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Middle Ear Functions

• Impedance Matching -- amplification of

sounds to overcome difference in
impedance between the air of EAC and the
fluid of the inner ear.
• Filtering -- resonant frequency is
approximately 1000 Hz, functions as
bandpass filter.
• Acoustic Reflex -- Contraction of Stapedius
muscle in response to loud sounds

Two Halves:
• Vestibular--transduces motion and pull of gravity
• Cochlear--transduces sound energy

(Both use Hair Cells)

Subdivision into spaces containing endolymph
(blue), and spaces containing perilymph (red)
Cochlea is Divided into 3 “Scala”
• Scala Vestibuli
– Reissner’s Membrane
• Scala Media
– Basilar Membrane
• Scala Tympani

• Helicotrema - the
opening between 2
outer Scala
Fluids filling the Inner Ear
• Perilymph- in S. Vestibuli and S. Tympani
– High Sodium / Low Potassium concentrations
– Low Voltage (0 to +5 mV)
• Endolymph- in S. Media
– High Potassium / Low Sodium concentrations
– High Positive Voltage (85 mV)
Cross-Section of the Cochlea

Third Turn

Second Turn

First Turn
A Cross Section Shows the 3 Scala
Within S. Media is the Organ of Corti
I = Inner Hair Cells P = Pillar Cells
O = Outer Hair Cells D = Deiter’s Cells
The Stereocilia on IHCs and OHCs

• OHCs (at top)

• V or W shaped ranks

• IHC (at bottom)

• straight line ranks
Cochlear Functions
• Transduction- Converting acoustical-
mechanical energy into electro-chemical

• Frequency Analysis-Breaking sound up into

its component frequencies
• Inner Hair Cells are the true sensory
transducers, converting motion of stereocilia
into neurotransmitter release.
Mechanical Electro-chemical
• Outer Hair Cells have both forward and
reverse transduction--
Mechanical  Electro-chemical
Mechanical Electro-chemical
Frequency Analysis - the Traveling
Bekesy studied cochleae from cadavers,
developed the Traveling Wave theory
1. Response always begins at the base
2. Amplitude grows as it travels apically
3. Reaches a peak at a point determined by
frequency of the sound
4. Vibration then dies out rapidly

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