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Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS





Hilario, Maria Abegail R.

Abarientos, Arren Joy
Miraples, Ian Paulo M.


A Project Submitted in Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Subject
Industrial Electronics



March 2017
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS




This design project entitled “FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM” which has
been presented before a panel of examiners on March 25, 2017 by Abarientos, Arren Joy
B. , Hilario, Maria Abegail R. and Miraples, Ian Paulo M. is hereby APPROVED by the
committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ______.



Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Industrial Electronics Subject.
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS




Has successfully prepared and presented this project entitled “Fire Detection and
Alarm System” in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Industrial
Electronics has been examined and found satisfactory and hereby recommended for ORAL


Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS


The proponents would like to extend their sincerest gratitude to the persons who in
one way or another contributed in the completion of this thesis.

To their family, especially to their parents, who gave overwhelming and never
ending support and as their number one inspiration.

To their instructor Engr. Humphrey A. Dolor, PECE, MBA for giving their valuable
time, guidance, assistance, advice and continuous encouragement throughout the progress
of this project.

To their colleagues, especially to Marlo Bejasa and Mark Ian M. Dayanghirang for
their open-handed and compassionate help, and support to make this project successful.

To those people who helped directly or indirectly thus making this project a reality.
The great cooperation, kind heartedness and readiness to share worth experiences that
have been shown by them will be always appreciated and treasured.

And above all, to ALMIGHTY GOD for being a provider of everything that made the
project possible.


-The Proponents
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS


Fire Alarm System is a devices working together to detect and warn people through
visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other emergencies are
present. This device is intended for protection of the students and faculty members from
potential fire threats. The systems is connected to the Arduino Module for centralized
control system. The prototype was constructed and tested. The Arduino Module was
connected to the prototype and then, programmed for communication of the design and
the end user. The sensors and outputs are calibrated in scale with the miniature model
classroom. The design has a backup limited for the DC input components only and does not
support high voltage AC. Series of experiments were conducted for collection of data to be
used for evaluating the performance of the design.
Chapter 1 discuss the possible problems that might occur in preparations of the
project and objectives based on the exemplified problem. The scope and limitations are
demonstrated regarding the capability of the project. Also in this chapter pointed the functions of
the designed project.
Chapter 2 shows the researched literature and studies in designing the project.
Chapter 3 is the research methodology that indicates the schedules of activities and
the hardware that is used.
Chapter 4 is the presentation and interpretation of data in doing the design project.
Chapter 5 is for the conclusion and recommendation regarding the study. This is
according to the results of gathered data while testing and implementing the project.
Appendices includes: Codes ,Project Documentation, Data Sheets, BOQ, Gantt Chart and

student profiles are also included in this documentation for some important facts which may be

used to fully understand the project.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Table of Contents
1. THE PROBLEMS AND ITS BACKGROUND.................................................................................................. 1

1-1 Intoduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1

1-2 Statement of the Problem .................................................................................................................. 2

1-3 Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 2

1-4 Importance of the Study ..................................................................................................................... 3

1-5 Scope and Limitation .......................................................................................................................... 4

1-6 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................................................. 4

1-7 Block Diagram ..................................................................................................................................... 6

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES .................................................................................... 8

2-1 Related Literature ............................................................................................................................... 8

2-1 Related Studies ................................................................................................................................. 11

3. RESEARCH AND METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................... 13

3-1 Research Method .............................................................................................................................. 13

3-2 Design Consideration ........................................................................................................................ 14

3-3 Schematic Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 21

4. PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA ................................................................................. 24

4-1 Presentation of Data ......................................................................................................................... 24

4-2 Interpretation of Data....................................................................................................................... 26

5. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................... 28

5-1 Summary of Findings ........................................................................................................................ 28

