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Southern Philippines Federation of Labor (SPFL)

Coverage of the rights to Self- Organization
2. Mindanao Miners Employees Union-Sandigan ng
Manggagawang Pilipino (MMEU-Sandigan) and
G.R. No. 80882 April 24, 1989
3. No union.
vs. On February 9, 1987, a pre-election conference was conducted
HONORABLE PURA FERRER CALLEJA, Director, Bureau of Labor Relations, among the petitioner Union; private respondent Union, MMEU-
Department of Labor and Employment, public respondent. MINDANAO MINERS Sandigan; and APEX to settle details in the conduct of the election
EMPLOYEE UNION SANDIGAN NG MANGGAGAWANG PILIPINO such as the venue of the election and the list of employees qualified
(SANDIGAN), forced intervenor-private respondent. APEX MINING COMPANY, to vote in the election.
INC., employer-private respondent.

During the pre-election conference, the parties agreed to delete

Proculo P. Fuentes, Jr. for petitioner. from the list of workers prepared and submitted by APEX
numbering One Thousand Seven Hundred Sixteen (1,716), the
Valeriano F. Pasquil and Ruben V. Abarquez for respondent Apex Mining Co., Inc. names of nineteen (1 9) managerial employees and seventy-three
probationary employees who were statutorily disqualified from
Raul C. Nengasca and Antonio G. Jolejole for respondent Sandigan. voting. Petitioner Union objected to the inclusion in said list of the
following: (1) employees occupying the positions of Supervisor I, II,
and III; (2) employees under confidential/special payrolls; and (3)
employees who were not paying Union dues. The petitioner Union
contends that the aforementioned employees were disqualified from
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: participating in the certification election since the Supervisors were
managerial employees while the last two were disqualified by virtue
This petition for certiorari seeks to annul and set aside the Order issued by public of their non-membership in the Union and their exclusion from the
respondent Director Pura Ferrer Calleja of the Bureau of Labor Relations dated June benefits of the collective bargaining agreement.
23, 1987 which certified the respondent union, Mindanao Miners Employees Union-
Sandigan ng Manggagawang Pilipino (MMEU-Sandigan), as the sole and exclusive In view of the lack of agreement among the parties on the list of
bargaining representative of the rank-and-file employees of respondent Apex Mining qualified voters, Med-Arbiter Macasa issued an Order on February
Company (Apex) after the said public respondent denied the motion of herein 20, 1987, the dispositive portion of which reads:
petitioner to exclude one hundred ninety-seven (197) employees from voting in the
certification election. The denial is based on the ground that they are rank-and-file "Wherefore, premises considered it is hereby
employees. declared that the following groups of workers be
not included in the list of employees qualified to
As summarized by the Solicitor General in his Comment, the facts are as follows: vote in the consent election on February 23,
1987, as follows:
On December 29, 1986, petitioner Southern Philippines Federation
of Labor filed a petition for certification election among the rank- 1 Nineteen (19) managerial employees;
and-file employees of private respondent Apex Mining Company,
Incorporated with the Department of Labor in Region XI, Davao 2 Seventy-three (73) probationary employees;
City. and

On February 6, 1987, Med-Arbiter Conrado 0. Macasa, Sr. issued 3 Nineteen (19) Supervisors 1;
an Order calling for the holding of the certification election on
February 23, 1987 among the rank-and-file employees of APEX
with the following choices: All other workers except the foregoing will be
allowed to vote."
On February 23, 1987, the day of the certification election, On March 19, 1987, Med-Arbiter Macasa issued an Order, the
petitioner Union filed a Motion for Reconsideration of Macasa's dispositive portion of which reads:
Order dated February 20, 1987. The certification election was
nonetheless conducted, with the result as follows: "Wherefore, the interest of industrial peace
considered, it is hereby directed that the
l. Southern Philippines Federation of Labor............. 614 challenged ballots be opened and inventoried on
26 March 1987 at 3:00 p.m., before the entire
2. Mindanao Miners Employees records of the case be indorsed to the BLR for
union review."
Sandigan).................................. xxx xxx xxx
................. 528
Petitioner Union appealed Macasa's Order dated March 19, 1987 to
3. No Union......................................................................... 9 the Bureau of Labor Relations. On April 14, 1987, BLR Director
Pura Ferrer-Calleja issued an Order, the dispositive portion of
4. Challenged Ballots......................................................197 which reads:

5. Spoiled............................................................................25 "WHEREFORE, the Appeal of petitioner Southern

Philippines Federation of Labor (SPFL) is hereby
dismissed for lack of merit and the Med- Arbiter's
TOTAL VOTES CAST............................................................1,373 Order dated 19 March 1987 is affirmed with
modification that the 197 ballots should be
On the basis of the foregoing results, respondent Union filed an opened and canvassed by Labor Regional Office
Urgent Motion to Open the Challenged Ballots, with the prayer, to XI, Davao City. Let, therefore, the records of this
wit: case be immediately remanded to the said office,
for the immediate implementation of this
"Wherefore, premises considered, it is most Resolution."
respectfully prayed of this Honorable office that
this instant motion be given due course and that Petitioner Union moved for a reconsideration of the resolution dated
an order be issued to open and count the April 14, 1987. Meanwhile, on May 21, 1987, Med-Arbiter Macasa
challenged ballots in order to determine, once opened and canvassed the 197 challenged ballots with the result as
and for all, the winner in the certification and/or follows:
consent election and thereafter certify the sole
and exclusive collective bargaining representative SPFL 12 votes
of all rank-and-file employees and workers of SANDIGAN 178 votes
Apex Mining Company, Incorporated." No Union 2 votes
Spoiled 4 votes
xxx xxx xxx Envelop with
no ballots 1 vote
On March 11, 1987, APEX filed a Manifestation and Motion
manifesting its interest in the speedy resolution of the case and __________
primary concern for "the restoration of normalcy and the TOTAL 197 votes
preservation of industrial peace in the already explosive situation in
the mining area." As a consequence of the opening and canvass of the challenged
ballots, the outcome of the certification election became:
xxx xxx xxx

SPFL 626 votes Although we have upheld the validity of the CBA as the law among the parties, (see
SANDIGAN 706 votes Planters Products, Inc. v. NLRC, et al., G.R. No. 78524, January 20, 1989), its
No Union 11 votes provisions cannot override what is expressly provided by law that only managerial
employees are ineligible to join, assist or form any labor organization (See Art. 247,
___________ Labor Code). Therefore, regardless of the challenged employees' designations,
TOTAL 1,343 votes whether they are employed as Supervisors or in the confidential payrolls, if the nature
of their job does not fall under the definition of "managerial" as defined in the Labor
Code, they are eligible to be members of the bargaining unit and to vote in the
Based on the aforementioned results, respondent Union filed a certification election. Their right to self-organization must be upheld in the absence of
Manifestation with the BLR with prayer for the issuance of an express provision of law to the contrary. It cannot be curtailed by a collective
Certification Order certifying it as the sole and exclusive bargaining bargaining agreement.
representative of the rank-and-file employees of APEX. On June
23, 1987, Director Calleja issued an Order, the dispositive portion of
which reads: Hence, it is important to determine whether the positions of Supervisors II and III are
considered "managerial" under the law.
"WHEREFORE, the Motion for reconsideration of
Petitioner SPFL is hereby denied for lack of merit. As defined in the Labor Code and as we have held in the case of Franklin Baker
Meanwhile, intervenor Mindanao Employees Company of the Phils. v. Trajano, (1 57 SCRA 416, 421-423, [1988]):
Union-Sandigan Ng Manggagawang Pilipino
(MMEU- SANDIGAN) is hereby certified as the A managerial employee is defined as one who is vested with
sole and exclusive bargaining representative of powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management
the rank-and-file employees of respondent Apex policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge,
Mining Company, Inc. Accordingly, the assign or discipline employees, or to effectively recommend such
management of Apex Mining Company, Inc., is managerial actions. (Reynolds Phil. Corp. v. Eslava, 137 SCRA
directed to negotiate with (MMEU-SANDIGAN) [1985], citing Section 212 (K), Labor Code.)
for the conclusion of a collective bargaining
agreement (CBA)." xxxxxxxxx

Hence, this petition. The test of "supervisory" or "managerial status" depends on

whether a person possesses authority to act in the interest of his
The issue raised in this petition is whether or not the public respondent committed employer in the matter specified in Article 212 (k) of the Labor Code
grave abuse of discretion in allowing the 197 employees to vote in the certification and Section 1 (m) of its Implementing Rules and whether such
election when, as alleged by the petitioner, they are disqualified by express provision authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature, but requires
of law or under the existing collective bargaining agreement. the use of independent judgment. Thus, where such
recommendatory powers as in the case at bar, are subject to
It is maintained by the petitioner that under the Labor Code, managerial employees evaluation, review and final action by the department heads and
are excluded from forming or joining a collective bargaining unit; and under the other higher executives of the company, the same, although
collective bargaining agreement executed between Apex and respondent union, present, are not effective and not an exercise of independent
among those who are excluded from the bargaining unit are: a) managerial judgment as required by law (National Warehousing Corp. v. CIR, 7
employees as defined in paragraph K, Article 212 of the Labor Code; b) those SCRA 602-603 [1963]).
performing supervisory functions; and c) those holding confidential positions as
determined by the company. Therefore, the employees holding the positions of Furthermore, in line with the ruling of this Court, subject employees
Supervisors II and III and those in the confidential payrolls should be excluded from are not managerial employees because as borne by the records,
joining the bargaining unit and from voting in the certification election. Likewise, those they do not participate in policy making but are given ready policies
employees who are not paying union dues should be excluded from the same since to execute and standard practices to observe, thus having little
the existing CBA contains a Union shop provision. freedom of action (National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority v.
NWSA Consolidated, L-18938, 11 SCRA 766 [1964]).
The contentions have no merit.

The petitioner's motion for reconsideration before the public respondent outlined the
job description of Supervisors. In the category of Supervisory II, the "General
Summary" provides:


Assists the Foreman in the effective dispatching/distribution of

manpower and equipment to carry out approved work. (p. 30, Rollo)

while the first duty enumerated in the position of Supervisor III states:

1. Executes and coordinates work plans emanating from his

supervisors. (p. 32, Rollo)

Thus, it is clear from the above provisions that the functions of the questioned
positions are not managerial in nature because they only execute approved and
established policies leaving little or no discretion at all whether to implement the said
policies or not. The respondent Director, therefore, did not commit grave abuse of
discretion in dismissing the petitioner's appeal from the Med-Arbiter's Order to open
and count the challenged ballots in denying the petitioner's motion for reconsideration
and in certifying the respondent Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining
representative of the rank-and-file employees of respondent Apex .

As regards the employees in the confidential payroll, the petitioner has not shown that
the nature of their jobs is classified as managerial except for its allegation that they
are considered by management as occupying managerial positions and highly
confidential. Neither can payment or non-payment of union dues be the determining
factor of whether the challenged employees should be excluded from the bargaining
unit since the union shop provision in the CBA applies only to newly hired employees
but not to members of the bargaining unit who were not members of the union at the
time of the signing of the CBA. It is, therefore, not impossible for employees to be
members of the bargaining unit even though they are non-union members or not
paying union dues.

WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DISMISSED for LACK OF MERIT. Costs

against the petitioner.


G.R. No. 77231 May 31, 1989 opposing personalities that merge into one juridical or natural
person, and these special and unique status or personalities of the
SAN JOSE CITY ELECTRIC SERVICE COOPERATIVE, INC. supposed supporters cannot qualify to be represented by the
(SAJELCO), petitioner, petitioner, without doing injustice, in equity and unfair status or
vs. advantage to those member-consumers who have not that destiny
MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT and MAGKAISA-ADLO, respondents. or status of becoming employees;

6 No valid and lawful representation can be obtained by petitioner

in behalf of the supposed supporters, who are also member-
consumer, that are bound by the Article of Incorporation, By-laws of
MEDIALDEA, J.: the respondent Cooperative and pertinent Decrees and laws, to
support and defend the basic policies of the Government on Electric
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court. Petitioner San Cooperatives;
Jose City Electric Service Cooperative, Inc. (SAJELCO, for brevity) seeks the reversal
of the Order (pp. 38-40, Rollo) of Pura Ferrer-Calleja, Director of Bureau of Labor 7. There is no possible legal way by which to dismantle the
Relations in BLR Case No. A-10-259-86 which affirmed the Order of Med-Arbiter personalities of some of the supporters of the petitioner, as
Antonio R. Cortez to conduct a certification election among the rank-and-file employees, from their status as consumer-members, who are,
employees of SAJELCO. under the By-laws, part and parcels of the General or Special
Assembly that finally decides any dispute, and no reasonable or
The antecedent facts of the instant case are as follows: valid scale of justice could be invoked to divide a person who, in
conscience, is also the other fellow against whom a remedy is
On July 29, 1986, private respondent Manggagawang Nagkakaisa ng SAJELCO- sought for in allowing this to happen is tantamount to slaughtering a
Association of Democratic Labor Organization (MAGKAISA-ADLO) filed a petition (pp. man to his own ends;
16-18, Rollo) for direct certification election with the Regional Office No. 111 of the
Department of Labor and Employment in San Fernando, Pampanga. The petition xxx
alleged that MAGKAISA-ADLO is a legitimate labor organization duly registered with
the Ministry of Labor and Employment; that there are more or less fifty-four (54) rank On September 5, 1986, the Med-Arbiter who was assigned to the case issued an
and file employees in SAJELCO; that almost 62% of the employees sought to be Order (pp. 24-26, Rollo) granting the petition for direct certification election on the
represented have supported the filing of the petition; that there has been no valid basis of the pleadings filed. The Order said that while some of the members of
certification election held in SAJELCO during the twelve (12) month period prior to the petitioner union are members of the cooperative, it cannot be denied that they are
filing of the petition and that there is no other union in the bargaining unit. also employees within the contemplation of the Labor Code and are therefore entitled
to enjoy all the benefits of employees, including the right to self-organization (pp.
In its answer (pp. 19-21, Rollo), SAJELCO opposed the petition for direct certification 25, Rollo). This Order was appealed by SAJELCO to the Bureau of Labor Relations.
election contending, inter alia, that the employees who sought to be represented by
private respondent are members-consumers of the Cooperative itself and at the same In its appeal, (pp. 27-36, Rollo) SAJELCO reiterated its position that:
time composed the General Assembly which, pursuant to the By-laws is also the final
arbiter of any dispute arising in the Cooperative. Thus:
. . . upon the principle that in electric cooperative — as in the case
of respondent, there is a merger of the consumer-members that
xxx composed of the assembly and that of the rank-and-file members of
the petitioners-into one person or juridical status thus rendering the
5. That some, if not most, of the employees who sought to be proposed collective bargaining agent ineffective and/or uncalled for
represented by the petitioner, are member-consumers, and as such — considering that a grievance machinery for employees and/or
are members of the General or Special Assembly which is the final member-consumers of the cooperative-has been provided for by
arbiter on any dispute which a member and/or the Board, or the the By-laws as a built-in over-all arbiter involving disputes affecting
Cooperative may have, and that such "some"of said alleged said cooperative;
supporters, in their capacity as member-consumers, enjoy two
personalities in that as employees and/or members of the General Respondent Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations dismissed the appeal and
Assembly, and therefore cannot fairly and prudently represent such sustained the ruling of the Med-Arbiter in an order dated January 5, 1987.

On February 19, 1987, SAJELCO filed the instant petition for certiorari praying that 62386, Bulacan II- Electric Cooperative, Inc., vs. Hon. Eliseo A. Penaflor, et al., G.R.
the order of respondent Director be set aside and another one rendered denying the No. 70880 and Albay Electric Cooperative vs. Crescencio B. Trajano et. al., G.R. No.
holding or conduct of a certification election among the rank and file employees of 74560 (November 9, 1988), citing the case of Cooperative Rural Bank of Davao City,
SAJELCO. Inc. vs. Pura Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. 77951, September 26,1988, where it was held
In a letter dated June 20, 1987, Atty. Ricardo Soto, Jr., counsel for private respondent
union, manifested that a direct certification election was conducted in SAJELCO, A cooperative, therefore, is by its nature different from an ordinary
there being no restraining order from this Court enjoining the holding thereof Likewise, business concern being run either, by persons, partnerships or
Atty. Soto was of the opinion that in view of the direct certification election conducted, corporations. Its owners and/or members are the ones who run and
the petition brought before this Court by SAJELCO has become moot and academic operate the business while the others are its employees. As above
(p. 48, Rollo). Attached to his letter is a copy of the minutes of the certification election stated, irrespective of the name of shares owned by its members
held on April 13, 1987 showing that of forty three (43) employees who voted, thirty they are entitled to cast one vote each in deciding upon the affair of
(30) voted for respondent union and thirteen (13) voted for "no union." the cooperative. Their share capital earn limited interests, They
enjoy special privileges as — exemption from income tax and sales
In the resolution of this court (First Division) dated September 29, 1987, respondents taxes, preferential right to supply their products to State agencies
were required to comment on the petition. The Solicitor General filed its comment and even exemption from minimum wage laws.
dated October 30, 1987 wherein it took a stand contrary to that of respondent
Director. To support its stand, the Solicitor General argued firstly, that the union An employee therefore of such a cooperative who is a member and
members who seek to be represented by the union are the very members of the co-owner thereof cannot invoke the right to collective bargaining for
cooperative, thereby resulting in a fusion of two personalities. Thus, it will be certainly an owner cannot bargain with himself or his co-owners. In
inconsistent for the union members to bargain with themselves. Secondly, he said the opinion of August 14, 1981 of the Solicitor General, he corectly
that article 243 of the Labor Code; requires that before one can form, join or assist a opined that employees of cooperatives who are themselves
labor union, he must first be employed and to be an employee one must be under hire members of the cooperative have no right to form or join labor
and must have no involvement in the ownership of the firm. A labor union is formed organizations for purposes of collective bargaining for being
for purposes of collective bargaining. The duty to bargain exists only between themselves co-owners of the cooperative.
employer and employees and not between an employer and his co-owners. Thirdly,
he also said that under the National Electrification Decree (P.D. No. 269, August 6, However, in so far as it involves cooperatives with employees who
1973) members of an electric cooperative such as petitioner, besides contributing are not members or co-owners thereof, certainly such employees
financially to its establishments and maintenance, participate in its management. In are entitled to exercise the rights of all workers to organization,
the latter aspect, they possess the powers and prerogatives of managerial employees collective bargaining, negotiations and others as are enshrined in
who are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization (pp. 4-6 of Comment; the Constitution and existing laws of the country.
pp 43-45, Rollo).
In this petition, San Jose City Electric Service Cooperative, Inc. (SAJELCO) claims
On November 25, 1987, We required Atty. Soto, Jr. to comment on the comment of that its employees are also members of the cooperative. It cited Section 17(18) of its
the Solicitor General (p. 47, Rollo). However, the notices sent to him were returned By-laws which declares that:
and stamped "moved to an unknown address." But respondent Director of the Bureau
of Labor Relations filed a comment on the aforesaid comment of the Solicitor General
reiterating his stand that members of private respondent union fall under the general The Board shall also create positions for subordinate employees
provision of Article 244 of the Code on who are qualified to form, join or assist in the and fix their duties and remunerations. Only member-consumers or
formation of unions as they are neither managerial employees nor persons belonging members of their immediate family shall be employed by the
to subversive organizations. Thus, on May 25, 1988, we gave due course to the cooperative (Emphasis supplied).
petition (p. 79, Rollo).
The above-cited provision, however, mentions two types of employees, namely: the
The only issue presented for resolution in this petition is whether or not the members-consumers and the members of their immediate families. As regards
employees-members of an electric cooperative can organize themselves for purposes employees of SAJELCO who are members-consumers, the rule is settled that they
of collective bargaining. are not qualified to form, join or assist labor organizations for purposes of collective
bargaining. The reason for withholding from employees of a cooperative who are
members-co-owners the right to collective bargaining is clear: an owner cannot
This Court had the occasion to rule on this issue in the consolidated cases bargain with himself. However, employees who are not members-consumers may
of Batangas I-Electric Cooperative Labor Union vs. Romeo Young, et al., G.R. No.
form, join or assist labor organizations for purposes of collective bargaining
notwithstanding the fact that employees of SAJELCO who are not members-
consumers were employed ONLY because they are members of the immediate family
of members-consumers. The fact remains that they are not themselves members-
consumers, and as such, they are entitled to exercise the rights of all workers to
organization, collective bargaining, negotiations and others as are enshrined in
Section 8, Article III and Section 3, Article XIII of the 1987 Constitution, Labor Code of
the Philippines and other related laws (Cooperative Rural Bank of Davao City, Inc.,
supra, p. 10).

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed Order of respondent Pura

Ferrer-Calleja, Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations is hereby MODIFIED to the
effect that only the rank-and-file employees of petitioner who are not its members-
consumers are entitled to self-organization, collective bargaining, and negotiations,
while other employees who are members-consumers thereof cannot enjoy such right.
The direct certification election conducted on April 13, 1987 is hereby set aside. The
Regional Office III of the Department of Labor and Employment in San Fernando,
Pampanga is hereby directed: (a) to determine the number of rank and file employees
of SAJELCO who are not themselves members-consumers; (b) to resolve whether or
not there is compliance with the requirements set forth in Article 257 of the Labor
Code; and (c) in the affirmative, to immediately conduct a direct certification election
among the rank and file employees of SAJELCO who are not members-consumers.


G.R. No. 85750 September 28, 1990 whereby an operating center for processing Indo-Chinese refugees for eventual
resettlement to other countries was to be established in Bataan (Annex "A", Rollo, pp.
HON. PURA CALLEJA IN HER CAPACITY AS DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF ICMC was one of those accredited by the Philippine Government to operate the
LABOR RELATIONS AND TRADE UNIONS OF THE PHILIPPINES AND ALLIED refugee processing center in Morong, Bataan. It was incorporated in New York, USA,
SERVICES (TUPAS) WFTU respondents. at the request of the Holy See, as a non-profit agency involved in international
humanitarian and voluntary work. It is duly registered with the United Nations
G.R. No. 89331 September 28, 1990 Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and enjoys Consultative Status, Category II.
As an international organization rendering voluntary and humanitarian services in the
Philippines, its activities are parallel to those of the International Committee for
KAPISANAN NG MANGGAGAWA AT TAC SA IRRI-ORGANIZED LABOR Migration (ICM) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) [DOLE
ASSOCIATION IN LINE INDUSTRIES AND AGRICULTURE, petitioner, Records of BLR Case No. A-2-62-87, ICMC v. Calleja, Vol. 1].
RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., respondents. On 14 July 1986, Trade Unions of the Philippines and Allied Services (TUPAS) filed
with the then Ministry of Labor and Employment a Petition for Certification Election
among the rank and file members employed by ICMC The latter opposed the petition
Araullo, Zambrano, Gruba, Chua Law Firm for petitioner in 85750. on the ground that it is an international organization registered with the United Nations
and, hence, enjoys diplomatic immunity.
Dominguez, Armamento, Cabana & Associates for petitioner in G.R. No. 89331.
On 5 February 1987, Med-Arbiter Anastacio L. Bactin sustained ICMC and dismissed
Jimenez & Associates for IRRI. the petition for lack of jurisdiction.

Alfredo L. Bentulan for private respondent in 85750. On appeal by TUPAS, Director Pura Calleja of the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR),
reversed the Med-Arbiter's Decision and ordered the immediate conduct of a
certification election. At that time, ICMC's request for recognition as a specialized
agency was still pending with the Department of Foreign Affairs (DEFORAF).

Subsequently, however, on 15 July 1988, the Philippine Government, through the
DEFORAF, granted ICMC the status of a specialized agency with corresponding
Consolidated on 11 December 1989, these two cases involve the validity of the claim diplomatic privileges and immunities, as evidenced by a Memorandum of Agreement
of immunity by the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) and the between the Government and ICMC (Annex "E", Petition, Rollo, pp. 41-43), infra.
International Rice Research Institute, Inc. (IRRI) from the application of Philippine
labor laws.
ICMC then sought the immediate dismissal of the TUPAS Petition for Certification
Election invoking the immunity expressly granted but the same was denied by
I respondent BLR Director who, again, ordered the immediate conduct of a pre-election
conference. ICMC's two Motions for Reconsideration were denied despite an opinion
Facts and Issues rendered by DEFORAF on 17 October 1988 that said BLR Order violated ICMC's
diplomatic immunity.
A. G.R. No. 85750 — the International Catholic Migration Commission
(ICMC) Case. Thus, on 24 November 1988, ICMC filed the present Petition for Certiorari with
Preliminary Injunction assailing the BLR Order.
As an aftermath of the Vietnam War, the plight of Vietnamese refugees fleeing from
South Vietnam's communist rule confronted the international community. On 28 November 1988, the Court issued a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining the
holding of the certification election.
In response to this crisis, on 23 February 1981, an Agreement was forged between
the Philippine Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

On 10 January 1989, the DEFORAF, through its Legal Adviser, retired Justice Jorge The facts disclose that on 9 December 1959, the Philippine Government and the Ford
C. Coquia of the Court of Appeals, filed a Motion for Intervention alleging that, as the and Rockefeller Foundations signed a Memorandum of Understanding establishing
highest executive department with the competence and authority to act on matters the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) at Los Baños, Laguna. It was intended
involving diplomatic immunity and privileges, and tasked with the conduct of to be an autonomous, philanthropic, tax-free, non-profit, non-stock organization
Philippine diplomatic and consular relations with foreign governments and UN designed to carry out the principal objective of conducting "basic research on the rice
organizations, it has a legal interest in the outcome of this case. plant, on all phases of rice production, management, distribution and utilization with a
view to attaining nutritive and economic advantage or benefit for the people of Asia
Over the opposition of the Solicitor General, the Court allowed DEFORAF and other major rice-growing areas through improvement in quality and quantity of
intervention. rice."

On 12 July 1989, the Second Division gave due course to the ICMC Petition and Initially, IRRI was organized and registered with the Securities and Exchange
required the submittal of memoranda by the parties, which has been complied with. Commission as a private corporation subject to all laws and regulations. However, by
virtue of Pres. Decree No. 1620, promulgated on 19 April 1979, IRRI was granted the
status, prerogatives, privileges and immunities of an international organization.
As initially stated, the issue is whether or not the grant of diplomatic privileges and
immunites to ICMC extends to immunity from the application of Philippine labor laws.
The Organized Labor Association in Line Industries and Agriculture (OLALIA), is a
legitimate labor organization with an existing local union, the Kapisanan ng
ICMC sustains the affirmative of the proposition citing (1) its Memorandum of Manggagawa at TAC sa IRRI (Kapisanan, for short) in respondent IRRI.
Agreement with the Philippine Government giving it the status of a specialized
agency, (infra); (2) the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of Specialized
Agencies, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 21 November 1947 and On 20 April 1987, the Kapisanan filed a Petition for Direct Certification Election with
concurred in by the Philippine Senate through Resolution No. 91 on 17 May 1949 (the Region IV, Regional Office of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
Philippine Instrument of Ratification was signed by the President on 30 August 1949
and deposited with the UN on 20 March 1950) infra; and (3) Article II, Section 2 of the IRRI opposed the petition invoking Pres. Decree No. 1620 conferring upon it the
1987 Constitution, which declares that the Philippines adopts the generally accepted status of an international organization and granting it immunity from all civil, criminal
principles of international law as part of the law of the land. and administrative proceedings under Philippine laws.

Intervenor DEFORAF upholds ICMC'S claim of diplomatic immunity and seeks an On 7 July 1987, Med-Arbiter Leonardo M. Garcia, upheld the opposition on the basis
affirmance of the DEFORAF determination that the BLR Order for a certification of Pres. Decree No. 1620 and dismissed the Petition for Direct Certification.
election among the ICMC employees is violative of the diplomatic immunity of said
organization. On appeal, the BLR Director, who is the public respondent in the ICMC Case, set
aside the Med-Arbiter's Order and authorized the calling of a certification election
Respondent BLR Director, on the other hand, with whom the Solicitor General agrees, among the rank-and-file employees of IRRI. Said Director relied on Article 243 of the
cites State policy and Philippine labor laws to justify its assailed Order, particularly, Labor Code, as amended, infra and Article XIII, Section 3 of the 1987
Article II, Section 18 and Article III, Section 8 of the 1987 Constitution, infra; and Constitution, 1 and held that "the immunities and privileges granted to IRRI do not
Articles 243 and 246 of the Labor Code, as amended, ibid. In addition, she contends include exemption from coverage of our Labor Laws." Reconsideration sought by
that a certification election is not a litigation but a mere investigation of a non- IRRI was denied.
adversary, fact-finding character. It is not a suit against ICMC its property, funds or
assets, but is the sole concern of the workers themselves. On appeal, the Secretary of Labor, in a Resolution of 5 July 1989, set aside the BLR
Director's Order, dismissed the Petition for Certification Election, and held that the
B. G.R. No. 89331 — (The International Rice Research Institute [IRRI] Case). grant of specialized agency status by the Philippine Government to the IRRI bars
DOLE from assuming and exercising jurisdiction over IRRI Said Resolution reads in
Before a Decision could be rendered in the ICMC Case, the Third Division, on 11 part as follows:
December 1989, resolved to consolidate G.R. No. 89331 pending before it with G.R.
No. 85750, the lower-numbered case pending with the Second Division, upon Presidential Decree No. 1620 which grants to the IRRI the status,
manifestation by the Solicitor General that both cases involve similar issues. prerogatives, privileges and immunities of an international
organization is clear and explicit. It provides in categorical terms

Art. 3 — The Institute shall enjoy immunity from any penal, civil and On the other hand, in entertaining the appeal, the Secretary of Labor relied on Section
administrative proceedings, except insofar as immunity has been 25 of Rep. Act. No. 6715, which took effect on 21 March 1989, providing for the direct
expressly waived by the Director-General of the Institution or his filing of appeal from the Med-Arbiter to the Office of the Secretary of Labor and
authorized representative. Employment instead of to the Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations in cases
involving certification election orders.
Verily, unless and until the Institute expressly waives its immunity,
no summons, subpoena, orders, decisions or proceedings ordered III
by any court or administrative or quasi-judicial agency are
enforceable as against the Institute. In the case at bar there was no Findings in Both Cases.
such waiver made by the Director-General of the Institute. Indeed,
the Institute, at the very first opportunity already vehemently
questioned the jurisdiction of this Department by filing an ex-parte There can be no question that diplomatic immunity has, in fact, been granted ICMC
motion to dismiss the case. and IRRI.

