Program Maxum II

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Sub main()

'Function: Sets any sequence as the active sequence
'Revision History: Author Date Comment
'3.2AA Dhiatt 5/18/01 Revised for 3.2
'Arguments: Appl
' iArg0 = ID of sequence
Dim sql As String
Dim n As Long
sql = "Update application Set active_app=" + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + ", active_sequence = " + Str$(iArg0)
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
n = db.ExecuteSQL(sql)
End Sub
Sub main()
' this program prepares results in the HCI-A format for use with
' the results only type of host
' It places values in the results based on the trtval of the result
' trtval 1 = hourminute (4 digits)
' trtval 2 = day
' trtval 3 = month
' trtval 4 = year
' trtval 5 = stream
' trtval 6 = analyzer
' trtval 7 = status
' trtval 8 = alarm
' trtval 9 = peak 1
' trtval 10= peak 2
' ...
' Revision Author Date Comment
' 3.2AA DHiatt 6/15/01 Intitial version
'Input arguments: Appl, Strm
Dim tblRes As Table
Dim tblSeq As Table
Dim tblSys As Table
Dim tblApp As Table
Dim tblStrm As Table
Dim n As Long
Dim sql As String
Dim fault As Integer
Dim warning As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Static result(8) As Double
Dim timestamp As String
Dim temptime
'open result table
' 0 1 2 3
sql = "Select application_id, stream_id, result_index, cycle_runtime"
sql = sql + " From result"
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And stream_id = " + Str$(Strm)
sql = sql + " And trtval =1 "
Set tblRes = db.OpenTable(sql)
'get date and time
timestamp = Mid$(tblRes(3),1,20)
temptime = CVDate(timestamp)
'extract hrmin from time
temptime = GmtToLocal(temptime)
Result(1) = CDbl(Format$(temptime,"hhmm"))
Result(2) = CDbl(Format$(temptime,"dd"))
Result(3) = CDbl(Format$(temptime,"mm"))
Result(4) = CDbl(Format$(temptime,"yy"))
Result(5) = CDbl(Strm)
sql = "Select id, lid From system_control"
Set tblSys = db.OpenTable(sql)
Result(6) = CDbl(tblSys(1))
' extract application state from application
' 0 1 2
sql = "Select application_id, mode, active_sequence From application "
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
Set tblApp = db.OpenTable(sql)
' 0 1 2
sql = "Select application_id, id, type From sequence "
sql = sql + " Where application_id =" + Str(Appl)
sql = sql + " And id = " + Str$(tblApp(2))
Set tblSeq = db.OpenTable(sql)
' set Result 7
If tblApp(1) = 0 Then
Result(7) = 0
Result(7) = 1
End If
If tblSeq(2) = 2 And Result(7) = 1 Then
Result(7) = 2
End If
'extract errors and warnings from stream table
' 0 1 2 3
sql = "Select application_id, stream_id, curr_error, curr_warning"
sql = sql + " From stream"
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And stream_id = " + Str$(Strm)
Set tblStrm = db.OpenTable(sql)
fault = tblStrm(2)
warning = tblStrm(3)
' set result 8
If fault > 0 And fault < 256 Then
Result(8) = fault
ElseIf fault > 0 Then
Result(8) = 255
ElseIf warning > 0 And warning < 256 Then
Result(8) = warning
ElseIf warning > 0 Then
Result(8) = 127
Result(8) = 0
End If
'update results
For i = 1 To 8
sql = "Update result Set buffered_Value = " + Str$(Result(i))
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And stream_id = " + Str$(Strm)
sql = sql + " And trtval = " + Str(i)
n = db.ExecuteSQL(sql)
Next i
End Sub
Sub main()
'Function: This program turns on a DO
'Revision History: Author date Comment
' 3.2AA DHiatt 6/4/01 rewritten for 3.2
'Arguments: Appl, Strm
' iArg0 - id of DO to set
Dim n As Long
Dim sql As String
' set DO on
sql = "Update appdo Set value = true"
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And id = " + Str$(iArg0)
n = db.ExecuteSQL(sql)
End Sub
Sub main()
' Function: If analyzer is in HOLD, then set RUN HOLD DO = 0
' If analyzer is in RUN, then set RUN HOLD DO = 1
'Revision History: Author Date Comment
'3.2AA DHiatt 6/5/01 Revised for 3.2
' Real Arguments: None
' Integer Arguments: Appl
' iArg0 = DO id to set
' Schedule: Frequency = 15 seconds
Dim N As Long
Dim SQL As String
Dim Tbl As Table
Dim AppMode As Long
' save the current status for the application: run or hold
' 0 1
SQL = "Select application_id, mode From application"
SQL = " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
SQL = SQL + " Order By application_id"
Set Tbl = db.OpenTable(SQL)
AppMode = Tbl(1)
'If the application is running, mode = "1", set RUN HOLD DO = 1
'If the application is in HOLD, mode = "0", set RUN HOLD DO = 0
If AppMode = 0 Then
SQL = "Update appdo Set value = false"
SQL = "Update appdo Set value = true"
End If

SQL = SQL + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)

SQL = SQL + " And id = " + Str$(iArg0)
N = db.ExecuteSQL(SQL)
End Sub
Sub main()
'This program sets the value for up to 20 stream IDs in the appdo table
'This program is scheduled by mvrpgm.
'Revision History: Author Date Comments
' 3.2AA DHiatt 6/5/01 Revised for 3.2
'Arguments: Appl, Strm, Method
' iArg0 - stream 1 DO
' iArg1 - stream 2 DO
' iArg2 - stream 3 DO
' ....
' iArg19 - stream 20 DO
Dim n As Long
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Integer
Static DO_id(20)

DO_id(0) = iArg0
DO_id(1) = iArg1
DO_id(2) = iArg2
DO_id(3) = iArg3
DO_id(4) = iArg4
DO_id(5) = iArg5
DO_id(6) = iArg6
DO_id(7) = iArg7
DO_id(8) = iArg8
DO_id(9) = iArg9
DO_id(10) = iArg10
DO_id(11) = iArg11
DO_id(12) = iArg12
DO_id(13) = iArg13
DO_id(14) = iArg14
DO_id(15) = iArg15
DO_id(16) = iArg16
DO_id(17) = iArg17
DO_id(18) = iArg18
DO_id(19) = iArg19

For i = 1 To 20
If Strm = i Then
sql = "Update appdo Set value = true"
sql = "Update appdo Set value = false"
End If
sql = sql + " Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And id = " + Str$(DO_id(i - 1))
n = db.ExecuteSQL(sql)
Next i

'Mvr, Trt, and Log will occur automatically if set in the stream_method table
'release end of cycle processing
sql = "Send 'release_eoc' To stream_method Where application_id = " + Str$(Appl)
sql = sql + " And stream_id = " + Str$(Strm)
sql = sql + " And method_id = " + Str$(Method)
n = db.ExecuteSQL(sql)
'MsgBox "End"
End Sub

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