5-2 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 28

5-3 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................. 29

APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS


#include<dht.h> switch (day) {

dht DHT0; case Time::kSunday: return "Sunday";
dht DHT1; case Time::kMonday: return "Monday";
dht DHT2; case Time::kTuesday: return "Tuesday";
#define DHT11_PIN 3 case Time::kWednesday: return
#define DHT11_PIN1 2 "Wednesday";
#define DHT11_PIN2 1 case Time::kThursday: return
#include <stdio.h> "Thursday";
#include <DS1302.h> case Time::kFriday: return "Friday";
namespace { case Time::kSaturday: return
const int kCePin = 5; // Chip Enable "Saturday";
const int kIoPin = 6; // Input/Output }
const int kSclkPin = 7; // Serial Clock return "(unknown day)";
int solenoid=13; }
int solenoid1=12; void printTime() {
int solenoid2=11; Time t = rtc.time();
int bell=8;
int belll=9; const String day = dayAsString(;
int bell2=10;
int smoke1=A5; char buf[50];
int smoke2=A4; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %04d-
int smoke3=A3; %02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
int sensorThres = 400; day.c_str(),
DS1302 rtc(kCePin, kIoPin, kSclkPin); t.yr, t.mon,,, t.min, t.sec);
String dayAsString(const Time::Day day)
{ Serial.println(buf);
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

} int readData2 =
} float t2 = DHT2.temperature;
void setup() int analogSensor = analogRead(smoke1);
{ int analogSensor1 =
pinMode(bell, OUTPUT); analogRead(smoke2);
pinMode(belll, OUTPUT); int analogSensor2 =
pinMode(bell2, OUTPUT); analogRead(smoke3);
pinMode(smoke1, INPUT); int cs = digitalRead(13);
pinMode(smoke2, INPUT); Serial.println(cs);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); int cs1 = digitalRead(12);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT); Serial.println(cs);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); int cs2 = digitalRead(11);
Serial.begin(9600); Serial.println(cs2);
rtc.writeProtect(false); Serial.print("T1 = ");
rtc.halt(false); Serial.print(t);
Time t(2017, 3, 23, 11, 40, 50, Serial.print(" 'C ");
Time::kSaturday); Serial.print("T2 = ");
rtc.time(t); Serial.print(" 'C ");
} Serial.print("T3 = ");
void loop() Serial.print(t2);
{ Serial.print(" 'C ");
Serial.print("Smoke1: ");
int readData = Serial.println(analogSensor);
DHT0.read11(DHT11_PIN); Serial.print("Smoke2: ");
float t = DHT0.temperature; Serial.println(analogSensor1);
int readData1 = Serial.print("Smoke3: ");
DHT1.read11(DHT11_PIN1); Serial.println(analogSensor2);
float t1 = DHT1.temperature; delay(500);
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

if(t>=35) if (analogSensor < sensorThres)

{ digitalWrite(8, LOW);
digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(1000);
delay(1000); }
Serial.print("there's a Fire");
Serial.println(); if(t1>=35)
} digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
if (analogSensor >= sensorThres) delay(1000);
{ Serial.print("there's a Fire");
digitalWrite(8, HIGH); Serial.println();
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
delay(1000); }
Serial.print("there's a Fire=");
Serial.println(); if (analogSensor1 >= sensorThres)
} digitalWrite(9, HIGH);
printTime(); digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
if(t < 35) Serial.print("there's a Fire");
{ }
digitalWrite(8, LOW); printTime();
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
delay(1000); if(t1 < 35)
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

{ {
digitalWrite(9, LOW); digitalWrite(10, HIGH);
digitalWrite(12, LOW); digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
delay(1000); delay(1000);
Serial.print("there's a Fire");
} Serial.println();
if (analogSensor1 < sensorThres) printTime();
digitalWrite(9, LOW); if(t2 < 35)
digitalWrite(12, LOW); {
delay(1000); digitalWrite(10, LOW);
} digitalWrite(11, LOW);
if(t2>=35) delay(1000);
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); }
digitalWrite(11, HIGH);
delay(1000); if (analogSensor1 < sensorThres)
Serial.print("there's a Fire"); {
Serial.println(); digitalWrite(10, LOW);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
} delay(1000);
if (analogSensor1 >= sensorThres) }
Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Components Quantity Price Total



Total Cost of Fire Detection and Alarm System

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Automatic charger 1 350 350

Bell 1 1 190 190

Bell 2 1 250 250

Solenoid 2 350 700

IC 4n35 3 35 105

IC MOC3041 3 30 90

TIP122 transistor 3 50 150

BT137 triac 3 45 135

LED RED 2 5 10

MQ-x gas sensor 2 250 500

DHT11 2 150 300

Resistor 10 1 10

Jumper wires 20 5 200

Heat sink 6 20 120

Gizduino X 1 750 600

Switch 2 20 40

RTC 1 350 350

Battery RTC 1 200 200

Terminal blocks 8 23 184

Casing 2600

Total Amount 7084

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



1.1 Introduction

Fire is a chemical reaction in which a carbon based material, mixes with oxygen, and
is heated to a point where flammable vapors are produced. These vapors come in contact
with something that is hot enough to cause vapor ignition, resulting in a fire. In simple
terms, something that can burn touches something that is hot, and a fire is produced.