Hence, the present Petition for Certiorari filed by Kapisanan alleging grave abuse of Article II of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Philippine Government and
discretion by respondent Secretary of Labor in upholding IRRI's diplomatic immunity. ICMC provides that ICMC shall have a status "similar to that of a specialized agency."
Article III, Sections 4 and 5 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of
Specialized Agencies, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 21 November 1947
The Third Division, to which the case was originally assigned, required the and concurred in by the Philippine Senate through Resolution No. 19 on 17 May
respondents to comment on the petition. In a Manifestation filed on 4 August 1990, 1949, explicitly provides:
the Secretary of Labor declared that it was "not adopting as his own" the decision of
the BLR Director in the ICMC Case as well as the Comment of the Solicitor General
sustaining said Director. The last pleading was filed by IRRI on 14 August 1990. Art. III, Section 4. The specialized agencies, their property and
assets, wherever located and by whomsoever held, shall enjoy
immunity from every form of legal process except insofar as in any
Instead of a Comment, the Solicitor General filed a Manifestation and Motion praying particular case they have expressly waived their immunity. It is,
that he be excused from filing a comment "it appearing that in the earlier case however, understood that no waiver of immunity shall extend to any
of International Catholic Migration Commission v. Hon. Pura Calleja, G.R. No. 85750. measure of execution.
the Office of the Solicitor General had sustained the stand of Director Calleja on the
very same issue now before it, which position has been superseded by respondent
Secretary of Labor in G.R. No. 89331," the present case. The Court acceded to the Sec. 5. — The premises of the specialized agencies shall be
Solicitor General's prayer. inviolable. The property and assets of the specialized agencies,
wherever located and by whomsoever held shall be immune from
search, requisition, confiscation, expropriation and any other form
The Court is now asked to rule upon whether or not the Secretary of Labor committed of interference, whether by executive, administrative, judicial or
grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the Petition for Certification Election filed by legislative action. (Emphasis supplied).
IRRI is similarly situated, Pres. Decree No. 1620, Article 3, is explicit in its grant of
Kapisanan contends that Article 3 of Pres. Decree No. 1620 granting IRRI the status, immunity, thus:
privileges, prerogatives and immunities of an international organization, invoked by
the Secretary of Labor, is unconstitutional in so far as it deprives the Filipino workers
of their fundamental and constitutional right to form trade unions for the purpose of Art. 3. Immunity from Legal Process. — The Institute shall enjoy
collective bargaining as enshrined in the 1987 Constitution. immunity from any penal, civil and administrative proceedings,
except insofar as that immunity has been expressly waived by the
Director-General of the Institute or his authorized representatives.
A procedural issue is also raised. Kapisanan faults respondent Secretary of Labor for
entertaining IRRI'S appeal from the Order of the Director of the Bureau of Labor
Relations directing the holding of a certification election. Kapisanan contends that Thus it is that the DEFORAF, through its Legal Adviser, sustained ICMC'S invocation
pursuant to Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Rule V 2 of the Omnibus Rules Implementing of immunity when in a Memorandum, dated 17 October 1988, it expressed the view
the Labor Code, the Order of the BLR Director had become final and unappeable and that "the Order of the Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations dated 21 September
that, therefore, the Secretary of Labor had no more jurisdiction over the said appeal. 1988 for the conduct of Certification Election within ICMC violates the diplomatic
immunity of the organization." Similarly, in respect of IRRI, the DEFORAF speaking

through The Acting Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Jose D. Ingles, in a letter, dated 17 membership. The Charter provides that those agencies which have
June 1987, to the Secretary of Labor, maintained that "IRRI enjoys immunity from the "wide international responsibilities" are to be brought into
jurisdiction of DOLE in this particular instance." relationship with the United Nations by agreements entered into
between them and the Economic and Social Council, are then to be
The foregoing opinions constitute a categorical recognition by the Executive Branch of known as "specialized agencies." 10
the Government that ICMC and IRRI enjoy immunities accorded to international
organizations, which determination has been held to be a political question conclusive The rapid growth of international organizations under contemporary international law
upon the Courts in order not to embarrass a political department of Government. has paved the way for the development of the concept of international immunities.

It is a recognized principle of international law and under our It is now usual for the constitutions of international organizations to
system of separation of powers that diplomatic immunity is contain provisions conferring certain immunities on the
essentially a political question and courts should refuse to look organizations themselves, representatives of their member states
beyond a determination by the executive branch of the government, and persons acting on behalf of the organizations. A series of
and where the plea of diplomatic immunity is recognized and conventions, agreements and protocols defining the immunities of
affirmed by the executive branch of the government as in the case various international organizations in relation to their members
at bar, it is then the duty of the courts to accept the claim of generally are now widely in force; . . . 11
immunity upon appropriate suggestion by the principal law officer of
the government . . . or other officer acting under his direction. There are basically three propositions underlying the grant of international immunities
Hence, in adherence to the settled principle that courts may not so to international organizations. These principles, contained in the ILO Memorandum
exercise their jurisdiction . . . as to embarrass the executive arm of are stated thus: 1) international institutions should have a status which protects them
the government in conducting foreign relations, it is accepted against control or interference by any one government in the performance of functions
doctrine that in such cases the judicial department of (this) for the effective discharge of which they are responsible to democratically constituted
government follows the action of the political branch and will not international bodies in which all the nations concerned are represented; 2) no country
embarrass the latter by assuming an antagonistic jurisdiction. 3 should derive any national financial advantage by levying fiscal charges on common
international funds; and 3) the international organization should, as a collectivity of
A brief look into the nature of international organizations and specialized agencies is States members, be accorded the facilities for the conduct of its official business
in order. The term "international organization" is generally used to describe an customarily extended to each other by its individual member States. 12 The theory
organization set up by agreement between two or more states. 4 Under contemporary behind all three propositions is said to be essentially institutional in character. "It is not
international law, such organizations are endowed with some degree of international concerned with the status, dignity or privileges of individuals, but with the elements of
legal personality 5 such that they are capable of exercising specific rights, duties and functional independence necessary to free international institutions from national
powers. 6 They are organized mainly as a means for conducting general international control and to enable them to discharge their responsibilities impartially on behalf of
business in which the member states have an interest. 7 The United Nations, for all their members. 13 The raison d'etre for these immunities is the assurance of
instance, is an international organization dedicated to the propagation of world peace. unimpeded performance of their functions by the agencies concerned.

"Specialized agencies" are international organizations having functions in particular The grant of immunity from local jurisdiction to ICMC and IRRI is clearly necessitated
fields. The term appears in Articles 57 8 and 63 9 of the Charter of the United Nations: by their international character and respective purposes. The objective is to avoid the
danger of partiality and interference by the host country in their internal workings. The
The Charter, while it invests the United Nations with the general exercise of jurisdiction by the Department of Labor in these instances would defeat
task of promoting progress and international cooperation in the very purpose of immunity, which is to shield the affairs of international
economic, social, health, cultural, educational and related matters, organizations, in accordance with international practice, from political pressure or
contemplates that these tasks will be mainly fulfilled not by organs control by the host country to the prejudice of member States of the organization, and
of the United Nations itself but by autonomous international to ensure the unhampered performance of their functions.
organizations established by inter-governmental agreements
outside the United Nations. There are now many such international ICMC's and IRRI's immunity from local jurisdiction by no means deprives labor of its
agencies having functions in many different fields, e.g. in posts, basic rights, which are guaranteed by Article II, Section 18, 14 Article III, Section
telecommunications, railways, canals, rivers, sea transport, civil 8, 15 and Article XIII, Section 3 (supra), of the 1987 Constitution; and implemented by
aviation, meteorology, atomic energy, finance, trade, education and Articles 243 and 246 of the Labor Code, 16 relied on by the BLR Director and by
culture, health and refugees. Some are virtually world-wide in their Kapisanan.
membership, some are regional or otherwise limited in their
For, ICMC employees are not without recourse whenever there are disputes to be We take note of a Manifestation, dated 28 September 1989, in the ICMC Case (p.
settled. Section 31 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the 161, Rollo), wherein TUPAS calls attention to the case entitled "International Catholic
Specialized Agencies of the United Nations 17 provides that "each specialized agency Migration Commission v. NLRC, et als., (G.R. No. 72222, 30 January 1989, 169
shall make provision for appropriate modes of settlement of: (a) disputes arising out of SCRA 606), and claims that, having taken cognizance of that dispute (on the issue of
contracts or other disputes of private character to which the specialized agency is a payment of salary for the unexpired portion of a six-month probationary employment),
party." Moreover, pursuant to Article IV of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Court is now estopped from passing upon the question of DOLE jurisdiction
ICMC the the Philippine Government, whenever there is any abuse of privilege by petition over ICMC.
ICMC, the Government is free to withdraw the privileges and immunities accorded.
Thus: We find no merit to said submission. Not only did the facts of said controversy occur
between 1983-1985, or before the grant to ICMC on 15 July 1988 of the status of a
Art. IV. Cooperation with Government Authorities. — 1. The specialized agency with corresponding immunities, but also because ICMC in that
Commission shall cooperate at all times with the appropriate case did not invoke its immunity and, therefore, may be deemed to have waived it,
authorities of the Government to ensure the observance of assuming that during that period (1983-1985) it was tacitly recognized as enjoying
Philippine laws, rules and regulations, facilitate the proper such immunity.
administration of justice and prevent the occurrences of any abuse
of the privileges and immunities granted its officials and alien Anent the procedural issue raised in the IRRI Case, suffice it to state that the Decision
employees in Article III of this Agreement to the Commission. of the BLR Director, dated 15 February 1989, had not become final because of a
Motion for Reconsideration filed by IRRI Said Motion was acted upon only on 30
2. In the event that the Government determines that there has been March 1989 when Rep. Act No. 6715, which provides for direct appeals from the
an abuse of the privileges and immunities granted under this Orders of the Med-Arbiter to the Secretary of Labor in certification election cases
Agreement, consultations shall be held between the Government either from the order or the results of the election itself, was already in effect,
and the Commission to determine whether any such abuse has specifically since 21 March 1989. Hence, no grave abuse of discretion may be
occurred and, if so, the Government shall withdraw the privileges imputed to respondent Secretary of Labor in his assumption of appellate jurisdiction,
and immunities granted the Commission and its officials. contrary to Kapisanan's allegations. The pertinent portion of that law provides:

Neither are the employees of IRRI without remedy in case of dispute with Art. 259. — Any party to an election may appeal the order or results
management as, in fact, there had been organized a forum for better management- of the election as determined by the Med-Arbiter directly to the
employee relationship as evidenced by the formation of the Council of IRRI Secretary of Labor and Employment on the ground that the rules
Employees and Management (CIEM) wherein "both management and employees and regulations or parts thereof established by the Secretary of
were and still are represented for purposes of maintaining mutual and beneficial Labor and Employment for the conduct of the election have been
cooperation between IRRI and its employees." The existence of this Union factually violated. Such appeal shall be decided within 15 calendar days
and tellingly belies the argument that Pres. Decree No. 1620, which grants to IRRI the (Emphasis supplied).
status, privileges and immunities of an international organization, deprives its
employees of the right to self-organization. En passant, the Court is gratified to note that the heretofore antagonistic positions
assumed by two departments of the executive branch of government have been
The immunity granted being "from every form of legal process except in so far as in rectified and the resultant embarrassment to the Philippine Government in the eyes of
any particular case they have expressly waived their immunity," it is inaccurate to the international community now, hopefully, effaced.
state that a certification election is beyond the scope of that immunity for the reason
that it is not a suit against ICMC. A certification election cannot be viewed as an WHEREFORE, in G.R. No. 85750 (the ICMC Case), the Petition is GRANTED, the
independent or isolated process. It could tugger off a series of events in the collective Order of the Bureau of Labor Relations for certification election is SET ASIDE, and
bargaining process together with related incidents and/or concerted activities, which the Temporary Restraining Order earlier issued is made PERMANENT.
could inevitably involve ICMC in the "legal process," which includes "any penal, civil
and administrative proceedings." The eventuality of Court litigation is neither remote
and from which international organizations are precisely shielded to safeguard them In G.R. No. 89331 (the IRRI Case), the Petition is Dismissed, no grave abuse of
from the disruption of their functions. Clauses on jurisdictional immunity are said to be discretion having been committed by the Secretary of Labor and Employment in
standard provisions in the constitutions of international Organizations. "The immunity dismissing the Petition for Certification Election.
covers the organization concerned, its property and its assets. It is equally applicable
to proceedings in personam and proceedings in rem." 18 No pronouncement as to costs.

G.R. No. L-25246 September 12, 1974 1974. Thereupon, the Union wrote a formal letter to the Company asking the latter to
separate Appellee from the service in view of the fact that he was resigning from the
BENJAMIN VICTORIANO, plaintiff-appellee, Union as a member. The management of the Company in turn notified Appellee and
vs. his counsel that unless the Appellee could achieve a satisfactory arrangement with
ELIZALDE ROPE WORKERS' UNION and ELIZALDE ROPE FACTORY, INC., the Union, the Company would be constrained to dismiss him from the service. This
defendants, ELIZALDE ROPE WORKERS' UNION, defendant-appellant. prompted Appellee to file an action for injunction, docketed as Civil Case No. 58894 in
the Court of First Instance of Manila to enjoin the Company and the Union from
dismissing Appellee.1 In its answer, the Union invoked the "union security clause" of
Salonga, Ordonez, Yap, Sicat & Associates for plaintiff-appellee. the collective bargaining agreement; assailed the constitutionality of Republic Act No.
3350; and contended that the Court had no jurisdiction over the case, pursuant to
Cipriano Cid & Associates for defendant-appellant. Republic Act No. 875, Sections 24 and 9 (d) and (e). 2 Upon the facts agreed upon by
the parties during the pre-trial conference, the Court a quo rendered its decision on
August 26, 1965, the dispositive portion of which reads:

ZALDIVAR, J.:p IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is rendered enjoining

the defendant Elizalde Rope Factory, Inc. from dismissing the
plaintiff from his present employment and sentencing the defendant
Appeal to this Court on purely questions of law from the decision of the Court of First Elizalde Rope Workers' Union to pay the plaintiff P500 for attorney's
Instance of Manila in its Civil Case No. 58894. fees and the costs of this action.3

The undisputed facts that spawned the instant case follow: From this decision, the Union appealed directly to this Court on purely questions of
law, assigning the following errors:
Benjamin Victoriano (hereinafter referred to as Appellee), a member of the religious
sect known as the "Iglesia ni Cristo", had been in the employ of the Elizalde Rope I. That the lower court erred when it did not rule that Republic Act
Factory, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Company) since 1958. As such employee, he No. 3350 is unconstitutional.
was a member of the Elizalde Rope Workers' Union (hereinafter referred to as Union)
which had with the Company a collective bargaining agreement containing a closed
shop provision which reads as follows: II. That the lower court erred when it sentenced appellant herein to
pay plaintiff the sum of P500 as attorney's fees and the cost
Membership in the Union shall be required as a condition of
employment for all permanent employees workers covered by this
Agreement. In support of the alleged unconstitutionality of Republic Act No. 3350, the Union
contented, firstly, that the Act infringes on the fundamental right to form lawful
associations; that "the very phraseology of said Republic Act 3350, that membership
The collective bargaining agreement expired on March 3, 1964 but was renewed the in a labor organization is banned to all those belonging to such religious sect
following day, March 4, 1964. prohibiting affiliation with any labor organization"4 , "prohibits all the members of a
given religious sect from joining any labor union if such sect prohibits affiliations of
Under Section 4(a), paragraph 4, of Republic Act No. 875, prior to its amendment by their members thereto"5 ; and, consequently, deprives said members of their
Republic Act No. 3350, the employer was not precluded "from making an agreement constitutional right to form or join lawful associations or organizations guaranteed by
with a labor organization to require as a condition of employment membership therein, the Bill of Rights, and thus becomes obnoxious to Article III, Section 1 (6) of the 1935
if such labor organization is the representative of the employees." On June 18, 1961, Constitution. 6
however, Republic Act No. 3350 was enacted, introducing an amendment to —
paragraph (4) subsection (a) of section 4 of Republic Act No. 875, as follows: ... "but Secondly, the Union contended that Republic Act No. 3350 is unconstitutional for
such agreement shall not cover members of any religious sects which prohibit impairing the obligation of contracts in that, while the Union is obliged to comply with
affiliation of their members in any such labor organization". its collective bargaining agreement containing a "closed shop provision," the Act
relieves the employer from its reciprocal obligation of cooperating in the maintenance
Being a member of a religious sect that prohibits the affiliation of its members with of union membership as a condition of employment; and that said Act, furthermore,
any labor organization, Appellee presented his resignation to appellant Union in 1962, impairs the Union's rights as it deprives the union of dues from members who, under
and when no action was taken thereon, he reiterated his resignation on September 3, the Act, are relieved from the obligation to continue as such members.7

Thirdly, the Union contended that Republic Act No. 3350 discriminatorily favors those to equalize employment opportunities for all citizens in the midst of the diversities of
religious sects which ban their members from joining labor unions, in violation of their religious beliefs." 18
Article Ill, Section 1 (7) of the 1935 Constitution; and while said Act unduly protects
certain religious sects, it leaves no rights or protection to labor organizations. 8 I. Before We proceed to the discussion of the first assigned error, it is necessary to
premise that there are some thoroughly established principles which must be followed
Fourthly, Republic Act No. 3350, asserted the Union, violates the constitutional in all cases where questions of constitutionality as obtains in the instant case are
provision that "no religious test shall be required for the exercise of a civil right," in involved. All presumptions are indulged in favor of constitutionality; one who attacks a
that the laborer's exercise of his civil right to join associations for purposes not statute, alleging unconstitutionality must prove its invalidity beyond a reasonable
contrary to law has to be determined under the Act by his affiliation with a religious doubt, that a law may work hardship does not render it unconstitutional; that if any
sect; that conversely, if a worker has to sever his religious connection with a sect that reasonable basis may be conceived which supports the statute, it will be upheld, and
prohibits membership in a labor organization in order to be able to join a labor the challenger must negate all possible bases; that the courts are not concerned with
organization, said Act would violate religious freedom.9 the wisdom, justice, policy, or expediency of a statute; and that a liberal interpretation
of the constitution in favor of the constitutionality of legislation should be adopted. 19
Fifthly, the Union contended that Republic Act No. 3350, violates the "equal protection
of laws" clause of the Constitution, it being a discriminately legislation, inasmuch as 1. Appellant Union's contention that Republic Act No. 3350 prohibits and bans the
by exempting from the operation of closed shop agreement the members of the members of such religious sects that forbid affiliation of their members with labor
"Iglesia ni Cristo", it has granted said members undue advantages over their fellow unions from joining labor unions appears nowhere in the wording of Republic Act No.
workers, for while the Act exempts them from union obligation and liability, it 3350; neither can the same be deduced by necessary implication therefrom. It is not
nevertheless entitles them at the same time to the enjoyment of all concessions, surprising, therefore, that appellant, having thus misread the Act, committed the error
benefits and other emoluments that the union might secure from the employer. 10 of contending that said Act is obnoxious to the constitutional provision on freedom of
Sixthly, the Union contended that Republic Act No. 3350 violates the constitutional
provision regarding the promotion of social justice. 11 Both the Constitution and Republic Act No. 875 recognize freedom of association.
Section 1 (6) of Article III of the Constitution of 1935, as well as Section 7 of Article IV
Appellant Union, furthermore, asserted that a "closed shop provision" in a collective of the Constitution of 1973, provide that the right to form associations or societies for
bargaining agreement cannot be considered violative of religious freedom, as to call purposes not contrary to law shall not be abridged. Section 3 of Republic Act No. 875
for the amendment introduced by Republic Act No. 3350; 12and that unless Republic provides that employees shall have the right to self-organization and to form, join of
Act No. 3350 is declared unconstitutional, trade unionism in this country would be assist labor organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of collective
wiped out as employers would prefer to hire or employ members of the Iglesia ni bargaining and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective
Cristo in order to do away with labor organizations. 13 bargaining and other mutual aid or protection. What the Constitution and the Industrial
Peace Act recognize and guarantee is the "right" to form or join associations.
Notwithstanding the different theories propounded by the different schools of
Appellee, assailing appellant's arguments, contended that Republic Act No. 3350 jurisprudence regarding the nature and contents of a "right", it can be safely said that
does not violate the right to form lawful associations, for the right to join associations whatever theory one subscribes to, a right comprehends at least two broad notions,
includes the right not to join or to resign from a labor organization, if one's conscience namely: first, liberty or freedom, i.e., the absence of legal restraint, whereby an
does not allow his membership therein, and the Act has given substance to such right employee may act for himself without being prevented by law; and second, power,
by prohibiting the compulsion of workers to join labor organizations; 14 that said Act whereby an employee may, as he pleases, join or refrain from Joining an association.
does not impair the obligation of contracts for said law formed part of, and was It is, therefore, the employee who should decide for himself whether he should join or
incorporated into, the terms of the closed shop agreement; 15 that the Act does not not an association; and should he choose to join, he himself makes up his mind as to
violate the establishment of religion clause or separation of Church and State, for which association he would join; and even after he has joined, he still retains the
Congress, in enacting said law, merely accommodated the religious needs of those liberty and the power to leave and cancel his membership with said organization at
workers whose religion prohibits its members from joining labor unions, and balanced any time. 20 It is clear, therefore, that the right to join a union includes the right to
the collective rights of organized labor with the constitutional right of an individual to abstain from joining any union. 21 Inasmuch as what both the Constitution and the
freely exercise his chosen religion; that the constitutional right to the free exercise of Industrial Peace Act have recognized, and guaranteed to the employee, is the "right"
one's religion has primacy and preference over union security measures which are to join associations of his choice, it would be absurd to say that the law also imposes,
merely contractual 16; that said Act does not violate the constitutional provision of in the same breath, upon the employee the duty to join associations. The law does
equal protection, for the classification of workers under the Act depending on their not enjoin an employee to sign up with any association.
religious tenets is based on substantial distinction, is germane to the purpose of the
law, and applies to all the members of a given class; 17 that said Act, finally, does not
violate the social justice policy of the Constitution, for said Act was enacted precisely
The right to refrain from joining labor organizations recognized by Section 3 of the continue employing him notwithstanding his disaffiliation from the Union. The Act,
Industrial Peace Act is, however, limited. The legal protection granted to such right to therefore, introduced a change into the express terms of the union security clause;
refrain from joining is withdrawn by operation of law, where a labor union and an the Company was partly absolved by law from the contractual obligation it had with
employer have agreed on a closed shop, by virtue of which the employer may employ the Union of employing only Union members in permanent positions, It cannot be
only member of the collective bargaining union, and the employees must continue to denied, therefore, that there was indeed an impairment of said union security clause.
be members of the union for the duration of the contract in order to keep their jobs.
Thus Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial Peace Act, before its amendment by Republic According to Black, any statute which introduces a change into the express terms of
Act No. 3350, provides that although it would be an unfair labor practice for an the contract, or its legal construction, or its validity, or its discharge, or the remedy for
employer "to discriminate in regard to hire or tenure of employment or any term or its enforcement, impairs the contract. The extent of the change is not material. It is not
condition of employment to encourage or discourage membership in any labor a question of degree or manner or cause, but of encroaching in any respect on its
organization" the employer is, however, not precluded "from making an agreement obligation or dispensing with any part of its force. There is an impairment of the
with a labor organization to require as a condition of employment membership therein, contract if either party is absolved by law from its performance. 22 Impairment has
if such labor organization is the representative of the employees". By virtue, therefore, also been predicated on laws which, without destroying contracts, derogate from
of a closed shop agreement, before the enactment of Republic Act No. 3350, if any substantial contractual rights. 23
person, regardless of his religious beliefs, wishes to be employed or to keep his
employment, he must become a member of the collective bargaining union. Hence,
the right of said employee not to join the labor union is curtailed and withdrawn. It should not be overlooked, however, that the prohibition to impair the obligation of
contracts is not absolute and unqualified. The prohibition is general, affording a broad
outline and requiring construction to fill in the details. The prohibition is not to be read
To that all-embracing coverage of the closed shop arrangement, Republic Act No. with literal exactness like a mathematical formula, for it prohibits unreasonable
3350 introduced an exception, when it added to Section 4 (a) (4) of the Industrial impairment only. 24 In spite of the constitutional prohibition, the State continues to
Peace Act the following proviso: "but such agreement shall not cover members of any possess authority to safeguard the vital interests of its people. Legislation appropriate
religious sects which prohibit affiliation of their members in any such labor to safeguarding said interests may modify or abrogate contracts already in
organization". Republic Act No. 3350 merely excludes ipso jure from the application effect. 25 For not only are existing laws read into contracts in order to fix the
and coverage of the closed shop agreement the employees belonging to any religious obligations as between the parties, but the reservation of essential attributes of
sects which prohibit affiliation of their members with any labor organization. What the sovereign power is also read into contracts as a postulate of the legal order. All
exception provides, therefore, is that members of said religious sects cannot be contracts made with reference to any matter that is subject to regulation under the
compelled or coerced to join labor unions even when said unions have closed shop police power must be understood as made in reference to the possible exercise of
agreements with the employers; that in spite of any closed shop agreement, members that power. 26 Otherwise, important and valuable reforms may be precluded by the
of said religious sects cannot be refused employment or dismissed from their jobs on simple device of entering into contracts for the purpose of doing that which otherwise
the sole ground that they are not members of the collective bargaining union. It is may be prohibited. The policy of protecting contracts against impairment presupposes
clear, therefore, that the assailed Act, far from infringing the constitutional provision the maintenance of a government by virtue of which contractual relations are
on freedom of association, upholds and reinforces it. It does not prohibit the members worthwhile a government which retains adequate authority to secure the peace and
of said religious sects from affiliating with labor unions. It still leaves to said members good order of society. The contract clause of the Constitution must, therefore, be not
the liberty and the power to affiliate, or not to affiliate, with labor unions. If, only in harmony with, but also in subordination to, in appropriate instances, the
notwithstanding their religious beliefs, the members of said religious sects prefer to reserved power of the state to safeguard the vital interests of the people. It follows
sign up with the labor union, they can do so. If in deference and fealty to their that not all legislations, which have the effect of impairing a contract, are obnoxious to
religious faith, they refuse to sign up, they can do so; the law does not coerce them to the constitutional prohibition as to impairment, and a statute passed in the legitimate
join; neither does the law prohibit them from joining; and neither may the employer or exercise of police power, although it incidentally destroys existing contract rights,
labor union compel them to join. Republic Act No. 3350, therefore, does not violate must be upheld by the courts. This has special application to contracts regulating
the constitutional provision on freedom of association. relations between capital and labor which are not merely contractual, and said labor
contracts, for being impressed with public interest, must yield to the common good. 27
2. Appellant Union also contends that the Act is unconstitutional for impairing the
obligation of its contract, specifically, the "union security clause" embodied in its In several occasions this Court declared that the prohibition against impairing the
Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Company, by virtue of which "membership obligations of contracts has no application to statutes relating to public subjects within
in the union was required as a condition for employment for all permanent employees the domain of the general legislative powers of the state involving public
workers". This agreement was already in existence at the time Republic Act No. 3350 welfare. 28 Thus, this Court also held that the Blue Sunday Law was not an
was enacted on June 18, 1961, and it cannot, therefore, be deemed to have been infringement of the obligation of a contract that required the employer to furnish work
incorporated into the agreement. But by reason of this amendment, Appellee, as well on Sundays to his employees, the law having been enacted to secure the well-being
as others similarly situated, could no longer be dismissed from his job even if he
should cease to be a member, or disaffiliate from the Union, and the Company could
and happiness of the laboring class, and being, furthermore, a legitimate exercise of It cannot be denied, furthermore, that the means adopted by the Act to achieve that
the police power. 29 purpose — exempting the members of said religious sects from coverage of union
security agreements — is reasonable.
In order to determine whether legislation unconstitutionally impairs contract
obligations, no unchanging yardstick, applicable at all times and under all It may not be amiss to point out here that the free exercise of religious profession or
circumstances, by which the validity of each statute may be measured or determined, belief is superior to contract rights. In case of conflict, the latter must, therefore, yield
has been fashioned, but every case must be determined upon its own circumstances. to the former. The Supreme Court of the United States has also declared on several
Legislation impairing the obligation of contracts can be sustained when it is enacted occasions that the rights in the First Amendment, which include freedom of religion,
for the promotion of the general good of the people, and when the means adopted to enjoy a preferred position in the constitutional system. 33 Religious freedom, although
secure that end are reasonable. Both the end sought and the means adopted must be not unlimited, is a fundamental personal right and liberty, 34 and has a preferred
legitimate, i.e., within the scope of the reserved power of the state construed in position in the hierarchy of values. Contractual rights, therefore, must yield to freedom
harmony with the constitutional limitation of that power. 30 of religion. It is only where unavoidably necessary to prevent an immediate and grave
danger to the security and welfare of the community that infringement of religious
What then was the purpose sought to be achieved by Republic Act No. 3350? Its freedom may be justified, and only to the smallest extent necessary to avoid the
purpose was to insure freedom of belief and religion, and to promote the general danger.
welfare by preventing discrimination against those members of religious sects which
prohibit their members from joining labor unions, confirming thereby their natural, 3. In further support of its contention that Republic Act No. 3350 is unconstitutional,
statutory and constitutional right to work, the fruits of which work are usually the only appellant Union averred that said Act discriminates in favor of members of said
means whereby they can maintain their own life and the life of their dependents. It religious sects in violation of Section 1 (7) of Article Ill of the 1935 Constitution, and
cannot be gainsaid that said purpose is legitimate. which is now Section 8 of Article IV of the 1973 Constitution, which provides:

