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Key Partnerships are the network of suppliers and partners that make thebusiness

model work. Some of CIMB reputable partners includes RHB Asset Management Sdn Bhd is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of RHB Investment Bank that has the expertise and skill in
managing a full range of investment instruments customized according to clinent risk profile,
including conventional and Shariah-compliant instruments. Other than than, As-Salihin
Trustee Berhad is a Trust Company established to meet the crying need of the ordinary
Muslim to preserve, protect and distribute his hard-earned assets for the benefit of his loved
ones once he departs for the hereafter.

Key activities are the most important tasks a company must carry out in order to
fulfill its business purpose. The group's business activities are primarily in the areas of
Consumer Banking, Wholesale Banking, comprising Investment Banking and Corporate
Banking, Treasury & Markets, and Group Strategy & Strategic Investments, with its core
markets being Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. CIMB Group has full-fledged
consumer banking services across its main operating markets in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia. The divisions which comprise Consumer Banking are
Consumer Sales and Distribution, which oversees the sales network, Group Cards and
Personal Financing which is responsible for credit cards businesses and personal loans
portfolio and others.

The wholesale banking business comprises two divisions: Investment Banking and
Corporate Banking, Treasury & Markets. Investment Banking comprises Corporate Client
Solutions, which covers the bank's institutional and corporate clients and Sector Specialists in
real estate and agribusiness. Corporate Banking, Treasury and Markets is responsible for
corporate banking; transaction banking; the group's markets, sales and trading businesses in
interest rates, credit, foreign exchange, commodities, equities and their derivatives; debt
capital markets; fixed income investments; and treasury and funding operations for the

On the other hand, Group Strategy and Strategic Investments consists of Group
Strategy, Private Equity and Strategic Investments. The division is responsible for
undertaking the bank's initiatives in important regional markets. CIMB Islamic is CIMB
Group's global Islamic banking and finance franchise. It offers the full complement of
Shariah-compliant financial solutions, operating in parallel with the group's universal
banking franchise.

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