What Has Happened To Lulu (Q&A)

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Group 1/ Section D/ Paper 2

What has happened to Lulu, mother?

What has happened to Lu?
There's nothing in her bed but an old rag-doll
And by its side a shoe.

Why is her window wide, mother,

The curtain flapping free,
And only a circle on the dusty shelf
Where her money-box used to be?

Why do you turn your head, mother,

And why do tear drops fall?
And why do you crumple that note on the fire
And say it is nothing at all?

I woke to voices late last night,

I heard an engine roar.
Why do you tell me the things I heard
Were a dream and nothing more?

I heard somebody cry, mother,

In anger or in pain,
But now I ask you why, mother,
You say it was a gust of rain.

Why do you wander about as though

You don't know what to do?
What has happened to Lulu, mother?
What has happened to Lu?
Stanza 1

1. Who is asking what has happened to Lulu?

2. Why does the persona ask the question?
3. What are the 2 items Lulu leaves behind?
4. Why is there only a shoe?
5. What item symbolizes innocence?

Stanza 2

1. Why is the window open wide?

2. What does the curtain flapping represents?
3. Where was the money-box?
4. What happens to the money-box?
5. Why do you think Lulu takes the money-box?

Stanza 3

1. Why does mother turn her head?

2. Who is crying?
3. Why does mother crumple the note?
4. Who wrote the note?
5. What do you think is written in the note?

Stanza 4

1. What woke the persona up?

2. Why do you think the engine roars?
3. Why does mother say it was only a dream?
4. Do you think Lulu ran away in a car? Why?
5. How do you think Lulu ran away?

Stanza 5

1. Who cried?
2. What causes the cry? Why?
3. Why does mother say it was only sound of rain?
4. What do you think really happened that night?
5. Mother is afraid to tell the truth, why is that?
Stanza 6

1. What makes mother wander about?

2. Why was mother at a loss end on what to do?
3. Do you sympathized with mother? Why?
4. Why was the persona so insisting on knowing what went on?
5. Do you think the persona is close to Lulu?

HOTS Questions

1. In Stanza 1 , what are 2 items that Lulu leaves behind?

2. In Stanza 2, Lulu escaped through the window. Do you agree with her
3. In Stanza 2, Lulu took the money-box with her. Why did she do so?
4. In Stanza 3, mother cries because of Lulu’s action. What would you say to
comfort her?
5. In Stanza 3, mother crumpled the note and threw it into the fire. Give
reasons for her action.
6. Why does mother crumpled and burned the note? How do think she felt at
that time?
7. Do you think running away is the best solution to a problem? Why?
8. Would you run away if you have a problem? Why?
9. What will you advise to a friend who is having a problem with her mother?
10. Give 2 suggestions on how to bridge the generation gap.

Stanza 1

1. Lulu’s younger/little brother/sister

2. He/she is curious
3. A rag-doll and a shoe
4. Lulu was in a rush/hurry
5. The rag-doll

Stanza 2

1. Lulu escapes through the window

2. Freedom
3. On the shelf
4. Lulu might have taken it
5. She needs the money

Stanza 3

1. She does not want the persona to see her cry

2. Mother
3. She is heartbroken/furious
4. Lulu
5. She said goodbye

Stanza 4

1. The engine roared

2. Lulu runs away by car
3. She does not want the persona to worry
4. Yes, the persona heard the engine roared
5. She ran away either by car or motorcycle

Stanza 5

1. It was either Lulu or mother or both

2. They fight because of a misunderstanding
3. She does not want to tell the truth
4. Lulu and mother had a misunderstanding
5. She does not want the persona to worry
Stanza 6
1. She does not know what to do
2. She was worried
3. Yes, she was worried about Lulu
4. He wants to know what had really happened to Lulu
5. Yes, that is why he/she is very worried

HOTS Questions

1. A rag-doll and a shoe

2. No, she is running away from her problem
3. She needed the money to live
4. “Be patient, mom. She will soon come to her senses’.
5 i. She was distraught
ii. She was furious

6. She did not want the persona to know the truth. She felt sad and angry

7. No, running away would only create more problem

8. No, I would talk it over

9. Discuss the issue in a civilized manner

10. i. Always communicate

ii. Do family activities together

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