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512-632-9871 August 6, 2018
First and Last Name
Company Name
11108 Amaranth Ln
Austin, Texas 4321 First Street
78754 Anytown, State ZIP

To whom it may concern,

My name is Jourdan Tucker, and I am applying for a position in your
district. Currently, I am a Senior Agricultural Sciences major at Texas A&M
University in College Station, Texas. I am intelligent, a quick learner, and a
dependable, trustworthy employee with a good work ethic. I am also great as a
critical thinker and possess excellent research skills. I possess the rarest personality
type in the world, and because of this, I have particular skills that will be useful in
a career setting. For example, I am one who can work just as well alone as I can
when working with a group. I am capable for finding middle ground with all other
personalities and temperaments. I can quickly judge a situation, and what needs to
be done which will make work move faster, however, I do not rush to conclusions
either. Lastly, my most substantial skill I possess is empathy. I can read others
emotions like words on a page. As a teacher, I will use this intuitive nature with
students who may typically be misunderstood. My use of empathy will also help
me connect with my students, parents and other employees and staff. When my
students know that I respect them and understand them, then they are more
accessible when teaching. Please consider me for this job opportunity. I hope to
hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Jourdan Tucker

To inspire an appreciation for agriculture into students of all demographics and regions by teaching
sustainable agriculture methods, the importance of farming and nutrition as well as providing general
knowledge about where their food comes from and the processing of some of that food.
512-632-9871 Education Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas May 2019
Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Sciences
11108 Amaranth Ln Minor in Horticulture
Cumulative GPR: 3.73
Austin, Texas
78754 Experience
Howdy Farm, College Station, Texas August 2017-December 2017
• Designed a butterfly garden for future members to use as an educational tool.
• Guided tours of visiting students around the farm to teach them the importance of sustainable
• Aid with daily farm management tasks such as harvesting, weeding, mulching, fertilizing, planting,
transplanting, and directing volunteers.
• Volunteered for position in return for horticulture class credit toward the minor.
• Gained farming and producing skills that can be used to teach students in a classroom.
• Cooperated with the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association’s Board of Directors and President
in regards of sharing information as well as networking for future events.

Rover, Austin, Texas 2016-Present

Dog Sitter
• Scheduled and coordinated meetings with clients to discuss the care of their pets.
• Collaborated with the owners and local veterinarians on the best care for sick pets.
• Adapted to unforeseen circumstances as problems arose.

Snook Secondary School, Snook, Texas September 2017

Agriculture Observer
• Corresponded with many agriculture teachers to establish times to observe them and their
classroom environments.
• Focused on teaching methods, teacher-student interactions, lesson topics, classroom behavior and
management and disciplinary tactics used by the teacher.
• Adapted to new students and new behaviors from class to class and evaluated differences between
• Gained experiential knowledge, and personal advice from the teachers.

Hyde Park Baptist Church, Austin, Texas 2011-2015
• Directed underclassmen to work they could contribute to as we set up our fair.
• Executed jobs as they came to me from my director or other upperclassmen.
• Assembled tents, bounce houses, and puppet stages for the fair.
• Encouraged younger students to be involved in the fair so they could gain work experience as well
as serve the community.
• Performed with the choir as entertainment at the fair.

Awards and Honors

• Recipient of Century Club Scholarship from Texas A&M for $20,000
• Recipient of J Lawson Sowell Endowed Scholarship From Texas A&M
• Recipient of Rae & Mildred Doran Endowed Scholarship from Texas A&M
• Chosen to sing National Anthem before Presidential Speech in 2013

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