Medication, Toxic, and Vitamin-Related Neuropathies

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Review Article

Medication, Toxic, and

Address correspondence to
Dr Vinay Chaudhry, Johns
Hopkins University School of
Medicine, 601 N. Caroline St,

Vitamin-Related 5072A, Baltimore, MD 21287,
Relationship Disclosure:

Neuropathies Dr Morrison receives research

support from Biogen-Idec for
the study of novel compound
in ALS. Dr Chaudhry serves as
Brett Morrison, MD, PhD; Vinay Chaudhry, MD, MBA, FRCP, FAAN a consultant for Novartis
Pharmaceuticals Corporation
and is a member of The
Neurologist Editorial Board.
ABSTRACT Dr Chaudhry receives license
Purpose of Review: Although medication, toxic, and vitamin-related neuropathies fee payments or royalty
are rare causes of neuropathy, they are important to recognize because they are payments from Abbott
Laboratories and Johnson &
treatable and preventable. It is often difficult to conclusively demonstrate that a Johnson Services, Inc., and
particular agent is the cause of neuropathy, but understanding the specific electro- license fee payments through
diagnostic and clinical patterns produced by these agents is critical for making these Johns Hopkins University for
the Total Neuropathy Score.
assessments. Dr Chaudhry receives
Recent Findings: The clinical and electrodiagnostic features for many of these research support from Nutricia
neuropathies have been well established. The exact mechanism by which some of for a study of ketogenic diet
in ALS. Dr Chaudhry has
these agents produce neuropathy is only now beginning to be revealed. These served as a medical record
mechanisms are critical for both understanding the normal function of nerves as reviewer and provided expert
well as eventually devising specific treatments. witness testimony for the
Department of Justice Injury
Summary: A large number of medications and toxins can produce neuropathy. This Compensation Program, and
article reviews the clinical characteristics, electrodiagnostic features, and mechanism has also given a deposition in
of action (when known) of those agents that produce the most severe, or perhaps a legal case.
Unlabeled Use of
the most unique features of, neuropathy. Products/Investigational
Use Disclosure:
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160. Drs Morrison and Chaudhry
report no disclosure.
Copyright * 2012,
American Academy
of Neurology. All rights
INTRODUCTION ing for neuropathy, constant evaluation reserved.
In the differential diagnosis of peripheral of risks and benefits, and alternative op-
neuropathy, toxic neuropathies caused tions are critical strategies. Often two
by medications, food contaminants, en- toxic chemotherapeutic agents are used
vironmental exposure, or vitamin over- in combination, producing synergistic
dose or deficiencies are infrequently toxicity. A preexisting neuropathy from
the underlying cause. However, they diabetes, alcohol abuse, paraneoplastic
are, to varying degrees, treatable, and process, or inherited neuropathy may
this makes them important to recog- also contribute to worsening the sever-
nize. The possible toxin is often a ity of a toxic neuropathy. A set of criteria
medication that the patient has been for establishing causality should be ap-
prescribed to treat another condition. plied to each potential peripheral nerve
The decision to take a patient off a toxic drug. To determine causality for
medicine for ‘‘possible’’ toxic neurop- a potential toxin, a list of principles,
athy should not be made lightly, be- termed the ‘‘Bradford Hill Criteria,’’
cause the medication may be the best, have been outlined (Table 7-1).1 Apply-
first-line, or only treatment for the medi- ing these principles to neuropathies
cal condition. This is best exemplified is challenging, however, because defin-
by chemotherapy-induced neuropathy, ing the onset of neuropathy is often
in which dose reduction, close monitor- imprecise, making direct correlation of
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 139

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Toxic Neuropathies

h Toxic neuropathies are TABLE 7-1 Modified Bradford Hill Criteria to Establish Causation in
defined by their clinical the Case of Peripheral Nerve Toxins
and electrodiagnostic
characteristics, including b Dose-response relationship
the specific fiber types
b Consistent manifestations related to biological activity of toxin if known
affected, the pattern of
the neuropathy, the b Proximity of symptoms to exposure
dosing information, and
b Stabilization or improvement following drug cessation
the electrodiagnostic
features. b Reproduction of pathology in animal models
b Epidemiologic studies or case reports
b Exclusion of other causes
Data from Hill AB. The environment and disease: association or causation? Proc R Soc Med 1965;58(5):295Y300.

the neuropathy to a toxic exposure as distal weakness, loss of sensation,

difficult. In addition, many toxic neu- and loss of ankle jerks; length-
ropathies have apparent ‘‘coasting pe- independent neuropathy is sugges-
riods,’’ where the symptoms appear to tive of neuronopathy.
continue to worsen weeks to months & Dosing information. The relationship
after discontinuation of the offending of acute dose, dose duration, and cu-
agent. Finally, the exact mechanism of mulative dose to the incidence and
neurotoxicity is often unknown and severity of neuropathy.
therefore difficult to establish conclu- & Electrodiagnostic features. Whether
sively. For all these reasons, the deci- the neuropathy is axonal, demy-
sion to remove a potential peripheral elinating, or neuronal.
nerve toxin, particularly when it is a A summary of electrodiagnostic fea-
medication, is not easy and requires a tures of toxic neuropathies is provided
careful weighing of the potential bene- in Table 7-2. Most toxic neuropathies
fits of the medication versus the evi- are reversible (except for those that
dence of a toxic property. cause sensory neuronopathy [dorsal
Toxic neuropathies are identified not root ganglia injury]), provided they are
only by their temporal relationships but recognized early and the offending
also by clinical and electrodiagnostic agent can be removed. The informa-
characteristics, including the following: tion in this article will assist clinicians
& The specific fiber type affected. Small in assessing the potential of a specific
fibers present as burning dysesthesia agent to produce a toxic neuropathy.
and show loss of pinprick and tem-
perature sensibility; large sensory fi- TOXIC NEUROPATHY
bers present as sensory ataxia and Pharmaceuticals
show loss of vibration and proprio- Antimicrobials. Although critical for
ception; motor fibers present as weak- combating viruses, bacteria, protozoa,
ness; and autonomic fibers present as and other infectious agents, several an-
gastroparesis, syncope, sweating, and timicrobials have clear toxic properties
bladder or erectile dysfunction. to peripheral nerves (Table 7-3). For-
& The pattern of neuropathy. Length- tunately, most antimicrobials are used
dependent stocking-glove neurop- only for short periods of time, so
athy (distal axonopathy) presents the neuropathies are often mild and

140 February 2012

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TABLE 7-2 Toxic Neuropathies by EMG Characteristics

b Conduction Slowing—Motor Leflunomide

and/or Sensory
Amiodarone Nitrous oxide
Arsenic Nucleoside analogs (zalcitabine,
Buckhorn didanosine, stavudine, fialuridine,
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
Ciguatera toxin
Diphtheria toxin
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) toxicity
Vitamin B6 deficiency
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency
b No Conduction Slowing—Mixed
Saxitoxin and brevetoxin B (red tide) Sensorimotor
Suramin Arsenic
Tacrolimus (FK506) Ethanol
Tetrodotoxin (puffer fish) Ethylene glycol
b No Conduction Slowing— Fluoroquinolones
Predominantly Motor
Lead (high exposure)
Tick paralysis
Mitotic spindle inhibitors (ie,
b No Conduction Slowing— vinblastine, vincristine, paclitaxel)
Predominantly Sensory
Copper deficiency
DNA-binding chemotherapies
(ie, cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin) Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency

Ethambutol b Mononeuropathy Multiplex

Isoniazid Dapsone

Lead (low exposure) Lead

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 141

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Toxic Neuropathies

TABLE 7-3 Toxic Neuropathies Summary: Pharmaceuticals

Nerve Fiber Type

Medication or Affected Nerves Site of Injury Course
Nucleoside analogs Small fiber sensory Axonal Subacute,
(zalcitabine, didanosine, 9 large fiber chronic
stavudine, fialuridine, sensory 9 motor
Isoniazid Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Ethambutol Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Dapsone Motor 9 pansensory, Axonal Subacute,
autonomic chronic
Chloramphenicol Pansensory Axonal Subacute
Nitrofurantoin Pansensory, motor Axonal Subacute
Fluoroquinolones Pansensory, motor Axonal Chronic
Metronidazole Pansensory, motor Axonal Subacute
Cardiovascular drugs
Amiodarone Pansensory, motor Demyelinating Chronic
Hydralazine Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Procainamide Pansensory, motor Demyelinating Chronic
Perhexiline Pansensory, motor, Demyelinating Chronic
Statins Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Mitotic spindle drugs
Vinca alkaloids Pansensory, motor, Axonal Chronic
Taxanes Pansensory 9 motor Axonal (neuronal) Chronic
DNA-binding drugs
Cisplatin/Carboplatin Large fiber 9 small Neuronal Chronic
fiber sensory
Oxaliplatin Large fiber 9 small Neuronal Chronic,
fiber sensory acute
Proteasome inhibitors Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
(bortezomib) (demyelinating)
Thalidomide Pansensory 9 motor Axonal (neuronal) Chronic
Suramin Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Misoindazole Pansensory Axonal Chronic
Continued on next page

142 February 2012

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Continued h Most antibiotics given
for a short period of
Nerve Fiber Type time (ie, 3 to 14 days)
Medication or Affected Nerves Site of Injury Course will not produce
neuropathy. Only
antibiotics given for
Gold Pansensory 9 motor Demyelinating Acute or infections that require
(axonal) subacute lengthy treatment
Colchicine Pansensory 9 motor Axonal Chronic durations, such as
tuberculosis and HIV,
Chloroquine Pansensory 9 motor Demyelinating Chronic
or those given
prophylactically to
Tacrolimus Pansensory, motor Demyelinating Acute prevent infections will
Leflunomide Small fiber 9 large Axonal Chronic cause neuropathy.
fiber 9 motor
Almitrine Small fiber 9 large Axonal Chronic
fiber 9 motor
Phenytoin Pansensory, motor Axonal Chronic
Pyridoxine Small fiber sensory, Neuronal Chronic
(vitamin B6) large fiber sensory,

self-limiting. Antimicrobials that are usu- luridine, and lamivudine, can produce
ally given for long periods of time a moderate to severe, primarily sen-
(and thus have the potential to produce sory axonal neuropathy.2 Both large
more significant neuropathy) include and small caliber sensory nerve fi-
nucleoside analogs, used to treat HIV; bers are involved, and pain is the pri-
isoniazid and ethambutol, used to treat mary symptom reported. In addition,
tuberculosis; dapsone, used to treat lep- lamivudine has been associated with
rosy and prophylactically to prevent weakness from involvement of motor
opportunistic infections in immunosup- nerves. Symptoms begin 6 to 8 weeks
pressed individuals; chloramphenicol, after medication initiation and begin
used to prevent respiratory infections in to recede approximately 1 month af-
children with cystic fibrosis; nitrofuran- ter discontinuing the medication. The
toin, used to prevent recurrent urinary mechanism of toxicity is the same
tract infections; fluoroquinolones, used as the mechanism of action. These
to treat many bacterial infections; and compounds inhibit DNA polymerase
metronidazole, used to treat protozoan gamma, which is important for both
and anaerobic bacteria. HIV replication and mitochondrial
Nucleoside analogs and other treat- DNA replication in neurons. Thus, the
ments for HIV have dramatically ex- presumed mechanism of degeneration
tended the survival of patients with HIV. is energy failure to the axon. It is of-
These medicines must be taken for de- ten difficult to separate the neuropathy
cades, so symptoms of peripheral nerve produced by these agents from neu-
toxicities are important to recognize ropathy caused by HIV itself. Serum
early. Nucleoside analogs, which include lactate may help distinguish between
zalcitabine, didanosine, stavudine, fia- these possibilities.3 Because nucleoside

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 143

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Toxic Neuropathies

h Neuropathy caused by analogs reduce the number of mito- butol is mild, retrobulbar optic neurop-
nucleoside analogs chondria, there is reduced conversion athy is a more concerning toxicity.
often produces of pyruvate to acetyl coenzyme A and Dapsone is used to treat leprosy, an
elevation of serum increased production of lactate. We infection caused by Mycobacterium lep-
lactate due to therefore suggest that elevated serum rae, and also as a prophylactic agent to
mitochondrial deficiency, lactate (greater than 2.2 mmol/L) in the prevent opportunistic infections in immu-
whereas neuropathy appropriate clinical context may distin- nosuppressed individuals. With respect
produced by HIV itself guish nucleoside analog toxicity from to leprosy treatment, dapsone is often
does not. This can be HIV neuropathy. In fact, this single cri- used along with rifampicin and clofa-
used to distinguish terion was 90% sensitive and 90% spe- zimine. It is also a second-line treatment
between these clinically
cific in discriminating stavudine toxic to prevent immunosuppressed patients
similar neuropathies
neuropathy from HIV distal sensory who cannot tolerate cotrimoxazole from
in patients with HIV.
neuropathy. Thus far no treatments developing toxoplasmosis and pneu-
h Dapsone can produce a have been proven to reduce the toxic- mocystis pneumonia. Dapsone pro-
motor-predominant or
ity to nerves, and this side effect is often duces a nonYlength-dependent motor-
dose-limiting. Fortunately, the use of predominant neuropathy or even a
multiplex pattern of
neuropathy, which is
neurotoxic antiretrovirals has markedly mononeuropathy multiplex neuropa-
unusual for decreased in the developed world, thy that causes weakness in upper
medication-induced although they are still commonly used more than lower extremities, which is
neuropathy. in the developing world because of their unusual for a toxic neuropathy.5 The
low cost. toxic neuropathy primarily occurs with
Two agents used to treat tuberculo- daily doses equal to or greater than
sis, isoniazid and ethambutol, can also 300 mg per day, and often takes weeks
cause peripheral neuropathy.4 These to years to develop. The mechanism of
treatments are often given for many toxicity is unknown, and there are no
months, so it is critical to evaluate pa- known preventive treatments.
tients for this potential toxicity. Both Chloramphenicol, an antibiotic that
isoniazid and ethambutol produce a was previously used to treat frequent
sensory-predominant axonal polyneur- pseudomonal infections in children
opathy, although their mechanisms of with cystic fibrosis, is now used less fre-
toxicity are quite different. Isoniazid, quently because of toxicities. The pri-
which often produces neuropathy af- mary concern for toxicity with this
ter 4 to 6 months of use, depletes the medication is not actually peripheral
body of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) by in- neuropathy but rather bone marrow sup-
creasing its excretion in the urine, thus pression. Thus, other antibiotics are
inhibiting vitamin B6Ydependent en- often first-line choices. Chloramphenicol
zymes. In contrast, ethambutol appears can produce a mild distal painful periph-
to inhibit mitochondrial protein syn- eral neuropathy.6 It has also been as-
thesis, which leads to energy failure sociated with an optic neuropathy.
and nerve degeneration. Because of its Nitrofurantoin, an antibiotic used
mechanism of action, nerve toxicity for urinary tract infections, may cause
from isoniazid can often be ameliorated length-dependent paresthesia and
or avoided completely by cotreating pa- weakness affecting the feet and
tients with vitamin B6 supplements (rec- hands.7 The neuropathy is more likely
ommended dose of 10 mg/d for every to occur with prolonged use of the
100 mg/d of isoniazid treatment). As for drug, in the elderly, and in those with
ethambutol, no treatments are available renal dysfunction. Nerve conduction
to reduce its toxicity. Although the pe- studies show an axonal neuropathy
ripheral neuropathy caused by etham- with decreased amplitudes in sensory
144 February 2012

