30 Essential University Study Hacks (And An Accidental Survival Guide PDF

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30 essenti)l university study h)cks ()nd )n )ccident)l surviv)l guide)

Whoever s)id university is ) breeze w)s drifting on the wrong therm)ls. University is ch)llenging, reg)rdless of
your IQ level, subject m)tter or level of study. And 'doing well' )t university is )bout much more th)n just )cing
your ess)ys )nd ex)ms.
With th)t in mind, we w)nted to sh)re with you our very best h)cks to help e)se both your studies )nd your
stress levels – )nd it turns out whilst writing them, we )lso sp)wned ) kind of student surviv)l guide; ) holy gr)il
of how to n)vig)te your time spent )t university, )s it were. From keeping your girlfriend/boyfriend h)ppy )s long
)s you c)n be)r, to the benefit of ignoring your phone c)lls/texts/pings/tweets/[insert relev)nt soci)l notific)tion
here], our h)cks will not only improve your studying technique ()nd likely nudge those gr)des ) little higher too),
but they'll )lso help you get through the )c)demic-soci)l-jungle th)t is university life.
So re)d on, )dventurer, )nd good luck.
#1 Show up
Woody Allen once s)id th)t 80% of success in life is just showing up. Well, for )s much )s we might wish
someone else h)d s)id th)t, it rem)ins pretty much true. Donʼt blow off ) cl)ss bec)use you think you c)n, or )
friend s)ys you c)n. Go to cl)ss – but not just cl)ss. Clubs, )ctivities, or just gener)l environs will keep you
motiv)ted )nd connected. And when you )re in cl)ss, sit in the front – be seen, )nd be )ble to he)r. We
gu)r)ntee your instructors will )ppreci)te h)ving someone in the st)lls, )nd there )re potenti)l benefits this will
h)ve on your gr)des (more )bout this l)ter).
#2 Do not bre)k up with your girlfriend/boyfriend
The best )dvice we h)ve ever he)rd for m)king it through your studies is to not bre)k up with your girlfriend or
boyfriend ()t le)st not until ) holid)y). Of course, they might bre)k up with you, but you will just h)ve to dig in
)nd troop through. But the blowb)ck from ) bre)k up c)n be unpredict)ble: long expl)n)tory t)lks, st)lking,
v)nd)lism, etc. It c)n be ) distr)ction. It m)y sound cold-he)rted, but if you )re losing interest in your love, pl)n
) str)tegic bre)k-up.
#3 If you do not h)ve ) girlfriend/boyfriend – do not get one
Love is ) sickness, ) distr)ction, )nd if you f)ll in love your focus will suffer. And if it doesnʼt work out, well see #2.
Besides, it's ) tr)p! We )re )ll just biologic)lly wired to perpetu)te the species, )nd love is Mother N)tureʼs w)y
of conning us into pl)ying her g)me. T)ke ) cold shower )nd hit the books.
#4 Be flexible
Mike Tyson, the Americ)n boxer, once s)id ‘everyone h)s ) pl)n until they get punched in the mouthʼ. F)ct of the
m)tter is life, just )s much )s school, h)s unexpected setb)cks )nd b)d d)ys. At some point you will get ) gr)de
you donʼt like )nd your pl)ns might just go pe)r-sh)ped. Donʼt desp)ir, donʼt quit – just regroup )nd come up
with ) new study pl)n. Simples!
#5 Tr)ck your progress
We highly recommend getting ) pl)nner. Our person)l f)vourite )re those little pocket-sized types th)t give you )
bit of flexibility )nd port)bility. These )re gre)t for keeping tr)ck of wh)t you need to do, but they )re )lso )
gre)t w)y to keep tr)ck of wh)t you h)ve done. Just like working out or dieting, it helps to know wh)t you
)ctu)lly h)ve been doing. M)ybe you t)ke the ex)m )nd get sl)pped with ) low-m)rk. But why? You studied for
hours )nd d)ys! Or did it just feel th)t w)y? Tr)ck how much time you )ctu)lly spend working )nd you will know
whether you )re putting the necess)ry time in.
#6 Friends
Yes, there )re genius meg)-minds – you might even be one – but most people le)rn better in groups or with
friends. The exch)nge of inform)tion c)n help keep you )nd your group up, you c)n cover more ground, )nd fill in
g)ps where they might occur. They c)n )lso help keep you )ccount)ble. Find study groups )nd show up. If you
c)nnot find one, st)rt one.