In 2013, there is an average of 39.8% of fire incidents in the country (PSA, 2014).
Among these were due neglected devices/appliances, candles, arson, juvenile fire setting,
cooking, gases, electrical, consumer electronics, fireworks, lightning strikes and smoking
materials, led in the increasing numbers of homeless, thus reconstruction of buildings and
other facilities made from light materials that is beyond the fire protection standard. A key
aspect of fire protection is to detect the developing fire in timely manner, and alert the
building’s occupants for sudden evacuation.

Humans are excellent fire detectors since they are able to sense aspects of fire
including heat, flames, smoke and odor. But unfortunately, a person can also be an
unreliable detection method since they may not be present when a fire starts, or may not
raise an alarm in an effective manner. For this reason, the proponents came up to an idea of
designing a fire alarm and smoke detector system which will be helpful for the prevention
of spreading the developing fire.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The modern electronics produced a product that was easy to set up and use that still
very effective. The challenge in this design is to produce a quality device with less
components that is useful for the users. This study also aims to specifically answer the
following questions:

 Will the consumers afford this kind of project?

 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the project?
 How long does the project will operate?
 How this project help in case of fire?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main consideration of this project is to design a helpful device that prevent fire
dugtungan ito….. This project contain emergency response notification that is, reliable in a
hostile environment, protect the residential and life safety applications.

The project aims to introduce the automation having technologies installed in a

particular area for safety and precaution. To emphasize the purpose of automation and fire
prevention. To demonstrate the project for the interested consumers and ECE students for
them to know the operation and effectiveness of the project.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

1.4 Importance of the Study

This design will enhance the knowledge and skills of the researcher in producing
Fire Alarm with Smoke Detector System intended for houses and commercial buildings.
The implementation of this study will help and guide the researchers and electronic
technician and engineers in enhancement of fire alarm technology both, technical and
operational manners.

To the Academe

This project will provide the students with hands-on experience in building
illustrative Fire Alarm with Smoke Detector System. It will also help student be familiarize
with the simple design process starting from the initial design, testing, troubleshooting and
revising up to the final production.

For the Institution

This trend of making this project is an important part of economic reform process
aiming to promote fire prevention and safety. This will help the society to minimize the risk
of fire incidence thereby protect the life and properties thus met the qualification of
building standards on fire safety.

To the Researcher

This will lead the researcher towards relevant results for easy detection and control
of fire. It would also serve as guide/basis for the future modification and improvement of
similar technology.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

This project focused only on the application of the sensor detecting the smoke and
fire. The fire alarm with smoke detector circuit was supplied by 5 volt DC and the
microcontroller, called Gizduino. The smoke detector and fire detector system was only
limited for a certain sensitivity for its operation, however, it is reprogrammable using
gizduino uno r3, for the operation of the sensor and the solenoid to turn on/off the flowing
of the water. However the bell of the circuit is limited without electricity.

1.6 Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally as used in the project:

Battery refers to an electrochemical cell (or enclosed and protected material) that can be
charged electrically to provide a static potential for power or released electrical
charge when needed.

Capacitor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that stores electrical energy in an

electric field.

Circuit Diagram the design that used electronic symbols to show the project overview.

Ethernet Shield the Arduino Ethernet Shield allows an Arduino board to connect to the
internet. It is based on the Wiznet W5100/W5200 ethernet chip providing a
network (IP) stack capable of both TCP and UDP.

Diode a two-terminal electronic component with asymmetric conductance, it has low

(ideally zero) resistance to current flow in one direction, and high (ideally infinite)
resistance in another.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Gas Sensor an electronic device that detects the presence of gases in an area, often as part
of a safety system.

Integrated Circuit an integrated circuit or monolithic integrated circuit (also referred to as

an IC, a chip, or a microchip) is a set of electronic circuits on one small flat piece (or
"chip") of semiconductor material, normally silicon.