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

and motor fibers. Some patients have an them cause significant peripheral neu-
abrupt onset of symptoms following brief ropathy. Four medications that have
exposure to nitrofurantoin, suggesting been linked to neuropathy are amio-
an allergic reaction rather than the dose- darone, procainamide, hydralazine,
dependent phenomenon noted with and perhexiline. The statin class of
most toxic neuropathies, although the medications, which have clearly been
precise mechanism of action is poorly shown to cause myopathy, have also
understood. been shown by some investigators to
Fluoroquinolones are a commonly cause a neuropathy, although this re-
used class of antibiotics used to treat mains quite controversial.
bacterial infections ranging from urinary Two anti-arrhythmics, amiodarone
tract infections to pneumonia. In one and procainamide, have been shown
study of self-reported adverse events, to produce peripheral neuropathy.
many patients taking these medications Amiodarone is a commonly used anti-
reported neuropathic symptoms, par- arrhythmic drug that is used both
ticularly sensory symptoms.8 However, acutely as part of advanced cardiopul-
this study was completely based on self- monary life support as well as chronically
reported symptoms, and there was no to rate stabilize patients with atrial fibril-
physical examination, electrodiagnostic lation and other arrhythmias. The medi-
study, or pathology to support a diag- cation has been associated with a sen-
nosis of neuropathy. A single case of a sorimotor neuropathy, often with severe
reversible sensorimotor axonal polyneu- motor symptoms, in approximately 6%
ropathy has been reported in a patient of patients.11 Electrophysiologically, the
taking pefloxacin for several months to neuropathy is characterized by demye-
treat osteomyelitis.9 For now, it is most inating features with prolonged distal la-
accurate to say that the fluoroquinolones tencies, prolonged F waves, and reduced
may cause neuropathy but that more conduction velocities. Symptoms often
definitive studies need to be completed. improve with discontinuation or reduc-
The final antimicrobial associated tion of dose. The mechanism of action
with significant peripheral neuropathy is not known, but cytoplasmic intralyso-
is metronidazole. Metronidazole is a somal inclusions are observed within
commonly used medication for treat- endothelial cells and nonmyelinating
ing protozoan and anaerobic bacteria Schwann cells. In contrast to amiodar-
infections. It is also used as an anti- one, which can cause mixed features of
inflammatory medication for the treat- demyelination and axonal degenera-
ment of Crohn disease. It produces a tion, procainamide selectively produ-
sensory-greater-than-motor axonal neu- ces demyelination.12 This is unusual
ropathy that involves both small and for a toxic neuropathy and distin-
large caliber nerve fibers.10 It appears guishes procainamide from most other
to be dependent on cumulative doses, agents. Nerve conduction studies clas-
as those receiving greater than 30 g sically show prolonged distal latencies
total are at highest risk. Interestingly, and prolonged conduction velocities
this toxic neuropathy has been associ- without reduced amplitudes. Nerve bi-
ated with elevated CSF protein. Recov- opsies of patients with procainamide
ery after discontinuing the medication toxicity show perivascular inflammation,
is often delayed for 6 to 12 months. demyelination, and ‘‘onion bulbs.’’ In
Cardiovascular drugs. Given the addition, CSF analysis reveals elevated
vast array of medications used to treat CSF protein. Chronic procainamide
cardiovascular diseases, very few of toxicity is in the differential diagnosis
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 145

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Toxic Neuropathies

h Vitamin B6Yresponsive for chronic inflammatory demyelinat- scribed in patients taking the medication
neuropathies include ing polyneuropathy (CIDP). from 1 to 7 years. Further clarification
isoniazid, hydralazine, Hydralazine is an older antihyper- of this issue is likely necessary. See the
and, of course, vitamin tensive that is still used because of its review by Umapathi and Chaudhry for
B6 deficiency. potency and rapid onset of action. In a more detailed discussion.17
h Mitotic spindle inhibitors standard doses, it rarely produces a Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.
all produce an axonal sensory-predominant axonal neuropa- For many types of cancers, advances
dying-back neuropathy thy. This drug toxicity is important to in cell and molecular biology have led
by disrupting recognize, however, because the neuro- to the development of newer, less-
microtubule-dependent pathy is improved by treatment with toxic pharmacologic treatments. De-
axonal transport. vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).13 Similar to iso- spite these advances, many of the older
niazid, hydralazine appears to increase chemotherapies, designed to disrupt
vitamin B6 excretion in the urine, thus major intracellular processes, continue
causing vitamin B6 deficiency. to be used. These chemotherapies pro-
Perhexiline is used for treatment of duce widespread toxicity, although the
angina pectoris in Europe and other toxicity to peripheral nerves is often
countries, but it is not approved by dose-limiting. For the purpose of this
the US Food and Drug Administration. article, cancer therapeutics will be
Sensory, motor, and autonomic nerve grouped by their mechanism of ac-
fibers can be variably affected depend- tion into mitotic spindle inhibitors,
ing on the duration of treatment. Nerve DNA-binding compounds, proteasome
conduction studies show a predomi- inhibitors, and others or unknown.
nantly demyelinating physiology. The Mitotic spindle inhibitors. This class
neuropathy is reversible, and symptoms of cancer therapeutics reduces the
usually improve within a few weeks of capacity of tumor cells to replicate by
cessation of the drug.14 preventing mitosis. Unfortunately, all
The final group of cardiovascular of these compounds produce a dying-
medications that may produce periph- back neuropathy by interfering with
eral neuropathy is statins. Statins, which the microtubule system, which is
include simvastatin, atorvastatin, fluvas- critical for axonal transport. Specific
tatin, lovastatin, pitavastatin, pravastatin, compounds in this class include vin-
and rosuvastatin, are inhibitors of the en- blastine, vincristine, paclitaxel, and
zyme $-hydroxy-$-methylglutaryl-CoA docetaxel. Vinblastine and vincristine
reductase, which is critical in the forma- are used primarily for hematologic
tion of cholesterol. They are among the and lymphatic cancers. They bind
most frequently prescribed medications directly to tubulin, disrupting micro-
in the United States, and their associa- tubule formation. The axonal neuro-
tion with myalgias and myopathy is well pathy produced by vinblastine and
known. More controversial, however, is vincristine can involve sensory, motor,
their potential nerve toxicity. Some co- autonomic, or cranial nerves, and is
hort studies show an effect15 whereas often dose-limiting.18 The differential
others do not.16 Part of the controversy diagnosis of neuropathy produced by
may stem from the fact that triglycerides, these compounds includes Guillain-
which themselves have been linked to Barré syndrome (GBS) and malignant
the development of neuropathy, are infiltration of the nerve (Case 7-1).
elevated in virtually all patients taking Paclitaxel and docetaxel are taxoids and
statins. If present, statins may cause an are commonly called taxanes. They are
axonal sensorimotor neuropathy, and used to treat a number of different
the onset of neuropathy has been de- types of cancers. They function to
146 February 2012