#7 Donʼt comp)re yourself to others
You know Dw)yne ‘The Rockʼ Johnson? Big guy. Pro )thlete. Pro wrestler. Actor. Billions of doll)rs. Loved )nd
)dored by men )nd women. You might look )t him )nd think th)t guy h)s everything he could w)nt, so he must
be h)ppy. Turns out he suffers from )nxiety )nd depression. The f)ct is, you know yourself better th)n )nyone
will ever know you, or you will know )nyone. Donʼt comp)re your inside to someone elseʼs outside. A lot of people
look like they h)ve it )ll together, or )ct like they h)ve it )ll together, )nd they donʼt. Focus on you, )nd youʼll get
where you need to go f)r quicker.
#8 Find your zone
By the time you )rrive )t university, ch)nces )re you know where you work best. Everyone re)lly needs ) sp)ce,
somewhere th)t )llows them s)y to themselves, ‘this is where I workʼ. There w)s ) writer once, whose d)ughter
told ) story of how he used to w)ke up every morning, put on ) suit )nd tie )nd w)lk down into the b)sement
where he would sit )nd work )t his novels. For him his pl)ce of business w)s the b)sement. Some people, like
some of us )t Oxbridge Ess)ys HQ, work best in crowds. Others in solitude. If you're of the l)tter p)rty, we'd )lso
recommend investing in ) set of noise-c)ncelling he)dphones.
#9 Know your rhythm
When do you work best? Your entire d)y needs to be built )round this time, )nd scheduled )round it. For m)ny
people the best time to get work done is first thing e)rly in the morning. There )re fewer distr)ctions, fewer
people to eng)ge in convers)tion, fewer pl)ces open to c)ll or visit. Of course, there )re other people who work
best l)te )t )nd l)te into the night. It doesnʼt m)tter when you study, only th)t you study, )nd )t the s)me time
e)ch d)y with interruption or distr)ction, to gle)n the most productivity.
#10 Ditch soci)l medi)
Spe)king of interruptions )nd distr)ctions, ditch soci)l medi). Twitter, Sn)pch)t, Inst)gr)m, F)cebook –
wh)tever the kids )re into these d)ys – donʼt inst)ll it, use it, sign up for it, or otherwise p)rticip)te. These )re )
m)ssive ment)l )nd tempor)l suck. Logging onto F)cebook is ) trip down ) bottomless r)bbit hole. You must
gu)rd your time )nd use it well.
#11 St)y he)lthy
It is just common sense, but the he)lthier you )re, the e)sier it is going to be to m)n)ge the stress th)t comes
with study. Get some fitness in; 30-60 minutes e)ch d)y in wh)tever form feels good. E)t right, consume your
colours, drink lots of w)ter. M)ny studies h)ve shown th)t ) good nutritious diet )nd regul)r exercise improve
br)in function. It cert)inly won't hurt, )nd youʼll feel better.
#12 Explore
Did you know, )nd this is )s s)d )s it is true, th)t there )re students who never once set ) foot inside their
libr)ries? You should t)ke the time to browse )nd look )round. M)ybe pick something out th)t isnʼt re)lly in your
)re) but interests you )nyw)y. This is how new )nd cre)tive ide)s )re developed; when people find connections
)cross disciplines )nd pl)tforms. Donʼt work inside ) bubble. Get out )nd see wh)t there is to see!
#13 Fill empty time
So, there is ) professor we know. We will c)ll her S)lly. When she w)s in her mid-fifties, she fell on some ice,
disloc)ting something in her b)ck or shoulder. When she went to the hospit)l she h)d to l)y in the MRI m)chine
for hours. One of her students )sked, ‘werenʼt you bored?ʼ ‘No,ʼ she replied, ‘I just recited through Greek verb
conjug)tions in my he)dʼ. There w)s )nother professor (we will c)ll him Mike) who dedic)ted one of his books to
the w)lking tr)ils where he lives, bec)use without them the book would never h)ve been written. Wh)t does this
tell you? Most )c)demic work is br)in work, )nd your br)in goes everywhere you do. Cues )nd w)iting rooms )re
your best friends. You c)n write ) whole p)per in your he)d before you sit down to type it out. Fill empty time!
#14 Go )n)logue
And while you )re in lines )nd w)iting rooms, there is nothing quite like ) st)ck of index c)rds )nd ) binder clip to
help you )long. Fl)sh c)rds, notes, to-do lists. Ye)h, you could put it on your phone, but one wrong swipe, )nd
poof! Index c)rds )re st)ble, port)ble, dur)ble, )nd e)sy to spre)d out )nd shuffle. The st)nd)rd c)rd will hold
100 words on one side, so write out notes on 10-50 c)rds )nd you h)ve enough m)teri)l for ) st)nd)rd university
ess)y. And they )re especi)lly gre)t for building bibliogr)phies.