The questioned Act also provides protection to members of said religious sects No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion, or
against two aggregates of group strength from which the individual needs protection. prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and the free exercise and
The individual employee, at various times in his working life, is confronted by two enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without
aggregates of power — collective labor, directed by a union, and collective capital, discrimination and preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious
directed by management. The union, an institution developed to organize labor into a test shall be required for the exercise of civil or political rights.
collective force and thus protect the individual employee from the power of collective
capital, is, paradoxically, both the champion of employee rights, and a new source of The constitutional provision into only prohibits legislation for the support of any
their frustration. Moreover, when the Union interacts with management, it produces religious tenets or the modes of worship of any sect, thus forestalling compulsion by
yet a third aggregate of group strength from which the individual also needs protection law of the acceptance of any creed or the practice of any form of worship, 35 but also
— the collective bargaining relationship. 31 assures the free exercise of one's chosen form of religion within limits of utmost
amplitude. It has been said that the religion clauses of the Constitution are all
The aforementioned purpose of the amendatory law is clearly seen in the Explanatory designed to protect the broadest possible liberty of conscience, to allow each man to
Note to House Bill No. 5859, which later became Republic Act No. 3350, as follows: believe as his conscience directs, to profess his beliefs, and to live as he believes he
ought to live, consistent with the liberty of others and with the common good. 36 Any
It would be unthinkable indeed to refuse employing a person who, legislation whose effect or purpose is to impede the observance of one or all religions,
on account of his religious beliefs and convictions, cannot accept or to discriminate invidiously between the religions, is invalid, even though the burden
membership in a labor organization although he possesses all the may be characterized as being only indirect. 37 But if the stage regulates conduct by
qualifications for the job. This is tantamount to punishing such enacting, within its power, a general law which has for its purpose and effect to
person for believing in a doctrine he has a right under the law to advance the state's secular goals, the statute is valid despite its indirect burden on
believe in. The law would not allow discrimination to flourish to the religious observance, unless the state can accomplish its purpose without imposing
detriment of those whose religion discards membership in any labor such burden. 38
organization. Likewise, the law would not commend the deprivation
of their right to work and pursue a modest means of livelihood, In Aglipay v. Ruiz 39 , this Court had occasion to state that the government should not
without in any manner violating their religious faith and/or belief. 32 be precluded from pursuing valid objectives secular in character even if the incidental
result would be favorable to a religion or sect. It has likewise been held that the
statute, in order to withstand the strictures of constitutional prohibition, must have a
secular legislative purpose and a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits
religion. 40 Assessed by these criteria, Republic Act No. 3350 cannot be said to
violate the constitutional inhibition of the "no-establishment" (of religion) clause of the protection of labor unions, suffice it to say, first, that the validity of a statute is
Constitution. determined by its provisions, not by its silence 46 ; and, second, the fact that the law
may work hardship does not render it unconstitutional. 47
The purpose of Republic Act No. 3350 is secular, worldly, and temporal, not spiritual
or religious or holy and eternal. It was intended to serve the secular purpose of It would not be amiss to state, regarding this matter, that to compel persons to join
advancing the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion, by averting that and remain members of a union to keep their jobs in violation of their religious
certain persons be refused work, or be dismissed from work, or be dispossessed of scrupples, would hurt, rather than help, labor unions, Congress has seen it fit to
their right to work and of being impeded to pursue a modest means of livelihood, by exempt religious objectors lest their resistance spread to other workers, for religious
reason of union security agreements. To help its citizens to find gainful employment objections have contagious potentialities more than political and philosophic
whereby they can make a living to support themselves and their families is a valid objections.
objective of the state. In fact, the state is enjoined, in the 1935 Constitution, to afford
protection to labor, and regulate the relations between labor and capital and Furthermore, let it be noted that coerced unity and loyalty even to the country, and
industry. 41 More so now in the 1973 Constitution where it is mandated that "the State a fortiori to a labor — union assuming that such unity and loyalty can be attained
shall afford protection to labor, promote full employment and equality in employment, through coercion — is not a goal that is constitutionally obtainable at the expense of
ensure equal work opportunities regardless of sex, race or creed and regulate the religious liberty. 48 A desirable end cannot be promoted by prohibited means.
relation between workers and employers. 42
4. Appellants' fourth contention, that Republic Act No. 3350 violates the constitutional
The primary effects of the exemption from closed shop agreements in favor of prohibition against requiring a religious test for the exercise of a civil right or a political
members of religious sects that prohibit their members from affiliating with a labor right, is not well taken. The Act does not require as a qualification, or condition, for
organization, is the protection of said employees against the aggregate force of the joining any lawful association membership in any particular religion or in any religious
collective bargaining agreement, and relieving certain citizens of a burden on their sect; neither does the Act require affiliation with a religious sect that prohibits its
religious beliefs; and by eliminating to a certain extent economic insecurity due to members from joining a labor union as a condition or qualification for withdrawing
unemployment, which is a serious menace to the health, morals, and welfare of the from a labor union. Joining or withdrawing from a labor union requires a positive act.
people of the State, the Act also promotes the well-being of society. It is our view that Republic Act No. 3350 only exempts members with such religious affiliation from the
the exemption from the effects of closed shop agreement does not directly advance, coverage of closed shop agreements. So, under this Act, a religious objector is not
or diminish, the interests of any particular religion. Although the exemption may required to do a positive act — to exercise the right to join or to resign from the union.
benefit those who are members of religious sects that prohibit their members from He is exempted ipso jure without need of any positive act on his part. A conscientious
joining labor unions, the benefit upon the religious sects is merely incidental and religious objector need not perform a positive act or exercise the right of resigning
indirect. The "establishment clause" (of religion) does not ban regulation on conduct from the labor union — he is exempted from the coverage of any closed shop
whose reason or effect merely happens to coincide or harmonize with the tenets of agreement that a labor union may have entered into. How then can there be a
some or all religions. 43 The free exercise clause of the Constitution has been religious test required for the exercise of a right when no right need be exercised?
interpreted to require that religious exercise be preferentially aided. 44
We have said that it was within the police power of the State to enact Republic Act
We believe that in enacting Republic Act No. 3350, Congress acted consistently with No. 3350, and that its purpose was legal and in consonance with the Constitution. It is
the spirit of the constitutional provision. It acted merely to relieve the exercise of never an illegal evasion of a constitutional provision or prohibition to accomplish a
religion, by certain persons, of a burden that is imposed by union security desired result, which is lawful in itself, by discovering or following a legal way to do
agreements. It was Congress itself that imposed that burden when it enacted the it. 49
Industrial Peace Act (Republic Act 875), and, certainly, Congress, if it so deems
advisable, could take away the same burden. It is certain that not every conscience
can be accommodated by all the laws of the land; but when general laws conflict with 5. Appellant avers as its fifth ground that Republic Act No. 3350 is a discriminatory
scrupples of conscience, exemptions ought to be granted unless some "compelling legislation, inasmuch as it grants to the members of certain religious sects undue
state interest" intervenes. 45 In the instant case, We see no such compelling state advantages over other workers, thus violating Section 1 of Article III of the 1935
interest to withhold exemption. Constitution which forbids the denial to any person of the equal protection of the
laws. 50
Appellant bewails that while Republic Act No. 3350 protects members of certain
religious sects, it leaves no right to, and is silent as to the protection of, labor The guaranty of equal protection of the laws is not a guaranty of equality in the
organizations. The purpose of Republic Act No. 3350 was not to grant rights to labor application of the laws upon all citizens of the state. It is not, therefore, a requirement,
unions. The rights of labor unions are amply provided for in Republic Act No. 875 and in order to avoid the constitutional prohibition against inequality, that every man,
the new Labor Code. As to the lamented silence of the Act regarding the rights and woman and child should be affected alike by a statute. Equality of operation of

statutes does not mean indiscriminate operation on persons merely as such, but on in the mind, for they carry with them practical consequences and are the motives of
persons according to the circumstances surrounding them. It guarantees equality, not certain rules. of human conduct and the justification of certain acts. 60 Religious
identity of rights. The Constitution does not require that things which are different in sentiment makes a man view things and events in their relation to his God. It gives to
fact be treated in law as though they were the same. The equal protection clause human life its distinctive character, its tone, its happiness or unhappiness its
does not forbid discrimination as to things that are different. 51 It does not prohibit enjoyment or irksomeness. Usually, a strong and passionate desire is involved in a
legislation which is limited either in the object to which it is directed or by the territory religious belief. To certain persons, no single factor of their experience is more
within which it is to operate. important to them than their religion, or their not having any religion. Because of
differences in religious belief and sentiments, a very poor person may consider
The equal protection of the laws clause of the Constitution allows classification. himself better than the rich, and the man who even lacks the necessities of life may
Classification in law, as in the other departments of knowledge or practice, is the be more cheerful than the one who has all possible luxuries. Due to their religious
grouping of things in speculation or practice because they agree with one another in beliefs people, like the martyrs, became resigned to the inevitable and accepted
certain particulars. A law is not invalid because of simple inequality. 52 The very idea cheerfully even the most painful and excruciating pains. Because of differences in
of classification is that of inequality, so that it goes without saying that the mere fact of religious beliefs, the world has witnessed turmoil, civil strife, persecution, hatred,
inequality in no manner determines the matter of constitutionality. 53 All that is bloodshed and war, generated to a large extent by members of sects who were
required of a valid classification is that it be reasonable, which means that the intolerant of other religious beliefs. The classification, introduced by Republic Act No.
classification should be based on substantial distinctions which make for real 3350, therefore, rests on substantial distinctions.
differences; that it must be germane to the purpose of the law; that it must not be
limited to existing conditions only; and that it must apply equally to each member of The classification introduced by said Act is also germane to its purpose. The purpose
the class. 54 This Court has held that the standard is satisfied if the classification or of the law is precisely to avoid those who cannot, because of their religious belief, join
distinction is based on a reasonable foundation or rational basis and is not palpably labor unions, from being deprived of their right to work and from being dismissed from
arbitrary. 55 their work because of union shop security agreements.

In the exercise of its power to make classifications for the purpose of enacting laws Republic Act No. 3350, furthermore, is not limited in its application to conditions
over matters within its jurisdiction, the state is recognized as enjoying a wide range of existing at the time of its enactment. The law does not provide that it is to be effective
discretion. 56 It is not necessary that the classification be based on scientific or for a certain period of time only. It is intended to apply for all times as long as the
marked differences of things or in their relation. 57 Neither is it necessary that the conditions to which the law is applicable exist. As long as there are closed shop
classification be made with mathematical nicety. 58 Hence legislative classification agreements between an employer and a labor union, and there are employees who
may in many cases properly rest on narrow distinctions, 59 for the equal protection are prohibited by their religion from affiliating with labor unions, their exemption from
guaranty does not preclude the legislature from recognizing degrees of evil or harm, the coverage of said agreements continues.
and legislation is addressed to evils as they may appear.
Finally, the Act applies equally to all members of said religious sects; this is evident
We believe that Republic Act No. 3350 satisfies the aforementioned requirements. from its provision. The fact that the law grants a privilege to members of said religious
The Act classifies employees and workers, as to the effect and coverage of union sects cannot by itself render the Act unconstitutional, for as We have adverted to, the
shop security agreements, into those who by reason of their religious beliefs and Act only restores to them their freedom of association which closed shop agreements
convictions cannot sign up with a labor union, and those whose religion does not have taken away, and puts them in the same plane as the other workers who are not
prohibit membership in labor unions. Tile classification rests on real or substantial, not prohibited by their religion from joining labor unions. The circumstance, that the other
merely imaginary or whimsical, distinctions. There is such real distinction in the employees, because they are differently situated, are not granted the same privilege,
beliefs, feelings and sentiments of employees. Employees do not believe in the same does not render the law unconstitutional, for every classification allowed by the
religious faith and different religions differ in their dogmas and cannons. Religious Constitution by its nature involves inequality.
beliefs, manifestations and practices, though they are found in all places, and in all
times, take so many varied forms as to be almost beyond imagination. There are The mere fact that the legislative classification may result in actual inequality is not
many views that comprise the broad spectrum of religious beliefs among the people. violative of the right to equal protection, for every classification of persons or things for
There are diverse manners in which beliefs, equally paramount in the lives of their regulation by law produces inequality in some degree, but the law is not thereby
possessors, may be articulated. Today the country is far more heterogenous in rendered invalid. A classification otherwise reasonable does not offend the
religion than before, differences in religion do exist, and these differences are constitution simply because in practice it results in some inequality. 61 Anent this
important and should not be ignored. matter, it has been said that whenever it is apparent from the scope of the law that its
object is for the benefit of the public and the means by which the benefit is to be
Even from the phychological point of view, the classification is based on real and obtained are of public character, the law will be upheld even though incidental
important differences. Religious beliefs are not mere beliefs, mere ideas existing only advantage may occur to individuals beyond those enjoyed by the general public. 62

6. Appellant's further contention that Republic Act No. 3350 violates the constitutional II. We now pass on the second assignment of error, in support of which the Union
provision on social justice is also baseless. Social justice is intended to promote the argued that the decision of the trial court ordering the Union to pay P500 for attorney's
welfare of all the people. 63 Republic Act No. 3350 promotes that welfare insofar as it fees directly contravenes Section 24 of Republic Act No. 875, for the instant action
looks after the welfare of those who, because of their religious belief, cannot join labor involves an industrial dispute wherein the Union was a party, and said Union merely
unions; the Act prevents their being deprived of work and of the means of livelihood. acted in the exercise of its rights under the union shop provision of its existing
In determining whether any particular measure is for public advantage, it is not collective bargaining contract with the Company; that said order also contravenes
necessary that the entire state be directly benefited — it is sufficient that a portion of Article 2208 of the Civil Code; that, furthermore, Appellee was never actually
the state be benefited thereby. dismissed by the defendant Company and did not therefore suffer any damage at all
. 72
Social justice also means the adoption by the Government of measures calculated to
insure economic stability of all component elements of society, through the In refuting appellant Union's arguments, Appellee claimed that in the instant case
maintenance of a proper economic and social equilibrium in the inter-relations of the there was really no industrial dispute involved in the attempt to compel Appellee to
members of the community. 64 Republic Act No. 3350 insures economic stability to maintain its membership in the union under pain of dismissal, and that the Union, by
the members of a religious sect, like the Iglesia ni Cristo, who are also component its act, inflicted intentional harm on Appellee; that since Appellee was compelled to
elements of society, for it insures security in their employment, notwithstanding their institute an action to protect his right to work, appellant could legally be ordered to pay
failure to join a labor union having a closed shop agreement with the employer. The attorney's fees under Articles 1704 and 2208 of the Civil Code. 73
Act also advances the proper economic and social equilibrium between labor unions
and employees who cannot join labor unions, for it exempts the latter from the The second paragraph of Section 24 of Republic Act No. 875 which is relied upon by
compelling necessity of joining labor unions that have closed shop agreements and appellant provides that:
equalizes, in so far as opportunity to work is concerned, those whose religion
prohibits membership in labor unions with those whose religion does not prohibit said
membership. Social justice does not imply social equality, because social inequality No suit, action or other proceedings shall be maintainable in any
will always exist as long as social relations depend on personal or subjective court against a labor organization or any officer or member thereof
proclivities. Social justice does not require legal equality because legal equality, being for any act done by or on behalf of such organization in furtherance
a relative term, is necessarily premised on differentiations based on personal or of an industrial dispute to which it is a party, on the ground only that
natural conditions. 65 Social justice guarantees equality of opportunity 66 , and this is such act induces some other person to break a contract of
precisely what Republic Act No. 3350 proposes to accomplish — it gives laborers, employment or that it is in restraint of trade or interferes with the
irrespective of their religious scrupples, equal opportunity for work. trade, business or employment of some other person or with the
right of some other person to dispose of his capital or labor.
(Emphasis supplied)
7. As its last ground, appellant contends that the amendment introduced by Republic
Act No. 3350 is not called for — in other words, the Act is not proper, necessary or
desirable. Anent this matter, it has been held that a statute which is not necessary is That there was a labor dispute in the instant case cannot be disputed for appellant
not, for that reason, unconstitutional; that in determining the constitutional validity of sought the discharge of respondent by virtue of the closed shop agreement and under
legislation, the courts are unconcerned with issues as to the necessity for the Section 2 (j) of Republic Act No. 875 a question involving tenure of employment is
enactment of the legislation in question. 67 Courts do inquire into the wisdom of included in the term "labor dispute". 74 The discharge or the act of seeking it is the
laws. 68 Moreover, legislatures, being chosen by the people, are presumed to labor dispute itself. It being the labor dispute itself, that very same act of the Union in
understand and correctly appreciate the needs of the people, and it may change the asking the employer to dismiss Appellee cannot be "an act done ... in furtherance of
laws accordingly. 69 The fear is entertained by appellant that unless the Act is an industrial dispute". The mere fact that appellant is a labor union does not
declared unconstitutional, employers will prefer employing members of religious sects necessarily mean that all its acts are in furtherance of an industrial
that prohibit their members from joining labor unions, and thus be a fatal blow to dispute. 75 Appellant Union, therefore, cannot invoke in its favor Section 24 of
unionism. We do not agree. The threat to unionism will depend on the number of Republic Act No. 875. This case is not intertwined with any unfair labor practice case
employees who are members of the religious sects that control the demands of the existing at the time when Appellee filed his complaint before the lower court.
labor market. But there is really no occasion now to go further and anticipate
problems We cannot judge with the material now before Us. At any rate, the validity of Neither does Article 2208 of the Civil Code, invoked by the Union, serve as its shield.
a statute is to be determined from its general purpose and its efficacy to accomplish The article provides that attorney's fees and expenses of litigation may be awarded
the end desired, not from its effects on a particular case. 70 The essential basis for the "when the defendant's act or omission has compelled the plaintiff ... to incur expenses
exercise of power, and not a mere incidental result arising from its exertion, is the to protect his interest"; and "in any other case where the court deems it just and
criterion by which the validity of a statute is to be measured. 71 equitable that attorney's fees and expenses of litigation should be recovered". In the
instant case, it cannot be gainsaid that appellant Union's act in demanding Appellee's
dismissal caused Appellee to incur expenses to prevent his being dismissed from his
job. Costs according to Section 1, Rule 142, of the Rules of Court, shall be allowed as
a matter of course to the prevailing party.

WHEREFORE, the instant appeal is dismissed, and the decision, dated August 26,
1965, of the Court of First Instance of Manila, in its Civil Case No. 58894, appealed
from is affirmed, with costs against appellant Union. It is so ordered.

G.R. Nos. 43633-34 September 14, 1990 The appeals were consolidated on motion of the appellants, and eventuated in a
judgment promulgated on January 29, 1976 affirming the convictions of all four
PABLO ARIZALA, SERGIO MARIBAO, LEONARDO JOVEN, and FELINO appellants. The appellants moved for reconsideration. They argued that when the so
BULANDUS, petitioners, called "1973 Constitution" took effect on January 17, 1973 pursuant to Proclamation
vs. No. 1104, the case of Arizala and Maribao was still pending in the Court of Appeals
THE COURT OF APPEALS and THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. and that of Joven and Bulandus, pending decision in the City Court of Cebu; that
since the provisions of that constitution and of the Labor Code subsequently
promulgated (eff., November 1, 1974), repealing the Industrial Peace Act-placed
Januario T. Seno for petitioners. employees of all categories in government-owned or controlled corporations without
distinction within the Civil Service, and provided that the terms and conditions of their
employment were to be "governed by the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations"
and hence, no longer subject of collective bargaining, the appellants ceased to fall
NARVASA, J.: within the coverage of the Industrial Peace Act and should thus no longer continue to
be prosecuted and exposed to punishment for a violation thereof. They pointed out
further that the criminal sanction in the Industrial Peace Act no longer appeared in the
Under the Industrial Peace Act, 1 government-owned or controlled corporations had Labor Code. The Appellate Court denied their plea for reconsideration.
the duty to bargain collectively and were otherwise subject to the obligations and
duties of employers in the private sector.2 The Act also prohibited supervisors to
become, or continue to be, members of labor organizations composed of rank-and-file Hence, the present petition for review on certiorari.
employees, 3 and prescribed criminal sanctions for breach of the prohibition. 4
The crucial issue obviously is whether or not the petitioners' criminal liability for a
It was under the regime of said Industrial Peace Act that the Government Service violation of the Industrial Peace Act may be deemed to have been obliterated in virtue
Insurance System (GSIS, for short) became bound by a collective bargaining of subsequent legislation and the provisions of the 1973 and 1987 Constitutions.
agreement executed between it and the labor organization representing the majority
of its employees, the GSIS Employees Association. The agreement contained a The petitioners' contention that their liability had been erased is made to rest upon the
"maintenance-of-membership" clause, 5 i.e., that all employees who, at the time of the following premises:
execution of said agreement, were members of the union or became members
thereafter, were obliged to maintain their union membership in good standing for the 1. Section 1, Article XII-B of the 1973 Constitution does indeed provide that the "Civil
duration of the agreement as a condition for their continued employment in the GSIS. Service embraces every branch, agency, subdivision and instrumentality of the
government, including government-owned or controlled corporations, .. administered
There appears to be no dispute that at that time, the petitioners occupied supervisory by an independent Civil Service Commission.
positions in the GSIS. Pablo Arizala and Sergio Maribao were, respectively, the Chief
of the Accounting Division, and the Chief of the Billing Section of said Division, in the 2. Article 292 of the Labor Code repealed such parts and provisions of the Industrial
Central Visayas Regional Office of the GSIS. Leonardo Joven and Felino Bulandus Peace Act as were "not adopted as part" of said Code "either directly or by
were, respectively, the Assistant Chief of the Accounting Division (sometimes Acting reference." The Code did not adopt the provision of the Industrial Peace Act
Chief in the absence of the Chief) and the Assistant Chief of the Field Service and conferring on employees of government-owned or controlled corporations the right of
Non-Life Insurance Division (and Acting Division Chief in the absence of the Chief), of self-organization and collective bargaining; in fact it made known that the "terms and
the same Central Visayas Regional Office of the GSIS. Demands were made on all conditions of employment of all government employees, including employees of
four of them to resign from the GSIS Employees Association, in view of their government-owned and controlled corporations," would thenceforth no longer be fixed
supervisory positions. They refused to do so. Consequently, two (2) criminal cases for by collective bargaining but "be governed by the Civil Service Law, rules and
violation of the Industrial Peace Act were lodged against them in the City Court of regulations." 10
Cebu: one involving Arizala and Maribao 6 and the other, Joven and Bulandus. 7
3. The specific penalty for violation of the prohibition on supervisors being members in
Both criminal actions resulted in the conviction of the accused in separate a labor organization of employees under their supervision has disappeared.
decisions. 8 They were each sentenced "to pay a fine of P 500.00 or to suffer
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency." They appealed to the Court of
Appeals.9 Arizala's and Maribao's appeal was docketed as CA-G.R. No. 14724-CR; 4. The Code also modified the concept of unfair labor practice, decreeing that
that of Joven and Bulandus, as CA-G.R. No. 14856-CR. thenceforth, "it shall be considered merely as an administrative offense rather than a
criminal offense (and that) (u)nfair labor practice complaints shall x x be processed
like any ordinary labor disputes."11

On the other hand, in justification of the Appellate Tribunal's affirmance of the obligation to strike or to join strikes." And one of the first issuances of the President
petitioners' convictions of violations of the Industrial Peace Act, the People- after the proclamation of martial law in September, 1972, was General Order No. 5
which inter alia banned strikes in vital industries," as well as 'all rallies,
1) advert to the fact that said Labor Code also states that "all actions or claims demonstrations and other forms of group actions." 15
accruing prior to ... (its) effectivity ... shall be determined in accordance with the laws
in force at the time of their accrual;" and Not so prohibited, however, were those "employed in proprietary functions of the
Government including, but not limited to, governmental corporations."16 The Act also
2) argue that the legislature cannot generally intervene and vacate the judgment of penalized any person who "violates, refuses or neglects to comply with any ...
the courts, either directly or indirectly, by the repeal of the statute under which said provisions (of the Act) or rules (thereunder promulgated) ... by a fine not exceeding
judgment has been rendered. one thousand pesos or by imprisonment not exceeding six months or both such fine
and imprisonment in the discretion of the court." 17
The legal principles governing the rights of self-organization and collective bargaining
of rank-and-file employees in the government- particularly as regards supervisory, The 1973 Constitution
and high level or managerial employees have undergone alterations through the
years. The 1973 Constitution laid down the broad principle that "(t)he State shall assure the
rights of workers to self-organization, collective bargaining, security of tenure, and just
Republic Act No. 875 and humane conditions of work," 18 and directed that the "National Assembly shall
provide for the standardization of compensation of government officials and
employees, including those in government-owned or controlled corporations, taking
As already intimated, under RA 875 (the Industry Peace Act), 12 persons "employed in into account the nature of the responsibilities pertaining to, and the qualifications
proprietary functions of the Government, including but not limited to governmental required for, the positions concerned." 19
corporations," had the right of self-organization and collective bargaining, including
the right to engage in concerted activities to attain their objectives, e.g. strikes.
PD 442, The Labor Code
But those "employed in governmental functions" were forbidden to "strike for the
purpose of securing changes or modification in their terms and conditions of The Labor Code of the Philippines, Presidential Decree No. 442, enacted within a
employment" or join labor organizations which imposed on their members the duty to year from effectivity of the 1973 Constitution, 20 incorporated the proposition that the
strike. The reason obviously was that the terms and conditions of their employment "terms and conditions of employment of all government employees, including
were "governed by law" and hence could not be fixed, altered or otherwise modified employees of government-owned and controlled corporations ... (are) governed by
by collective bargaining. the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations." 21 It incorporated, too, the constitutional
mandate that the salaries of said employees "shall be standardized by the National
Supervisory employees were forbidden to join labor organizations composed of
employees under them, but could form their own unions. Considered "supervisors'
were those 'having authority in the interest of an employer to hire, transfer, suspend, The Labor Code, 22 however "exempted" government employees from the right to
lay-off, recall, discharge, assign, recommend, or discipline other employees, or self-organization for purposes of collective bargaining. While the Code contained
responsibly to direct them, and to adjust their grievance or effectively to recommend provisions acknowledging the right of "all persons employed in commercial, industrial
such acts if, in connection with the foregoing, the exercise of such authority is not and agricultural enterprises, including religious, medical or educational institutions
merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment." 13 operating for profit" to "self-organization and to form, join or assist labor organizations
for purposes of collective bargaining," they "exempted from the foregoing provisions:
Republic Act No. 2260
a) security guards;
Similar provisions were found in R.A. No. 2260, the Civil Service Act of 1959. This Act
declared that the "Philippine Civil Service ... (embraced) all branches, subdivisions b) government employees, including employees of government government-owned
and instrumentalities of the government including government-owned and controlled and/ or controlled corporations;
corporations." 14
c) managerial employees; and
It prohibited such civil service employees who were "employed in governmental
functions" to belong to any labor organization which imposed on their members "the
d) employees of religious, charitable, medical and educational institutions not changes of their terms and conditions of employment," 29 something which, as
operating for profit, provided the latter do not have existing collective agreements or aforestated, they were allowed to do under the Civil Service Act of 1959. 30
recognized unions at the time of the effectivity of the code or have voluntarily waived
their exemption."23 Be this as it may it seems clear that PD 807 (the Civil Service Decree) did not modify
the declared ineligibility of "managerial employees" from joining, assisting or
The reason for denying to government employees the right to "self-organization and forming any labor organization.
to form, join or assist labor organizations for purposes of collective bargaining" is
presumably the same as that under the Industrial Peace Act, i.e., that the terms and Executive Order No. 111
conditions of government employment are fixed by law and not by collective
Executive Order No. 111, issued by President Corazon C. Aquino on December 24,
1986 in the exercise of legislative powers under the Freedom Constitution, modified
Some inconsistency appears to have arisen between the Labor Code and the Civil the general disqualification above mentioned of 'government employees, including
Service Act of 1959. Under the Civil Service Act, persons "employed in proprietary employees of government-owned and/or controlled corporations" from "the right to
functions of the government including, but not limited to, governmental corporations'- self-organization and to form, join or assist labor organizations for purposes of
not being within "the policy of the Government that the employees therein shall not collective bargaining.' It granted to employees "of government corporations
strike for the purpose of securing changes in their terms and conditions of established under the Corporation Code x x the right to organize and to bargain
employment"-could legitimately bargain with their respective employers through their collectively with their respective employers." 31 To all 'other employees in the civil
labor organizations, and corollarily engage in strikes and other concerted activities in service, ... (it granted merely) the right to form associations for purposes not contrary
an attempt to bring about changes in the conditions of their work. They could not to law," 32 not for "purposes of collective bargaining."
however do so under the Labor Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations;
these provided that "government employees, including employees of government-
owned and/or controlled corporations," without distinction as to function, were The 1987 Constitution
"exempted" (excluded is the better term) from "the right to self-organization and to
form, join or assist labor organizations for purposes of collective bargaining," and by The provisions of the present Constitution on the matter appear to be somewhat more
implication, excluded as well from the right to engage in concerted activities, such as extensive. They declare that the "right to self organization shall not be denied to
strikes, as coercive measures against their employers. government employees;"33 that the State "shall guarantee the rights of all workers to
self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted
Members of supervisory unions who were not managerial employees, were declared activities, including the right to strike in accordance with law;" and that said workers
by the Labor Code to be "eligible to join or assist the rank and file labor organization, "shall be entitled to security of tenure, humane conditions of work, and a living wage,
and if none exists, to form or assist in the forming of such rank and file organization ... (and) also participate in policy and decision-making processes affecting their rights
" 24 Managerial employees, on the other hand, were pronounced as 'not eligible to and benefits as may be provided by law. 34
join, assist or form any labor organization." 25 A "managerial employee" was defined
as one vested with power or prerogatives to lay down and execute management CSC Memorandum Circular No. 6
policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline
employees, or to effectively recommend such managerial actions." 26 Memorandum Circular No. 6 of the Civil Service Commission, issued on April 21,
1987 enjoined strikes by government officials and employees, to wit: 35
Presidential Decree No. 807
... Prior to the enactment by Congress of applicable laws
Clarification of the matter seems to have been very shortly attempted by the Civil concerning strike by government employees, and considering that
Service Decree of the Philippines, Presidential Decree No. 807 (eff., Oct. 6,1975) there are existing laws which prohibit government officials and
which superseded the Civil Service Law of 1959 (RA 2260) 27 and repealed or employees from resorting to strike, the Commission enjoins, under
modified "all laws, rules and regulations or parts thereof inconsistent with the pain of administrative sanctions, all government officers and
provisions" thereof. The Decree categorically described the scope and coverage of employees from staging strikes, demonstrations, mass leaves,
the "Civil Service" as embracing 44 every branch, agency, subdivision, and walk-outs and other forms of mass action which will result in
instrumentality of the government, including every government owned or controlled temporary stoppage or disruption of public services. To allow
corporation whether performing governmental or propriety function. 28 The effect was otherwise is to undermine or prejudice the government system.
seemingly to prohibit government employees (including those "employed in
proprietary functions of the Government") to "strike for the purpose of securing Executive Order No. 180

