Beth Poff Zoo Letter

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shy 26,2018 - Hand detvered Laure D.tackson ‘recutive Director Department of Finance and Adminstration State of Mississippi PO Box 267 Jackson, MS 39205, Dear Ms. ckson: ‘We want to fist say thank you forthe support the State of Misisipl has provided to the Jackson Zoological Society over the post several years. As you are aware, the Jackson Zoo has been fortunate to recelve Bond Proceeds, which are administered through the Depsrtment of Finance and Administration. Through these funds, we have been able to resurface walkways, buld animal exhibits, revitalize our education display hallway which gives vistors hands on interaction with animal), replace [NC units, construct train tunnel, and the fist goes on and on. Without these funds, we would not be able to continue much needed improvements 3 the Jackson Z00. You have probably seen recont news stories that chvonial the crossroads we are curently on withthe City of Jackson. Secause of recent public, a sgfcant decline In atendance, an unusually ‘any spring season, a dectin infield tips, and various other reasons, we have had to make very tough management deckions, We are barely able to make payroll, which resulted in the decision to cut our “current employees pay. We have several vendors that provide veterinaran services to our animals, food for our animals, supolies, and other necessities constantly requesting payment on oustanding bls. ‘We have exhausted all opportunities for addtional funding from our main donors. We are sling donstions from the public via anne request almost on a weekly basi. We have pursued potential loan funds but were not successful in obtaining any loans from financial lesions fre {aura D. eckson Department of Finance and Adminstration Page two of to ‘At this point we ae out of options and out of potential avenues to fund operations. Given these ‘ereumstances, we made the decision to use funds from the Sond Proceeds to help with current ‘operations, which include parol utilities, animal fod, and Insurance. all of which ae necessities for day-to-day operations ofthe Jackson Zoo, whch is refered to asthe Project inthe Memorandums of Understanding between the fckson Zoe and the State Bond Commission. We have every intention of restoring the funds once addtional funds are received, We anticipate short term funding from the City ofckion within the next month. We have also requested funding from the City of Jackson for the October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 budget year. TA request was based on funding that has been recived from the Gy of Jackson in previous yee. The ‘amount received in 2017 was $980,000. the Cty of Jacison provides funding tthe seme level, we will, have more than enough to restore the bond proceeds before the end ofthe 2018 calendar yea. ‘We understand thet the use ofthese end proceeds fr operations I notin camplance with the [Memorandums of Understanding we sgned pir to receipt of these funds. We ask fr understanding in these difcut times and an opportunity to restore the funds, We look forward to discussing thisin mare etal with Mr. MeDevit ata meeting Monday the 20°. Sincerely, Badd ff Beth Pot Executive Director ‘Te lackson Zoologia! Society CM Jeffrey raves, 200 Board President ‘Mr, Steven MeDevit Diector fond Advisor Division fre taerron IACKSON ZOOLOGICAL PARK IC. ‘V4.0 BUDGET w ACTUAL COMPARISON “nein, 2018817 Mn SEL. SE

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