#15 St)nd )nd w)lk )round
Sitting, so the Internet s)ys, is the new smoking. App)rently it de)ctiv)tes )nd demobilises your body )nd in
)ddition to the obvious weight-g)in issue of m)r)thon not-moving sessions, it robs you of your youth )nd vit)lity.
You )re going to h)ve to get up )nd move )round – consider ) st)nding desk, or ) w)lking desk. Or just set )
time so th)t you )re up on your feet )nd moving )round every twenty minutes or so.
#16 Le)rn to do wh)t you don't w)nt to do
This is re)lly the trick to success: le)rning how to do wh)t you donʼt w)nt to do. This is b)sic)lly when your sm)rt
)nd r)tion)l self l)ys ) pl)n to trick your irr)tion)l )nd procr)stin)ting self. It is finding w)ys of getting p)st
resist)nce, where you donʼt w)nt to be doing your work, )nd into ) st)te of flow, where you )re so engrossed you
donʼt even know th)t you )re working )nd time just flies by.
"No m)tter how much you donʼt w)nt to do or donʼt feel like doing something, you c)n do )nything for three
There )re sever)l methods of doing this, but our person)l f)vourite is the '3 then 20-minute' method, which is
just )n )ppend)ge to the f)mous Pomodori method of productivity. It essenti)lly goes like this: no m)tter how
much you donʼt w)nt to do or donʼt feel like doing something, you c)n do )nything for three minutes. Set ) timer,
)nd usu)lly by the time the three minutes )re up you c)n push to twenty. T)ke ) bre)k, w)lk )round, then go in
for )nother twenty minutes.
#17 Don't put it off
M)ny students think th)t procr)stin)tion is only something th)t h)ppens, or doesnʼt h)ppen, when they h)ve )n
ex)m to prep)re for or ) p)per to write. But procr)stin)tion h)ppens in other w)ys too, th)t )re often worse.
Cl)sses th)t might be difficult )re sometimes put off, or sometimes even whole terms. G)p ye)rs c)n be ) kind of
procr)stin)tion, too; )nd one which le)ds to )n inevit)ble, very demor)lising experience of st)rting university (or
l)ter, employment) when everyone you know is finishing or h)s been working profession)lly for ) few ye)rs. The
h)rd truth is, you )re going to get older )nd putting off to )void cl)sses or school gener)lly is just going to spin
your tyres without getting )nywhere.
#18 Rest
Alw)ys h)ve ) d)y or p)rt of ) d)y set )side for rech)rging. You )re not ) m)chine )nd you c)nnot be ‘onʼ )ll the
time. Rest is just )s import)nt )s work. Everyone should h)ve ) block of time where they donʼt h)ve to be
working. But how you spend the time is just )s import)nt )s h)ving it. Getting together with friends )nd f)mily is
) gre)t w)y to t)ke your mind off work. Re)ding ) book unrel)ted to studies works too. We met ) gr)du)te
student once who h)d )n interesting ‘restʼ d)y. He worked every S)turd)y unlo)ding docked bo)ts. He cl)imed it
w)s ) gre)t distr)ction, kept him fit, )nd g)ve him ) bit of extr) coin.
So just to be cle)r, rest does not necess)rily me)n doing nothing, just doing something th)t restores. Hint:
consider wh)t the word recre)tion (RE-cre)tion) me)ns.
#19 "Deep Work"
C)l Newport. Now here is ) guy with some interesting ide)s on productivity. In ) time when everything is )lw)ys
'on' )nd you should be too, Newport (MIT tr)ined Professor of Computer Science who rejects soci)l medi) )s )
time w)ster )nd productivity killer) )rgues th)t the h)rdest thing to do is st)y focused )mid so much distr)ction.
The )ver)ge person, so he cl)ims, is re)lly only good for )bout 90 minutes of pe)k productivity (wh)t he c)lls
“Deep Work”) e)ch d)y. Every ping, ding )nd ring bre)ks th)t concentr)tion )nd m)kes it h)rder to )chieve flow.
Pe)ked your interest? You should check out his book.
#20 Know where to get )nswers
This is import)nt. Donʼt rely on )nyone ever for inform)tion for gr)ded )ssignments. Sure, there )re times where
you will h)ve gr)ded group/te)m )ssignments, but in those c)ses get the who-does-wh)t sorted str)ight off.