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Case 7-1 h DNA-binding

compounds, such as
A 29-year-old woman with a diagnosis of ataxia telangiectasia since the age
cisplatin, carboplatin,
of 6 was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma for which she received
and oxaliplatin, produce
vincristine 1.5 mg/m2 (total of 2 mg), doxorubicin 30 mg/m2, and
a neuronopathy by
cyclophosphamide 750 mg/m2. Within a week of receiving one dose of
binding to and
vincristine, she developed severe weakness and required hospitalization
damaging DNA. Dorsal
because she was unable to take care of herself. Examination showed severe
root ganglia, and thus
distal sensory loss (to pin, vibration, and proprioception), severe distal
sensory neurons, are
weakness, and absent reflexes. Nerve conduction studies revealed absent
particularly vulnerable
sural, median, ulnar, and radial sensory nerve action potentials, absent
because of the relative
motor responses (compound muscle action potentials [CMAPs]) in the legs,
leakiness of the
and reduced CMAP amplitudes in the upper limbs. CSF analysis was normal.
blood-brain barrier
The patient continued to worsen for several weeks prior to stabilization. Her
around ganglia as
neuropathy gradually improved over the subsequent 2 years, although she
compared to the
continued to have numbness and weakness distally in her lower extremities.
spinal cord.
Comment. This case illustrates an example of an acute sensory and motor
toxic neuropathy secondary to vincristine treatment. As demonstrated in
this case, the presentation is often very similar to Guillain-Barré syndrome,
so a careful medication history is required for all patients presenting with
acute neuropathy. This case also exemplifies the slow, but significant,
recovery in peripheral nerve function that can occur even in severe cases
of axonal neuropathy. This improvement is due to the regrowth of
peripheral nerves following removal of the toxic agent.

stabilize the microtubule subunit, pro- and colon cancer. The compounds func-
moting assembly of disordered micro- tion as cancer treatments by binding to
tubules in dorsal root ganglia, axons, and injuring DNA, thus causing apop-
and Schwann cells, which interferes tosis. All three compounds produce a
with axonal transport. They produce a sensory neuronopathy by direct damage
sensory-greater-than-motor peripheral to the dorsal root ganglia.19 Patients re-
neuropathy, particularly at doses greater port severe paresthesia, pain, and loss
than 200 mg/m2. Fortunately, the symp- of balance. The differential diagnosis
toms are rarely dose-limiting; however, includes other causes of sensory neu-
individual high doses of taxanes ronopathy, such as paraneoplastic gan-
(greater than 300 mg/m2) have been glionopathy and Sjögren syndrome. In
reported to cause a syndrome of sen- general, neuronopathy is associated with
sory neuronopathy (ganglionopathy) total cumulative dose. Of the three, car-
with severe disabling ataxia. Several boplatin is less toxic, unless it is com-
preventive treatments, including gluta- bined with other chemotherapeutic
mine, acetyl-L-carnitine, neurotrophins, agents, such as paclitaxel. In addition
vitamin E, and alpha lipoic acid, have to the sensory neuronopathy, oxalipla-
been tried, but none has proven effec- tin can also cause acute onset of cold-
tive (Case 7-2). induced paresthesia, throat and jaw
DNA-binding compounds. The pri- tightness, and muscle cramps. These
mary chemotherapeutics in this class are symptoms are associated with repeti-
the platinum compounds cisplatin, car- tive synchronous discharges and neu-
boplatin, and oxaliplatin. They are used romyotonia on EMG.20
to treat several solid organ cancers, in- Proteasome inhibitors. The pro-
cluding testicular, ovarian, lung, breast, teasome complex is responsible for

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 147

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Toxic Neuropathies

Case 7-2
A 74-year-old man with diabetes on metformin and glyburide was
evaluated for diabetic neuropathy prior to receiving chemotherapy for
mesothelioma of the pleural cavity. He had numbness on the bottom of
both feet but required no neuropathic pain medications. Examination
showed distal sensory loss to pinprick, absent ankle jerks, and mild distal
weakness. Sural and peroneal responses were absent. Chemotherapy
with paclitaxel for mesothelioma (125 mg/m2 every 2 weeks for four cycles)
and later carboplatin followed by cisplatin for recurrent squamous cell
carcinoma of the neck (40 mg/m2 for eight such cycles) was given over
7 months. After 4 months on the cisplatin, the patient developed severe
pain, numbness, and tingling in his extremities. He also had problems with
balance and dexterity. Examination showed distal loss of sensation to
pinprick up to the level of the midthigh, absent vibration sense up to the
knees, loss of proprioception in the toes, loss of kinesthetic sense in the
feet and hands, positive Romberg sign, normal strength, and absent
reflexes. Nerve conduction studies showed absent sensory responses and
preserved motor responses.
Comment. This patient developed typical sensory-greater-than-motor
neuropathy following administration of paclitaxel, a mitotic spindle
inhibitor, and carboplatin and cisplatin, DNA-binding drugs. In addition to
developing the typical toxic neuropathy from these medications, this
patient also exemplifies the additive risk of using multiple medications
toxic to the peripheral nerve or having neuropathy (in this case due to
diabetes) prior to administration of agents.

breaking down most of the proteins frequently cause toxic neuropathy.

marked for degradation within the cell. Suramin is used to treat Kaposi sar-
Therefore, inhibitors of this process coma, a connective tissue tumor most
disrupt multiple cellular pathways. The commonly seen in immunosuppressed
most commonly used proteasome patients. Neuropathy is a common side
inhibitor in cancer treatment is borte- effect of treatment; 15% to 40% of pa-
zomib. It is used primarily for recur- tients develop evidence of neuropathy.
rence of myeloma and functions to The neuropathy can manifest with axo-
inhibit the 26s proteasome, preventing nal or demyelinating features and often
the normal degradation of nuclear leads to elevated CSF protein; there-
factor-.B (NF.B) and reducing cell di- fore, the differential diagnosis includes
vision and proliferation. Approximately GBS.23 The mechanism of toxicity is
30% of patients on this medication unknown but may involve blocking
develop a painful sensory neuropathy nerve growth factor receptor or in-
involving small-greater-than-large cali- creasing ceramide. Thalidomide, used
ber nerve fibers.21 Symptoms gradually to treat multiple myeloma, graft versus
improve after discontinuing the medi- host reaction, and discoid lupus,
cine. A demyelinating neuropathy re- causes a length-dependent, axonal,
sembling GBS or CIDP has also been sensory-greater-than-motor neuropa-
described.22 thy with cumulative doses greater than
Other cancer drugs. Suramin, thali- 20 g, although significant neuropathy
domide, and misonidazole are three is only seen with cumulative dosages
other chemotherapeutic agents that up to 100 g.24 Thalidomide has also
148 February 2012