PCB (Printed Circuit Board) it is mechanically supports and electrically connects

electronic components using conductive tracks, pads and other features etched
from copper sheets laminated onto a nonconductive substrate.

Resistor a passive two terminal electrical components that implements electrical

resistance as a circuit element.

Solenoid a coil of wire usually in cylindrical form that when carrying a current act
like a magnet so that a movable core is drawn into the coil when a current
flows and that is used especially as a switch or control for a mechanical
device (as a valve).

Switch a device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit

Temperature Sensor is a device, typically, a thermocouple or RTD that provides

for temperature measurement through an electrical signal. A thermocouple (T/C) is
made from two dissimilar metals that generate electrical voltage in direct
proportion to changes in temperature.

Transistor a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals and

electrical power. An electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or
more circuits through electromagnetic induction.

Triac from triode for alternating current, is a generic trademark for a three
terminal electronic component that conducts current in either direction when

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Voltage Regulator an electronic device that limits the voltage to prevent overpower in the

1.7 Block Diagram

Figure 1.1 System Block Diagram

Referring to the figure above, the sensors are responsible for the following input:
The temperature, smoke, and time. Under specific conditions, the microcontroller is
responsible for processing of the data gathered from the sensors that have an output of

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

ringing of bell as an alarm when a smoke is detected, and the sprinkling of water when
maximum temperature is reached associated with the detected smoke. The goal is to have
an alert message to the server notifying that there is fire.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



2.1 Related Literature

Fire alarm system has a number of devices working together to detect and warn
people through visual and audio appliances when smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or
other emergencies are present. These alarms may be activated automatically from smoke
detectors, and heat detectors or may also be activated via manual fire alarm
activation devices such as manual call points or pull stations.

Alarms can be either motorized bells or wall mountable sounders or horns. They can
also be speaker strobes which sound an alarm, followed by a voice evacuation message
which warns people inside the building not to use the elevators. Fire alarm sounders can be
set to certain frequencies and different tones including low, medium and high, depending
on the country and manufacturer of the device. Most fire alarm systems in Europe sound
like a siren with alternating frequencies.

Fire alarm sounders in the United States and Canada can be either continuous or set
to different codes such as Code 3. Fire alarm warning devices can also be set to different
volume levels. Smaller buildings may have the alarm set to a lower volume and larger
buildings may have alarms set to a higher level.

Sensor is an object whose purpose is to detect events or changes in its environment

and sends the information to the computer which then tells the actuator (output devices)
to provide the corresponding output. A sensor is a device that converts real world data
(Analog) into data that a computer can understand using ADC (Analog to Digital converter).

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-sensitive elevator buttons

(tactile sensor) and lamps which dim or brighten by touching the base, besides
innumerable applications of which most people are never aware. With advances
in micromachinery and easy-to-use micro controller platforms, the uses of sensors have
expanded beyond the most traditional fields of temperature, pressure or flow
measurement, for example into MARG sensors. Moreover, analog sensors such as
potentiometers and force-sensing resistors are still widely used. Applications include
manufacturing and machinery, airplanes and aerospace, cars, medicine, robotics and many
other aspects of our day-to-day life.

A sensor's sensitivity indicates how much the sensor's output changes when the
input quantity being measured changes. For instance, if the mercury in a thermometer
moves 1 cm when the temperature changes by 1 °C, the sensitivity is 1 cm/°C (it is basically
the slope Dy/Dx assuming a linear characteristic). Some sensors can also affect what they
measure; for instance, a room temperature thermometer inserted into a hot cup of liquid
cools the liquid while the liquid heats the thermometer. Sensors need to be designed to
have a small effect on what is measured; making the sensor smaller often improves this and
may introduce other advantages. Technological progress allows more and more sensors to
be manufactured on a microscopic scale as micro sensors using MEMS technology. In most
cases, a micro sensor reaches a significantly higher speed and sensitivity compared
with macroscopic approaches. (Amrit Raj, 2016)

Solenoid is a coil wound into a tightly packed helix. The term was invented
by French physicist André-Marie Ampère to designate a helical coil.