And there will be study groups, which you must p)rticip)te in )nd contribute to, but when it comes to )nything
rel)ted to the )ctu)l course there )re two pl)ces for inform)tion: the syll)bus )nd the instructor. Nothing )nd no
one else is reli)ble, so donʼt bother. If it isnʼt in the syll)bus, then )sk the professor. There )re two )ppropri)te
w)ys of )sking your professor: send )n em)il or stop in )t office hours. Donʼt c)ll their home, donʼt drop into their
F)cebook. Be profession)l )nd brief.
#21 Be prep)red!
Well begun is h)lf done, so the old s)ying goes. This is )s much ) m)tter of h)ving the big things sorted )s the
little things, )nd the ment)l )s well )s physic)l. When you sit down to work you w)nt to m)ke sure you h)ve
everything you need: writing instruments, post-its, index c)rds, notes. You w)nt to m)ke sure you underst)nd
your )ssignment. Not just think you do, but know you do. You need to know wh)t must be done so you c)n do it.
This )lso goes for org)nising your time. If there )re commitments coming up th)t will cut into your study time, you
need to be prep)red to work )round them.
#22 M)ke the professor's ex)m
It is ) cl)ssic)l epistemologic)l dilemm): how c)n we know wh)t we donʼt know? Schrodingerʼs Bl)ck C)t of
unlucky students is th)t )nything c)n be on )n ex)m until you t)ke it )nd then either you know or you donʼt know
the )nswers. The best h)ck for this problem is to m)ke your own ex)m, )nd be ruthless. When you go over the
m)teri)l look for the sne)kiest, trickiest, most wicked questions you c)n )sk )nd prep)re )nswers for them. A
brilli)nt wom)n w)s studying L)tin )t Oxford )nd when prep)ring for ex)ms she decided to focus on ) thorny
p)tch in Virgilʼs Georgics stuffed full of different n)mes for trees )nd pl)nts, just to be s)fe. Th)t turned out to be
on the ex)m.
#23 T)ke good notes
Never ever w)lk into ) cl)ssroom without p)per )nd pen/pencil. More th)n likely your instructors will either write
on ) m)rker bo)rd or use PowerPoint slides for lectures. Donʼt focus on writing everything down th)t they s)y.
But listen for tr)nsitions )nd he)dings )nd write these down. At the end of lecture there will most likely be )
summ)ry or conclusion, )nd if there isnʼt, donʼt be )fr)id to )sk: out of everything th)t we h)ve t)lked )bout
wh)t )re the most import)nt things to commit to memory th)t will help me succeed in this cl)ss? Or something
like th)t. Do not, however, )sk: wh)t do I need to know for the test? There is )lso ) growing body of evidence th)t
suggests t)king notes with pen )nd p)per is more effective th)n using ) l)ptop – )nd lighter too.
#24 T)lk to your te)chers
Te)chers )re people too, they just gener)lly h)ppen to be very interested in wh)t they t)lk )bout. Think of them
)s ) resource, like w)lking )nd t)lking books. The one qu)lity th)t the m)jority of te)chers like is genuine
intellectu)l curiosity. You will benefit from their expertise )nd they will most likely h)ppily give it if you know how
to )sk.
"The one qu)lity th)t the m)jority of te)chers like is genuine intellectu)l curiosity."
Your questions should come from ) pl)ce of re)l desire to le)rn )bout the m)teri)l. Donʼt )sk in ) schmoozy or
gr)de-grubby w)y bec)use, even though te)chers know students w)nt good m)rks, they usu)lly believe th)t if
you truly c)re )bout )nd w)nt to underst)nd the m)teri)l, the m)rks will just come. Or to put it )nother w)y, if
you don't do well in the course it's bec)use you didn't h)ve the necess)ry p)ssion )nd interest. So p)r)doxic)lly,
the best w)y to get high m)rks is not to worry )bout high m)rks, but the m)teri)l. Keep this in mind when you
w)nt to t)lk to your te)chers )bout the course. And only during office hours or )ppointment.
#25 Be noticed
This one is ) bit of ) che)t, )nd whilst we're ) little )sh)med to offer this )dvice, it c)n help )nd therefore it's
worth sh)ring. You w)nt to be noticed (in ) good w)y) by te)chers. How? First, there is wh)t we s)id )bove
)bout cre)ting di)logue with them, which will m)ke you st)nd out from students who never spe)k up. M)ke sure
you sit )t the front )nd )sk relev)nt, eng)ging questions. Secondly, of course, you'll be noticed by )lw)ys
working h)rd )nd doing )s well )s you c)n on ex)ms )nd ess)ys.
