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Running head: GENRE ANALYSIS

Genre Analysis

Analyzing Monograph and Video Genres

Luis Rodriguez

University of Texas at El Paso

RWS 1302


July 16, 2018


Analyzing Monograph and Video Genres


Horror, comedy, and action are some of many movie genres, yet these genres not only help us

choose what movie we want to watch they give us a general understanding of what to expect

from a movie. In writing there are also genres that can be used to know the structure and what to

expect from them. The two genres we will be looking at in this paper will be a monograph and a

video. A monograph, which is a written genre that specializes on one subject. For example, the

book University Architecture by Brian Edwards (2000) is a monograph specializing on

University Architecture. A video is a genre which is auditory/visual that can range from many

things depending on the creator. In the case for Not Old School: Architecture in Support of

Learning video (2012) it is focused on how Architecture helps students learn better. This paper

will show how the different genres of monograph and video differ from each other in audience,

structure, and rhetoric and why monographs are more effective when doing research.


The audience for these two genres differ, but there is a middle section where they share

the same audience. The monograph audience is mostly scholarly which are professors,

researchers, or students that are in the architect field. This can be seen through the monograph by

the architecture lexis used. As shown in the monograph gives reasons why architecture is

important in universities and how it effects students choices in choosing a university. (pg.5) The

video is about architecture and how it can affect student learning in a positive way. The

demographic of this video can be split into three categories educators, students/parents, and

architects. Educators are looking to improve their way of teaching or improve their schools while

students/parents are looking for the most effective way of learning. Architects fall into this

audience as shown in the video at (0:32) architects create environments that help support how

children learn. Both the monograph and the video share the architect audience by providing

different types of information for each. The monograph shows the importance architecture has

for the overall university style. The video helps architects by showing how schools can utilize

new studies to progress education. While the monographs helpful for research by providing and

advancing knowledge to the audience, the video presents existing knowledge. Because the

monograph helps by helping its audience achieve and advance their knowledge it is more helpful

when doing research.


The structure of these two genres differ from each other by one being an online video

and other being a physical book. The monograph is easy to navigate because it offers a table of

contents. The monographs chapters and subchapters help the audience search for specific things

they are looking for in a quick and efficient way. The monograph also has the thesis of the book

towards the beginning helping you acknowledge what the authors point will be. The video is

structured by having the thesis shown in the first (0:30) of the video. It is also structured by

having a professional such as the super intendent of schools or an architect talk about how the

school is helping students while showing a visual representation at the same time. The video also

shows different clips of students using certain sections of the school and having them comment

on how much they like it. While the monographs have easy to find chapters and sections, the

video has timestamps and is online. Because of the chapters and sections, a monograph is more

efficient when doing research.


Rhetorical Issues

The two genres differ in ethos, pathos, logos by the monograph expressing more ethos

and the video showing more pathos. In the monograph it shows ethos by the author, publication,

scholarly source, and bibliography. The author and publication give this genre more credibility

because they are known people in the community that would want to publish something up to

their standards. The reason a monograph can have more ethos is for scholarly source which

involves two scholars reviewing a paper and all parties must accept for this to be accepted as

scholarly source. Because of their having to be all scholars accepting to it to go thru it makes any

scholarly source greater in ethos. The videos credibility however differs from the monograph by

using interviews with architects, school educators, and the superintendent of schools. Unlike the

monograph which cites information they obtained in every page the video has much less

credibility given it just has professionals talking and no creditable publisher to back their claim.

The monograph has no pathos given that since it’s a scholarly source they don’t want to attract

pathos they want to give you information that can help you and that is done mostly thru logos.

Although there are images of building but those are used to provide the author with an image to

aid with his ideas. In the video however, there is an overwhelming use of pathos that connects to

the audience’s emotions. The very first instance pathos is shown is at the very start of the video it

utilizes sound to attract the audience to a cheerful moment as they unveil the new school. The

videos use of sound is not only for happy instances they also use it to create a professional tone

when someone’s getting interviewed and a childish/happy tone when there is a kid speaking.

This use of sound helps the audience get connected with each person that appears in the video.

Another way the video uses pathos is by the children and professionals they use. The

professional people bring a sense of truth behind the words they are saying to the audience and

the children appeal towards other students and parents by stating that the school really has helped

them improve in their education. The monographs use logos to compensate for the lack of

pathos. Because it is a scholarly source it is used mainly to attain information and learn therefore

they must use logos to enhance their ideas. The way the monograph uses logos is they use

imagery to enhance the point the author is making about campus routes. (pg.42) By using

statistical data along with schematics, they help their audience with not only understanding

university architecture but show the effects it has on school’s decisions and education. The

monograph provides more credibility towards research because of the ethos it provides it also

doesn’t have pathos to manipulate the audience, but it has logos that helps with research by

providing a clinical presentation of data.


In conclusion both the monograph and the video genres differ in many ways. From the

monograph being structured thru chapters and sections to the video having an architect or

educator talk then showing clips to back up their claims. They also differ in the type of audience

which they have from the monograph having a more scholarly and architecture focused audience.

To the video having an educational, student/parent, and architecture audience. The similarity

between both being architecture audience by the monograph having a way for architects to learn

about university architecture to the video having architects see the effects their schematics and

designs on a school have on students. The most noticeable difference is in their rhetoric with the

monograph focusing mostly on logos about architecture and having no pathos, and the video

providing less ethos but utilizing pathos to connect with their audience and get their idea across.

Overall the monograph is a better genre for research because provides chapters which make it

easier to find information, contains more credibility with its ethos, and provides and advances

knowledge. While the video isn't the best for research it provides existing knowledge that can aid

in research, has timestamps for quick access, and is more accessible.



Edwards, B. (2000). University architecture. London: New York : Spon Press, 2000.

Retrieved from


Not old school: Architecture in support of learning. Seven Generation Video (Director).

(2012).[Video/DVD] YouTube: Retrieved from

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