In physics, the term refers to a coil whose length is substantially greater than its
diameter, often wrapped around a metallic core, which produces a uniform magnetic
field in a volume of space (where some experiment might be carried out) when an electric
current is passed through it. A solenoid is a type of electromagnet when the purpose is to
generate a controlled magnetic field. If the purpose of the solenoid is instead to impede
changes in the electric current, a solenoid can be more specifically classified as

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

an inductor rather than an electromagnet. Not all electromagnets and inductors are
solenoids; for example, the first electromagnet, invented in 1824, had a horseshoe rather
than a cylindrical solenoid shape.

In engineering, the term may also refer to a variety of transducer devices that
convert energy into linear motion. The term is also often used to refer to a solenoid valve,
which is an integrated device containing an electromechanical solenoid which actuates
either a pneumatic or hydraulic valve, or a solenoid switch, which is a specific type
of relay that internally uses an electromechanical solenoid to operate an electrical switch;
for example, an automobile starter solenoid, or a linear solenoid, which is an
electromechanical solenoid. Solenoid bolts, a type of electronic-mechanical locking
mechanism, also exist. ("solenoid: Meaning in the Cambridge English
Dictionary". Retrieved 16 January 2017.)

Arduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 and ATmega168. It

has 14 digital input/ output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed
to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power
it with an AC-to- DC adapter or battery to get started. It is an open source computing
platform based on a simple input/output (I/O) board and the use of standard programming
language; in other words, it is a tool for implementing a program you have designed.
Arduino is programmed using the IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Arduino is
ideal for beginner programmers and hobbyists because of its simplicity compared to other

It is a multiplatform environment; it can run on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. It is

programmable via USB cable, which makes it more accessible and allows communication
with the computer. (Arduino Team)

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

2.2 Related Studies

Fire Alarm Control Panel

The fire alarm control panel is the central brain which monitors and manages all of the
initiating devices and sends signals to indicating devices if an issue is detected. The control
panel typically contains standard branch-circuit writing and replaceable circuit cards. In
conventional alarm systems you will generally find a circuit card for each designated zone
within the system. For newer, more technologically advanced systems, you would find
digital circuits that transmit data to all devices that can be zoned with programming. In
each fire alarm control panel, you’ll also find a display that informs you of the system’s
status with troubleshooting codes and a touchpad to manage the system directly. From this
system you can disable alarms, signal alerts, reset the system following an issue, and
reprogram when called for. (NFPA72, 2016)

Backup Power Supply

In addition to the direct wiring into the building’s power supply, there are typically UL
Listed emergency batteries in sealed units to prevent a disruption of fire protection in the
event of a power outage. These are typically 6V or 12V batteries linked in a 24VDC power-
limited system. These may be located within the control panel itself or in a separate
enclosure mounted adjacent to the main control panel. They usually are connected to the
FACP to charge and monitor them. (NFPA72, 2016)

Remote Control and Display Panels

These devices allow the system status to be checked, the alarms to be initiated or
silenced, or various safety components to be activated or deactivated throughout a building
or even in remote locations. These are typically reserved for larger systems installed in

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

high-rise buildings and where local code dictates that the fire alarm system be able to be
controlled in remote locations other than the main FACP. (NFPA72, 2016)

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



This chapter presents the research method and design used implemented, the
schedule of activities, the four different monitoring system, and the prototype construction.

3.1 Research Method

The designer devises an experimental method on designing the prototype.

Prototyping is the process of building a model of a project. It is a method used by designers
to acquire feedback from users about future designs.

3.1.1 Schedule of Activities

The proponents consumed almost a month in construction of the prototype. Here

are the table of activities.


Testing Dht11 And Smoke Sensor January 7, 2017

Trials on Breadboard January 7, 2017

Fabricating the Device February 11, 2017

Connecting the 2 Circuit February 17, 2017

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Testing the Finished Prototype February 17, 2017

Troubleshooting February 17, 2017

Placing The Prototype in the Casing March 11, 2017

Testing the Device March 13, 2017

Finalizing the Device March 23, 2017

Table 3.1 Schedule of Activities

3.2. Design Considerations

In this study the proponents used experimental method on the development of the
prototype device. The proponent conducted a qualitative and quantitative evaluation
through actual testing of the developed prototype device to access and evaluates the
effectiveness and reliability of the proposed design.

