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Sheet 1

Basic Statistics from Raw Data Sales Data

Measures of Central tendency 1 52.3
2 50
Mean 65.854167 Median 67 Mode 69 3 67
4 62
Measures of Dispersion 5 55
If the data is of a 6 61
Sample Population 7 69
Variance 89.3530254 85.6299826 Range 37.3 8 69
St. Dev. 9.45267292 9.25364699 IQR 12.125 9 62
10 63
Skewness and Kurtosis 11 56
If the data is of a 12 49.7
Sample Population 13 69
Skewness 0.11813636 0.11062078 14 81
(Relative) Kurtosis -0.14121836 -0.35346588 15 73
16 72.5
Percentile and Percentile Rank Calculations 17 87
x-th Percentile 18 75
x Percentile y rank of y 19 64
50 67 67.0 48 20 69
80 73 73 78 21 67
90 75 75 87 22 75
23 59
Quartiles 24 73
1st Quartile 60.5
Median 67 IQR 12.125
3rd Quartile 72.625

Other Statistics
Sum 1580.5
Size 24
Maximum 87
Minimum 49.7

Chebyshev's Theorem observation

Data points within 1.5 Std. Devns from mean 20
out of 24
which is 83.33%
Minimum predicted by Chebyshev's Theorem 55.56%
Minimum predicted by Empirical Rule 86.64%

Page 1

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