Copyright @ American Academy of Neurology. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

been reported to cause a nonreversible EMG. In addition to peripheral neuro- h Tacrolimus produces
neuronopathy (ganglionopathy). It pathy, patients often develop cranial a demyelinating
appears to act on multiple myeloma neuropathies. Nerve biopsies show seg- neuropathy that mimics
by inhibiting NF.B activation. The mental demyelination. The exact mecha- Guillain-Barré syndrome
exact pathogenesis of neuropathy is nism of neuropathy is unknown. and responds to
unknown, but neuropathy is very com- Colchicine is a first-line treatment treatment with IV
mon and virtually 100% of patients for an acute attack of gout. It disrupts immunoglobulin or
develop this side effect by 9 months. microtubules, causing both a pan- plasmapheresis.
The final chemotherapeutic agent that sensory axonal polyneuropathy and a
produces significant neuropathy is vacuolar myopathy.27 Of the two, the
misonidazole. It is actually not toxic myopathy is usually more severe. The
to tumors at all but rather acts as a neuropathy rapidly improves after dis-
radiosensitizer to increase the effec- continuing colchicine.
tiveness of radiation treatment. Thirty Chloroquine and hydroxychloro-
percent of patients taking the medica- quine are used to treat a number of au-
tion develop a painful pansensory toimmune disorders as well as malaria.
neuropathy characterized electrophy- Like colchicine, the major toxicity of the
siologically by axonal features with medicine is myopathy, and the neurop-
secondary demyelination.25 athy symptoms are usually more mild.28
Immunosuppressive medications. The peripheral neuropathy is a mixed
Immunosuppressive medications are demyelinating and axonal neuropathy
used to treat rheumatologic and auto- of both sensory and motor nerves, and,
immune diseases and to prevent re- similar to gold salts, CSF protein is of-
jection following organ transplant. The ten elevated. The mechanism of neu-
medications are often prescribed for rotoxicity appears to be disruption of
years, and several of them have been lysosomal function and the develop-
associated with neuropathy. Peripheral ment of Schwann cell toxicity.
neuropathy has been associated with Tacrolimus is a very potent immuno-
older medications such as gold, colchi- suppressive agent used to prevent trans-
cine, and chloroquine, as well as newer plant organ rejection and to treat severe
medications such as tacrolimus and autoimmune diseases. It can cause sig-
leflunomide. nificant CNS toxicity but produces pe-
Organic gold salts, including gold so- ripheral neuropathy in fewer than 1% of
dium thiomalate and thioglucose, are in- patients who take the medicine. Symp-
jectable treatments primarily used for tomatically, patients develop distal pain
rheumatoid arthritis and other inflam- first, followed by a sensorimotor poly-
matory arthritides. The neuropathy is neuropathy. A predominantly motor
a mixed axonal and demyelinating sen- neuropathy with flaccid quadriparesis
sory and motor neuropathy that appears and areflexia can also occur. The neu-
to be dependent on total cumulative ropathy has primarily demyelinating
dose.26 Rapidly progressive weakness, features, and interestingly has been suc-
areflexia, and stocking-glove sensory cessfully treated with IV immunoglobu-
loss may occur. A predominantly sen- lin or plasmapheresis.29 The etiology is
sory neuropathy has also been re- unclear, but it may be a form of GBS
ported. Patients who have been treated caused by abnormal T-cell activation or
with more than 1 g of gold salt are at the autoantigen response.
greatest risk. The neuropathy may be Leflunomide is a new immuno-
associated with elevated CSF protein suppressive agent used to treat rheu-
and occasionally myokymia on needle matoid arthritis. The mechanism of
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 149

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Toxic Neuropathies

h Pyridoxine-induced action is inhibition of pyrimidine syn- sory loss on clinical examination, al-
neuropathy is becoming thesis. The medication produces a though clinically symptomatic neuropa-
increasingly common painful axonal, sensory-greater-than- thy may develop with sustained high
because of the number motor neuropathy with onset 3 to 6 levels of exposure. Nerve conduction
of supplements months following drug initiation.30 study shows an axonal pattern with
containing pyridoxine The mechanism of neurotoxicity is reduction in sensory and motor ampli-
marketed to patients unknown. tudes. The mechanism of this neuropathy
with neuropathy. Other drugs. Almitrine bismesylate is not understood, but it is reversible
is used to improve blood gas concen- after discontinuing the medication.32
trations, although it is not approved Pyridoxine (or vitamin B6) is mar-
for use in the United States. Altmitrine keted to patients as a treatment for neu-
can cause progressive dysesthesia in a ropathy. Although some patients do
stocking-glove pattern. Neurologic exami- develop neuropathy from lack of pyr-
nation reveals distal sensory loss and idoxine (see below section on vitamin
areflexia with preserved strength. Nerve deficiencies), most patients do not re-
conduction studies show reduced sen- quire the supplement and can present
sory and motor amplitudes with preser- with pyridoxine toxicity if it is taken
vation of conduction velocities.31 in excess (Case 7-3). Acute pyridoxine
Phenytoin, historically the most com- toxicity produces severe sensory neu-
monly prescribed antiepileptic drug, has ronopathy, whereas chronic pyridox-
been associated with a mild predomi- ine toxicity, which can be caused by
nantly sensory neuropathy. In most as little as 50 mg/d of pyridoxine sup-
cases, the neuropathy is only detected plements, produces diffuse paresthe-
by noting absent reflexes and distal sen- sia, proximal and distal sensory loss,

Case 7-3
A 30-year-old man self-diagnosed his intermittent hand pain as carpal tunnel syndrome and
self-administered over-the-counter 500 mg pyridoxine (vitamin B6) pills, increasing the dose to 20 pills a
day when his symptoms did not improve with lower doses. Over a period of 4 weeks, he developed
severe burning pain, allodynia, and numbness progressing from his feet through his knees, and his
hands through his elbows. These symptoms impaired his manual dexterity such that he could not cut his
food or button his shirts. His gait became progressively unsteady because of the absence of feeling in
his feet, and he became wheelchair dependent within 6 weeks of initiating pyridoxine treatment.
Examination revealed profound loss of perception to pin, temperature, vibration, and proprioception
in all four limbs, from the feet to the iliac crests and from the hands to the elbows. Deep tendon reflexes
were absent. Strength and autonomic functioning were preserved. Nerve conduction studies revealed
absent sensory responses in all upper and lower extremity nerves. A sural nerve biopsy demonstrated
severe reduction in the density of large myelinated fibers. Skin biopsy showed severe reduction in fiber
density that was worse in the feet and wrists than in the thigh and elbow.
Following pyridoxine cessation, the patient continued to feel worse for another 2 months. His
condition then stabilized, and he improved over the next year, although objective findings on
examination, skin biopsy, and nerve conduction did not improve dramatically.
Comment. This case exemplifies both the clinical scenario and progression of symptoms typically
seen in a case of severe pyridoxine toxicity. As expected, the sensory system, particularly the dorsal
root ganglia, is most severely affected, whereas the motor nerves are spared. This case also
demonstrates the phenomenon of coasting (further progression of symptoms even after cessation
of the toxic agent), which is common in many toxic neuropathies. As is typical with toxic sensory
neuropathies involving the dorsal root ganglia, the patient had little objective evidence of
improvement, although he subjectively felt somewhat better.