The scope of the constitutional right to self-organization of "government employees" government employees. 43 A "high level employee" is one "whose functions are
above mentioned, was defined and delineated in Executive Order No. 180 (eff. June normally considered policy determining, managerial or one whose duties are highly
1, 1987). According to this Executive Order, the right of self-organization does indeed confidential in nature. A managerial function refers to the exercise of powers such as:
pertain to all "employees of all branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities and agencies 1. To effectively recommend such managerial actions; 2. To formulate or execute
of the Government, including government-owned or controlled corporations with management policies and decisions; or 3. To hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall,
original charters;" 36 such employees "shall not be discriminated against in respect of dismiss, assign or discipline employees. 44
their employment by reason of their membership in employees' organizations or
participation in the normal activities of their organization x x (and their) employment Republic Act No. 6715
shall not be subject to the condition that they shall not join or shall relinquish their
membership in the employees' organizations. 37
The rule regarding membership in labor organizations of managerial and supervisory
employees just adverted to, was clarified and refined by Republic Act No. 6715,
However, the concept of the government employees' right of self-organization differs effective on March 21, 1989, further amending the Labor Code.
significantly from that of employees in the private sector. The latter's right of self-
organization, i.e., "to form, join or assist labor organizationsfor purposes of collective
bargaining," admittedly includes the right to deal and negotiate with their respective Under RA 6715 labor unions are regarded as organized either (a) "for purposes of
employers in order to fix the terms and conditions of employment and also, to engage negotiation," or (b) "for furtherance and protection"of the members' rights.
in concerted activities for the attainment of their objectives, such as strikes, picketing, Membership in unions organized "for purposes of negotiation" is open only to rank-
boycotts. But the right of government employees to "form, join or assist employees and-file employees. "Supervisory employees" are ineligible "for membership in a labor
organizations of their own choosing" under Executive Order No. 180 is not regarded organization of the rank-and-file employees but may join, assist or form separate
as existing or available for "purposes of collective bargaining," but simply "for the labor organizations of their own," i.e., one organized "for furtherance and protection"
furtherance and protection of their interests." 38 of their rights and interests. However, according to the Rules implementing RA 6715,
"supervisory employees who are included in an existing rank-and- file bargaining unit,
upon the effectivity of Republic Act No. 6715 shall remain in that unit ..." Supervisory
In other words, the right of Government employees to deal and negotiate with their employees are "those who, in the interest of the employer, effectively recommend
respective employers is not quite as extensive as that of private employees. Excluded such managerial actions 45 if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or
from negotiation by government employees are the "terms and conditions of clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment. 46
employment ... that are fixed by law," it being only those terms and conditions not
otherwise fixed by law that "may be subject of negotiation between the duly
recognized employees' organizations and appropriate government authorities," 39 And Membership in employees' organizations formed for purposes of negotiation are open
while EO No. 180 concedes to government employees, like their counterparts in the to rank-and-file employees only, as above mentioned, and not to high
private sector, the right to engage in concerted activities, including the right to strike, level employees. 47 Indeed, "managerial employees" or "high level employees" are, to
the executive order is quick to add that those activities must be exercised in repeat, "not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization" at
accordance with law, i.e. are subject both to "Civil Service Law and rules" and "any all. 48 A managerialemployee is defined as "one who is vested with powers or
legislation that may be enacted by Congress," 40 that "the resolution of complaints, prerogatives to lay down and execute, management policies and/or to hire, transfer,
grievances and cases involving government employees" is not ordinarily left to suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees." 49
collective bargaining or other related concerted activities, but to "Civil Service Law
and labor laws and procedures whenever applicable;" and that in case "any dispute This is how the law now stands, particularly with respect to supervisory employees vis
remains unresolved after exhausting all available remedies under existing laws and a vis labor organizations of employees under them.
procedures, the parties may jointly refer the dispute to the (Public Sector Labor-
Management) Council for appropriate action."41 What is more, the Rules and Now, the GSIS performs proprietary functions. It is a non-stock corporation, managed
Regulations implementing Executive Order No. 180 explicitly provide that since the by a Board of Trustees exercising the "usual corporate powers."50 In other words, it
"terms and conditions of employment in the government, including any political exercises all the powers of a corporation under the Corporation Law in so far as they
subdivision or instrumentality thereof and government-owned and controlled are not otherwise inconsistent with other applicable law. 51 It is engaged essentially in
corporations with original charters are governed by law, the employees therein shall insurance, a business that "is not inherently or exclusively a governmental function, ...
not strike for the purpose of securing changes thereof. 42 (but) is on the contrary, in essence and practice, of a private nature and interest." 52

On the matter of limitations on membership in labor unions of government employees, 1. The petitioners contend that the right of self-organization and collectivebargaining
Executive Order No. 180 declares that "high level employees whose functions are had been withdrawn by the Labor Code from government employees including those
normally considered as policy making or managerial, or whose duties are of a highly in government-owned and controlled corporations- chiefly for the reason that the
confidential nature shall not be eligible to join the organization of rank-and-file terms and conditions of government employment, all embraced in civil service, may
not be modified by collective bargaining because set by law. It is therefore immaterial, civil rights of both labor and management but are also offenses
they say, whether supervisors are members of rank-and-file unions or not; after all, against the State which shall be subject to prosecution and
the possibility of the employer's control of the members of the union thru supervisors punishment as herein provided.
thus rendering collective bargaining illusory, which is the main reason for the
prohibition, is no longer of any consequence. xxx xxx xxx

This was true, for a time. As already discussed, both under the Labor Code and PD Recovery of civil liability in the administrative proceedings shall bar
807, government employees, including those in government-owned or controlled recovery under the Civil Code.
corporations, were indeed precluded from bargaining as regards terms and conditions
of employment because these were set by law and hence could not possibly be
altered by negotiation. No criminal prosecution under this title may be instituted without a
final judgment, finding that an unfair labor practice was committed
having been first obtained in the preceding paragraph. ...
But EO 111 restored the right to organize and to negotiate and bargain of employees
of "government corporations established under the Corporation Code." And EO 180,
and apparently RA 6715, too, granted to all government employees the right of The decisive consideration is that at present, supervisors who were already members
collective bargaining or negotiation except as regards those terms of their of a rank-and-file labor organization at the time of the effectivity of R.A. No. 6715, are
employment which were fixed by law; and as to said terms fixed by law, they were authorized to "remain therein." It seems plain, in other words, that the maintenance by
prohibited to strike to obtain changes thereof. supervisors of membership in a rank-and-file labor organization even after the
enactment of a statute imposing a prohibition on such membership, is not only not a
crime, but is explicitly allowed, under present law.
2. The petitioners appear to be correct in their view of the disappearance from the law
of the prohibition on supervisors being members of labor organizations composed of
employees under their supervision. The Labor Code (PD 442) allowed supervisors (if Now, in a case decided as early as 1935, People v. Tamayo, 53 where the appellants
not managerial) to join rank-and-file unions. And under the Implementing Rules of RA had appealed from a judgment convicting them of a violation of a municipal -
6715, supervisors who were members of existing labor organizations on the effectivity ordinance, and while their appeal was pending, the ordinance was repealed such that
of said RA 6715 were explicitly authorized to "remain therein." the act complained of ceased to be a criminal act but became legal, this Court
dismissed the criminal proceedings, pronouncing the effects of the repeal to be as
3. The correctness of the petitioners' theory that unfair labor practices ceased to be
crimes and were deemed merely administrative offenses in virtue of the Labor Code,
cannot be gainsaid. Article 250 of the Labor Code did provide as follows: In the leading case of the United States vs. Cuna (12 Phil. 241),
and Wing vs. United States (218 U.S. 272), the doctrine was clearly
established that in the Philippines repeal of a criminal act by its
ART. 250. Concept of unfair labor practice.-The concept of unfair reenactment, even without a saving clause would not destroy
labor practice is hereby modified. Henceforth, it shall be considered criminal liability. But not a single sentence in either derision
merely as an administrative offense rather than a criminal offense. indicates that there was any desire to hold that a person could be
Unfair labor practice complaints shall, therefore, be processed like prosecuted convicted, and punished for acts no longer criminal.
any ordinary labor disputes.
There is no question that at common law and in America a much
But unfair labor practices were declared to be crimes again by later amendments of more favorable attitude towards the accused exists relative to
the Labor Code effected by Batas Pambansa Blg. 70, approved on May 1, 1980. As statutes that have been repealed than has been adopted here. Our
thus amended, the Code now pertinently reads as follows: rule is more in conformity with the Spanish doctrine, but even in
Spain, where the offense ceased to be criminal, petition cannot be
ART. 248. Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for had (1 Pacheco, Commentaries, 296).
prosecution thereof. — Unfair labor practices violate the right of
workers and employees to self organization, are inimical to the The repeal here was absolute and not a reenactment and repeal by
legitimate interests of both labor and management including their implication. Nor was there any saving clause. The legislative intent
right to bargain collectively and otherwise deal with each other in an as shown by the action of the municipal is that such conduct,
atmosphere of freedom and mutual respect, and hinder the formerly denounced, is no longer deemed criminal, and it would be
promotion of healthy and stable labor management relations. illogical for this court to attempt to sentence appellant for the
Consequently, unfair labor practices are not only violations of the offense that no longer exists.
We are therefore of the opinion that the proceedings against SO ORDERED.
appellant must be dismissed.

To the same effect and in even more unmistakable language is People v.

Almuete 54 where the defendants-appellees were charged under section 39 of
Republic Act No. 1199, as amended (the Agricultural Land Tenancy Law of 1954)
which penalized pre-threshing by either agricultural tenant or his landlord. They
sought and secured a dismissal on the ground, among others, that there was no law
punishing the act charged-a reference to the fact that Republic Act No. 1199 had
already been superseded by the Agricultural Land Reform Code of 1963 which
instituted the leasehold system and abolished share tenancy subject to certain
conditions. On appeal by the Government, this Court upheld the dismissal, saying:

The legislative intent not to punish anymore the tenant's act of pre-
reaping and pre-threshing without notice to the landlord is inferable
from the fact that, as already noted, the Code of Agrarian Reforms
did not reenact section 39 of the Agricultural Tenancy Law and that
it abolished share tenancy which is the basis for penalizing
clandestine pre-reaping and pre-threshing.

xxx xxx xxx

As held in the Adillo case, 55 the act of pre-reaping and pre-

threshing without notice to the landlord, which is an offense under
the Agricultural Tenancy Law, had ceased to be an offense under
the subsequent law, the Code of Agrarian Reforms. To prosecute it
as an offense when the Code of Agrarian Reforms is already in
force would be repugnant or abhorrent to the policy and spirit of that
Code and would subvert the manifest legislative intent not to punish
anymore pre-reaping and pre-threshing without notice to the

xxx xxx xxx

The repeal of a penal law deprives the courts of jurisdiction to

punish persons charged with a violation of the old penal law prior to
its repeal (People vs. Tamayo, 61 Phil. 225; People vs. Sindiong
and Pastor, 77 Phil. 1000; People vs. Binuya, 61 Phil. 208; U.S. vs.
Reyes, 10 Phil. 423; U.S. vs. Academia, 10 Phil. 431. See dissent
in Lagrimas vs. Director of Prisons, 57 Phil. 247, 252, 254).

The foregoing precedents dictate absolution of the appellants of the offenses imputed
to them.

WHEREFORE, the judgments of conviction in CA-G.R. No. 14724-CR and CA-G.R.

No. 14856-CR, subject of the appeal, as well as those in Crim. Case No. 5275-R and
Crim. Case No. 4130-R rendered by the Trial Court, are REVERSED and the
accused-appellants ACQUITTED of the charges against them, with costs de officio.
G.R. No. 96189 July 14, 1992 all its branches" and that there was no sufficient evidence "to justify the grouping of
the non-academic or administrative personnel into an organization unit apart and
UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, distinct from that of the academic or teaching personnel." Director Calleja adverted to
vs. Section 9 of Executive Order No. 180, viz.:
HON. PURA FERRER-CALLEJA, Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations,
Department of Labor and Employment, and THE ALL U.P. WORKERS' UNION, Sec. 9. The appropriate organizational unit shall be the employer
represented by its President, Rosario del Rosario, respondent. unit consisting of rank-and-file employees, unless circumstances
otherwise require.

and Section 1, Rule IV of the Rules Implementing said EO 180 (as amended
NARVASA, C.J.: by SEC. 2, Resolution of Public Sector Labor Management Council dated
May 14, 1989, viz.:
In this special civil action of certiorari the University of the Philippines seeks the
nullification of the Order dated October 30, 1990 of Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja of the xxx xxx xxx
Bureau of Labor Relations holding that "professors, associate professors and
assistant professors (of the University of the Philippines) are . . rank-and-file For purposes of registration, an appropriate organizational unit may
employees . . ;" consequently, they should, together with the so-called non-academic, refer to:
non-teaching, and all other employees of the University, be represented by only one
labor organization. 1 The University is joined in this undertaking by the Solicitor xxx xxx xxx
General who "has taken a position not contrary to that of petitioner and, in fact, has
manifested . . that he is not opposing the petition . . ." 2
d. State universities or colleges, government-owned or controlled
corporations with original charters.
The case was initiated in the Bureau of Labor Relations by a petition filed on March
2, 1990 by a registered labor union, the "Organization of Non-Academic Personnel of
UP" (ONAPUP). 4 Claiming to have a membership of 3,236 members — comprising She went on to say that the general intent of EO 180 was "not to fragmentize
more than 33% of the 9,617 persons constituting the non-academic personnel of UP- the employer unit, as "can be gleaned from the definition of the term
Diliman, Los Baños, Manila, and Visayas, it sought the holding of a certification "accredited employees' organization," which refers to:
election among all said non-academic employees of the University of the Philippines.
At a conference thereafter held on March 22, 1990 in the Bureau, the University . . a registered organization of the rank-and-file employees as
stated that it had no objection to the election. defined in these rules recognized to negotiate for the employees in
an organizational unit headed by an officer with sufficient authority
On April 18, 1990, another registered labor union, the "All UP Workers' Union," 5 filed to bind the agency, such as . . . . . . state colleges and universities.
a comment, as intervenor in the certification election proceeding. Alleging that its
membership covers both academic and non-academic personnel, and that it aims to The Director thus commanded that a certification election be "conducted among rank-
unite all UP rank-and-file employees in one union, it declared its assent to the holding and-file employees, teaching and non-teaching" in all four autonomous campuses of
of the election provided the appropriate organizational unit was first clearly defined. It the UP, and that management appear and bring copies of the corresponding payrolls
observed in this connection that the Research, Extension and Professional Staff for January, June, and July, 1990 at the "usual pre-election conference . . ."
(REPS), who are academic non-teaching personnel, should not be deemed part of the
organizational unit. At the pre-election conference held on March 22, 1990 at the Labor Organizational
Division of the DOLE, 8 the University sought further clarification of the coverage of
For its part, the University, through its General Counsel, 6 made of record its view that the term, "rank-and-file" personnel, asserting that not every employee could properly
there should be two (2) unions: one for academic, the other for non-academic or be embraced within both teaching and non-teaching categories since there are those
administrative, personnel considering the dichotomy of interests, conditions and rules whose positions are in truth managerial and policy-determining, and hence, excluded
governing these employee groups. by law.

Director Calleja ruled on the matter on August 7, 1990. 7 She declared that "the At a subsequent hearing (on October 4, 1990), the University filed a Manifestation
appropriate organizational unit . . should embrace all the regular rank-and-file seeking the exclusion from the organizational unit of those employees holding
employees, teaching and non-teaching, of the University of the Philippines, including supervisory positions among non-academic personnel, and those in teaching staff
with the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, submitting the following as grounds 1. To effectively recommend such managerial
therefor: actions;

1) Certain "high-level employees" with policy-making, managerial, or confidential 2. To formulate or execute management policies
functions, are ineligible to join rank-and-file employee organizations under Section 3, and decisions; or
EO 180:
3. To hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall,
Sec. 3. High-level employees whose functions are normally dismiss, assign or discipline employees.
considered as policy-making or managerial or whose duties are of a
highly confidential nature shall not be eligible to join the The Director adjudged that said teachers are rank-and-file employees "qualified to
organization of rank-and file government employees; join unions and vote in certification elections." According to her —

2) In the University hierarchy, not all teaching and non-teaching personnel belong the A careful perusal of the University Code . . shows that the policy-
rank-and file: just as there are those occupying managerial positions within the non- making powers of the Council are limited to academic matters,
teaching roster, there is also a dichotomy between various levels of the teaching or namely, prescribing courses of study and rules of discipline, fixing
academic staff; student admission and graduation requirements, recommending to
the Board of Regents the conferment of degrees, and disciplinary
3) Among the non-teaching employees composed of Administrative Staff and power over students. The policy-determining functions
Research personnel, only those holding positions below Grade 18 should be regarded contemplated in the definition of a high-level employee pertain to
as rank-and-file, considering that those holding higher grade positions, like Chiefs of managerial, executive, or organization policies, such as hiring,
Sections, perform supervisory functions including that of effectively recommending firing, and disciplining of employees, salaries, teaching/working
termination of appointments or initiating appointments and promotions; and hours, other monetary and non-monetary benefits, and other terms
and conditions of employment. They are the usual issues in
4) Not all teaching personnel may be deemed included in the term, "rank-and-file;" collective bargaining negotiations so that whoever wields these
only those holding appointments at the instructor level may be so considered, powers would be placed in a situation of conflicting interests if he
because those holding appointments from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor were allowed to join the union of rank-and-file employees.
to full Professor take part, as members of the University Council, a policy-making
body, in the initiation of policies and rules with respect to faculty tenure and The University seasonably moved for reconsideration, seeking to make the following
promotion. 9 points, to wit:

The ONAPUP quite categorically made of record its position; that it was not opposing 1) UP professors do "wield the most potent managerial powers: the power to rule on
the University's proferred classification of rank-and file employees. On the other hand, tenure, on the creation of new programs and new jobs, and conversely, the abolition
the "All UP Workers' Union" opposed the University's view, in a Position Paper of old programs and the attendant re-assignment of employees.
presented by it under date of October 18, 1990.
2) To say that the Council is "limited to (acting on) academic matters" is error, since
Director Calleja subsequently promulgated an Order dated October 30, 1990, academic decisions "are the most important decisions made in a University . . (being,
resolving the "sole issue" of "whether or not professors, associate professors and as it were) the heart, the core of the University as a workplace.
assistant professors are included in the definition of high-level employee(s)" in light of
Rule I, Section (1) of the Implementing Guidelines of Executive Order No. 180, 3) Considering that the law regards as a "high level" employee, one who performs
defining "high level employee" as follows: either policy-determining, managerial, or confidential functions, the Director erred in
applying only the "managerial functions" test, ignoring the "policy-determining
1. High Level Employee — is one whose functions are normally functions" test.
considered policy determining, managerial or one whose duties are
highly confidential in nature. A managerial function refers to the 4) The Director's interpretation of the law would lead to absurd results, e.g.: "an
exercise of powers such as: administrative officer of the College of Law is a high level employee, while a full
Professor who has published several treatises and who has distinguished himself in
argument before the Supreme Court is a mere rank-and-file employee. A dormitory

manager is classified as a high level employee, while a full Professor or Political Committee;" 17 while the College Academic Personnel Committee is entrusted with
Science with a Ph. D. and several Honorary doctorates is classified as rank-and- the following functions: 18
file." 10
1. Assist the Dean in setting up the details for the implementation of
The motion for reconsideration was denied by Director Calleja, by Order dated policies, rules, standards or general guidelines as formulated by the
November 20, 1990. University Academic Personnel Board;

The University would now have this Court declare void the Director's Order of October 2. Review the recommendation submitted by the DAPCs with
30, 1990 as well as that of November 20, 1990. 11 A temporary restraining order was regard to recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, tenure,
issued by the Court, by Resolution dated December 5, 1990 conformably to the staff development, and promotion of the faculty and other academic
University's application therefor. personnel of the College;

Two issues arise from these undisputed facts. One is whether or not professors, 3. Establish departmental priorities in the allocation of available
associate professors and assistant professors are "high-level employees" "whose funds for promotion;
functions are normally considered policy determining, managerial or . . highly
confidential in nature." The other is whether or not, they, and other employees 4. Act on cases of disagreement between the Chairman and the
performing academic functions, 12 should comprise a collective bargaining unit distinct members of the DAPC particularly on personnel matters covered by
and different from that consisting of the non-academic employees of the this Order;
University, 13 considering the dichotomy of interests, conditions and rules existing
between them.
5. Act on complaints and/or protests against personnel actions
made by the Department Chairman and/or the DAPC.
As regards the first issue, the Court is satisfied that it has been correctly resolved by
the respondent Director of Bureau Relations. In light of Executive Order No. 180 and
its implementing rules, as well as the University's charter and relevant regulations, the The University Academic Personnel Board, on the other hand, performs the following
professors, associate professors and assistant professors (hereafter simply referred functions: 19
to as professors) cannot be considered as exercising such managerial or highly
confidential functions as would justify their being categorized as "high-level 1. Assist the Chancellor in the review of the recommendations of
employees" of the institution. the CAPC'S.