3.2.1. Hardware

The proponents used 2 smoke sensor, temperature sensor, alarm bell and solenoid
for output purposes. Gizduino

The Gizduino is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 and

ATmega168. It has 14 digital input output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz crystal oscillator,

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything
needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or
power it with an AC-to- DC adapter or battery to get started. It is an open source computing
platform based on a simple input/output (I/O) board and the use of standard programming
language; in other words, it is a tool for implementing a program you have designed.
Gizduino is programmed using the IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

Gizduino is ideal for beginner programmers and hobbyists because of its

simplicity compared to other platforms. It is a multiplatform environment; it can run on
Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. It is programmable via USB cable, which makes it more
accessible and allows communication with the computer.

No. I.D. Description

1 AREF analog reference pin for

the A/D Converter.

2 GND Ground.

3 13 Digital I/O

4 12 Digital I/O

5 11 PWM OUT

6 10 PWM OUT / Digital I/O

7 9 PWM OUT / Digital I/O

8 8 Digital I/O

9 7 Digital I/O

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

10 6 PWM OUT / Digital I/O

11 5 PWM OUT / Digital I/O

12 4 Digital I/O

13 3 PWM OUT / Digital I/O

14 2 Digital I/O

15 1 TX / Digital I/O

16 0 RX / Digital I/O

Table 3.2 JP3, JP4 (Digital I/O) pin assignments

No. I.D. Description

1 A0 Analog I/O

2 A1 Analog I/O

3 A2 Analog I/O

4 A3 Analog I/O

5 A4 Analog I/O

6 A5 Analog I/O

7 A6 Analog I/O

8 A7 Analog I/O

Table 3.3 JP2 (Analog I/O) pin assignments

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

No. I.D. Description

1 Reset Reset.

2 +3.3V 3.3V Device Power Supply

3 +5V 5V Device Power Supply

4 GND Ground.

5 GND Ground.

6 VIN 8-12V Device Power


Table 3.4 JP1 (Power) pin assignments

Device Flash Mem EEPROM RAM Interrupt Vector


ATmega168PA 16K Bytes 512 Bytes 1K Bytes 2 instruction


ATmega328P 32K Bytes 2K Bytes 1K Bytes 2 instruction


Table 3.5 Available Gizduino Microcontrollers Details USB Cable

A USB Cable, or Universal Serial Bus Cable, is used with the basic function of
connecting a USB device to host. The most common hosts for USB cable are computers,

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

mobile devices, and video game consoles. USB cables are distinguished by their official logo
on the top of the plug over molds in addition to their plug type.

USB cables can have many different types of plug ends. The “style” refers to the
distinct size and shape of its connector. This connector goes into its corresponding
receptacle built into hosts and USB devices. There are quite few types of USB cables which
serve different purposes.
These includes USB type A, USB type B, Mini USB, Micro USB, as well as differing types
depending on the USB specification. For a very general understanding, Type A is the most
common and recognizable of the bunch, used on things like USB drives and USB ports on
computers. Type B USB cables are usually found on large peripheral devices like scanners
and printers. Mini and Micro cables are usually found on small USB devices like digital
cameras and smartphones.

Most of USB cables will connect a device to a computer that will have a USB Type A
connector on the end with another type of plug on the other. USB cables are sorted into one
of three different bandwidth groups, which include 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0. This also referred to as
the USB specification. USB 1.1 transfers data at a maximum rate of 1.5 Mbits per second,
USB 2.0 transfers data at a maximum rate of 480 Mbits per second, and USB 3.0 transfers
data at a maximum rate of 5 Gbits per second.

USB 3.0 is backwards compatible with the lower transmission rates of USB 2.0 and
USB 1.1, and USB 2.0 is backwards compatible with the lower transmission rates of USB
1.1. But the substitution can’t go the other way. USB 1.1 can’t deliver the data transfer rate
that USB 2.0 devices needed, and USB 2.0 can’t deliver the data transfer rate that USB 3.0

The type B connector is made to use mostly on USB peripheral devices. Like the A
connector, it uses the friction of the connector body to stay in place. The B socket connector

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

is upstream and is used exclusively on peripheral devices like printers and scanners. Due to
this set up, the majority of USB applications require an A to B cable. Solenoid

A solenoid is a very important coil of wire that is used in inductors, electromagnets,

antennas, valves, and many more. The application of a solenoid varies in many different
types of industries. It can be used in a simple locking device, medical clamping equipment,
an automotive gear box, and an air conditioning unit. Here are some of the most common
applications where a solenoid can be of great importance.

