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He straightened up from his desk. “Do you wanna to fuck? Right now?

I’ve gotten rock hard even talking

about it.”

She took a deep breath and fanned her hand in front of her face. “Oh boy…”

He walked over, planting himself in a wide-legged stance before her. Looming, on purpose, no doubt.

“What’s it gonna be?” His hands went to the front of his pants, at the zipper.

A wave of nerves hit her and she averted her eyes briefly before forcing herself to look back up at the
front of his pants.

“The big D,” she said, before letting loose what was close to a cackle.

His voice dropped an octave. “You think I’ll disappoint?”

She hazarded another glance up at his face. He was scowling. She dropped her gaze and discreetly
covered her mouth, but couldn’t arrest the tittering. Her laughter was at least temporarily halted by a
gasp of surprise. One tug on her arm had her on her feet, then another over his shoulder. There was
little more to focus on but the view of the floor, followed by a change of carpet pattern. Then, freefall.
Her back hit the mattress and before she could fully catch her breath he was leaning over her, her wrists
grasped in one of his and pinned over her head.

His free hand was undoing his fly.

“We’ll see if you’re still laughing after…” He paused, struggling with his pants. “Damnit.” He had to
wriggle a bit and she could feel a snicker rising back up. “…after…This!”

Well, there it was. And she laughed. She couldn’t stop laughing.

He climbed on top of her, straddling her waist.

“This isn’t the way this scenario is supposed to go.”

She tried to gulp in air between her chortling. “I’m…sorry. Sir…It’s a perfectly…perfectly fine…D.”

He snarled at her. It was kind of cute, really.

She forced herself to look up at him. He was scowling again. She couldn’t tell if it was serious or not. She
dropped her eyes, right back to his crotch. The giggles were back in force.

“Sincerely, sir. It’s a nice…it’s…good...Good, D. Nice, D.” She tried to hold in a snort. Giggling was bad,
but a giggle-snort was definitely worse.

“Who’s a good boy?” And with that it was clear she wasn’t going to be able to help herself. She looked
down at his proudly jutting cock, leaning down and wagging her head. “Who’s a good boy?”

“I’m going to choke you with it.”

She pushed down her mirth and looked back up at his face. “Sorry. I’m just…nervy. Do you want me
to…Do you want me to give you head?”

“No. No, I want to get in you first.”

She barely had time to process before his mouth was over her pussy. His tongue inside. She gasped.
Then sighed, running her fingers through his hair. Soft hair, she thought….oooh…

Without warning, he pulled away.

“Now you’re ready.”

He thrust inside her.

“Oh boy…” He wasn’t dawdling, clearly. “Ooh…Sir, I don’t think you can get any further…Oooh.” Her eyes
widened. “My god.”

He was going quick, and deep, boyish in his enthusiasm. She tried to catch her breath. She heard a
creaking and wondered if the mattress was going to hold up, or if a collapsing bed frame would even
slow him down.

He was struggling to catch his breath now, too. When he spoke, it came out somewhere in between a
growl and a mutter. “Been waiting…nearly a year…for this…aaahh…the level of…restraint…I’ve had
to……aaahh…use…nearly superhuman… …aaahh… Herculean… restraint…aaahh…but now…but
now…aaahh…I shall…have my…revenge…pretty….Nell…Fenwick…”

It took a few moments for her to figure it out. She burst out laughing. And she couldn’t stop.

“Oh my god…” It turned into a guffaw.

He didn’t slow his pace, but he did plant the palms of his hands on either side of her face. He looked at
her. She was nearly at the point of tears.

“You’re not going to stop laughing, are you?”

Her sides were starting to ache. It was the most she could do to shake her head. He slowed and brought
his mouth down to hers. The kiss was deep and deliberate. Searching, and she met his inquiry.

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