The Academic Personnel Committees, through which the professors supposedly 2. Act on cases of disagreement between the Dean and the CAPC.
exercise managerial functions, were constituted "in order to foster greater
involvement of the faculty and other academic personnel in appointments, 3. Formulate policies, rules, and standards with respect to the
promotions, and other personnel matters that directly affect them." 14 Academic selection, compensation, and promotion of members of the
Personnel Committees at the departmental and college levels were organized academic staff.
"consistent with, and demonstrative of the very idea of consulting the faculty and
other academic personnel on matters directly affecting them" and to allow "flexibility in
the determination of guidelines peculiar to a particular department or college." 15 4. Assist the Chancellor in the review of recommendations on
academic promotions and on other matters affecting faculty status
and welfare.
Personnel actions affecting the faculty and other academic personnel should,
however, "be considered under uniform guidelines and consistent with the Resolution
of the Board (of Regents) adopted during its 789th Meeting (11-26-69) creating the From the foregoing, it is evident that it is the University Academic Personnel
University Academic Personnel Board." 16 Thus, the Departmental Academic Committee, composed of deans, the assistant for academic affairs and the chief of
Personnel Committee is given the function of "assist(ing) in the review of the personnel, which formulates the policies, rules and standards respecting selection,
recommendations initiated by the Department Chairman with regard to recruitment, compensation and promotion of members of the academic staff. The departmental
selection, performance evaluation, tenure and staff development, in accordance with and college academic personnel committees' functions are purely recommendatory in
the general guidelines formulated by the University Academic Personnel Board and nature, subject to review and evaluation by the University Academic Personnel Board.
the implementing details laid down by the College Academic Personnel In Franklin Baker Company of the Philippines vs. Trajano, 20 this Court reiterated the
principle laid down in National Merchandising Corp. vs. Court of Industrial
Relations, 21 that the power to recommend, in order to qualify an employee as a
supervisor or managerial employee "must not only be effective but the exercise of shall be such number of members representing the faculty and
such authority should not be merely of a routinary or clerical nature but should require academic personnel as will afford a fairly representative,
the use of independent judgment." Where such recommendatory powers, as in the deliberative and manageable group that can handle evaluation of
case at bar, are subject to evaluation, review and final action by the department personnel actions.
heads and other higher executives of the company, the same, although present, are
not effective and not an exercise of independent judgment as required by law. Neither can membership in the University Council elevate the professors to the status
of high-level employees. Section 6 (f) and 9 of the UP Charter respectively provide: 26
Significantly, the personnel actions that may be recommended by the departmental
and college academic personnel committees must conform with the general Sec. 6. The Board of Regents shall have the following powers and
guidelines drawn up by the university personnel academic committee. This being the duties . . . ;
case, the members of the departmental and college academic personnel committees
are not unlike the chiefs of divisions and sections of the National Waterworks and
Sewerage Authority whom this Court considered as rank-and-file employees xxx xxx xxx
in National Waterworks & Sewerage Authority vs. NWSA Consolidated
Unions, 22because "given ready policies to execute and standard practices to observe (f) To approve the courses of study and rules of discipline drawn up
for their execution, . . . they have little freedom of action, as their main function is by the University Council as hereinafter provided; . . .
merely to carry out the company's orders, plans and policies."
Sec. 9. There shall be a University Council consisting of the
The power or prerogative pertaining to a high-level employee "to effectively President of the University and of all instructors in the university
recommend such managerial actions, to formulate or execute management policies or holding the rank of professor, associate professor, or assistant
decisions and/or to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, dismiss, assign or discipline professor. The Council shall have the power to prescribe the
employees" 23 is exercised to a certain degree by the university academic personnel courses of study and rules of discipline, subject to the approval of
board/committees and ultimately by the Board of Regents in accordance with Section the Board of Regents. It shall fix the requirements for admission to
6 of the University any college of the university, as well as for graduation and the
Charter, 24 thus: receiving of a degree. The Council alone shall have the power to
recommend students or others to be recipients of degrees. Through
(e) To appoint, on the recommendation of the President of the its president or committees, it shall have disciplinary power over the
University, professors, instructors, lecturers and other employees of students within the limits prescribed by the rules of discipline
the University; to fix their compensation, hours of service, and such approved by the Board of Regents. The powers and duties of the
other duties and conditions as it may deem proper; to grant them in President of the University, in addition to those specifically provided
its discretion leave of absence under such regulations as it may in this Act shall be those usually pertaining to the office of president
promulgate, any other provision of law to the contrary of a university.
notwithstanding, and to remove them for cause after investigation
and hearing shall have been had. It is readily apparent that the policy-determining functions of the University Council
are subject to review, evaluation and final approval by the Board of Regents. The
Another factor that militates against petitioner's espousal of managerial employment Council's power of discipline is likewise circumscribed by the limits imposed by the
status for all its professors through membership in the departmental and college Board of Regents. What has been said about the recommendatory powers of the
academic personnel committees is that not all professors are members thereof. departmental and college academic personnel committees applies with equal force to
Membership and the number of members in the committees are provided as the alleged policy-determining functions of the University Council.
follows: 25
Even assuming arguendo that UP professors discharge policy-determining functions
Sec. 2. Membership in Committees. — Membership in committees through the University Council, still such exercise would not qualify them as high-level
may be made either through appointment, election, or by some employees within the context of E.O. 180. As correctly observed by private
other means as may be determined by the faculty and other respondent, "Executive Order No. 180 is a law concerning public sector unionism. It
academic personnel of a particular department or college. must therefore be construed within that context. Within that context, the University of
the Philippines represents the government as an employer. 'Policy-determining' refers
to policy-determination in university mattes that affect those same matters that may
Sec. 3. Number of Members. — In addition to the Chairman, in the be the subject of negotiation between public sector management and labor. The
case of a department, and the Dean in the case of a college, there reason why 'policy-determining' has been laid down as a test in segregating rank-and-
file from management is to ensure that those who lay down policies in areas that are February 28, 1958, 31 the Court observed that "the issue of how to determine the
still negotiable in public sector collective bargaining do not themselves become part of proper collective bargaining unit and what unit would be appropriate to be the
those employees who seek to change these policies for their collective welfare." 27 collective bargaining
agency" . . . "is novel in this jurisdiction; however, American precedents on the matter
The policy-determining functions of the University Council refer to academic abound . . (to which resort may be had) considering that our present Magna Carta has
matters, i.e. those governing the relationship between the University and its students, been patterned after the American law on the subject." Said the Court:
and not the University as an employer and the professors as employees. It is thus
evident that no conflict of interest results in the professors being members of the . . . Under these precedents, there are various factors which must
University Council and being classified as rank-and-file employees. be satisfied and considered in determining the proper constituency
of a bargaining unit. No one particular factor is itself decisive of the
Be that as it may, does it follow, as public respondent would propose, that all rank- determination. The weight accorded to any particular factor varies
and-file employees of the university are to be organized into a single collective in accordance with the particular question or questions that may
bargaining unit? arise in a given case. What are these factors? Rothenberg
mentions a good number, but the most pertinent to our case are: (1)
will of the employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity and unit of
A "bargaining unit" has been defined as a group of employees of a given employer, employees' interest, such as substantial similarity of work and
comprised of all or less than all of the entire body of employees, which the collective duties, or similarity of compensation and working conditions; (3)
interest of all the employees, consistent with equity to the employer, indicate to be the prior collective bargaining history; and (4) employment status, such
best suited to serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the parties under the collective as temporary, seasonal probationary employees. . . .
bargaining provisions of the law. 28
xxx xxx xxx
Our labor laws do not however provide the criteria for determining the proper
collective bargaining unit. Section 12 of the old law, Republic Act No. 875 otherwise
known as the Industrial Peace Act, simply reads as follows: 29 An enlightening appraisal of the problem of defining an appropriate
bargaining unit is given in the 10th Annual Report of the National
Labor Relations Board wherein it is emphasized that the factors
Sec. 12. Exclusive Collective Bargaining Representation for Labor which said board may consider and weigh in fixing appropriate units
Organizations. — The labor organization designated or selected for are: the history, extent and type of organization of employees; the
the purpose of collective bargaining by the majority of the history of their collective bargaining; the history, extent and type of
employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit shall be the organization of employees in other plants of the same employer, or
exclusive representative of all the employees in such unit for the other employers in the same industry; the skill, wages, work, and
purpose of collective bargaining in respect to rates of pay, wages, working conditions of the employees; the desires of the employees;
hours of employment, or other conditions of employment; Provided, the eligibility of the employees for membership in the union or
That any individual employee or group of employees shall have the unions involved; and the relationship between the unit or units
right at any time to present grievances to their employer. proposed and the employer's organization, management, and
operation. . . .
Although said Section 12 of the Industrial Peace Act was subsequently incorporated
into the Labor Code with minor changes, no guidelines were included in said Code for . . In said report, it is likewise emphasized that the basic test in
determination of an appropriate bargaining unit in a given case. 30 Thus, apart from determining the appropriate bargaining unit is that a unit, to be
the single descriptive word "appropriate," no specific guide for determining the proper appropriate, must affect a grouping of employees who have
collective bargaining unit can be found in the statutes. substantial, mutual interests in wages, hours, working conditions
and other subjects of collective bargaining (citing Smith on Labor
Even Executive Order No. 180 already adverted to is not much help. All it says, in its Laws, 316-317; Francisco, Labor Laws, 162). . . .
Section 9, is that "(t)he appropriate organizational unit shall be the employer unit
consisting of rank-and-file employees, unless circumstances otherwise require." Case The Court further explained that "(t)he test of the grouping is community or mutuality
law fortunately furnishes some guidelines. of interests. And this is so because 'the basic test of an asserted bargaining unit's
acceptability is whether or not it is fundamentally the combination which will best
When first confronted with the task of determining the proper collective bargaining unit assure to all employees the exercise of their collective bargaining rights' (Rothenberg
in a particular controversy, the Court had perforce to rely on American jurisprudence. on Labor Relations, 490)." Hence, in that case, the Court upheld the trial court's
In Democratic Labor Association vs. Cebu Stevedoring Company, Inc., decided on conclusion that two separate bargaining units should be formed, one consisting of
regular and permanent employees and another consisting of casual laborers or The formation of two separate bargaining units, the first consisting of the rank-and-file
stevedores. non-academic personnel, and the second, of the rank-and-file academic employees,
is the set-up that will best assure to all the employees the exercise of their collective
Since then, the "community or mutuality of interests" test has provided the standard in bargaining rights. These special circumstances, i.e., the dichotomy of interests and
determining the proper constituency of a collective bargaining unit. In Alhambra Cigar concerns as well as the dissimilarity in the nature and conditions of work, wages and
& Cigarette Manufacturing Company, et al. vs. Alhambra Employees' Association compensation between the academic and non-academic personnel, bring the case at
(PAFLU), 107 Phil. 23, the Court, noting that the employees in the administrative, bar within the exception contemplated in Section 9 of Executive Order No. 180. It was
sales and dispensary departments of a cigar and cigarette manufacturing firm perform grave abuse of discretion on the part of the Labor Relations Director to have ruled
work which have nothing to do with production and maintenance, unlike those in the otherwise, ignoring plain and patent realities.
raw lead (malalasi), cigar, cigarette, packing (precintera) and engineering and garage
departments, authorized the formation of the former set of employees into a separate WHEREFORE, the assailed Order of October 30, 1990 is hereby AFFIRMED in so far
collective bargaining unit. The ruling in the Democratic Labor Association case, supra, as it declares the professors, associate professors and assistant professors of the
was reiterated in Philippine Land-Air-Sea Labor Unit vs. Court of Industrial Relations, University of the Philippines as rank-and-file employees. The Order of August 7, 1990
110 Phil. 176, where casual employees were barred from joining the union of the is MODIFIED in the sense that the non-academic rank-and-file employees of the
permanent and regular employees. University of the Philippines shall constitute a bargaining unit to the exclusion of the
academic employees of the institution — i.e., full professors, associate professors,
Applying the same "community or mutuality of interests" test, but resulting in the assistant professors, instructors, and the research, extension and professorial staff,
formation of only one collective bargaining units is the case of National Association of who may, if so minded, organize themselves into a separate collective bargaining
Free Trade Unions vs. Mainit Lumber Development Company Workers Union-United unit; and that, therefore, only said non-academic rank-and-file personnel of the
Lumber and General Workers of the Phils., G.R. No. 79526, December 21, 1990, 192 University of the Philippines in Diliman, Manila, Los Baños and the Visayas are to
SCRA 598. In said case, the Court ordered the formation of a single bargaining unit participate in the certification election.
consisting of the Sawmill Division in Butuan City and the Logging Division in Zapanta
Valley, Kitcharao, Agusan Norte of the Mainit Lumber Development Company. The SO ORDERED.
Court reasoned:

Certainly, there is a mutuality of interest among the employees of

the Sawmill Division and the Logging Division. Their functions mesh
with one another. One group needs the other in the same way that
the company needs them both. There may be difference as to the
nature of their individual assignments but the distinctions are not
enough to warrant the formation of a separate bargaining unit.

In the case at bar, the University employees may, as already suggested, quite easily
be categorized into two general classes: one, the group composed of employees
whose functions are non-academic, i.e., janitors, messengers, typists, clerks,
receptionists, carpenters, electricians, grounds-keepers, chauffeurs, mechanics,
plumbers; 32 and two, the group made up of those performing academic
functions, i.e., full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors
— who may be judges or government executives — and research, extension and
professorial staff. 33 Not much reflection is needed to perceive that the community or
mutuality of interests which justifies the formation of a single collective bargaining unit
is wanting between the academic and non-academic personnel of the university. It
would seem obvious that teachers would find very little in common with the University
clerks and other non-academic employees as regards responsibilities and functions,
working conditions, compensation rates, social life and interests, skills and intellectual
pursuits, cultural activities, etc. On the contrary, the dichotomy of interests, the
dissimilarity in the nature of the work and duties as well as in the compensation and
working conditions of the academic and non-academic personnel dictate the
separation of these two categories of employees for purposes of collective bargaining.

G.R. No. 107590 February 21, 1995 and Employment, after due notice, heard the case (PSLMC Case No. 00-06-91).
During the proceedings, petitioner relied in main on the temporary nature of private
PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG MAYNILA (PLM), petitioner, respondents' employment contracts.
CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION (CSC), PAMANTASAN NG LUNGSOD NG In a Resolution,2 dated 16 December 1991, the PSLMC found petitioner guilty of
MAYNILA FACULTY ORGANIZATION (PLMFO), ROBERTO AMORES, ROLANDO "Unfair Labor Practice" and held that private respondents "should be reinstated." The
AUSTRIA, VICENTE BANAGALE, NEMENCIO CABATUANDO, MANOLO HINA, dispositive portion of its Resolution read:
SALVACION RODRIGUEZ, BELINDA SANTOS, and VIRGILIO Management committed Unfair Labor Practice when it terminated
ZAMORA respondents. the services of herein complainants, and for which the latter should
be reinstated.

Accordingly, let this Resolution be forwarded to the Civil Service

VITUG, J.: Commission for appropriate action.

This petition stemmed from a complaint for illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice SO ORDERED.3
filed with public respondent Civil Service Commission ("CSC") by private
respondents, through Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Maynila Faculty Organization Petitioner's request for reconsideration was denied in PSLMC's Order of 30 April
("PLMFO"), against petitioner Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Maynila ("PLM") and its 1992. Forthwith, the PSLMC transmitted the case to the CSC for appropriate action.
On 15 May 1992, petitioner filed with this Court a petition for certiorari, entitled
The sixteen (16) individual private respondents were full-time instructors of PLM "Pamantasan Ng Lungsod Ng Maynila vs. Public Sector Labor-Management Council,
under "temporary contracts" of employment renewable on a yearly basis. They, et al.," docketed G.R. No. 105157, that sought the annulment of the aforementioned
among other instructors, joined the PLMFO. PSLMC resolutions. In a Minute Resolution, dated 27 May 1992, the Court dismissed
the petition for PLM's failure to submit the certification required under Circular 28-91
Uniform notices of termination, all dated 24 April 1990, were individually sent to on forum-shopping. The motion for the reconsideration of this resolution was
private respondents informing them of "the expiration of their temporary appointments dismissed with finality, no compelling reason having been shown to reconsider the
at the close of office hours on 31 May 1990" and the non-renewal of their dismissal of the petition. On 30 July 1992, the resolution became final and executory
appointments for the school year (SY) 1990-1991. A series of letter-complaints and, in due course, was recorded in the Book of Entries of Judgment.
addressed to the CSC by private respondents evoked a letter-response from PLM,
dated 16 May 1990, traversing the complainants' right to compel a renewal of the In the meantime, public respondent CSC, acting on the case forwarded to it by the
appointments. They were advised that their retention was not recommended by their PSLMC, issued its Resolution No. 92-814, dated 25 June 1992, sustaining the
respective Deans. findings of the PSLMC. The CSC, accordingly, directed the reinstatement, with back
salaries, of private respondents; thus —
On 29 May 1990, private respondents, through PLMFO, filed with the CSC a verified
complaint for illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice against petitioner and its WHEREFORE, foregoing premises considered, the Commission
officers. hereby resolves to rule that the termination of the services of
Estelita Pineda, Vicente Banagale, Salvacion Rodriguez, Anita
In a letter-comment, dated 13 July 1990, petitioner denied having committed any Leyson, Eleanor Jimenez, Ma. Zelda Reyes, Belinda Santos,
unfair labor practice or having illegally dismissed private respondents. In its defense, Lordeo Poquiz, Rolando Austria, Jonathan Manzano, Manolo Hina,
PLM interposed (1) the temporary nature of private respondents' contracts of Nemencio Cabatuando, Alfredo Razon, Virgilio Zamora, Roberto
employment and (2) reasons that could justify the non- renewal of the contracts. Amores and Jose Mejia, all of the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Maynila, is illegal.
Public respondent CSC referred the case to the Public Sector Labor-Management
Council1 ("PSLMC"). The latter, through its deputized hearing officer, Med-Arbiter The PLM Management is hereby directed to reinstate these
Hope Ruiz-Valenzuela of the Bureau of Labor Relations of the Department of Labor employees to their former or equivalent positions and pay them

back salaries and other benefits from the time of their illegal Public respondent CSC manifested its intention to file its own comment to the instant
termination until their actual reinstatement.4 petition; however, it failed to file any such comment within the allotted period. The
Court finally dispensed with the filing of the comment and ordered CSC to instead file
The request for the reconsideration of the order was denied by the CSC in its its memorandum in accordance with this Court's resolution of 24 August 1993. 6
Resolution No. 92-1573 of 20 October 1992. Respondent CSC, in denying petitioner's
motion, held, among other things, that the findings of fact by the PSLMC deserved the On 20 January 1994, the Court dismissed the petition for failure to prosecute on the
respect of the Commission and that there was no further need for it, to conduct a part of petitioner, which likewise failed to file its memorandum, as well as because of
hearing of its own. the "evident lack of interest of the parties" 7 to pursue the case. On petitioner's motion
for reconsideration, however, the Court resolved, on 24 February 1994, to reinstate
The PLM cites the following reasons for its instant petition for certiorari (under Rule the petition.
65, not Rule 45 such as mistakenly referred to by petitioner):
Petitioner stresses that the CSC and the PSLMC both exercise quasi-judicial
1. The Civil Service Commission acted with grave abuse of functions but not on identical issues and subject matter; that the PSLMC possesses
discretion tantamount to lack of jurisdiction and denial of due jurisdiction only over the unfair labor practice aspect of private respondents' complaint
process when it adopted entirely, without according the petitioner but that it is the CSC which alone can take cognizance over the question of illegal
the opportunity to be heard, the findings of facts and resolutions of dismissal; and that, therefore, when the CSC has simply adopted the
the Public Sector Labor and Management Council, a body separate recommendations of the PSLMC in the unfair labor practice case in resolving the
and distinct and with different jurisdiction from that of the issue of illegal dismissal and ordering the reinstatement of private respondents
Commission. without conducting further proceedings of its own, it has effectively denied petitioner
of its right to due process.
2. The Civil Service Commission acted with grave abuse discretion
in effectively denying the petitioner the opportunity to present PSLMC's jurisdiction over the unfair labor practice case filed by private respondents
evidence to substantiate its allegations in its defense against the against petitioner is not disputed. The PSLMC, in case No. 00-06-91, has conducted
charge of illegal dismissal, to the prejudice of civil service and its proceedings in accordance with its legal mandate. 8The proceedings before Med-
public interest. Arbiter Valenzuela, who had been deputized to so act as the hearing officer, conform
with the "Rules and Regulations to Govern the Exercise of the Right of Government
Employees to Self Organization" —
3. The Civil Service Commission committed a grave abuse of
discretion in directing reinstatement and payment of backwages to
private respondents whose temporary contracts of employment had Sec. 3. The Council may call on any officer or agency for
already expired. assistance. It may deputize officers to hear and recommend action
on complaints or grievances filed with the council.
On 11 May 1993, this Court, acting on petitioner's motion for the issuance of a writ of
preliminary injunction, issued, on 18 May 1993, a temporary restraining Sec. 4. The procedure in the Council shall be non-adversarial in
order directing respondent CSC "to cease and desist from executing (its) assailed nature. The parties may be required to submit their respective
Resolutions No. 92-814 and No. 92-1573.5 position papers, together with all evidences available in support of
their respective positions within 15 days from receipt of notices.
In our resolution, dated 17 August 1993, following the receipt of respondents'
comment, we gave due course to the petition and ordered the parties to file their Sec. 5. The decision of the Council shall be final.
respective memoranda.
The conclusion of the PSLMC regarding petitioner's alleged commission of unfair
The Solicitor General took an adverse position to that of public respondent and labor practice against private respondents can no longer be considered a proper
prayed that the petition be given due course, contending that it was inappropriate for issue either before the CSC or in this instance since this particular matter has already
respondent CSC to rule on the aspect of illegal dismissal, an act that involved an been adjudged with finality in accordance with this Court's resolution in G.R. No.
exercise of its original jurisdiction, without affording anew petitioner an opportunity to 105157 heretofore mentioned.
be heard.
The PSLMC, in part, said:

. . . Individual sixteen (16) complainants were part of the original 7. PLM's existing practice in the promotion of faculty members
founders of the PLMFO and claim to be active members thereof. either for permanent status or to the next higher rank as
Complainants Vicente Benagale, Roberto Amores, and Anita undermined the university's standard of excellence. Out of the 223,
Leyson were the President, Treasurer and Secretary, respectively, close to 30% of the faculty had no previous teaching experience
of the PLMFO. At the time of complainants separation, the union before joining PLM. There are only 29 assistant professors and 6
had just secured its public sector union registration. All 16 with the rank of professor. The teachers holding temporary
complainants had temporary employment contracts that were appointments comprise, almost half of the faculty.
renewed on a yearly basis. Half of the complainants had been with
the PLM for a long time, ranging from four (4) to six and one-half (6 After securing its union registration, PLMFO began asserting its
1/2) years. rights.

It appears that the Faculty had many long-standing issues with the xxx xxx xxx
PLM Management, which complainants claim motivated the
organization of the PLMFO. As gathered from the evidence, the
following are some of the more salient issues: In its complaint, PLMFO alleged that their actions and
determination to see changes in the management of PLM angered
PLM which prompted its decision to terminate the services of the
1. Failure to appoint a true faculty representative to the Board of complainants.
Regents as provided in the PLM Charter;
xxx xxx xxx
2 No faculty participation in areas where normally the faculty input
is sought. i.e.
Ordinarily, there is merit to respondent's argument that employees
who hold temporary contracts of employment may not expect
a. revision of the student curriculum renewal of appointment as a matter of right, the decision being a
management prerogative. However, when the exercise of this
b. the development of criteria/policies regarding privilege is alleged to be the means by which management hinders
faculty development and promotion unionism or outrightly bust unions and such allegation is supported
by evidence, the act needs to be examined and studied. It then
3. While PLM has identified the academic qualifications and becomes incumbent upon Management to show that its intentions
teaching experience required for each level of hierarchy in the are otherwise. Records of the case, however, reveal that despite
faculty, the actual mechanics of promotion are vague. The faculty numerous opportunities to do so, PLM makes little attempt to rebut
remains in the dark as to whether they have already qualified and the specific charges and instead rests its defense largely on the
therefore can apply for the next faculty rank as a matter of right. argument that since complainants possess only temporary
The PLMFO maintains that this vagueness in the procedure/policies contracts of employment, PLM has the right not to renew their
for promotion is a deliberate scheme to enable PLM management contracts without any need for justification.
to establish the faculty according to its whim;
There is sufficient evidence to show that the management of PLM is
4. On the matter of promotion scheme, the faculty is not given the not particularly enthusiastic about faculty participation in the
complete results of their performance evaluation; formulation of policies concerning the University and the Faculty
itself, as shown from the very nature of the majority of the
complaints of the faculty against the administration and the
5. The faculty is kept guessing about the official salary scale response/reaction of the management to earlier attempts by the
according to rank, so that the implementation of such official salary faculty to bring about changes. . . .
scale can be arbitrary and discriminatory . . .;
. . . . The facts on record show that management did not respond to
6. Management refuses to allow the concerned faculty to participate any of the faculty issues. One accurate example is the matter of the
in choosing the Chairperson in their respective departments; teachers' performance evaluation ratings which were the basis for
"renewal of appointment and recommendation for permanent
status." It was discussed in the dialogue that the over-all rating
score of the faculty would include the Peer's evaluation. However, PLMFO is that organization. Thus, its members cannot be
as can be seen from the ratings of the complainants who were separated from the service for the simple reason of membership in
accused of having poor performance, the Peer's evaluation was not the said organization. And when the appointment status of these
included as one of the factors for their evaluation. members happens to be temporary in nature, such becomes merely
incidental and the doctrine that temporary employees have no
xxx xxx xxx security of tenure must yield or is not applicable. When the clear
intent therefore of PLM Management in terminating the services of
these employees is to abridge their constitutional right to self-
. . . . In its position paper and other subsequent pleadings, PLM has organization, the Commission has the duty to give them protection
however, abandoned all efforts to pursue its line of defense. It and uphold their basic right. This constitutional right of employees is
would appear therefore that the charges are false and untenable. If superior to the right of management not to renew the temporary
this is so, why was PLM so bold as to present them as grounds for appointment of its employees. When the exercise of discretion by
the separation of complainants in the first place? Perhaps, it was the management is calculated to bust the union as what PLM
confident that because complainants possessed temporary Management had done, the Commission has no choice but to
contracts of employment, no serious attempt would be made to declare it as a grave abuse of discretion. 10
examine PLMFO's complaint. Whatever other reasons PLM may
have, the circumstances obtaining in the instant case show that
these charges were created as an attempt to confuse/mislead Petitioner insists that when CSC has ruled on the matter of illegal dismissal without
PLM's real motivations on the matter.9 conducting any further hearing of its own, relying, instead, on PSLMC's finding of
unfair labor practice on the part of petitioner, the latter has thereby been denied due
process. Unfortunately for petitioner, however, the two supposed independent
In agreeing with the PSLMC, the CSC, in its own resolution of 25 June 1992, stated: issues, i.e., the unfair labor practice charge and the complaint for illegal dismissal
both filed by private respondents, are, in fact, here unavoidably interlinked. The non-
In the arbitration proceedings, the PSLMC found that PLM renewal of an employment contract with a term, it is true, is ordinarily a valid mode of
committed unfair labor practice when it terminated the services of removal at the end of each
the complainants. It is undisputed that the PLM Management did period. 11 This rule, however, must yield to the superior constitutional right of
not renew the appointments of these members of the faculty with employees, permanent or temporary, to self-organization. While, a temporary
temporary contracts but those who were hired as replacements employment may be ended with or without cause, it certainly may not, however, be
possess even lesser qualifications than the 16 complainants. terminated for an illegal cause.
Further, the PLM Management refused and still refuses to produce
the results of their evaluation of the performance of the Petitioner claims that it was denied "due process." It itself admitted, however, that "it
complainants which can be an indication that presentation of such manifested (before the PSLMC) its intention to submit evidence (that it had other valid
evidence would be detrimental to its case. Hence, this issue before grounds for not renewing private respondents' temporary contracts of employment)
us. which, inadvertently or otherwise, it failed to present . . . 12 This supposed evidence, if
true and being material to substantiate its defense against the unfair labor charge,
Had complainants not been among those active officers and/or should have been duly presented, but it did not. Petitioner should not now be heard to
members of the PLMFO, and had their qualifications, training, complain that it was denied due process. We ruled, time and again, that "due
experience and performance rating not been impressive, the process" was designed to afford an opportunity to be heard, 13 not that an actual
Commission would have agreed that the termination or non-renewal hearing should always and indispensably be held.
of the contracts of complainants does not constitute unfair labor
practice. But the records reveal otherwise. Hence, there is indeed In any case, in its reply to public respondents' comment, PLM enumerates the alleged
no reason for PLM Management to terminate the services of these causes for the non-renewal of the contracts, to wit:
employees except to bust their organization. The Commission finds
no reason to disagree with the findings of facts by the PSLMC that
PLM Management committed an unfair labor practice. Name Cause

xxx xxx xxx 1. Zamora, Virgilio Failure to finish MA after 2 years

Even temporary employees enjoy that basic right to form 2. Benagale, Vicente Poor over-all performance
organization or association for purposes not contrary to law.
3. Mejia, Jose Worked with DAR while with PLM records) and the second, in the conference of January 24, 1990
(see p. 278, records). PLM failed to comply on both occasions. This
4. Amores, Roberto Failure to complete MA Council can only deduce that the presentation of such evidence
would be detrimental to its case.
5. Reyes, Zelda Poor Performance
Roberto Amores and Virgilio Zamora were separated on the ground
that they failed to complete their MA degrees. A glance at their
6. Santos, Belinda Tardiness in class, says negative number of years of service makes PLM's charge spurious. In the
case of Roberto Amores, records show that he has been with PLM
comments during faculty meeting for 6 1/2 years and was still on a temporary appointment basis.
Under Board Resolution 1025, he should be considered as a
7. Poquiz, Lorredo Seldom returns test papers, taught in another university permanent employee, his contract of employment having been
renewed after the interim period. If PLM were sincere in applying
the rule that all permanent faculty must have a Masters Degree, it
8. Austria, Rolando Taught in another school for 2nd Semester of 1989-1990 should have disqualified Mr. Amores after his interim period of
appointment. It therefore appears that PLM sought to enforce this
9. Manzano, Jonathan Taught in another university rule only after Mr. Amores was elected union treasurer. On the
other hand, PLM's objection as regards Virgilio Zamora is
premature. Mr. Zamora was only in his 4th year at the university.
10. Hina, Manalo Poor class performance
Based on the concept of interim appointment, he is given up to the
fifth year to complete his Masters.
11. Cabatuando, Nemensio Poor class performance, taught in another university
The cause for termination of Leyson's services was her enrollment
12. Rodriguez, Salvacion none given in another school without allegedly asking permission from PLM
management. On record (p. 507, records) is a letter dated January
13. Razon, Alfredo none given 7, 1989 of Anita Leyson to the University, asking permission to
continue her studies at the Arellano Law School for the 2nd
semester of 1989. PLM challenges complainant to show proof that
14. Jimenez, Eleanor Tardiness during 2nd sem. in school
her request had been granted. Even if complainant, however,
cannot produce any document showing that she was granted
15. Leyson, Anita Enrolled in another law school permission, in like manner, neither can PLM present any document
expressly prohibiting her to enroll at the Arellano University. PLM's
16. Pineda, Estelita Unbecoming conduct, tardiness 14 non-response, if this is indeed the case, must be construed as
consent. Complainant's request was for continuance of her studies.
If this act was truly objectionable, PLM should have questioned
The PSLMC has noted, however, that the charges are either false or about her previous enrollment at the Arellano University.
untenable; hence, its following findings:

Moreover, this Council cannot help but comment that as part of

. . . In the case of complainants Zelda Reyes, Hina Manalo and every person's basic human right, there is nothing to prevent nor
Nemencio Cabatuando, PLM alleged that they scored poorly in their prohibit Ms. Leyson to enroll in the law school of her choice. As
performance evaluation ratings. However, check with their actual borne out by her excellent performance ratings, complainant has
performance scores (see pp. 252-264, records) shows that their rendered an exemplary service. Penalizing complainant for seeking
grades are near perfect. PLMFO's President Vicente Benagale was to further improve herself is bordering on oppression.
accused of having poor class performance scores. His evaluation
forms were, however, not available for scrutiny.
In the same conference of January 24, 1991, PLM was directed to
further substantiate the validity of its charges against complainants.
On two occasions, PLM was directed to produce the evaluation In its position paper and other subsequent pleadings, PLM has
results of the 16 complainants, the first, through an Order of however, abandoned all efforts to pursue its line of defense. It
Director Salvador Fernandez dated May 28, 1990 (see p. 148 would appear therefore that the charges are false and untenable. If

this is so, why was PLM so bold as to present them as grounds for
the separation of complainants in the first place? Perhaps, it was
confident that because complainants possessed, temporary
contracts of employment, no serious attempt would be made to
examine PLMFO's complaint. Whatever other reasons PLM may
have, the circumstances obtaining in the instant case show that
these charges were created as an attempt to confuse/mislead
PLM's real motivations on the matter.15

The finding of the PSLMC that the non-renewal by petitioner of the questioned
contracts of employment had been motivated by private respondents' union activities
is conclusive on the parties. Indeed, this Court's resolution in G.R. No. 105157 (PLM
vs. PSLMC et al.) which has long become final and executory should now render that
matter a fait accompli.