But why? Well, these things c)n gener)lly help you perform better, but the bottom line is th)t not )ll gr)des or
gr)ding processes )re bl)ck )nd white. There m)y well come ) time when your gr)de will f)ll on ) line th)t c)n
go up or down. Your te)cher is going to h)ve to h)ve to look outside gr)des in order to m)rk you, )nd will )sk
themselves if you c)me to cl)ss, contributed )nd worked h)rd, or didn't pull your weight. Or m)ybe something
comes up; ) f)mily emergency or )n illness. You )re more likely to get ) bit of sl)ck or )ssist)nce or ) 'bump up'
if you were noticed in ) positive w)y.
#26 Sleep
Studying is h)rd work )nd ment)lly dem)nding. One of the upsides to being young is th)t you get to enjoy more
energy th)n you will prob)bly h)ve l)ter in life. You likely wonʼt feel so tired th)t quickly, )nd you'll recover f)ster.
Nevertheless, sleep is not something you w)nt to skimp on. This is where )ll the work you do will be consolid)ted
)nd committed to long-term memory. There )re sever)l studies th)t )ddress the import)nce of sleep )nd the
number of hours th)t should be devoted to it. In gener)l, seven hours e)ch night of good sleep )ppe)rs to be the
ide)l, )lthough n)ps )lso )ppe)r to help with ) little rech)rge. Consistency is )lso key, so sleep )t the s)me
times in the w)y th)t works best for you.
#27 Know your te)cher(s)
In )s much )s possible, know your te)chers. Sometimes you will h)ve ) choice of te)chers for the s)me credit. If
they h)ppen to be on r)temyprofessors.com, you c)n re)d reviews there. Gossip ch)nnels, while not )s reli)ble,
c)n be helpful. And with th)t, it helps to know the source )s well. Poor students donʼt usu)lly h)ve positive things
to s)y )bout professors, so their objectivity is somewh)t question)ble. Person)lly, we think the best te)chers )re
‘tough but f)irʼ. Alw)ys go for f)ir over e)sy, )nd this is why: te)chers know they get discussed, )nd ) f)ir
te)cher will never w)nt to be c)lled unf)ir. An e)sy te)cher, however, never w)nts to be thought of )s e)sy, )nd
you m)y enrol in ) cl)ss in just the semester th)t the instructor decides to overh)ul the w)y they gr)de. Alw)ys
go for the f)ir te)cher.
#28 Re)d the syll)bus
At the st)rt of every cl)ss you will be given ) syll)bus. Some te)chers discuss them, some donʼt, but this is
b)sic)lly your contr)ct with the cl)ss. This is wh)t you )re entitled to, )nd wh)t you )re not. And wh)t you c)n
expect. A few te)chers who h)ve been so )nnoyed with students th)t do not re)d the syll)bus h)ve built in little
cl)uses like “students who re)d )nd sign this syll)bus )re exempted from one ex)m” or the like. While you might
suppose this is just school legend, we h)ve known of )t le)st one c)se where this w)s true. So re)d the syll)bus.
#29 Get help
Studying c)n be stressful )nd it is not uncommon during )dolescence )nd )dulthood for ment)l illnesses to
emerge or for coping mech)nisms to deterior)te. If you begin to feel inordin)te degrees of stress, )nxiety, or
depression in w)ys th)t no longer feel m)n)ge)ble, you need to seek service. Donʼt blow this off. Donʼt
superhero your w)y through. And donʼt think there is something wrong with getting help. Most schools offer
some kind of service to help with stress m)n)gement. If you donʼt get the help you need the first time, go b)ck or
go somewhere else. Bottom line: t)ke it seriously. You w)nt to work )t your best, )nd t)king )ction c)n h)ve )
tremendous imp)ct.
#30 Don't quit
The l)st helpful h)ck on offer is this: donʼt quit. There will be times when you donʼt w)nt to go on, where you will
feel more distr)cted th)n usu)l, or just pl)in tired. Donʼt quit. Ultim)tely, success in )nything is the h)bit of
putting the time in. So r)ther th)n b)il out, keep to your schedule, go to your cl)sses, go to your study pl)ce(s),
to your study groups )nd )t the end of the d)y, go to bed. Consistency is key. Quitting viol)tes the consistency
you need to succeed.
#31 Bonus...
There is more to studying th)n just sitting )t ) desk with ) l)ptop. Success in school is )n )ggreg)te of
influences. You w)nt to cre)te )s m)ny positives for yourself )s you c)n.

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