150 February 2012

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autonomic dysfunction, sensory ataxia, Occupational, Biological, and
and reduced reflexes. 33 Although Environmental Agents
recovery following acute pyridoxine Heavy metals. Toxicity to heavy metals
toxicity is poor, recovery from chronic can occur through occupational expo-
toxicity is quite good. sure, contamination of living space, or

TABLE 7-4 Toxic Neuropathies Summary: Occupational, Biological,

and Environmental Agents

Nerve Fiber Type or

Toxin Affected Nerves Site of Injury Course
Heavy metals
Lead Motor 9 pansensory Axonal Chronic
Arsenic Pansensory, motor Axonal, Acute or
demyelinating chronic
Thallium Small fiber 9 large Axonal Chronic
fiber sensory, motor
Mercury Pansensory, motor Axonal Chronic
Seafood toxins
Ciguatera Pansensory, autonomic Demyelinating Acute
Red Tide Pansensory, motor Demyelinating Acute
Tetrodotoxin Pansensory, motor, Demyelinating Acute
Organophosphates Pansensory, motor Axonal Subacute
Ethylene glycol Pansensory, motor Axonal Acute
Hexacarbons Pansensory, motor Axonal, Subacute
Acrylamide Pansensory, motor, Axonal Subacute
Vacor Pansensory, motor, Axonal Acute
Alcohol Pansensory, Axonal Subacute
Disulfiram Pansensory, motor Demyelinating Subacute
Nitrous oxide Large fiber sensory Axonal Chronic
Buckthorn Motor 9 pansensory Demyelinating Acute
Tick Motor, autonomic Axonal Acute
Diphtheria toxin Motor 9 pansensory Demyelinating Acute

Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 151

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Toxic Neuropathies

deliberate poisoning. Lead toxicity is the ropathy.35 Both acute (GBS-like) and
most common heavy metal toxicity that chronic length-dependent neuropathy
causes neuropathy, but arsenic, thal- can occur, depending on the severity
lium, and mercury can also cause toxic of the exposure. In addition to neu-
peripheral neuropathy (Table 7-4). ropathy, acute toxicity also causes
Lead toxicity can occur through oc- nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, di-
cupational contact with lead solder, but arrhea, psychosis, and seizures, while
it is more commonly seen with chronic chronic toxicity produces Mees lines,
exposure to lead pipes, lead paint, or hyperpigmentation, and palmar/solar
lead shot. In adults, neuropathy is the keratoses. Treatment of acute expo-
most common symptom, whereas chil- sure involves gastric lavage, aggres-
dren are more likely to develop cog- sive IV fluid replacement, and admin-
nitive problems.34 Children absorb a istration of chelating agents. The two
higher percentage of lead through their recommended chelating agents for
gastrointestinal system than adults, mak- arsenic toxicity are 2,3-dimercapto-1-
ing them more sensitive to low levels of propanesulfonate (DMPS) and meso-
lead in food or drinking water. Lead 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA).
toxicity in children and adults has be- For chronic exposure, it is most impor-
come increasingly uncommon because tant to remove the exposing agent. In
of recognition of its dangers and pro- addition, some evidence suggests that
duction of pipes and paint without lead. DMPS may hasten the relief of systemic
Subacute moderate- or high-level expo- symptoms of toxicity, although it does
sure, which occurs primarily through in- not appear to impact recovery from
haling industrial aerosolized lead, neuropathy, which is often incomplete
produces an axonal multifocal motor and delayed several months.
neuropathy with minor sensory symp- Thallium toxicity occurs either through
toms. Asymmetric finger and wrist drop, intentional poisoning or accidental in-
resembling radial neuropathy, are gestion. Acute toxicity causes a painful
unique to lead toxicity, although more sensory neuropathy with preserved
diffuse weakness can also occur. Chronic strength and reflexes and is associated
low-level exposure produces distal sym- with alopecia.36 Chronic exposure
metric sensory loss. The pathogenesis causes an axonal sensorimotor neu-
of neurotoxicity is believed to be dis- ropathy. Nerve biopsies demonstrate
ruption of mitochondrial oxidative phos- swollen mitochondria and a distal
phorylation. Associated symptoms are axonopathy; therefore, the presumed
abdominal pain, constipation, and ane- mechanism of nerve degeneration is
mia. Although experimental models energy failure from mitochondrial dys-
show demyelinating neuropathy, the function. Treatment of acute ingestion
prominent finding in humans is an axo- should include gastric lavage and admin-
nal neuropathy. Treatment is removal istration of either intragastric Prussian
of lead exposure and chelation therapy blue or activated charcoal. Chelating
with penicillamine. agents have no role, but some physicians
Arsenic toxicity most often occurs recommend urgent hemodialysis.
from contaminated water supply or ex- Mercury is a metal used in many in-
posure to byproducts of copper and dustries and is found in batteries and
lead smelting, although rare cases of fungicides. With the exception of a few
deliberate poisoning also occur. The historical examples of mercury poi-
neuropathy produced by arsenic toxic- soning of a large population, most no-
ity is an axonal sensory and motor neu- tably the contamination of Minamata
152 February 2012

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Bay from a factory spill in 1961, sub- nomic signs, and sensory neuropathy.39 h Seafood toxins (ie,
acute mercury poisoning occurs pri- Death due to shock may occur in up to ciguatera, red tide, or
marily through occupational exposure. 20% of patients. A chronic syndrome tetrodotoxin) cause
Whether clinically significant mercury consisting of fatigability, depression, neuropathy by binding
toxicity can occur from eating fish high and weakness occurs in some patients. to voltage-gated sodium
in mercury, old dental fillings, or injec- The subacute syndrome is characterized channels and produce a
tions of thimerosal, which is a preser- by a primarily demyelinating neuropa- prodrome of perioral
vative found in most vaccinations, is thy with slowed conduction velocities paresthesia.
controversial.37 Mercury primarily causes and prolonged F waves. Ciguatera toxin
cognitive and behavioral changes as binds to voltage-gated sodium channels
well as ataxia, but neuropathy can oc- leading to increased nerve membrane
cur. Subacute exposure to metallic excitability, but the mechanism for
mercury vapor clearly produces motor causing neuropathy is unknown.
axonal neuropathy, whereas chronic ex- Saxitoxin, also called Northeast or
posure produces a painful axonal sen- Northwest red tide, and brevetoxin B,
sorimotor polyneuropathy. Treatment also termed Caribbean red tide, are two
of subacute or acute toxicity involves seafood toxins produced by algae and
gastric lavage, activated charcoal, and concentrated by bivalve mollusks. Both
chelating agents. For chronic exposure, toxins bind to sodium channels and
removal of the offending agent is the lead to conduction block and paraly-
primary treatment. The pathogenesis sis.40 In the case of saxitoxin, patients
of mercury neurotoxicity is unclear, al- experience perioral tingling followed
though some authors have suggested by limb/trunk paresthesia, weakness,
glutamate excitotoxicity.38 incoordination, and eventually respira-
Seafood toxins. Seafood toxins can tory failure. If they receive appropriate
be produced by algae, plankton, or cer- supportive care, patients often recover
tain fish. When consumed, these toxins within 1 week. Brevetoxin is actually the
produce acute, and sometimes chronic, most common shellfish poison in the
toxicity to nerves. Toxins from algae or world.40 It is present in warmer waters
plankton are concentrated in bivalve than saxitoxin. Following exposure, pa-
mollusks or fish, which then produce tients develop symptoms of gastroen-
human disease after being ingested. teritis that are followed by paresthesia,
Ciguatera toxin is produced by micro- dysesthesia, and incoordination with-
algae within dinoflagellates (plankton) out weakness.
located in the Caribbean, Indo-Pacific The final seafood toxin that produces
region, and Australia. It is concentrated neuropathy is tetrodotoxin. Tetrodo-
first in herbivorous fish that consume toxin is produced by the puffer fish or
the plankton and later in carnivorous fugu, which is considered a delicacy in
fish. Human disease results from con- Japanese cuisine. Tetrodotoxin is con-
sumption of a contaminated fish. It is centrated in the skin, liver, and viscera
relatively common; 10,000 to 50,000 of the fish, and these areas must be
cases occur worldwide annually. Twelve carefully removed from the fish during
to 48 hours after ingestion, patients de- preparation. Similar to saxitoxin and bre-
velop a prodrome of gastroenteritis, vetoxin B, tetrodotoxin is a potent so-
followed by perioral and distal paresthe- dium channel blocker. Ingestion of a
sia that lasts from days to months. Addi- small amount of toxin produces perioral
tional symptoms include paradoxical tingling, while larger amounts produce
disturbances of temperature sensation, widespread paresthesia, weakness, au-
myalgias, insomnia, prominent auto- tonomic failure, and even coma and
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 153