When the case was thus referred to the CSC by the PSLMC to take "appropriate
action" it understandably meant that the CSC should take the necessary steps of
reinstating the illegally dismissed employees.

WHEREFORE, the petition for certiorari is DISMISSED and the appealed resolutions
of the Civil Service Commission are AFFIRMED. The temporary restraining order
issued by this Court on 18 May 1993, is LIFTED. No costs.


G.R. No. 122226 March 25, 1998 In resolving these issues it would be useful to begin by defining who are "managerial
employees" and considering the types of "managerial employees."
vs. Types of Managerial Employees
INC. respondents. The term "manager" generally refers to "anyone who is responsible for subordinates
and other organizational resources."1 As a class, managers constitute three levels of
a pyramid:

MENDOZA, J.: Top management

Petitioner is a union of supervisory employees. It appears that on March 20, 1995 the ————————
union filed a petition for certification election on behalf of the route managers at
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. However, its petition was denied by the med- Middle
arbiter and, on appeal, by the Secretary of Labor and Employment, on the ground that
the route managers are managerial employees and, therefore, ineligible for union
membership under the first sentence of Art. 245 of the Labor Code, which provides: Management

Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any labor organization; right of ——————————

supervisory employees. — Managerial employees are not eligible to join,
assist or form any labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be First-Line
eligible for membership in a labor organization of the rank-and-file
employees but may join, assist or form separate labor organizations of their Management

(also called
Petitioner brought this suit challenging the validity of the order dated August 31, 1995,
as reiterated in the order dated September 22, 1995, of the Secretary of Labor and
Employment. Its petition was dismissed by the Third Division for lack of showing that Supervisor)
respondent committed grave abuse of discretion. But petitioner filed a motion for
reconsideration, pressing for resolution its contention that the first sentence of Art. ====================
245 of the Labor Code, so far as it declares managerial employees to be ineligible to
form, assist or join unions, contravenes Art. III, §8 of the Constitution which provides:

The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private
sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary
to law shall not be abridged.
For this reason, the petition was referred to the Court en banc.
The Issues in this Case
FIRST-LINE MANAGERS — The lowest level in an organization at which
individuals are responsible for the work of others is called first-line or first-
Two questions are presented by the petition: (1) whether the route managers at
level management. First-line managers direct operating employees only;
Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc. are managerial employees and (2) whether Art.
they do not supervise other managers. Examples of first-line managers are
245, insofar as it prohibits managerial employees from forming, joining or assisting
the "foreman" or production supervisor in a manufacturing plant, the
labor unions, violates Art. III, §8 of the Constitution.
technical supervisor in a research department, and the clerical supervisor in
a large office. First-level managers are often called supervisors.

MIDDLE MANAGERS — The term middle management can refer to more employees occupying the position of route manager and accounting
than one level in an organization. Middle managers direct the activities of manager are managerial employees. The rest i.e. quality control manager,
other managers and sometimes also those of operating employees. Middle yard/transport manager and warehouse operations manager are supervisory
managers' principal responsibilities are to direct the activities that implement employees.
their organizations' policies and to balance the demands of their superiors
with the capacities of their subordinates. A plant manager in an electronics To qualify as managerial employee, there must be a clear showing of the
firm is an example of a middle manager. exercise of managerial attributes under paragraph (m), Article 212 of the
Labor Code as amended. Designations or titles of positions are not
TOP MANAGERS — Composed of a comparatively small group of controlling. In the instant case, nothing on record will support the claim that
executives, top management is responsible for the overall management of the quality control manager, yard/transport manager and warehouse
the organization. It establishes operating policies and guides the operations manager are vested with said attributes. The warehouse
organization's interactions with its environment. Typical titles of top operations manager, for example, merely assists the plant finance manager
managers are "chief executive officer," "president," and "senior vice- in planning, organizing, directing and controlling all activities relative to
president." Actual titles vary from one organization to another and are not development and implementation of an effective management control
always a reliable guide to membership in the highest management information system at the sale offices. The exercise of authority of the quality
classification.2 control manager, on the other hand, needs the concurrence of the
manufacturing manager.
As can be seen from this description, a distinction exists between those who have the
authority to devise, implement and control strategic and operational policies (top and As to the route managers and accounting manager, we are convinced that
middle managers) and those whose task is simply to ensure that such policies are they are managerial employees. Their job descriptions clearly reveal so.
carried out by the rank-and-file employees of an organization (first-level
managers/supervisors). What distinguishes them from the rank-and-file employees is On July 6, 1992, this finding was reiterated in Case No. OS-A-3-71-92. entitled In
that they act in the interest of the employer in supervising such rank-and-file Re: Petition for Direct Certification and/or Certification Election-Route
employees. Managers/Supervisory Employees of Pepsi-Cola Products Phils. Inc., as follows:

"Managerial employees" may therefore be said to fall into two distinct categories: the The issue brought before us is not of first impression. At one time, we had
"managers" per se, who compose the former group described above, and the the occasion to rule upon the status of route manager in the same
"supervisors" who form the latter group. Whether they belong to the first or the second company vis a vis the issue as to whether or not it is supervisory employee
category, managers, vis-a-vis employers, are, likewise, employees.3 or a managerial employee. In the case of Workers Alliance Trade Unions
(WATU) vs. Pepsi Cola Products, Phils., Inc. (OS-MA-A-10-318-91 ), 15
The first question is whether route managers are managerial employees or November 1991, we ruled that a route manager is a managerial employee
supervisors. within the context of the definition of the law, and hence, ineligible to join,
form or assist a union. We have once more passed upon the logic of our
Previous Administrative Determinations of Decision aforecited in the light of the issues raised in the instant appeal, as
the Question Whether Route Managers well as the available documentary evidence on hand, and have come to the
are Managerial Employees view that there is no cogent reason to depart from our earlier holding. Route
Managers are, by the very nature of their functions and the authority they
wield over their subordinates, managerial employees. The prescription found
It appears that this question was the subject of two previous determinations by the in Art. 245 of the Labor Code, as amended therefore, clearly applies to
Secretary of Labor and Employment, in accordance with which this case was decided them.4
by the med-arbiter.
Citing our ruling in Nasipit Lumber Co. v. National Labor Relations
In Case No. OS-MA-10-318-91, entitled Worker's Alliance Trade Union (WATU) Commission,5 however, petitioner argues that these previous administrative
v. Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines, Inc., decided on November 13, 1991, the determinations do not have the effect of res judicata in this case, because "labor
Secretary of Labor found: relations proceedings" are "non-litigious and summary in nature without regard to
legal technicalities."6 Nasipit Lumber Co. involved a clearance to dismiss an
We examined carefully the pertinent job descriptions of the subject employee issued by the Department of Labor. The question was whether in a
employees and other documentary evidence on record vis-a-vis paragraph subsequent proceeding for illegal dismissal, the clearance was res judicata. In holding
(m), Article 212 of the Labor Code, as amended, and we find that only those
it was not, this Court made it clear that it was referring to labor relations proceedings DOLE's Finding that Route Managers are
of a non-adversary character, thus: Managerial Employees Supported by
Substantial Evidence in the Record
The requirement of a clearance to terminate employment was a creation of
the Department of labor to carry out the Labor Code provisions on security of The Court now finds that the job evaluation made by the Secretary of Labor is indeed
tenure and termination of employment. The proceeding subsequent to the supported by substantial evidence. The nature of the job of route managers is given in
filing of an application for clearance to terminate employment was outlined in a four-page pamphlet, prepared by the company, called "Route Manager Position
Book V, Rule XIV of the Rules and Regulations Implementing the Labor Description," the pertinent parts of which read:
Code. The fact that said rule allowed a procedure for the approval of the
clearance with or without the opposition of the employee concerned (Secs. 7 A. BASIC PURPOSE
& 8), demonstrates the non-litigious and summary nature of the proceeding.
The clearance requirement was therefore necessary only as an expeditious
shield against arbitrary dismissal without the knowledge and supervision of A Manager achieves objectives through others.
the Department of Labor. Hence, a duly approved clearance implied that the
dismissal was legal or for cause (Sec. 2).7 As a Route Manager, your purpose is to meet the sales
plan; and you achieve this objective through the skillful
But the doctrine of res judicata certainly applies to adversary administrative MANAGEMENT OF YOUR JOB AND THE
proceedings. As early as 1956, in Brillantes v. Castro,8 we sustained the dismissal of MANAGEMENT OF YOUR PEOPLE.
an action by a trial court on the basis of a prior administrative determination of the
same case by the Wage Administration Service, applying the principle of res judicata. These then are your functions as Pepsi-Cola Route
Recently, in Abad v. NLRC9 we applied the related doctrine of stare decisis in holding Manager. Within these functions — managing your job and
that the prior determination that certain jobs at the Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co., were managing your people — you are accountable to your
project employments was binding in another case involving another group of District Manager for the execution and completion of
employees of the same company. Indeed, in Nasipit Lumber Co., this Court clarified various tasks and activities which will make it possible for
toward the end of its opinion that "the doctrine of res judicata applies . . . to judicial you to achieve your sales objectives.
or quasi judicial proceedings and not to the exercise of administrative powers." 10 Now
proceedings for certification election, such as those involved in Case No. OS-M-A-10- B. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTABILITIES
318-91 and Case No. OS-A-3-71-92, are quasi judicial in nature and, therefore,
decisions rendered in such proceedings can attain finality.11
Thus, we have in this case an expert's view that the employees concerned are
managerial employees within the purview of Art. 212 which provides: The Route Manager is accountable for
the following:
(m) "managerial employee" is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives
to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer, 1.1 SALES DEVELOPMENT
suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the employer, 1.1.1 Achieve the
effectively recommend such managerial actions if the exercise of such sales plan.
authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
independent judgment. All employees not falling within any of the above
1.1.2 Achieve all
definitions are considered rank-and-file employees for purposes of this Book.
distribution and new
account objectives.
At the very least, the principle of finality of administrative determination compels
respect for the finding of the Secretary of Labor that route managers are managerial
1.1.3 Develop new
employees as defined by law in the absence of anything to show that such
business opportunities
determination is without substantial evidence to support it. Nonetheless, the Court,
thru personal contacts
concerned that employees who are otherwise supervisors may wittingly or unwittingly
with dealers.
be classified as managerial personnel and thus denied the right of self-organization,
has decided to review the record of this case.
1.1.4 Inspect and an accurate and
ensure that all timely basis.
merchandizing [sic]
objectives are 1.2.3 Ensure proper
achieved in all outlets. implementation of the
various company
1.1.5 maintain and policies and
improve productivity of procedures incl. but
all cooling equipment not limited to
and kiosks. shakedown; route
shortage; progressive
1.1.6 Execute and discipline; sorting;
control all authorized spoilages;
promotions. credit/collection;
accident; attendance.
1.1.7 Develop and
maintain dealer 1.2.4 Ensure
goodwill. collection of
receivables and
delinquent accounts.
1.1.8 Ensure all
accounts comply with
company suggested 2.0 MANAGING YOUR PEOPLE
retail pricing.
The Route Manager is accountable for
1.1.9 Study from time the following:
to time individual route
coverage and 2.1 Route Sales Team Development
productivity for
possible adjustments 2.1.2 Conduct route
to maximize utilization rides to train, evaluate
of resources. and develop all
assigned route
1.2 Administration salesmen and helpers
at least 3 days a
1.2.1 Ensure the week, to be supported
proper loading of by required route ride
route trucks before documents/reports &
check-out and the back check/spot
proper sorting of check at least 2 days
bottles before check- a week to be
in. supported by required
1.2.2 Ensure the
upkeep of all route 2.1.2 Conduct sales
sales reports and all meetings and morning
other related reports huddles. Training
and forms required on should focus on the
enhancement of
effective sales and Effective 01 April 1995, your basic monthly salary of P11,710 will be
merchandizing [sic] increased to P12,881 or an increase of 10%. This represents the added
techniques of the managerial responsibilities you will assume due to the recent restructuring
salesmen and and streamlining of Metro Sales Operations brought about by the continuous
helpers. Conduct losses for the last nine (9) months.
group training at least
1 hour each week on Let me remind you that for our operations to be profitable, we have to
a designated day and sustain the intensity and momentum that your group and yourself have
of specific topic. shown last March. You just have to deliver the desired volume targets, better
negotiated concessions, rationalized sustaining deals, eliminate or reduced
2.2 Code of Conduct overdues, improved collections, more cash accounts, controlled operating
expenses, etc. Also, based on the agreed set targets, your monthly
2.2.1 Maintain the performance will be closely monitored.
company's reputation
through strict You have proven in the past that your capable of achieving your targets thru
adherence to PCPPI's better planning, managing your group as a fighting team, and thru
code of conduct and aggressive selling. I am looking forward to your success and I expect that
the universal you just have to exert your doubly best in turning around our operations from
standards of a losing to a profitable one!
business Happy Selling!!

Earlier in this opinion, reference was made to the distinction between managers per
se (top managers and middle managers) and supervisors (first-line managers). That
distinction is evident in the work of the route managers which sets them apart from
supervisors in general. Unlike supervisors who basically merely direct operating
employees in line with set tasks assigned to them, route managers are responsible for
the success of the company's main line of business through management of their
respective sales teams. Such management necessarily involves the planning,
direction, operation and evaluation of their individual teams and areas which the work
of supervisors does not entail.

The route managers cannot thus possibly be classified as mere supervisors because
their work does not only involve, but goes far beyond, the simple direction or
supervision of operating employees to accomplish objectives set by those above
them. They are not mere functionaries with simple oversight functions but business
administrators in their own right. An idea of the role of route managers as
managersper se can be gotten from a memo sent by the director of metro sales
operations of respondent company to one of the route managers. It reads:13

03 April 1995 The plasticized card given to route managers, quoted in the separate opinion of
Justice Vitug, although entitled "RM's Job Description," is only a summary of
To : CESAR T . REOLADA performance standards. It does not show whether route managers are managers per
se or supervisors. Obviously, these performance standards have to be related to the
specific tasks given to route managers in the four-page "Route Manager Position
From : REGGIE M. SANTOS Description," and, when this is done, the managerial nature of their jobs is fully
revealed. Indeed, if any, the card indicates the great latitude and discretion given to
Subj : SALARY INCREASE route managers — from servicing and enhancing company goodwill to supervising
and auditing accounts, from trade (new business) development to the discipline, Right of Self-Organization of Managerial
training and monitoring of performance of their respective sales teams, and so forth, Employees under Pre-Labor Code Laws
— if they are to fulfill the company's expectations in the "key result areas."
Before the promulgation of the Labor Code in 1974, the field of labor relations was
Article 212(m) says that "supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the governed by the Industrial Peace Act (R.A. No. 875).
employer, effectively recommend such managerial actions if the exercise of such
authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of In accordance with the general definition above, this law defined "supervisor" as
independent judgment." Thus, their only power is to recommend. Certainly, the route follows:
managers in this case more than merely recommend effective management action.
They perform operational, human resource, financial and marketing functions for the
company, all of which involve the laying down of operating policies for themselves Sec. 2. . . .
and their teams. For example, with respect to marketing, route managers, in
accordance with B.1.1.1 to B.1.1.9 of the Route Managers Job Description, are (k) "Supervisor" means any person having authority in the interest of an
charged, among other things, with expanding the dealership base of their respective employer, to hire, transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign,
sales areas, maintaining the goodwill of current dealers, and distributing the recommend, or discipline other employees, or responsibly to direct them,
company's various promotional items as they see fit. It is difficult to see how and to adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such acts, if, in
supervisors can be given such responsibility when this involves not just the routine connection with the foregoing, the exercise of such authority is not of a
supervision of operating employees but the protection and expansion of the merely routinary or clerical nature but requires the use of independent
company's business vis-a-visits competitors. judgment.16

While route managers do not appear to have the power to hire and fire people (the The right of supervisors to form their own organizations was affirmed:
evidence shows that they only "recommended" or "endorsed" the taking of disciplinary
action against certain employees), this is because this Sec. 3. Employees' Right to Self-Organization. — Employees shall have the
is a function of the Human Resources or Personnel Department of the right to self-organization and to form, join or assist labor organizations of
company.14 And neither should it be presumed that just because they are given set their own choosing for the purpose of collective bargaining through
benchmarks to observe, they are ipso facto supervisors. Adequate control methods representatives of their own choosing and to engage in concerted activities
(as embodied in such concepts as "Management by Objectives [MBO]" and for the purpose of collective bargaining and other mutual aid and protection.
"performance appraisals") which require a delineation of the functions and Individuals employed as supervisors shall not be eligible for membership in a
responsibilities of managers by means of ready reference cards as here, have long labor organization of employees under their supervision but may form
been recognized in management as effective tools for keeping businesses separate organizations of their own.17

For its part, the Supreme Court upheld in several of its decisions the right of
This brings us to the second question, whether the first sentence of Art. 245 of the supervisors to organize for purposes of labor relations. 18
Labor Code, prohibiting managerial employees from forming, assisting or joining any
labor organization, is constitutional in light of Art. III, §8 of the Constitution which
provides: Although it had a definition of the term "supervisor," the Industrial Peace Act did not
define the term "manager." But, using the commonly-understood concept of
"manager," as above stated, it is apparent that the law used the term "supervisors" to
The right of the people, including those employed in the public and private refer to the sub-group of "managerial employees" known as front-line managers. The
sectors, to form unions, associations, or societies for purposes not contrary other sub-group of "managerial employees," known as managers per se, was not
to law shall not be abridged. covered.

As already stated, whether they belong to the first category (managers per se) or the However, in Caltex Filipino Managers and Supervisors Association v. Court of
second category (supervisors), managers are employees. Nonetheless, in the United Industrial Relations,19 the right of all managerial employees to self-organization was
States, as Justice Puno's separate opinion notes, supervisors have no right to form upheld as a general proposition, thus:
unions. They are excluded from the definition of the term "employee" in §2(3) of the
Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947.15 In the Philippines, the question whether
managerial employees have a right of self-organization has arisen with respect to It would be going too far to dismiss summarily the point raised by respondent
first-level managers or supervisors, as shown by a review of the course of labor Company — that of the alleged identity of interest between the managerial
legislation in this country. staff and the employing firm. That should ordinarily be the case, especially
so where the dispute is between management and the rank and file. It does Jr. Supervisory Assistant
not necessarily follow though that what binds the managerial staff to the
corporation forecloses the possibility of conflict between them. There could Credit Assistant
be a real difference between what the welfare of such group requires and the
concessions the firm is willing to grant. Their needs might not be attended to
then in the absence of any organization of their own. Nor is this to indulge in Lab. Supvr. — Pandacan
empty theorizing. The record of respondent Company, even the very case
cited by it, is proof enough of their uneasy and troubled relationship. Jr. Sales Engineer B
Certainly the impression is difficult to erase that an alien firm failed to
manifest sympathy for the claims of its Filipino executives. To predicate Operations Assistant B
under such circumstances that agreement inevitably marks their relationship,
ignoring that discord would not be unusual, is to fly in the face of reality.
Field Engineer
. . . The basic question is whether the managerial personnel can organize.
What respondent Company failed to take into account is that the right to self- Sr. Opers. Supvr. — MIA A/S
organization is not merely a statutory creation. It is fortified by our
Constitution. All are free to exercise such right unless their purpose is Purchasing Assistant
contrary to law. Certainly it would be to attach unorthodoxy to, not to say an
emasculation of, the concept of law if managers as such were precluded
Jr. Construction Engineer
from organizing. Having done so and having been duly registered, as did
occur in this case, their union is entitled to all the rights under Republic Act
No. 875. Considering what is denominated as unfair labor practice under Sr. Sales Supervisor
Section 4 of such Act and the facts set forth in our decision, there can be
only one answer to the objection raised that no unfair labor practice could be Deport Supervisor A
committed by respondent Company insofar as managerial personnel is
concerned. It is, as is quite obvious, in the negative.20
Terminal Accountant B

Actually, the case involved front-line managers or supervisors only, as the plantilla of
employees, quoted in the main opinion,21 clearly indicates:

Dist. Sales Prom. Supvr.

CAFIMSA members holding the following Supervisory Payroll Position Title
are Recognized by the Company
Instr. — Merchandising
Payroll Position Title
Asst. Dist. Accountant B
Assistant to Mgr. — National Acct. Sales
Sr. Opers. Supervisor
Jr. Sales Engineer
Jr. Sales Engineer A
Retail Development Asst.
Asst. Bulk Ter. Supt.
Staff Asst. — 0 Marketing
Sr. Opers. Supvr.
Sales Supervisor
Credit Supervisor A
Supervisory Assistant
Asst. Stores Supvr. A

Ref. Supervisory Draftsman The definition shows that it is actually a combination of the commonly understood
definitions of both groups of managerial employees, grammatically joined by the
Refinery Shift Supvr. B phrase "and/or."

Asst. Supvr. A — Operations (Refinery) This general definition was perhaps legally necessary at that time for two reasons.
First, the 1974 Code denied supervisors their right to self-organize as theretofore
guaranteed to them by the Industrial Peace Act. Second, it stood the dictum in the
Refinery Shift Supvr. B Caltex case on its head by prohibiting all types of managers from forming unions. The
explicit general prohibition was contained in the then Art. 246 of the Labor Code.
Asst. Lab. Supvr. A (Refinery)
The practical effect of this synthesis of legal concepts was made apparent in the
St. Process Engineer B (Refinery) Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code which the Department of Labor
promulgated on January 19, 1975. Book V, Rule II, §11 of the Rules provided:
Asst. Supvr. A — Maintenance (Refinery)
Supervisory unions and unions of security guards to cease operation. — All
Asst. Supvr. B — Maintenance (Refinery) existing supervisory unions and unions of security guards shall, upon the
effectivity of the Code, cease to operate as such and their registration
certificates shall be deemed automatically canceled. However, existing
Supervisory Accountant (Refinery) collective agreements with such unions, the life of which extends beyond the
date of effectivity of the Code, shall be respected until their expiry date
Communications Supervisor (Refinery) insofar as the economic benefits granted therein are concerned.

Finally, also deemed included are all other employees excluded from the Members of supervisory unions who do not fall within the definition of
rank and file unions but not classified as managerial or otherwise excludable managerial employees shall become eligible to join or assist the rank and file
by law or applicable judicial precedents. labor organization, and if none exists, to form or assist in the forming of such
rank and file organization. The determination of who are managerial
employees and who are not shall be the subject of negotiation between
Right of Self-Organization of Managerial
representatives of the supervisory union and the employer. If no agreement
Employees under the Labor Code
is reached between the parties, either or both of them may bring the issue to
the nearest Regional Office for determination.
Thus, the dictum in the Caltex case which allowed at least for the theoretical
unionization of top and middle managers by assimilating them with the supervisory
The Department of Labor continued to use the term "supervisory unions" despite the
group under the broad phrase "managerial personnel," provided the lynchpin for later
demise of the legal definition of "supervisor" apparently because these were the
laws denying the right of self-organization not only to top and middle management
unions of front line managers which were then allowed as a result of the statutory
employees but to front line managers or supervisors as well. Following the Caltex
grant of the right of self-organization under the Industrial Peace Act. Had the
case, the Labor Code, promulgated in 1974 under martial law, dropped the distinction
Department of Labor seen fit to similarly ban unions of top and middle managers
between the first and second sub-groups of managerial employees. Instead of
which may have been formed following the dictum in Caltex, it obviously would have
treating the terms "supervisor" and "manager" separately, the law lumped them
done so. Yet it did not, apparently because no such unions of top and middle
together and called them "managerial employees," as follows:
managers really then existed.

Art. 212. Definitions . . . .

Real Intent of the 1986 Constitutional Commission

(k) "Managerial Employee" is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives

This was the law as it stood at the time the Constitutional Commission considered the
to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer,
draft of Art. III, §8. Commissioner Lerum sought to amend the draft of what was later
suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees, or to
to become Art. III, §8 of the present Constitution:
effectively recommend such managerial actions. All employees not falling
within this definition are considered rank and file employees for purposes of
this Book.22 MR. LERUM. My amendment is on Section 7, page 2, line 19, which is to
insert between the words "people" and "to" the following: WHETHER
EMPLOYED BY THE STATE OR PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENTS. In other I want to avoid also the possibility of having this interpreted as applicable
words, the section will now read as follows: "The right of the people only to the employed.
to form associations, unions, or societies for purposes not contrary to law MR. DE LOS REYES. Will the proponent accept an amendment to the
shall not be abridged."23 amendment, Madam President?

Explaining his proposed amendment, he stated: MR. LERUM. Yes, as long as it will carry the idea that the right of the
employees in the private sector is recognized.24
MR. LERUM. Under the 1935 Bill of Rights, the right to form associations is
granted to all persons whether or not they are employed in the government. Lerum thus anchored his proposal on the fact that (1) government employees,
Under that provision, we allow unions in the government, in government- supervisory employees, and security guards, who had the right to organize under the
owned and controlled corporations and in other industries in the private Industrial Peace Act, had been denied this right by the Labor Code, and (2) there was
sector, such as the Philippine Government Employees' Association, unions a need to reinstate the right of these employees. In consonance with his objective to
in the GSIS, the SSS, the DBP and other government-owned and controlled reinstate the right of government, security, and supervisory employees to organize,
corporations. Also, we have unions of supervisory employees and of security Lerum then made his proposal:
guards. But what is tragic about this is that after the 1973 Constitution was
approved and in spite of an express recognition of the right to organize in
P.D. No. 442, known as the Labor Code, the right of government workers, MR. LERUM. Mr. Presiding Officer, after a consultation with several
supervisory employees and security guards to form unions was abolished. Members of this Commission, my amendment will now read as follows: "The
PRIVATE SECTORS to form associations, unions, or societies for purposes
And we have been fighting against this abolition. In every tripartite not contrary to law shall not be abridged. In proposing that amendment I ask
conference attended by the government, management and workers, we to make of record that I want the following provisions of the Labor Code to
have always been insisting on the return of these rights. However, both the be automatically abolished, which read:
government and employers opposed our proposal, so nothing came out of
this until this week when we approved a provision which states:
Art. 245. Security guards and other personnel employed
for the protection and security of the person, properties
Notwithstanding any provision of this article, the right to and premises of the employers shall not be eligible for
self-organization shall not be denied to government membership in a labor organization.
Art. 246. Managerial employees are not eligible to join,
We are afraid that without any corresponding provision covering the private assist, and form any labor organization.
sector, the security guards, the supervisory employees or majority
employees [sic] will still be excluded, and that is the purpose of this
amendment. THE PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Bengzon). What does the Committee say?

