy or
hematologic disease than for trauma
S. pneumoniae is the most frequently involved organism in OPSI and is estimated to be responsible for
between 50% and 90% of cases. Other organisms involved in OPSI include Haemophilus influenzae, Neisseria
meningitidis, Streptococcus species and other pneumococcal species, Salmonella species, and
Capnocytophaga canimorsus

6. d

A “wandering spleen” occurs when the spleen is attached only by a long, loose vascular pedicle without the
usual peritoneal attachments. Wandering spleen in children arise from congenital atresia of the dorsal
mesogastrium. When found in women between 20 and 40 years of age, wandering spleens result from an
acquired tissue laxity associated with pregnancy.
The condition is complicated by acute torsion around the vascular pedicle, which manifests with acute
abdominal pain, fever, vomiting, acute pancreatitis, and gastric compression. Without detorsion, splenic
infarction and gangrene ensue. Chronic torsion typically causes venous congestion and splenomegaly. In
children without splenic infarction, the procedure of choice is splenopexy, suturing the spleen to the
diaphragm, abdominal wall, or omentum.
Splenectomy is preferred in adults

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Alka Singh · Kilpauk Medical College

Reply · Like · December 26, 2013 at 10:35pm

Surg Mcq · IGMC Hospital ;Shimla

Reply · Like · December 29, 2013 at 11:31am

Drvipan Kumar · Dr.rpgmc tanda

Ques 03- Option A - its incorrect, marked correct in the answ er. Its a non - compressible, blind ending tube.
Reply · Like · November 17, 2013 at 9:18pm

Surg Mcq · IGMC Hospital ;Shimla

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Reply · Like · November 23, 2013 at 7:58pm

Ciprofloxacin Toxicity · Khyber Medical College

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Reply · Like · September 17, 2013 at 11:58am

Hala Almnfe · Works at ‫ﻣﺮ ﻛﺰ طﺒﺮق اﻟﻄﺒ ﻲ‬

Reply · Like · September 7, 2013 at 9:50am

Emad Eid · Cairo University

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Reply · Like · July 11, 2013 at 2:57pm

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