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Toxic Neuropathies

death.41 In fact, 50 deaths from tetro- cranial and peripheral nerve dysfunction
dotoxin poisoning occur each year in can occur as early as 5 days and as late as
Japan alone. If the patient receives timely 20 days following exposure. The periph-
and appropriate intensive care, often in- eral neuropathy is characterized as a
cluding ventilation and blood pressure severe axonal sensorimotor polyneurop-
support, recovery will often occur in athy.43 The toxicity is treated with cor-
4 to 5 days. rection of acidosis, hemodialysis, and
Organophosphates. Organophos- alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitors.
phates are present in insecticides, pe- Hexacarbons. Hexacarbons, such
troleum additives, and nerve gases. as n-hexane, n-butyl ketone, and 2,5-
Acute toxicity leads to cholinergic crisis hexanedione, are present in glues and
through cholinesterase inhibition. Clini- solvents. Toxic exposure occurs secon-
cally, this produces meiosis, muscle dary to work-related accidents or rec-
cramps, pulmonary edema, bradycar- reational abuse. Patients develop early
dia, and increased lacrimation and sali- sensory symptoms that are followed by
vation. The neuropathy, which often weakness and areflexia. In acute expo-
occurs 7 to 10 days after exposure, is sure, the neuropathy is a mixed de-
characterized electrodiagnostically and myelinating and axonal sensorimotor
pathologically as a length-dependent polyneuropathy, whereas in chronic ex-
sensorimotor axonal neuropathy.42 In posure it is primarily an axonal sensory
addition to the neuropathy, patients neuropathy.44 Pathologic evaluation re-
develop a delayed myelopathy. The veals giant axonal swellings composed
neuropathy slowly improves, but the of disorganized neurofilaments just
myelopathy does not. An example of proximal to nodes of Ranvier. Patients
widespread organophosphate poison- have slow recovery months after re-
ing occurred in the 1930s during Pro- moval of hexacarbon exposure.
hibition when bootleggers replaced Acrylamide. Acrylamide is used in
the ginger in the patent ethanol-based the creation of grouting agents, adhe-
medicine Jamaica ginger extract (also sives, and flocculators. Chronic inha-
known as ‘‘Jake’’) with the organo- lation or skin exposure can lead to a
phosphate triorthocresyl phosphate length-dependent sensorimotor axonal
to make it more palatable. The wide- polyneuropathy. Distal sensory loss,
spread consumption of this product distal weakness, and loss of reflexes
afflicted 50,000 to 100,000 people with can occur along with autonomic dys-
combined spinal cord and axonal de- function. Sensory ataxia can be prom-
generation and was commonly referred inent. Nerve conduction studies reveal
to as ‘‘Jake leg.’’ axonal neuropathy. The mechanism of
Ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is toxicity appears to be disruption of axo-
present in antifreeze, paints, and deter- nal transport and subsequent dying-
gents. Toxicity results from accidental back neuropathy.45
ingestion, suicide attempt, or alcohol- Vacor. Vacor (N-3-pyridylmethyl-N-
ism. Ethylene glycol is itself not toxic, p-nitrophenylurea; PNU; pyriminil) is
but in the digestive tract it is broken used as a rat poison. Rapid onset of
down into glycolate, glyoxylate, and oxa- quadriparesis may occur after inten-
late, which leads to acidosis and deposi- tional or accidental ingestion of large
tion of oxalate crystals. Clinically, patients doses of vacor.46 Cranial nerve dys-
experience CNS depression, then cardio- function and autonomic dysfunction
pulmonary toxicity, and finally renal may also occur. Nerve conduction
toxicity, all within the first 3 days. The studies show an axonal neuropathy.
154 February 2012

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Diabetes mellitus can develop be- myeloneuropathy involving the dorsal h Ethanol toxicity alone
cause vacor is structurally related to columns of the spinal cord and large produces a pure sensory
alloxan and streptozocin, compounds sensory nerve fibers. Small sensory neuropathy, whereas
known to experimentally induce diabe- nerve fibers and spinothalamic spinal thiamine deficiency, as
tes in rats. Treatment with niacinamide cord pathways are generally preserved. can sometimes be seen
within 2 hours of ingestion may pre- Predominant loss of vibration and pro- in persons with
vent toxicity. prioceptive loss are partially caused by alcoholism, causes a
Ethanol and disulfiram. Ethanol neuropathy and partly due to dorsal mixed motor and
commonly causes a peripheral distal column degeneration as part of the sub- sensory neuropathy.
sensorimotor polyneuropathy that is acute combined degeneration. Weak-
primarily axonal with only rare demyeli- ness is related to myelopathy rather
nating features. Given the comorbid nu- than motor neuropathy. The pathogen-
tritional deficits in people with chronic esis of the neurotoxicity is inactivation
alcoholism, it has been difficult to of cobalamin.50 Treatment involves ces-
definitively separate the direct effects sation of nitrous oxide inhalation and
of ethanol from the indirect effects of cobalamin supplementation.
nutritional/vitamin deficiencies (particu- Other toxins. Buckthorn neuropa-
larly thiamine deficiency). Two studies thy occurs from ingestion of buckthorn
attempted to separate these effects. fruit (Karwinskia humbodtiana) that is
The first demonstrated that neuropathy found in the southwestern United States
still occurred even in well-nourished and in Mexico. A rapidly progressive,
persons with alcoholism who received GBS-like, symmetric, motor-greater-
alcohol supplemented with thiamine than-sensory neuropathy leading to
and pyridoxine.47 The second demon- quadriparesis and respiratory and bul-
strated that alcohol consumption alone bar weakness occurs within 5 to 20
(ie, patients with normal thiamine lev- days of ingestion of the buckthorn
els) produced a pure sensory neurop- fruit. Nerve conduction studies have
athy, whereas thiamine deficiency (ie, been reported to show demyelination,
thiamine deficiency in those without al- although axonal loss with secondary
coholism) produced a mixed motor and demyelination has been described in
sensory neuropathy.48 Related to alco- experimental studies. CSF is normal.
hol abuse, disulfiram, which produces Treatment is supportive and most pa-
nausea when combined with alcohol tients recover over 3 to 12 months.51
and is used by persons with alcoholism Tick paralysis occurs from a neuro-
to reduce the urge to drink, also pro- toxin in the saliva of three female ticks
duces a sensorimotor axonal neuropa- (Dermacentor andersoni, Dermacen-
thy when taken at doses of 250 mg/d, tor variabilis, and Ixodes holocyclus).
but not at doses of 125 mg/d.49 Electro- The tick is usually found in the scalp
physiologically, nerve conduction stud- of affected children between the ages
ies show conduction block and slowed of 1 and 6 years. A few days after tick
conduction velocities. Similar to hex- attachment to skin, rapidly progressive
acarbon toxicity, pathologic evaluation weakness with bulbar and respiratory
of nerves often demonstrates dis- compromise and areflexia ensue. Auto-
tended axons with increased neurofila- nomic symptoms in the form of tachy-
ment deposition. cardia and hypertension may occur, but
Nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide con- sensory pathways are spared. Nerve
tinues to be used as a dental anesthetic, conduction studies reveal reduction
and most toxicity results from re- of motor amplitudes. Removal of the
creational abuse. Toxicity produces a tick results in rapid resolution of the
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 155