I will be very glad to accept any kind of wording as long as it will amount to FR. BERNAS. The Committee accepts.
absolute recognition of private sector employees, without exception, to
organize. THE PRESIDING OFFICER. (Mr. Bengzon) The Committee has accepted
the amendment, as amended.
THE PRESIDENT. What does the Committee say?
Is there any objection? (Silence) The Chair hears none; the amendment, as
FR. BERNAS. Certainly, the sense is very acceptable, but the point raised amended, is approved.25
by Commissioner Rodrigo is well-taken. Perhaps, we can lengthen this a
little bit more to read: "The right of the people WHETHER UNEMPLOYED The question is what Commissioner Lerum meant in seeking to "automatically
OR EMPLOYED BY STATE OR PRIVATE ESTABLISHMENTS. abolish" the then Art. 246 of the Labor Code. Did he simply want "any kind of wording
as long as it will amount to absolute recognition of private sector employees, without
exception, to organize"?26 Or, did he instead intend to have his words taken in the
context of the cause which moved him to propose the amendment in the first place,
namely, the denial of the right of supervisory employees to organize, because he In sum, Lerum's proposal to amend Art. III, §8 of the draft Constitution by including
said, "We are afraid that without any corresponding provision covering the private labor unions in the guarantee of organizational right should be taken in the context of
sector, security guards, supervisory employees or majority [of] employees will still be statements that his aim was the removal of the statutory ban against security guards
excluded, and that is the purpose of this amendment"? 27 and supervisory employees joining labor organizations. The approval by the
Constitutional Commission of his proposal can only mean, therefore, that the
It would seem that Commissioner Lerum simply meant to restore the right of Commission intended the absolute right to organize of government workers,
supervisory employees to organize. For even though he spoke of the need to supervisory employees, and security guards to be constitutionally guaranteed. By
"abolish" Art. 246 of the Labor Code which, as already stated, prohibited "managerial implication, no similar absolute constitutional right to organize for labor purposes
employees" in general from forming unions, the fact was that in explaining his should be deemed to have been granted to top-level and middle managers. As to
proposal, he repeatedly referred to "supervisory employees" whose right under the them the right of self-organization may be regulated and even abridged conformably
Industrial Peace Act to organize had been taken away by Art. 246. It is noteworthy to Art. III, §8.
that Commissioner Lerum never referred to the then definition of "managerial
employees" in Art. 212(m) of the Labor Code which put together, under the broad Constitutionality of Art. 245
phrase "managerial employees," top and middle managers and supervisors. Instead,
his repeated use of the term "supervisory employees," when such term then was no Finally, the question is whether the present ban against managerial employees, as
longer in the statute books, suggests a frame of mind that remained grounded in the embodied in Art. 245 (which superseded Art. 246) of the Labor Code, is valid. This
language of the Industrial Peace Act. provision reads:

Nor did Lerum ever refer to the dictum in Caltex recognizing the right of all managerial Art. 245. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any labor
employees to organize, despite the fact that the Industrial Peace Act did not expressly organization; right of supervisory employees. — Managerial employees are
provide for the right of top and middle managers to organize. If Lerum was aware of not eligible to join, assist or form any labor organization. Supervisory
the Caltex dictum, then his insistence on the use of the term "supervisory employees" employees shall not be eligible for membership in a labor organization of the
could only mean that he was excluding other managerial employees from his rank-and-file employees but may join, assist or form separate labor
proposal. If, on the other hand, he was not aware of the Caltex statement sustaining organizations of their own.29
the right to organize to top and middle managers, then the more should his repeated
use of the term "supervisory employees" be taken at face value, as it had been
defined in the then Industrial Peace Act. This provision is the result of the amendment of the Labor Code in 1989 by R.A. No.
6715, otherwise known as the Herrera-Veloso Law. Unlike the Industrial Peace Act or
the provisions of the Labor Code which it superseded, R.A. No. 6715 provides
At all events, that the rest of the Commissioners understood his proposal to refer separate definitions of the terms "managerial" and "supervisory employees," as
solely to supervisors and not to other managerial employees is clear from the follows:
following account of Commissioner Joaquin G. Bernas, who writes:
Art. 212. Definitions. . . .
In presenting the modification on the 1935 and 1973 texts, Commissioner
Eulogio R. Lerum explained that the modification included three categories
of workers: (1) government employees, (2) supervisory employees, and (3) (m) "managerial employee" is one who is vested with powers or prerogatives
security guards. Lerum made of record the explicit intent to repeal provisions to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire transfer,
of P.D. 442, the Labor Code. The provisions referred to were: suspend, lay off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of the employer,
effectively recommend such managerial actions if the exercise of such
Art. 245. Security guards and other personnel employed authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
for the protection and security of the person, properties independent judgment. All employees not falling within any of the above
and premises of the employers shall not be eligible for definitions are considered rank-and-file employees for purposes of this Book.
membership in a labor organization.
Although the definition of "supervisory employees" seems to have been unduly
Art. 246. Managerial employees are not eligible to join, restricted to the last phrase of the definition in the Industrial Peace Act, the legal
assist, and form any labor organization.28 significance given to the phrase "effectively recommends" remains the same. In fact,
the distinction between top and middle managers, who set management policy, and
Implications of the Lerum Proposal front-line supervisors, who are merely responsible for ensuring that such policies are
carried out by the rank and file, is articulated in the present definition.30 When read in

relation to this definition in Art. 212(m), it will be seen that Art. 245 faithfully carries out
the intent of the Constitutional Commission in framing Art. III, §8 of the fundamental

Nor is the guarantee of organizational right in Art. III, §8 infringed by a ban against
managerial employees forming a union. The right guaranteed in Art. III, §8 is subject
to the condition that its exercise should be for purposes "not contrary to law." In the
case of Art. 245, there is a rational basis for prohibiting managerial employees from
forming or joining labor organizations. As Justice Davide, Jr., himself a constitutional
commissioner, said in his ponencia in Philips Industrial Development, Inc. v. NLRC:31

In the first place, all these employees, with the exception of the service
engineers and the sales force personnel, are confidential employees. Their
classification as such is not seriously disputed by PEO-FFW; the five (5)
previous CBAs between PIDI and PEO-FFW explicitly considered them as
confidential employees. By the very nature of their functions, they assist and
act in a confidential capacity to, or have access to confidential matters of,
persons who exercise managerial functions in the field of labor relations. As
such, the rationale behind the ineligibility of managerial employees to form,
assist or joint a labor union equally applies to them.

In Bulletin Publishing Co., Inc. v. Hon. Augusto Sanchez, this Court

elaborated on this rationale, thus:

. . . The rationale for this inhibition has been stated to be,

because if these managerial employees would belong to
or be affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be
assured of their loyalty to the Union in view of evident
conflict of interests. The Union can also become company-
dominated with the presence of managerial employees in
Union membership.32

To be sure, the Court in Philips Industrial was dealing with the right of confidential
employees to organize. But the same reason for denying them the right to organize
justifies even more the ban on managerial employees from forming unions. After all,
those who qualify as top or middle managers are executives who receive from their
employers information that not only is confidential but also is not generally available to
the public, or to their competitors, or to other employees. It is hardly necessary to
point out that to say that the first sentence of Art. 245 is unconstitutional would be to
contradict the decision in that case.

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.


G.R. No. 78755 July 19, 1989 before the Ministry of Labor known as ROXI Case No. UR-70-84, which was
dismissed by a Resolution issued by Med-Arbiter Conchita Martinez when it was
GOLDEN FARMS, INC., petitioner, established that a collective bargaining unit (NFL) between the Corporation and the
vs. rank-and-file employees was and is in existence at the time of the filing of the said
THE HONORABLE DIRECTOR PURA FERRER-CALLEJA, BUREAU OF LABOR petition for certification election until the present filing. However, in the order of
RELATIONS and NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR, respondents. dismissal, it was stated:

J. V. Yap Law Office for petitioner. After taking into consideration the functions exercised by the
foremen as contained in their joint affidavits (Annexes "A-1", "A-2"
& "A-3", Petitioner's Position Paper) apparently, they fall within the
Beethoven L. Orcullo for private respondent. classification of rank-and-file employees. For, as consistently ruled
in a long line of decisions, mere supervisory designations in the
position titles, do not make the holders of such positions any less
rank and filers, without the convincing proof that such supervisory
PARAS, J.: designations are coupled with actual performance of managerial
functions. In the cases at bar, what was submitted by the
respondent companies are only lists of employees holding the
Petitioner Golden Farms, Inc., seeks a reversal of the resolution of public respondent positions of foremen and confidential positions and as such are not
Department of Labor and Employment Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja in BLR Case No. covered by the bargaining unit. Such piece of evidence alone does
A-2-56-87 which affirmed on appeal the decision of Labor Arbiter Conrado O. not constitute convincing proof for us to adapt respondents' stance
Macasa, Sr., in NLRC Case No. R-418-ROXI-MED-UR-8886, issuing a directive as (Annexes "A", "B", "C", & "D"). Comment on Petition). (p. 13, Rollo)
Having had no opportunity to contest the abovementioned statement in the order of
In view of the foregoing, the herein petition for certification election dismissal, petitioner herein as private respondent therein, filed a "Manifestation"
filed by the National Federation of Labor (NFL) is hereby stating among others:
DISMISSED; whereas, its resultant and relevant consequence of its
recognized representation of the entire rank-and-file employees of
the bargaining unit should be given life and meaning, as it is hereby 2. That since the petitions were dismissed the herein employees
directed, and Employer Golden Farms, Incorporated likewise make clear for the record that said view would run counter to the
enjoined to negotiate for a supplementary collective bargaining provision of the pertinent Collective Bargaining Agreement whereby
agreement, or for the inclusion of the herein monthly paid rank-and- the foremen were already acknowledged and agreed upon to be
file employees at Luna, Kapalong, Davao del Norte, and Lanang, managerial employees and accordingly excluded from the coverage
Davao City in the still existing negotiated contract, whichever the of the said CBA;
parties may consider just and appropriate under the circumstances.
3. That with respect to those employees holding confidential
SO ORDERED. (p. 29, Rollo) positions, it is a basic principle that they cannot be included in any
bargaining unit, the fact being that having access to confidential
informations, said employees may be the source of undue
The case originated as a Petition for Direct Certification Election or Recognition filed advantage. Said employees may act as spies for either parties to
by herein private respondent in behalf of certain office employees and foremen before collective bargaining agreement. This is especially true in this case
Regional Office No. XI, Davao City of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. where the petitioning union is already the bargaining agent of the
Petitioner herein opposed said petition on the ground among others that a perusal of rank-and-file employees in the establishment. To allow confidential
the names allegedly supporting the said petition showed that said persons by the employees to join existing bargaining unit will defeat the very
nature of their jobs are performing managerial functions and/or occupying confidential purpose for which an employee holding confidential position was in
positions such that they cannot validly constitute a separate or distinct group from the the first place excluded. (p. 68, Rollo)
existing collective bargaining unit also represented by private respondent.
Private respondent herein as petitioner therein appealed the order of dismissal which
Petitioner is a corporation engaged in the production of bananas for export. Private was accordingly opposed (Annex "L" p. 69, Rollo) by Golden Farms, Inc., reiterating
respondent Union represents the employees/workers of petitioner corporation, who the grounds and arguments set forth in its Manifestation filed earlier. The appeal was
were the same signatories to an earlier Petition for Certification Election filed in 1984 dismissed and subsequently the National Federation of Labor Union refiled the
Petition for Certification in NLRC Case No. R-418- ROX-MED-UR-88-86 which was contractual, and seasonal workers are excluded from the
also dismissed. Said order of dismissal is now the subject of this review for containing bargaining unit and therefore, not covered by this agreement.
directives not within the power of a Med-Arbiter to issue. Petitioner Golden Farms,
Inc., now poses the following questions: (p. 41, Rollo)

I HAS A MED-ARBITER THE POWER OR Respondents do not dispute the existence of said collective bargaining agreement.
AUTHORITY TO DIRECT MANAGEMENT TO We must therefore respect this CBA which was freely and voluntarily entered into as
ENTER INTO A SUPPLEMENTAL COLLECTIVE the law between the parties for the duration of the period agreed upon. Until then no
BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH A one can be compelled to accept changes in the terms of the collective bargaining

II MAY SUPERVISORS, CASHIERS, FOREMEN, Furthermore, the signatories to the petition for certification election are the very type
AND EMPLOYEES HOLDING of employees by the nature of their positions and functions which We have decreed
CONFIDENTIAL/MANAGERIAL FUNCTION as disqualified from bargaining with management in case of Bulletin Publishing Co.
COMPEL MANAGEMENT TO ENTER INTO A Inc. vs. Hon. Augusto Sanchez, etc. (144 SCRA 628) reiterating herein the rationale
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT for such ruling as follows: if these managerial employees would belong to or be
WITH THEM. (p. 14, Rollo) affiliated with a Union, the latter might not be assured of their loyalty to the Union in
view of evident conflict of interests or that the Union can be company- dominated with
The petition merits Our consideration. the presence of managerial employees in Union membership. A managerial employee
is defined under Art. 212 (k) of the new Labor Code as "one who is vested with
Respondents relied heavily on the alleged finding of Med-Arbiter Martinez that the powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire,
employees who were signatories to the petition for certification election and transfer, suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees, or to
represented by respondent Union are actually rank-and-file workers not disqualified effectively recommend such managerial actions. All employees not falling within this
from entering into a collective bargaining agreement with management. In said definitions are considered rank-and-file employees for purposes of this Book."
findings of fact, Med-Arbiter Martinez singled out in her classification as rank-and-file
employees the foremen of Petitioner Corporation considered from their joint affidavits This rationale holds true also for confidential employees such as accounting
and for lack of convincing proof that their supervisory designations are coupled with personnel, radio and telegraph operators, who having access to confidential
the actual performance of managerial functions. information, may become the source of undue advantage. Said employee(s) may act
as a spy or spies of either party to a collective bargaining agreement. This is specially
Whether or not such finding is supported by the evidence is beside the point. true in the present case where the petitioning Union is already the bargaining agent of
Respondents herein do not dispute that the signatories (listed in Annex "A", page 30, the rank-and-file employees in the establishment. To allow the confidential employees
Rollo) to the Petition for certification election subject of this case, were holding the to join the existing Union of the rank-and-file would be in violation of the terms of the
positions of cashier, purchasers, personnel officers, foremen and employees having Collective Bargaining Agreement wherein this kind of employees by the nature of their
access to confidential information such as accounting personnel, radio and telegraph functions/positions are expressly excluded.
operators and head of various sections. It is also a fact that respondent Union is the
exclusive bargaining Unit of the rank-and-file employees of petitioner corporation and As to the company foremen, while in the performance of supervisory functions, they
that an existing CBA between petitioner corporation and the Union representing these may be the extension or alter ego of the management. Adversely, the foremen, by
rank-and-file employees was still enforced at the time the Union filed a petition for their actuation, may influence the workers under their supervision to engage in slow
certification election in behalf of the aforementioned signatories. Under the terms of down commercial activities or similar activities detrimental to the policy, interest or
said CBA (Annex "E", p. 40, Rollo) it is expressly provided that: business objectives of the company or corporation, hence they also cannot join.

Section 1. The COMPANY and the UNION hereby agree that the WHEREFORE, finding the assailed directive of Med-Arbiter Conrado O. Macasa, Sr.
recognized bargaining unit for purposes of this agreement shall which was affirmed by Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja reiterating the directive of Med-
consist of regular rank-and-file workers employed by the Arbiter Conchita Martinez "to negotiate for a supplementary collective bargaining
COMPANY at the plantation presently situated at Alejal, Carmen, agreement, or for the inclusion of the herein monthly paid rank-and- file employees" to
Davao. Consequently, all managerial personnel like, be erroneous as it is in complete disregard of the terms of the collective bargaining
superintendents, supervisor, foremen, administrative, professional agreement, the same is hereby DECLARED to be without force and effect.
and confidential employees, and those temporary, casual,

G.R. No. L-98050 March 17, 1994 excluding therefrom the superintendents and theprofessional and technical
employees. He also directed the parties to attend the pre-election conference on 19
PHILIPPINE PHOSPHATE FERTILIZER CORPORATION, petitioner, April 1990 for the determination of the mechanics of the election process and the
vs. qualifications and eligibility of those allowed to vote.
HON. RUBEN D. TORRES, Secretary of Labor and Employment, HON.
RODOLFO S. MILADO, Department of Labor and Employment Mediator-Arbiter On 15 November 1989, PMPI filed an amended petition with the Mediator-Arbiter
for Region VIII, Tacloban, City, and PHILPHOS MOVEMENT FOR PROGRESS, wherein it sought to represent not only the supervisory employees of petitioner but
INC. (PMPI), respondents. also its professional/technical and confidential employees. The amended petition was
filed in view of the amendment of the PMPI Construction which included in its
Quiroz, Dumas & Henares Law Offices for petitioner. membership the professional/technical and confidential employees.

Seno, Mendoza & Associates for private respondent Philphos Movement for On 14 December 1989, the parties therein agreed to submit their respective position
Progress, Inc. papers and to consider the amended petition submitted for decision on the basis
thereof and related documents.

On 28 March 1990, Mediator-Arbiter Milado issued an order granting the petition and
directing the holding of a certification election among the "supervisory,
BELLOSILLO, J.: professional (engineers, analysts, mechanics, accountants, nurses, midwives,
etc.), technical, and confidential employees" 1 to comprise the proposed bargaining
decision of the Secretary of Labor of 7 August 1990 affirming the order of the
Mediator-Arbiter of 28 March 1990 which directed the immediate conduct of a On 16 April 1990, PHILPHOS appealed the order of 28 March 1990 to the Secretary
certification election among the supervisory, professional or technical, and of Labor and Employment who on 7 August 1990 rendered a decision through
confidential employees of petitioner corporation. Undersecretary Bienvenido Laguesma dismissing the appeal. PHILPHOS moved for
reconsideration but the same was denied; hence, the instant petition alleging grave
On 7 July 1989, Philphos Movement for Progress, Inc. (PMPI for brevity), filed with abuse of discretion on the part of public respondents in rendering the assailed rulings.
the Department of Labor and Employment a petition for certification election among
the supervisory employees of petitioner, alleging that as a supervisory union duly On 8 July 1991, this Court issued a temporary restraining order enjoining respondents
registered with the Department of Labor and Employment it was seeking to represent from holding the certification election among petitioner's supervisory,
the supervisory employees of Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation. professional/technical, and confidential employees scheduled on 12 July 1991.

The petition for certification election filed by PMPI was not opposed by PHILPHOS. In There are two (2) issues raised by petitioner: (1) whether it was denied due process in
fact, on 11 August 1989, PHILPHOS submitted a position paper with the Mediator- the proceedings before respondent Mediator-Arbiter; and, (2) whether
Arbiter stating that its management welcomed the creation of a supervisory its professional/technical and confidential employees may validly join respondent
employees' union provided the necessary requisites of law were properly observed, PMPI union which is composed of supervisors.
but exempting from the union its superintendents who were managerial and not
supervisory employees as they managed a division, subdivision or section, and were
vested with powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies. PHILPHOS claims that it was denied due process when respondent Mediator-Arbiter
PHILPHOS also asserted that its professional or technical employees were not within granted the amended petition of respondent PMPI without according PHILPHOS a
the definition of supervisory employees under the Labor Code as they were new opportunity to be heard.
immediately under the direction and supervision of its superintendents and
supervisors. Moreover, the professional and technical employees did not have a staff We do not see it the way PHILPHOS does here. The essence of due process is
of workers under them. Consequently, petitioner prayed for the exclusion of simply an opportunity to be heard or, as applied to administrative proceedings, an
its superintendents andprofessional/technical employees from the PMPI supervisory opportunity to explain one's side or an opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the
union. action or ruling complained of.2 Where, as in the instant case, petitioner PHILPHOS
agreed to file its position paper with the Mediator-Arbiter and to consider the case
On 13 October 1989, Mediator-Arbiter Rodolfo S. Milado issued an order directing the submitted for decision on the basis of the position papers filed by the parties, there
holding of a certification election among the supervisory employees of petitioner, was sufficient compliance with the requirement of due process, as petitioner was
afforded reasonable opportunity to present its side. 3 Moreover, petitioner could have,
if it so desired, insisted on a hearing to confront and examine the witnesses of the Moreover, Herculano, A. Duhaylungsod, Personnel Officer of petitioner, attested that
other party. But it did there was no community of interests between the supervisors of petitioner and
not; 4 instead, it opted to submit its position paper with the Mediator-Arbiter. Besides, the professional/technical employees; that as of 25 July 1990, personnel records
petitioner had all the opportunity to ventilate its arguments in its appeal to the showed that there were 125 supervisors and 271 professional/technical employees;
Secretary of Labor. that of the 271 professional/technical employees, 150 were directly under and being
supervised by supervisors, while the rest were staff members of superintendents.7
As regards the second issue, we are with petitioner that being a supervisory union,
respondent PMPI cannot represent the professional/technical and confidential The certification of Personnel Officer Duhaylungsod that its professional/technical
employees of petitioner whose positions we find to be more of the rank and file than employees occupy positions that are non-supervisory is evidence that said employees
supervisory. belong to the rank and file.8 Quite obviously, theseprofessional/technical
employees cannot effectively recommend managerial actions with the use of
With the enactment in March 1989 of R.A. 6715, employees were thereunder independent judgment because they are under the supervision of superintendents
reclassified into three (3) groups, namely: (a) managerial employees, (b) supervisory and supervisors. Because it is unrefuted that these professional/technical
employees, and (c) rank and file employees. The category of supervisory employees employees are performing non-supervisory functions, hence considered admitted,
is once again recognized in the present law. they should be classified, at least for purposes of this case, as rank and file
employees. Consequently, theseprofessional/technical employees cannot be allowed
to join a union composed of supervisors. Conversely, supervisory employees cannot
Article 212, par. (m), of the Labor Code, as amended, provides, that "(s)upervisory join a labor organization of employees under their supervision but may validly form a
employees are those who, in the interest of the employer, effectively recommend separate organization of their own.9 This is provided in Art. 245 of the Labor Code, as
such managerial actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely routinary or amended by R.A. No. 6715, to wit:
clerical in nature but requires the use of independent judgment." The definition of
managerial employees is limited to those having authority to hire and fire, while those
who only recommend effectively the hiring or firing or transfer of personnel; are . . . Managerial employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any
considered closer to rank and file employees. The exclusion therefore of mid-level labor organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
executives from the category of managers has brought about a third classification, the membership in a labor organization of the rank and file employees
supervisory employees. The peculiar role of supervisors is such that while they are but may join, assist or form separate labor organizations of their
not managers, when they recommend action implementing management policy or ask own.
for the discipline or dismissal of subordinates, they identify with the interests of the
employer and may act contrary to the interests of the rank and file. 5 Respondent PMPI is supposed to be a union of 125 supervisors. If
the professional/technical employees are included as members, and records show
In its position paper submitted to the Mediator-Arbiter, petitioner described the that they are 271 in all or much more than the supervisors, then PMPI will turn out to
positions and functions of itsprofessional/technical employees, (engineers, analysts, be a rank and file union with the supervisors as members.
mechanics, accountants, nurses, and midwives). The guidelines, which were not
refuted by respondent PMPI, state: This is precisely the situation which the law prohibits. It would create an obvious
conflict of views among the members, or at least between two (2) groups of members
. . . . Professional and Technical positions are those whose primary espousing opposing interests. The intent of the law is to avoid a situation
duty consists of the performance of work directly related to where supervisors would merge with the rank and file, or where the supervisors' labor
management programs; who customarily, regularly and routinarily organization would represent conflicting interests, especially where, as in the case at
exercise judgment in the application of concepts, methods, systems bar, the supervisors will be commingling with those employees whom they directly
and procedures in their respective fields of specialization; who supervise in their own bargaining unit. Members of the supervisory union might refuse
regularly and directly assist a managerial and/or supervisory to carry out disciplinary measures against their co-member rank and file
employee, execute under general supervision, work along employees. 10
specialized or technical lines requiring special training, experience
or knowledge, or execute under general supervision special Supervisors have the right to form their own union or labor organization. What the law
assignments and task . . . . They are immediately under the prohibits is a union whose membership comprises of supervisors merging with
direction and supervision of supervisors or superintendents. They the rank and file employees because this is where conflict of interests may arise in the
have no men under them but are regularly called upon by their areas of discipline, collective bargaining and strikes. 11 The professional/technical
supervisors or superintendents on some technical matters.6 employees of petitioner therefore may join the existing rank and file union, or form a
union separate and distinct from the existing union organized by the rank and file
employees of the same company.
As to the confidential employees of the petitioner, the latter has not shown any proof
or compelling reason to exclude them from joining respondent PMPI and from
participating in the certification election, unless these confidential employees are the
same professional/technical employees whom we find to be occupying rank and file

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The decision of respondent Secretary of

Labor of 7 August 1990, as well as the order of the respondent Mediator-Arbiter of 28
March 1990, is SET ASIDE. The professional/technical employees of petitioner
Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation (PHILPHOS) are declared disqualified
from affiliating with respondent Philphos Movement for Progress, Inc. (PMPI).

The Department of Labor is directed to order immediately the conduct of certification

election among the supervisory employees of petitioner, particularly excluding
therefrom its professional and technical employees.


Cruz, Davide, Jr., Quiason and Kapunan, JJ., concur.

Affiliation and Disaffiliation The petitioner argues that the affiliation of the respondent union of supervisors, the
salesmen's association, and the Adamson and Adamson independent Workers Union
G.R. No. L-35120 January 31, 1984 of rank and file personnel with the same national federation (FFW) violates Section 3
of the Industrial Peace Act, as amended, because — (1) it results in the indirect
affiliation Of supervisors and rank-and-file employees with one labor organization; (2)
ADAMSON & ADAMSON, INC., petitioner, since respondent union and the unions of non-supervisors in the same company are
vs. governed by the same constitution and by-laws of the national federation, in practical
THE COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS and ADAMSON & ADAMSON effect, there is but one union; and (3) it would result in the respondent union's losing
SUPERVISORY UNION (FFW), respondents. its independence because it becomes the alter ego of the federation.

Sycip, Salazar, Luna & Feliciano for petitioner. The petitioner also submits that should affiliation be allowed, this would violate the
requirement of separateness of bar units under Section 12 of the Act because only
Jaime D. Lauron for respondents. one union will in fact represent both supervisors and rank-and-file employees of the

The respondents on the other hand argue that the supervisory employees of an
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: employer may validly join an organization of the rank-and-file employees so long as
the said rank and file employees are not under their supervision. They submit that
Adamson and Adamson Supervisory Union (FFW) is not composed of sales
Adamson and Adamson, Inc., filed this petition to set aside orders of the respondent supervisors and, therefore, the salesmen of the company are not under the
Court of Industrial Relations (CIR) holding that the Adamson and Adamson, Inc. supervision of the supervisory employees forming the union. Respondents also argue
supervisory Union (FFW) can legally represent supervisors of the petitioner that even if the salesmen of the petitioner company are under the supervision of the
corporation notwithstanding the affiliation of the lank and file union of the same members of the supervisory union, the prohibition would not apply because the
company with the same labor federation, the Federation of Free Workers. salesmen and the supervisory employees of the company have their separate and
distinct labor organizations, and, as a matter of fact, their respective unions sent
The Adamson and Adamson, Inc. Supervisory Union (FFW) informed the petitioner separate proposal for collective bargaining agreements. They contend that their
about its having organized on the same date that the Adamson and Adamson, Inc. respective labor organizations, not the FFW, will represent their members in the
Salesmen Association (FFW) advised the petitioner that the rank and file salesmen negotiations as well as in the signing of their respective contracts. Respondents
had formed their own union. further argue that the Federation of Free Workers has, as its affiliates, supervisory as
well as rank-and-file employees, and should both the supervisory and the rank-and-
file employees of a certain employer who have separate certificates of registration
The CIR dismissed the petition in CIR Case No. 3267-MC entitled "In the Matter of
affiliate with the same federation, the prohibition does not apply as the federation is
Representation of the Supervisory Employees of Adamson and Adamson, Inc.,
not the organization of the supervisory employees contemplated in the law.
Petitioner " thus prompting the filing of this petition for review on certiorari.

The issue presented involves the correct interpretation of Section 3 of Republic Act
Subsequently and during the pendency of the present petition, the rank and file
No. 875, the Industrial Peace Act, as amended, which states:
employees formed their own union, naming it Adamson and Adamson Independent
Workers (FFW).
Employees shall have the right to self-organization and to form join or assist labor
organizations of their own choosing for the purpose 6f collective bargaining through
The petitioner made a lone assignment of error, to wit:
representatives of their own and to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of
collective bargaining and other mutual aid or protection. Individuals employed as
THE RESPONDENT COURT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ERRED IN supervisors shall not be eligible for membership in a labor organization of employees
SUSTAINING THE ELIGIBILITY OF THE RESPONDENT UNION TO REPRESENT under their supervision but may form separate organizations of their own.
The right of employees to self-organization and to form, join or assist labor
organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of collective bargaining and to
engage in concerted activities for mutual aid or protection is a fundamental right of
labor that derives its existence from the Constitution. It is recognized and

implemented through the abovecited Section 3 of the Industrial Peace Act as labor. Yet the locals remained the basic units of association; free to
amended. serve their own and the common-interest of all, subject to the
restraints imposed by the Constitution and By-laws of the
In interpreting the protection to labor and social justice provisions of the Constitution Association; and free also to renounce the affiliation for mutual
and the labor laws or rules and regulations implementing the constitutional mandates, welfare upon the terms laid down in the agreement which brought it
we have always adopted the liberal approach which favors the exercise of labor into existence.
We agree with the Court of Industrial Relations when it ruled that:
In deciding this case, we start with the recognized rule that the right of supervisory
employees to organize under the Industrial Peace Act carries certain restrictions but xxx xxx xxx
the right itself may not be denied or unduly abridged. The supervisory employees of
an employer cannot join any labor organization of employees under their supervision The confusion seems to have stemmed from the prefix of FFW after
but may validly form a separate organization of their own. As stated in Caltex Filipino the name of the local unions in the registration of both.
Managers and Supervisors Association v. Court of Industrial Relations (47 SCRA Nonetheless, the inclusion of FWW in the registration is merely to
112), it would be to attach unorthodoxy to, not to say an emasculation of, the concept stress that they are its affiliates at the time of registrations. It does
of law if managers as such were precluded from organization. Thus, if Republic Act not mean that said local unions cannot stand on their own Neither
875, in its Section 3, recognizes the right of supervisors to form a separate can it be construed that their personalities are so merged with the
organization of their own, albeit they cannot be members of a labor organization of mother federation that for one difference or another they cannot
employees under their supervision, that authority of supervisors to form a separate pursue their own ways, independently of the federation. This is
labor union carries with it the right to bargain collectively with the employer. borne by the fact that FFW, like other federation is a legitimate
(Government Service Insurance System v. Government Service Insurance System labor organization separate and distinct from its locals and affiliates
Supervisors' Union, 68 SCRA 418). and to construe the registration certificates of the aforecited unions,
along the line of the Company's argument. would tie up any
The specific issue before us is whether or not a supervisor's union may affiliate with a affiliates to the shoe string of the federation. ...
federation with which unions of rank and-file employees of the same employer are
also affiliated. We find without merit the contentions of petitioner that if affilation will The Adamson and Adamson Supervisory Union and the Adamson and Adamson,
be allowed, only one union will in fact represent both supervisors and rank-and-file Inc., Salesmen Association (FFW), have their own respective constitutions and by-
employees of the petitioner; that there would be an indirect affiliation of supervisors laws. They are separately and independently registered of each other. Both sent their
and rank-and-file employees with one labor organization; that there would be separate proposals for collective bar agreements with their employer. There could be
emerging of two bargaining units ; and that the respondent union will loose its no employer influence on rank-and-file organizational activities nor their could be any
independence because it becomes an alter ego of the federation. rank and file influence on the supervisory function of the supervisors because of the
representation sought to be proscribed.
In Elisco-Elirol Labor Union (NAFLU) v. Noriel (80 SCRA 681) and Liberty Cotton Mills
Workers Union v. Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc. (66 SCRA 512), we held : WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit. The questioned
order and the resolution en bancof the respondent Court of Industrial Relations are
xxx xxx xxx AFFIRMED.