A solenoid is described as a coil of wire usually wrapped around a metal core. When
the solenoid receives an electric current, it creates a magnetic field that can become useful
in controlling locks, water pressure, air pressure, clamps, and the like. In industrial circles,
it is often the term used to refer to solenoid valves, which is a device designed to actuate
hydraulic or pneumatic valves.Solenoids are most commonly used as electromagnets, and
all the examples so far are that kind of solenoid. But there are some other uses. They can
be used to slow the flow of electricity in a circuit, making them an example of an inductor,
or an impedance device. Can be switched on and off, and strengthened by increasing the
current flowing through them. MQ-2 Sensor

The MQ-2 is a flammable gas and smoke sensor detects the concentrations of combustible
gas in the air and outputs its reading as an analog voltage. The sensor can measure
concentrations of flammable gas of 300 to 10,000 ppm. The MQ-2 gas sensor is sensitive to
LPG, i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, Hydrogen and smoke. They are used in gas
leakage detecting equipment in family and industry and in portable gas detector.

A gas detector is a device that detects the presence of gases in an

area, often as part of a safety system. This type of equipment is used to detect a gas

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

leak or other emissions and can interface with a control system so a process can be
automatically shut down. A gas detector can sound an alarm to operators in the area where
the leak is occurring, giving them the opportunity to leave. This type of device is important
because there are many gases that can be harmful to organic life, such as humans or
animals. Gas detectors can be used to detect combustible, flammable and toxic gases, and
oxygen depletion. This type of device is used widely in industry and can be found in
locations, such as on oil rigs, to monitor manufacture processes and emerging technologies
such as photovoltaic. They may be used in firefighting.

3.2.2 Software Design

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Figure 3.1 System Flow Chart

As shown in the figure 1.2, the system reports its status to the server if there is a fire
or none. When smoke is detected, the bell will ring and data will be sent to the server
notifying that there is a smoke. If smoke is reduced or if the smoke detector reads less than
the threshold voltage when there is smoke, the ringing of the bell will automatically stop. If
there is smoke and temperature reaches the maximum level set in the program, the
solenoid valve will be activated and there will be an alarm through ringing of bell. The
strobe light will function as how the solenoid valve and the bell will react with the
condition. All the activity of the system will be sent to the server.

3.3 Schematic Diagram

3.3.1 Fire Alarm Circuit

Figure 3.2 Single Line Diagram of Fire Alarm Circuit

Gizduino is the mind that controlled the whole circuit. The sensor DHT11 read the
temperature and detect if there is a fire. The data that the sensor read will analyze by the
microcontroller if the temperature level is higher than the set value then the gizduino will

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

triggered the bell and operate the solenoid. The process is same to the smoke sensor which
detect smoke and gases. The difference only is that when it sense smoke/gas the gizduino
will triggered only the bell.

3.3.2. Relay

Figure 3.3 Relay for triggering of Bell

R1 and R3 are connected to the pin 8 of the Arduino. The LED is the indicator if the
the bell is triggered. U1 is the optoisolator that consist of gallium arsenide infrared emitting
diodes optically coupled to a monolithic silicon detector performing the function of a Zero
Voltage Crossing bilateral triac driver. The zero crossing purpose is to maintain and
prevent the supply to back and forth through the circuit.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

3.3.4. Solenoid Driver

Figure 3.4 Solenoid Driver Circuit

Resistor 540 is connected to the pin 12 of Arduino. Pin1 of 4n35 is connected with
arduino for getting signal to pass to the other side. Whenever the anode pin get any voltages
the light source produces heat energy and pass over the same amount of voltage to the
emitter pin. For the solenoid to operate the range of voltage to send is between 0-12V and so
collector pin is connected with a power source of 12V. As the Arduino send the signal to the
base pin of TIP122 through a resistor the transistor will connect its Collector Pin and Emitter
Pin to switch
On the solenoid valve.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



4.1 Presentation of Data

Throughout the design process, two main categories of testing occurred. The first
was unit testing which happened while the fire alarm circuit, and sprinkler system circuit
are being designed separately.

