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Question 2

You are working as a supervisor and you have 10 people working under you. The
rate per hour in a day for a period of 8 hours is K10.00. The rate per hour for any extra
hour beyond 8 hours is 75% of the normal rate. The following table shows the number
of hours each employee you are supervising worked in a week.


1. Open up Excel and create a worksheet in your workbook and name it Work-
Hours. (Note: Worksheets are found within a workbook and there are 3 worksheets
by default in Excel)

2. Using the Insert Tab, create with table headers, the exact table as shown above in
your renamed worksheet.

3. Include appropriate columns and compute in them funds which will show the
weekly income for each individual. Also include the total amount spent on all the
employees in one week.

4. Find the average expenditures per day and label them accordingly. Indicate
which day claimed the highest expenditure.

5. Highlight which employee had the largest income by the end of the week.

6. Create a chart which will best display the information in question 2 and put it on
the 2nd worksheet named Initial Chart.

7. Find the total amount spent on paying off extra hours for the whole week.

8. Compile a line graph (on the third worksheet) of the daily expenditures against
names of employees and use a linear trend-line to assess whether there was an
increase or decrease in the total hours worked from the day to the last day. Put this
graph on the third worksheet named Trendline.


NOTE: Use all the techniques learned in this course to achieve the best results, the
most optimal way for optimal results.

INSTRUCTIONS: Save each assignment in the format “FORENAME-SURNAME-PROG-

STUDNETNUMBER”. Submit a softcopy.

NOTE: Plagiarism will attract a Zero mark.

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