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A research proposal for the faculty of senior high school Our Lady of Fatima. .

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for research.

Gloriane, Anna Lona R.

Lopez, Arianne Kate L.
Morales, Jenine Angela B.
Pimentel, Jessa Mae A.
Santos, Lander U.

Arcturus S. Mancera
Research adviser

Problem and its background


Teenage years was the season where peer pressure was on point and stronger. Smoking and drinking alcoholic

drinks are the habits that some students often try because of the peers they have and surrounds them. They often tend to try

those out of curiosity and the pressure that was given to them in able to jive with their friends that leads them to destruction.

Alcoholism can have a direct or indirect impact on brain health. Known direct effects of the condition include impaired

logic skills, memory impairment, brain shrinkage and loss of functional efficiency in the central nervous system (brain and

spinal cord). Vitamin B1-related nutritional problems associated with alcoholism can have indirect brain effects that include

the onset of the severe and potentially fatal combination of nerve cell damage, amnesia, impaired body balance and

delusional thinking.

Lately scientists have been saying that a little bit of alcohol with dinner is not only okay but it is also good for you.

This is true in moderation. They say that if you drink a small amount of alcohol it will help you sleep. Also if you drink a

moderate amount every day it can help your health in the long run. A moderate amount is considered to be 1 drink for

women daily and 2 drinks for men daily.

The importance of this topic is to define the effect of drinking alcohol in senior high school student not only in

health but also to know the impact in student studies and student behavior in everyday life more importantly for future senior

high school student that addicted to it and this will served as their guidance in drinking alcohol. In this research, the

researcher’s wants to know the impact of alcohol in the logical thinking of all students and to find out if alcohol can damage

their thinking if they’re going to use alcohol.

The researchers choose this topic to know how drinking alcohol can affect to those students memory such as a loss

of inhibitions, confused or abnormal thinking, weak logical thinking and poor decision-making. Recreational alcohol users

generally recover from its effects without any long-term problems. The researchers notice that there's a lot of students that

into drinking alcohol and the researchers want to help to reduce the number of drinkers by giving awareness that drinking

massive amount of alcohol can lead into long term effect in health.
The purpose of this research is to help those senior high school students to know the responsible way how to handle

the effect of alcohol, the right amount of alcohol to drink, the effect of alcohol in your mental health and physical health

when you are addicted to it and how it will affect your daily lives.

Background of the study

World Health Organization reported that nine percent of annual deaths of youth between the ages of 15 to 25 years

were attributed to alcohol related causes (WHO Global Status Reports on Alcohol and Health, 2009). The negative

consequences of adolescent alcohol use are well documented, and include decreased academic achievement, depression,

other substance use, unintentional injuries and serious road traffic accidents.

A study conducted by the Church-run Radio Veritas from May to June 2011. MANILA, Philippines there are more

Filipino women are drinking beer than men, that of its 2,500 respondents nationwide, 52 percent were female beer drinkers

and 48 percent were male beer drinkers. It also showed that beer drinking was more prevalent among married consumers

(57 percent) than among the single and unattached (43 percent).

In the school of Our Lady Of Fatima University, many students influence to drink alcohol because of the

environment outside of the school like there are many pubs that will attract students when they have free time. The researcher

choose the relationship of drinking alcohol in the logical thinking of (shs) student for the reason that students mental health

is important since they are studying this will help the respondents of this problem to cope up and make a decision or solution

in near future.

Statement of the problem

Demographic Profile

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What was is the mean of the following?

2.1 Alcoholic (3-4 times a week)

2.2 Non-alcoholic (1 times a week)

2.3 Age

2.4 Gender

3. Is there a significant relationship between alcoholic students in logical thinking?

4. Is there a significant relationship between non-alcoholic students in logical thinking?


Ha: The result of this research will show the significant relationship between drinking alcohol in logical thinking.

Scope and limitation

This research is all about the effect of having and not having a relationship in academic performance of

senior high school. The variable of this research are dependent variables. It is the academic performance because this is the

one being tested. Independent variables of this research is the SHS student because they are the one that changes and

controlled by the effect of dependent variables.

This research will be conducted at Our lady of Fatima university, Quezon city campus. The senior high

school of S.Y 2018-2019 will be the respondent in this research. The respondent should be at age of 16 and above either

female or male.

Significant of the study

 For the school conducting this research will provide a school based data that could help in planning public health

interventions to control alcohol use among Senior high school students.

 For the future researcher the study would also contribute to the existing literature to guide future research on

relationship between alcohol and logical thinking in senior high school.

 For the senior high school student the result of the study would aide them to increase their awareness about alcohol

drinking and alcohol-related issues so that at the early stage of life they would develop desirable habit and value

toward a better and quality of life.

 For the parent this study would serve as an eye-opener to them enabling there to see the real scenario of the health

nutrition factor of their students. They should know important factors that will help their students towards the effect

of the alcoholism in the academic performance of the students. In order for them to reali8e the important facts that
may help their children abstain from such activities. More over this will encourage them to work hand in hand with

their children to enhance harmonious relationship between their environment and in school.

 For the community this study would enjoin everybody to minimize, if not, stop the occurrence of alcohol drinking.

The result would help the community to establish non-discriminatory the effects of drinking alcoholic beverages so

that the latter can be assisted and properly evaluated themselves and look at other productive physically harmless

and healthy activities.

Definition of terms

Alcohol - A colorless volatile flammable liquid that is produced by the natural fermentation of sugars and is the intoxicating

constituent of wine, beer, spirits, and other drinks, and is also used as an industrial solvent and as fuel but in this research

alcohol is a drinks/beverages that can make people drunk such as beer, wine, whisky.

Alcoholism - an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting

from alcohol dependency. In this research alcoholism is an act of continuously drinking of alcohol.

Academic performance - It is define as the outcome of education that is the extent in which student, teacher or institution

has achieved their education goal and it is commonly measured by examination or continuous assessment (Ward, 1996).

Logical thinking - observe and analyze phenomena, reactions, and feedback and then draw conclusions based on that input.

In this research logical thinking is the student ability to think.

Performance - the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function but in this research it means

every day a student does in school.

Senior High School - a school attended after junior high school and usually consisting of grades 10 through 12. In this

research it is the respondents.

Pubs - an establishment where alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed.

Mental Health - a person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being but in this research mental

is the student mental condition.

Respondents - a person who replies to something, especially one supplying information for a survey or questionnaire or

responding to an advertisement. In this research the respondents is the one who answer all the question of the researcher’s

base on the given topic.

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