Unit testing of the hardware interface primarily consisted of two circuit board
mock-ups. Documentation, schematics and electrical probing determined the correctness of
this sample board. Hardware was considered functional since successful operation and the
rotation of the motor worked properly. The testing involved the verification of the usability
and operation of both circuit interfaces, which were checked as individual projects.

Complete system testing was done with the complete integration of the project. Successful
operation of the fire alarm and sprinkler system circuit was verified.

4.1.1 Testing and effectiveness of the Device

Component Date Tested Results Comments

Dht11 January 7, 2017 Not Successfully

defective(mounted) mounted in the PCB
and working.

Fire alarm circuit January 7, 2017 Not accurate The codes of

temperature is

Fire alarm circuit January 7, 2017 Working The program of the

circuit was adjusted
and worked

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS


Smoke sensor January 12,2017 Defective The proponent

provides another

Smoke sensor January 14,2017 Not Defective Successfully

mounted and

Fire Alarm Circuit January 14,2017 Working The circuit works


Table 4.1 Testing of sensor in Fire Alarm Circuit.

Component Date Tested Results Comments

Solenoid February 11, 2017 Not defective The solenoid works


Alarm Bell February 11, 2017 Not defective The bell works

Fire alarm circuit February 24,2017 Not working The terminal of

with Bell transistor is not in
the right position.

Fire alarm circuit February 24,2017 Working The pin of transistor

with Bell is switched and it’s

Fire alarm circuit February 24,2017 Not working The wire in the
with solenoid solenoid is not
properly connected.

Fire alarm circuit February 24,2017 Working The program is

with solenoid encoded and tested.

Table 4.2. Testing of the Solenoid and Alarm Bell.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Component Date Tested Results Comments

Transformer February 17, 2017 Working 12 volts was tested

in the secondary

Diode February 17, 2017 Defective An open circuit


Diode February 17, 2017 Working It works properly.

Voltage Regulator February 17, 2017 Defective The output increase

at desired 9v voltage.

Voltage Regulator February 17, 2017 Working 9 volts were tested

in the DMM.

4.3. Testing of the automatic charger of 9v

4.2 Interpretation of Data

The testing and connections of the temperature sensor, smoke sensor, solenoid
valve and microcontroller (gizduino) were successfully run in the second try. The reason is
that there are connections that are not that properly connected into their respective output
and input pins. The program through the microcontroller (gizduino) undergoes with
several times of simulation and testing based on the proper working principle of the

For the power supply, the circuit worked properly, only one diode was tested as
defective ones. The desired output voltage was tested by the proponent in which arrives to
5.16 volts and 12.31 volts on the other one.

For the fire and smoke detection circuit, the proponent arrived with several times of
programming and troubleshooting to achieve the desired function of the project.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

Based on the testing procedures done the proponent, it showed that lots of
troubleshooting and testing must be made in order to achieve the desired output and to
make the device working and functioning properly. Through these processes, errors were
given appropriate solutions.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and recommendations based
on the results of the study and the exhibit.

5.1 Summary of Findings

The researcher performed a series of testing and experimentations to evaluate the

effectiveness and reliability of the project then gathered important data that supported this

Based on the results of the test, the project was found successful and satisfactory in
terms of preventing the fire with the help of fire alarm system and with the evaluated
summary of costs generated for the construction of the project, cost of the project, and cost
of effectiveness of the project was proven.

The results indicated that the designed prototype its task in terms of the
effectiveness and reliability.

5.2 Conclusion

The objective in making of the project Fire Alarm system has been met and came up
with the project that they were intended to construct. Upon the completion of the study,
the researcher constructs and develops a working prototype of fire alarm system of which:

1. The sensors used Gizduino for sensing the temperature and smoke in the area and
evaluate it to inform us in case of fire.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS

2. The solenoid used in this project perform effectively in terms of preventing the fire
to spread.

3. During the testing and making of the project, it shows consistency and reliability in
accomplishing the task.

5.3 Recommendations

For the development and future related studies of the project the following
recommendations are given:

1. The developer recommends to use a 12V DC alarm bell instead of AC for the back-up
power purposes or use AC inverter.
2. The developer recommends project’s design and circuitry be improved by using
higher version of the components in the circuit and enhancement of fire alarm system.
3. The developer recommend to use higher sensor like DHT22 for more accurate
reading of temperature.
4. Use data logger in case if the server is offline for continuously monitor the data.

Fire Detection and Alarm System INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS



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