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Toxic Neuropathies

symptoms. The site of action is thought Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

to be the presynaptic neuromuscular Vitamin B12 deficiency is most com-
junction rather than the peripheral monly associated with malabsorption
nerve.52 due to intrinsic factor antibodies or prior
Diphtheria toxin, produced by Cor- bariatric surgery. In addition, there is
ynebacterium diphtheriae, induces a some evidence that it may also occur
GBS-like syndrome, although the para- after chronic long-term use of metfor-
lysis is more descending than ascend- min.53 It produces subacute combined
ing. After an incubation period of 2 to degeneration of the spinal cord associ-
5 days, patients, usually children, de- ated with sensory ataxia and loss of po-
velop palatal paralysis followed by sition and vibration sense (Case 7-4).54
weakness. Unlike GBS, however, diph- Relative to the myelopathy, the symp-
theritic neuropathy has a biphasic toms from peripheral neuropathy are
slower course with palatal and adjacent actually quite mild and produce little
cranial nerve paralysis (first phase 1 to morbidity.
3 weeks after infection) followed 8 to
12 weeks later by generalized descend- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
ing weakness (second course). Nerve Vitamin B1 deficiency, also termed beri-
conduction studies show demyelinating beri, most commonly occurs following
features. Prompt treatment with diph- bariatric surgery or in persons with al-
theria antitoxin is critical in manage- coholism in association with Wernicke-
ment of diphtheria. Korsakoff syndrome. Compared to the
acute CNS disorders, neuropathy from
VITAMIN AND MINERAL vitamin B1 deficiency is chronic and is
DEFICIENCY NEUROPATHY often only noticeable after resolution
Vitamin deficiencies, due either to poor of cognitive toxicity. Enzymes depend-
nutrition or incomplete absorption, ent on vitamin B1 include pyruvate
remain important causes of neuropathy dehydrogenase, "-ketoglutarate dehy-
(Table 7-5). The vitamin deficiencies drogenase, and transketolase, all of
most associated with peripheral neurop- which are involved in cell metabolism;
athy are B complex vitamins, vitamin E, thus, the pathogenesis of toxicity is
copper, and niacin. likely energy failure.55 Beriberi is often

TABLE 7-5 Vitamin and Other Deficiencies Summary

Nerve Fiber Type or Site of

Vitamin or Mineral Affected Nerves Injury Course
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) Large fiber sensory Axonal Chronic
Thiamine (vitamin B1) Small fiber 9 large fiber Axonal Chronic
sensory, motor
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) Small fiber 9 large fiber 9 motor Axonal Chronic
Niacin (vitamin B3) Small fiber 9 large fiber, motor Axonal Chronic
Alpha tocopherol Large fiber sensory Axonal Chronic
(vitamin E)
Copper Pansensory, motor Axonal Chronic

156 February 2012

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Case 7-4
A 26-year-old woman developed progressive lower extremity numbness and
episodes of her legs ‘‘giving out.’’ She noted that the symptoms had been
getting worse over the past 1 to 2 years. She did not report any neck or
back pain or any change in bowel or bladder function. On examination, she
had loss of vibratory sense in the toes, ankles, and knees and loss of
proprioception in the toes. Her reflexes were normal at the ankles and
hyperreflexive with crossed adductors at the knees and spread in the upper
extremities. Electrodiagnostic testing revealed a mild sensory neuropathy
with reduced sural amplitudes bilaterally. There was no evidence of lumbar
radiculopathy. MRI studies of the brain and spinal cord were normal. On
laboratory testing, she had a vitamin B12 level of 100 pg/mL and a
methylmalonic acid level of 1600 nmol/L. Subsequent testing demonstrated
a positive intrinsic factor antibody and a macrocytic anemia.
Comment. This patient has typical symptoms, physical examination, and
laboratory findings for subacute combined degeneration secondary to
vitamin B12 deficiency. The preserved Achilles reflex and hyperreflexia
throughout despite reduced sural amplitudes is evidence of interruption of
corticospinal tract and myelopathy. Disruption of proprioception and
vibration can result from both large fiber sensory loss and myelopathy.
Given the intrinsic factor antibody, the patient has pernicious anemia and
will need to be on IM vitamin B12 shots for life.

divided into a dry form, in which Niacin

neuropathy is the major feature, and Niacin is a critical component of the
a wet form, in which congestive heart metabolic molecule nicotinamide ade-
failure predominates. The neuropathy nine dinucleotide, which determines
is an axonal sensorimotor neuropathy, the reduction/oxidation state of cells.
and treatment is with aggressive thia- Deficiencies cause pellagra, a systemic
mine repletion. disease characterized by skin lesions,
diarrhea, depression, and loss of appe-
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) tite. Niacin deficiency can occur as a
Because of the low level of vitamin B6 result of several medications, Hartnup
required by the body and the spectrum disease, carcinoid syndrome, or alco-
of foods that contain this vitamin, it is holism.57 A direct effect of niacin defi-
uncommon to see vitamin B6 deficiency ciency on peripheral nerves has not
from nutritional deficits alone. Most been shown, and most clinicians now
commonly, vitamin B6 deficiency occurs believe that neuropathy in patients
among those with alcoholism, as a result with pellagra is likely due to decreased
of medications (ie, isoniazid, hydrala- appetite and chronic diarrhea leading
zine, or penicillamine), or as a result of to deficiencies of vitamins B6 or B1
bariatric surgery.56 The clinical symp- rather than niacin deficiency itself.
toms of vitamin B6 deficiency are par-
esthesia, burning pain, and decreased Vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol)
temperature sensation. Electrophysio- Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin; there-
logically, vitamin B6 deficiency produces fore, deficiency can occur in diseases
an axonal, sensory-greater-than-motor of lipid malabsorption, such as abetali-
neuropathy. poproteinemia, or pancreatic enzyme
Continuum Lifelong Learning Neurol 2012;18(1):139–160 157

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Toxic Neuropathies

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