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Molloy College

Division of Education

Lesson Plan Template

*All written plans will be evaluated for English language conventions and tools in writing

*All Lesson Plans MUST be written using appropriate edTPA Academic Language.

Heading for Coursework

Student Sydney Schandel. Professor Rickey Moroney

Course EDU 527. Date 7/23/18
Grade 9. Topic Algebra. Content Area: Polynomials and Rational Expressions

INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES (s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

Students will be able to solve rational expressions by applying the new FOIL method and
multiplying polynomials and binomials, and achieving 4 out of 5 right on a teacher created


Standard and/or Key Idea and/or Key Concept (refer to lesson plan instructions for details)
New York State A-ARP: Arithmetic with Polynomials & Rational Expressions
Indicator: This will be evident when students use the FOIL method to multiply the
polynomials and rational expressions.

New York State AI-A.SSE: 1. Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its
context. a. Write the standard form of a given polynomial and identify the terms, coefficients,
degree, leading coefficient, and constant term.
Indicator: This will be evident when students identify the polynomials, and can use the
FOIL method to calculate the expression.
© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571
Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

1. Empowered Learner
2. Knowledge Construction
3. Innovative Designer
4. Computational Thinker
5. Creative Communicator


 Smart Board
 Plickers
 Guided Worksheet
 Thinglink

MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)

Students will be tasked with a Do Now to solve the equations that are on the board, and after 5
minutes, we will have a few students come up to the Smart Board and solve them

(including Key Questions)
1. Students will complete the Do-Now and when completed, selected students will come to
the board and show work. How do we multiply binomials? DO we remember how to add
and subtract binomials? How do I show all work?

2. Students will follow along the lesson to learn and practice the FOIL method. After
learning the procedure and steps, students will practice with Plickers. What does FOIL
stand for? Which step do we complete first? What do you do about the subtraction signs?

3. Students will then learn another method to multiply binomials, the four square method.
How do I set up the 4-square method? Is the 4-sqare method easier or harder?

4. Students will then receive a worksheet on either FOIL of 4-square method based on their
strength, and work together with a partner. Which method is easier? How can I advance
to the FOIL method? How many did the students get right/wrong?


© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Strategy: Cooperative Learning
Indicator: This will be evident when students work together as partners to complete the
worksheets at the end of class.

Strategy: Direct Instruction

Indicator: This will be evident when the teachers is teaching students about the FOIL and
the 4-square method.

Strategy: Demonstration
Indicator: This will be evident when the teacher shows and explains to the students how
to properly use the FOIL or 4-square method.

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)
● The student who struggles with mental math will be able to use academic and learning

aids such as calculators or other computer-based software solutions.

● The student who struggles to focus and attend will be re-focused and re-directed through

the use of specific non-verbal cues.

● The student who is an English learner will be provided with content specific vocabulary

words prior to the lesson (this is only applicable when there are one or two EL students in

a particular class).

● The student who struggles to hear will have written notes on the classroom discussions

and teacher will use visual cues to inform the students.

● The student who difficulty writing legible notes will receive a copy of student/teacher

notes or will be able to type notes on the computer.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
● The student who has a difficult time staying focused will sit closest to the teacher’s desk

so the teacher can keep an eye on that student

● The student who struggles with self-esteem will be called on when the teacher is aware

that he or she knows the answer


Sample way to differentiate

Struggling Students
These students will be encouraged to use the 4-square method, and the squares will be pre-
labeled at first to guide the students on how to properly complete the problem

Average Students
These students will be encouraged to start with the 4-square method, and advance to the FOIL
method once comfortable. The FOIL method will be completed for their comparison on the 4-
square method, so the student can compare the two methods.

Advanced Students

These students will be encouraged to use the FOIL method, with no steps to guide them, but they
will be encouraged to solve the problem on their own and show all work.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language
Informal: Students will use Plickers after learning the FOIL and 4-square method to solve
problems, and the teacher will be able to gauge how the students are understanding the methods
taught in class.

Formal: Students will be quizzed at the end of the week on all of the methods learned, adding,
subtracting, and multiplying polynomials.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

Students will have a homework on Quizzizz to practice the methods learned in class. The
homework will be checked and graded for completion.



Direct Teacher Intervention

The student will work directly with the teacher on any confusion the student has regarding the

PowerPoint. The student will be encouraged the make sure he or she understands before

attempting the homework.

Academic Enrichment
The teacher will encourage the students to check their answers, and to re-factor their polynomial

back out to ensure that the problem was factored correctly.

© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

Next Generation Mathematics Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved from


RubiStar Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Schultznazareth, L. (2017). FOIL. Retrieved from


Square Root Lessons. (n.d.). Multiplying Binomials Using the FOIL Method. Retrieved from


© Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571

Revised 10/25/16
*edTPA academic language

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