... the court expressly cited and affirmed the basic principle that SO ORDERED.
'(T)he locals are separate and distinct units primarily designed to
secure and maintain the equality of bargaining power between the
employer and their employee-member in the economic struggle for
the fruits of the joint productive effort of labor and capital; and the
association of the locals into the national union (as PAFLU) was in
the furtherance of the same end. These association are concensual
entities capable of entering into such legal relations with their
members. The essential purpose was the affiliation of the local
unions into a common enterprise to increase by collective action the
common bargaining power in respect of the terms and conditions of

G.R. Nos. 174040-41 September 22, 2010 We would like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to meet [with] your
representatives in order for us to air our sentiments and extend our helping hands for
INSULAR HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION-NFL, Petitioner, a possible reconsideration of the company's decision.
WATERFRONT INSULAR HOTEL DAVAO, Respondent. The talks have enabled us to initially come up with a suggestion of solving the high
cost on payroll.
We propose that 25 years and above be paid their due retirement benefits and put
PERALTA, J.: their length of service to zero without loss of status of employment with a minimum
hiring rate.
Before this Court is a petition for review on certiorari,1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of
Court, seeking to set aside the Decision2 dated October 11, 2005, and the Thru this scheme, the company would be able to save a substantial amount and
Resolution3 dated July 13, 2006 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in consolidated labor reduce greatly the payroll costs without affecting the finance of the families of the
cases docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 83831 and CA-G.R. SP No. 83657. Said Decision employees because they will still have a job from where they could get their income.
reversed the Decision4 dated the April 5, 2004 of the Accredited Voluntary Arbitrator
Rosalina L. Montejo (AVA Montejo). Moreover, we are also open to a possible reduction of some economic benefits as our
gesture of sincere desire to help.
The facts of the case, as culled from the records, are as follows:
We are looking forward to a more fruitful round of talks in order to save the hotel.9
On November 6, 2000, respondent Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao (respondent) sent
the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Region XI, Davao City, a Notice of In another letter10 dated November 20, 2000, Rojas sent respondent more proposals
Suspension of Operations5 notifying the same that it will suspend its operations for a as a form of the Union's gesture of their intention to help the company, thus:
period of six months due to severe and serious business losses. In said notice,
respondent assured the DOLE that if the company could not resume its operations 1) Suspension of [the] CBA for ten years, No strike no lock-out shall be
within the six-month period, the company would pay the affected employees all the enforced.
benefits legally due to them.
2) Pay all the employees their benefits due, and put the length of service to
During the period of the suspension, Domy R. Rojas (Rojas), the President of Davao zero with a minimum hiring rate. Payment of benefits may be on a staggered
Insular Hotel Free Employees Union (DIHFEU-NFL), the recognized labor basis or as available.
organization in Waterfront Davao, sent respondent a number of letters asking
management to reconsider its decision.
3) Night premium and holiday pays shall be according to law. Overtime
hours rendered shall be offsetted as practiced.
In a letter6 dated November 8, 2000, Rojas intimated that the members of the Union
were determined to keep their jobs and that they believed they too had to help
respondent, thus: 4) Reduce the sick leaves and vacation leaves to 15 days/15days.

xxxx 5) Emergency leave and birthday off are hereby waived.

Sir, we are determined to keep our jobs and push the Hotel up from sinking. We 6) Duty meal allowance is fixed at ₱30.00 only. No more midnight snacks
believe that we have to help in this (sic) critical times. Initially, we intend to suspend and double meal allowance. The cook drinks be stopped as practiced.
the re-negotiations of our CBA. We could talk further on possible adjustments on
economic benefits, the details of which we are hoping to discuss with you or any of 7) We will shoulder 50% of the group health insurance and family medical
your emissaries. x x x7 allowance be reduced to 1,500.00 instead of 3,000.00.

In another letter8 dated November 10, 2000, Rojas reiterated the Union's desire to 8) The practice of bringing home our uniforms for laundry be continued.
help respondent, to wit:

9) Fixed manning shall be implemented, the rest of manpower requirements the "Diminution of wages and other benefits through unlawful Memorandum of
maybe sourced thru WAP and casual hiring. Manpower for fixed manning Agreement."
shall be 145 rank-and-file union members.
On August 29, 2002, the NCMB called Joves and respondent to a conference to
10) Union will cooperate fully on strict implementation of house rules in order explore the possibility of settling the conflict. In the said conference, respondent and
to attain desired productivity and discipline. The union will not tolerate petitioner Insular Hotel Employees Union-NFL (IHEU-NFL), represented by Joves,
problem members. signed a Submission Agreement17 wherein they chose AVA Alfredo C. Olvida (AVA
Olvida) to act as voluntary arbitrator. Submitted for the resolution of AVA Olvida was
11) The union in its desire to be of utmost service would adopt multi-tasking the determination of whether or not there was a diminution of wages and other
for the hotel to be more competitive. benefits through an unlawful MOA. In support of his authority to file the complaint,
Joves, assisted by Atty. Danilo Cullo (Cullo), presented several Special Powers of
Attorney (SPA) which were, however, undated and unnotarized.
It is understood that with the suspension of the CBA renegotiations, the same existing
CBA shall be adopted and that all provisions therein shall remain enforced except for
those mentioned in this proposal. On September 2, 2002, respondent filed with the NCMB a Manifestation with Motion
for a Second Preliminary Conference,18 raising the following grounds:
These proposals shall automatically supersede the affected provisions of the CBA. 11
1) The persons who filed the instant complaint in the name of the Insular
Hotel Employees Union-NFL have no authority to represent the Union;
In a handwritten letter12
dated November 25, 2000, Rojas once again appealed to
respondent for it to consider their proposals and to re-open the hotel. In said letter,
Rojas stated that manpower for fixed manning shall be one hundred (100) rank-and- 2) The individuals who executed the special powers of attorney in favor of
file Union members instead of the one hundred forty-five (145) originally proposed. the person who filed the instant complaint have no standing to cause the
filing of the instant complaint; and
Finally, sometime in January 2001, DIHFEU-NFL, through Rojas, submitted to
respondent a Manifesto13concretizing their earlier proposals. 3) The existence of an intra-union dispute renders the filing of the instant
case premature.19
After series of negotiations, respondent and DIHFEU-NFL, represented by its
President, Rojas, and Vice-Presidents, Exequiel J. Varela Jr. and Avelino C. Bation, On September 16, 2002, a second preliminary conference was conducted in the
Jr., signed a Memorandum of Agreement14 (MOA) wherein respondent agreed to re- NCMB, where Cullo denied any existence of an intra-union dispute among the
open the hotel subject to certain concessions offered by DIHFEU-NFL in its members of the union. Cullo, however, confirmed that the case was filed not by the
Manifesto. IHEU-NFL but by the NFL. When asked to present his authority from NFL, Cullo
admitted that the case was, in fact, filed by individual employees named in the SPAs.
The hearing officer directed both parties to elevate the aforementioned issues to AVA
Accordingly, respondent downsized its manpower structure to 100 rank-and-file Olvida.20
employees as set forth in the terms of the MOA. Moreover, as agreed upon in the
MOA, a new pay scale was also prepared by respondent.
The case was docketed as Case No. AC-220-RB-11-09-022-02 and referred to AVA
Olvida. Respondent again raised its objections, specifically arguing that the persons
The retained employees individually signed a "Reconfirmation of who signed the complaint were not the authorized representatives of the Union
Employment"15 which embodied the new terms and conditions of their continued indicated in the Submission Agreement nor were they parties to the MOA. AVA Olvida
employment. Each employee was assisted by Rojas who also signed the document. directed respondent to file a formal motion to withdraw its submission to voluntary
On June 15, 2001, respondent resumed its business operations.
On October 16, 2002, respondent filed its Motion to Withdraw. 21 Cullo then filed an
On August 22, 2002, Darius Joves (Joves) and Debbie Planas, claiming to be local Opposition22 where the same was captioned:
officers of the National Federation of Labor (NFL), filed a Notice of Mediation 16 before
the National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB), Region XI, Davao City. In NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR
said Notice, it was stated that the Union involved was "DARIUS JOVES/DEBBIE And 79 Individual Employees, Union Members,
PLANAS ET. AL, National Federation of Labor." The issue raised in said Notice was Complainants,

-versus- The proper party-complainant is INSULAR HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION-NFL, the
recognized and incumbent bargaining agent of the rank-and-file employees of the
Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao, respondent hotel. In the submission agreement of the parties dated August 29, 2002,
Respondent. the party complainant written is INSULAR HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION-NFL and not
the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR and 79 other members.
In said Opposition, Cullo reiterated that the complainants were not representing
IHEU-NFL, to wit: However, since the NFL is the mother federation of the local union, and signatory to
the existing CBA, it can represent the union, the officers, the members or union and
officers or members, as the case may be, in all stages of proceedings in courts or
xxxx administrative bodies provided that the issue of the case will involve labor-
management relationship like in the case at bar.
2. Respondent must have been lost when it said that the individuals who
executed the SPA have no standing to represent the union nor to assail the The dispositive portion of the March 18, 2003 Resolution of AVA Olvida reads:
validity of Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). What is correct is that the
individual complainants are not representing the union but filing the
complaint through their appointed attorneys-in-fact to assert their individual WHEREFORE, premises considered, the motion for reconsideration filed by
rights as workers who are entitled to the benefits granted by law and respondent is DENIED. The resolution dated November 11, 2002 is modified in so far
stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement. 23 as the party-complainant is concerned; thus, instead of "National Federation of Labor
and 79 individual employees, union members," shall be "Insular Hotel Employees
Union-NFL et. al., as stated in the joint submission agreement dated August 29, 2002.
On November 11, 2002, AVA Olvida issued a Resolution 24 denying respondent's Respondent is directed to comply with the decision of this Arbitrator dated November
Motion to Withdraw. On December 16, 2002, respondent filed a Motion for 11, 2002,
Reconsideration25 where it stressed that the Submission Agreement was void
because the Union did not consent thereto. Respondent pointed out that the Union
had not issued any resolution duly authorizing the individual employees or NFL to file No further motion of the same nature shall be entertained.29
the notice of mediation with the NCMB.
On May 9, 2003, respondent filed its Position Paper Ad Cautelam, 30 where it
Cullo filed a Comment/Opposition26 to respondent's Motion for Reconsideration. declared, among others, that the same was without prejudice to its earlier objections
Again, Cullo admitted that the case was not initiated by the IHEU-NFL, to wit: against the jurisdiction of the NCMB and AVA Olvida and the standing of the persons
who filed the notice of mediation.
The case was initiated by complainants by filling up Revised Form No. 1 of the NCMB
duly furnishing respondent, copy of which is hereto attached as Annex "A" for Cullo, now using the caption "Insular Hotel Employees Union-NFL, Complainant," filed
reference and consideration of the Honorable Voluntary Arbitrator. There is no a Comment31 dated June 5, 2003. On June 23, 2003, respondent filed its Reply. 32
mention there of Insular Hotel Employees Union, but only National Federation of
Labor (NFL). The one appearing at the Submission Agreement was only a matter of Later, respondent filed a Motion for Inhibition33 alleging AVA Olvida's bias and
filling up the blanks particularly on the question there of Union; which was filled up prejudice towards the cause of the employees. In an Order 34 dated July 25, 2003,
with Insular Hotel Employees Union-NFL. There is nothing there that indicates that it AVA Olvida voluntarily inhibited himself out of "delicadeza" and ordered the remand of
is a complainant as the case is initiated by the individual workers and National the case to the NCMB.
Federation of Labor, not by the local union. The local union was not included as party-
complainant considering that it was a party to the assailed MOA. 27 On August 12, 2003, the NCMB issued a Notice requiring the parties to appear before
the conciliator for the selection of a new voluntary arbitrator.
On March 18, 2003, AVA Olvida issued a Resolution 28 denying respondent's Motion
for Reconsideration. He, however, ruled that respondent was correct when it raised its In a letter35 dated August 19, 2003 addressed to the NCMB, respondent reiterated its
objection to NFL as proper party-complainant, thus: position that the individual union members have no standing to file the notice of
mediation before the NCMB. Respondent stressed that the complaint should have
Anent to the real complainant in this instant voluntary arbitration case, the respondent been filed by the Union.
is correct when it raised objection to the National Federation of Labor (NFL) and as
proper party-complainants. On September 12, 2003, the NCMB sent both parties a Notice 36 asking them to
appear before it for the selection of the new voluntary arbitrator. Respondent,
however, maintained its stand that the NCMB had no jurisdiction over the case. SO ORDERED.40
Consequently, at the instance of Cullo, the NCMB approved ex parte the selection of
AVA Montejo as the new voluntary arbitrator. Aggrieved, Cullo filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which was, however, denied by
the CA in a Resolution41 dated July 13, 2006.
On April 5, 2004, AVA Montejo rendered a Decision 37 ruling in favor of Cullo, the
dispositive portion of which reads: Hence, herein petition, with Cullo raising the following issues for this Court's
resolution, to wit:
WHEREOF, in view of the all the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered:
1. Declaring the Memorandum of Agreement in question as invalid as it is
2. Declaring that there is a diminution of the wages and other benefits of the ARBITRATOR HAS NO JURISDICTION OVER THE CASE SIMPLY BECAUSE THE
Union members and officers under the said invalid MOA. NOTICE OF MEDIATION DOES NOT MENTION THE NAME OF THE LOCAL
3. Ordering respondent management to immediately reinstate the workers SUBMISSION AGREEMENT DULY SIGNED BY THE PARTIES AND THEIR LEGAL
wage rates and other benefits that they were receiving and enjoying before COUNSELS THAT MENTIONS THE NAME OF THE LOCAL UNION.
the signing of the invalid MOA;
4. Ordering the management respondent to pay attorney’s fees in an amount
equivalent to ten percent (10%) of whatever total amount that the workers WITH DUE RESPECT, THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED
union may receive representing individual wage differentials. SERIOUS ERROR BY DISREGARDING THE PROVISIONS OF THE CBA SIMPLY
As to the other claims of the Union regarding diminution of other benefits, this HOTEL THAT IT WAS SUFFERING FROM FINANCIAL CRISIS.
accredited voluntary arbitrator is of the opinion that she has no authority to entertain,
particularly as to the computation thereof. III.


Both parties appealed the Decision of AVA Montejo to the CA. Cullo only assailed the BENEFITS ENJOYED PRIOR TO THE ADOPTION OF THE LABOR CODE WHICH,
Decision in so far as it did not categorically order respondent to pay the covered IN EFFECT, ALLOWS THE DIMINUTION OF THE BENEFITS ENJOYED BY
workers their differentials in wages reckoned from the effectivity of the MOA up to the EMPLOYEES FROM ITS ADOPTION HENCEFORTH.42
actual reinstatement of the reduced wages and benefits. Cullos' petition was docketed
as CA-G.R. SP No. 83831. Respondent, for its part, questioned among others the The petition is not meritorious.
jurisdiction of the NCMB. Respondent maintained that the MOA it had entered into
with the officers of the Union was valid. Respondent's petition was docketed as CA- Anent the first error raised, Cullo argues that the CA erred when it overlooked the fact
G.R. SP No. 83657. Both cases were consolidated by the CA. that before the case was submitted to voluntary arbitration, the parties signed a
Submission Agreement which mentioned the name of the local union and not only
On October 11, 2005, the CA rendered a Decision 39 ruling in favor of respondent, the NFL. Cullo, thus, contends that the CA committed error when it ruled that the
dispositive portion of which reads: voluntary arbitrator had no jurisdiction over the case simply because the Notice of
Mediation did not state the name of the local union thereby disregarding the
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition for review in CA-G.R. SP No. 83657 Submission Agreement which states the names of local union as Insular Hotel
is hereby GRANTED, while the petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 83831 is DENIED. Employees Union-NFL.43
Consequently, the assailed Decision dated April 5, 2004 rendered by AVA Rosalina L.
Montejo is hereby REVERSED and a new one entered declaring the Memorandum of In its Memorandum,44 respondent maintains its position that the NCMB and Voluntary
Agreement dated May 8, 2001 VALID and ENFORCEABLE. Parties are DIRECTED Arbitrators had no jurisdiction over the complaint. Respondent, however, now also
to comply with the terms and conditions thereof. contends that IHEU-NFL is a non-entity since it is DIHFEU-NFL which is considered
by the DOLE as the only registered union in Waterfront Davao.45 Respondent argues Procedurally, the first step to submit a case for mediation is to file a notice of
that the Submission Agreement does not name the local union DIHFEU-NFL and that preventive mediation with the NCMB. It is only after this step that a submission
it had timely withdrawn its consent to arbitrate by filing a motion to withdraw. agreement may be entered into by the parties concerned.

A review of the development of the case shows that there has been much confusion Section 3, Rule IV of the NCMB Manual of Procedure provides who may file a notice
as to the identity of the party which filed the case against respondent. In the Notice of of preventive mediation, to wit:
Mediation46 filed before the NCMB, it stated that the union involved was "DARIUS
JOVES/DEBBIE PLANAS ET. AL., National Federation of Labor." In the Submission Who may file a notice or declare a strike or lockout or request preventive mediation. -
Agreement,47 however, it stated that the union involved was "INSULAR HOTEL
Any certified or duly recognized bargaining representative may file a notice or
declare a strike or request for preventive mediation in cases of bargaining
Furthermore, a perusal of the records would reveal that after signing the Submission deadlocks and unfair labor practices. The employer may file a notice or declare a
Agreement, respondent persistently questioned the authority and standing of the lockout or request for preventive mediation in the same cases. In the absence of a
individual employees to file the complaint. Cullo then clarified in subsequent certified or duly recognized bargaining representative, any legitimate labor
documents captioned as "National Federation of Labor and 79 Individual Employees, organization in the establishment may file a notice, request preventive mediation or
Union Members, Complainants" that the individual complainants are not representing declare a strike, but only on grounds of unfair labor practice.
the union, but filing the complaint through their appointed attorneys-in-fact.48 AVA
Olvida, however, in a Resolution dated March 18, 2003, agreed with respondent that
the proper party-complainant should be INSULAR HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION- From the foregoing, it is clear that only a certified or duly recognized bargaining agent
NFL, to wit: may file a notice or request for preventive mediation. It is curious that even Cullo
himself admitted, in a number of pleadings, that the case was filed not by the Union
but by individual members thereof. Clearly, therefore, the NCMB had no jurisdiction to
x x x In the submission agreement of the parties dated August 29, 2002, the party entertain the notice filed before it.
complainant written is INSULAR HOTEL EMPLOYEES UNION-NFL and not the
NATIONAL FEDERATION OF LABOR and 79 other members.49
Even though respondent signed a Submission Agreement, it had, however,
immediately manifested its desire to withdraw from the proceedings after it became
The dispositive portion of the Resolution dated March 18, 2003 of AVA Olvida reads: apparent that the Union had no part in the complaint. As a matter of fact, only four
days had lapsed after the signing of the Submission Agreement when respondent
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the motion for reconsideration filed by called the attention of AVA Olvida in a "Manifestation with Motion for a Second
respondent is DENIED. The resolution dated November 11, 2002, is modified in so far Preliminary Conference"51 that the persons who filed the instant complaint in the
as the party complainant is concerned, thus, instead of "National Federation of Labor name of Insular Hotel Employees Union-NFL had no authority to represent the Union.
and 79 individual employees, union members," shall be "Insular Hotel Employees Respondent cannot be estopped in raising the jurisdictional issue, because it is basic
Union-NFL et. al., as stated in the joint submission agreement dated August 29, 2002. that the issue of jurisdiction may be raised at any stage of the proceedings, even on
Respondent is directed to comply with the decision of this Arbitrator dated November appeal, and is not lost by waiver or by estoppel.
11, 2002.50
In Figueroa v. People,52 this Court explained that estoppel is the exception rather than
After the March 18, 2003 Resolution of AVA Olvida, Cullo adopted "Insular Hotel the rule, to wit:
Employees Union-NFL et. al., Complainant" as the caption in all his subsequent
pleadings. Respondent, however, was still adamant that neither Cullo nor the Applying the said doctrine to the instant case, the petitioner is in no way estopped by
individual employees had authority to file the case in behalf of the Union. laches in assailing the jurisdiction of the RTC, considering that he raised the lack
thereof in his appeal before the appellate court. At that time, no considerable period
While it is undisputed that a submission agreement was signed by respondent and had yet elapsed for laches to attach. True, delay alone, though unreasonable, will not
"IHEU-NFL," then represented by Joves and Cullo, this Court finds that there are two sustain the defense of "estoppel by laches" unless it further appears that the party,
circumstances which affect its validity: first, the Notice of Mediation was filed by a knowing his rights, has not sought to enforce them until the condition of the party
party who had no authority to do so; second, that respondent had persistently voiced pleading laches has in good faith become so changed that he cannot be restored to
out its objection questioning the authority of Joves, Cullo and the individual members his former state, if the rights be then enforced, due to loss of evidence, change of title,
of the Union to file the complaint before the NCMB. intervention of equities, and other causes. In applying the principle of estoppel by
laches in the exceptional case of Sibonghanoy, the Court therein considered the
patent and revolting inequity and unfairness of having the judgment creditors go up
their Calvary once more after more or less 15 years.The same, however, does not note, Coastal Subic Bay Terminal, Inc. v. Department of Labor and Employment 56 is
obtain in the instant case. enlightening, thus:

We note at this point that estoppel, being in the nature of a forfeiture, is not favored by x x x A local union does not owe its existence to the federation with which it is
law. It is to be applied rarely—only from necessity, and only in extraordinary affiliated. It is a separate and distinct voluntary association owing its creation to the
circumstances. The doctrine must be applied with great care and the equity must be will of its members. Mere affiliation does not divest the local union of its own
strong in its favor.When misapplied, the doctrine of estoppel may be a most effective personality, neither does it give the mother federation the license to act
weapon for the accomplishment of injustice. x x x (Italics supplied.) 53 independently of the local union. It only gives rise to a contract of agency, where
the former acts in representation of the latter. Hence, local unions are considered
The question to be resolved then is, do the individual members of the Union have the principals while the federation is deemed to be merely their agent. x x x57
requisite standing to question the MOA before the NCMB? On this note, Tabigue v.
International Copra Export Corporation (INTERCO)54 is instructive: Based on the foregoing, this Court agrees with approval with the disquisition of the
CA when it ruled that NFL had no authority to file the complaint in behalf of the
Respecting petitioners’ thesis that unsettled grievances should be referred to individual employees, to wit:
voluntary arbitration as called for in the CBA, the same does not lie.The pertinent
portion of the CBA reads: Anent the first issue, We hold that the voluntary arbitrator had no jurisdiction over the
case. Waterfront contents that the Notice of Mediation does not mention the name of
In case of any dispute arising from the interpretation or implementation of this the Union but merely referred to the National Federation of Labor (NFL) with which
Agreement or any matter affecting the relations of Labor and Management, the Union is affiliated. In the subsequent pleadings, NFL's legal counsel even
the UNION and the COMPANY agree to exhaust all possibilities of conciliation confirmed that the case was not filed by the union but by NFL and the individual
through the grievance machinery. The committee shall resolve all problems submitted employees named in the SPAs which were not even dated nor notarized.
to it within fifteen (15) days after the problems ha[ve] been discussed by the
members. If the dispute or grievance cannot be settled by the Committee, or if the Even granting that petitioner Union was affiliated with NFL, still the relationship
committee failed to act on the matter within the period of fifteen (15) days herein between that of the local union and the labor federation or national union with which
stipulated, the UNION and the COMPANY agree to submit the issue to Voluntary the former was affiliated is generally understood to be that of agency, where the local
Arbitration. Selection of the arbitrator shall be made within seven (7) days from the is the principal and the federation the agency. Being merely an agent of the local
date of notification by the aggrieved party. The Arbitrator shall be selected by lottery union, NFL should have presented its authority to file the Notice of Mediation. While
from four (4) qualified individuals nominated by in equal numbers by both parties We commend NFL's zealousness in protecting the rights of lowly workers, We cannot,
taken from the list of Arbitrators prepared by the National Conciliation and Mediation however, allow it to go beyond what it is empowered to do.
Board (NCMB). If the Company and the Union representatives within ten (10) days fail
to agree on the Arbitrator, the NCMB shall name the Arbitrator. The decision of the As provided under the NCMB Manual of Procedures, only a certified or duly
Arbitrator shall be final and binding upon the parties. However, the Arbitrator shall not recognized bargaining representative and an employer may file a notice of mediation,
have the authority to change any provisions of the Agreement.The cost of arbitration declare a strike or lockout or request preventive mediation. The Collective Bargaining
shall be borne equally by the parties. Agreement (CBA), on the other, recognizes that DIHFEU-NFL is the exclusive
bargaining representative of all permanent employees. The inclusion of the word
Petitioners have not, however, been duly authorized to represent the union. Apropos "NFL" after the name of the local union merely stresses that the local union is NFL's
is this Court’s pronouncement in Atlas Farms, Inc. v. National Labor Relations affiliate. It does not, however, mean that the local union cannot stand on its own. The
Commission, viz: local union owes its creation and continued existence to the will of its members and
not to the federation to which it belongs. The spring cannot rise higher than its source,
x x x Pursuant to Article 260 of the Labor Code, the parties to a CBA shall name or so to speak.58
designate their respective representatives to the grievance machinery and if the
grievance is unsettled in that level, it shall automatically be referred to the voluntary In its Memorandum, respondent contends that IHEU-NFL is a non-entity and that
arbitrators designated in advance by parties to a CBA. Consequently, only disputes DIHFEU-NFL is the only recognized bargaining unit in their establishment. While the
involving the union and the company shall be referred to the grievance machinery resolution of the said argument is already moot and academic given the discussion
or voluntary arbitrators. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied.)55 above, this Court shall address the same nevertheless.

If the individual members of the Union have no authority to file the case, does the While the November 16, 2006 Certification59 of the DOLE clearly states that "IHEU-
federation to which the local union is affiliated have the standing to do so? On this NFL" is not a registered labor organization, this Court finds that respondent is
estopped from questioning the same as it did not raise the said issue in the Cullo argues that the CA must have erred in concluding that Article 100 of the Labor
proceedings before the NCMB and the Voluntary Arbitrators. A perusal of the records Code applies only to benefits already enjoyed at the time of the promulgation of the
reveals that the main theory posed by respondent was whether or not the individual Labor Code.
employees had the authority to file the complaint notwithstanding the apparent non-
participation of the union. Respondent never put in issue the fact that DIHFEU-NFL Article 100 of the Labor Code provides:
was not the same as IHEU-NFL. Consequently, it is already too late in the day to
assert the same.
this Book shall be construed to eliminate or in any way diminish supplements, or other
Anent the second issue raised by Cullo, the same is again without merit. employee benefits being enjoyed at the time of the promulgation of this Code.

Cullo contends that respondent was not really suffering from serious losses as found On this note, Apex Mining Company, Inc. v. NLRC65 is instructive, to wit:
by the CA. Cullo anchors his position on the denial by the Wage Board of
respondent's petition for exemption from Wage Order No. RTWPB-X1-08 on the
ground that it is a distressed establishment.60 In said denial, the Board ruled: Clearly, the prohibition against elimination or diminution of benefits set out in Article
100 of the Labor Code is specifically concerned with benefits already enjoyed at the
time of the promulgation of the Labor Code. Article 100 does not, in other words,
A careful analysis of applicant's audited financial statements showed that during the purport to apply to situations arising after the promulgation date of the Labor Code x x
period ending December 31, 1999, it registered retained earnings amounting to x.66
₱8,661,260.00. Applicant's interim financial statements for the quarter ending
June 30, 2000 cannot be considered, as the same was not audited. Accordingly,
this Board finds that applicant is not qualified for exemption as a distressed Even assuming arguendo that Article 100 applies to the case at bar, this Court agrees
establishment pursuant to the aforecited criteria.61 with respondent that the same does not prohibit a union from offering and agreeing to
reduce wages and benefits of the employees. In Rivera v. Espiritu,67 this Court ruled
that the right to free collective bargaining, after all, includes the right to suspend it,
In its Decision, the CA held that upholding the validity of the MOA would mean the thus:
continuance of the hotel's operation and financial viability, to wit:
A CBA is "a contract executed upon request of either the employer or the exclusive
x x x We cannot close Our eyes to the impending financial distress that an employer bargaining representative incorporating the agreement reached after negotiations with
may suffer should the terms of employment under the said CBA continue. respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms and conditions of employment,
including proposals for adjusting any grievances or questions arising under such
If indeed We are to tilt the balance of justice to labor, then We would be inclined to agreement." The primary purpose of a CBA is the stabilization of labor-management
favor for the nonce petitioner Waterfront. To uphold the validity of the MOA would relations in order to create a climate of a sound and stable industrial peace. In
mean the continuance of the hotel's operation and financial viability. Otherwise, the construing a CBA, the courts must be practical and realistic and give due
eventual permanent closure of the hotel would only result to prejudice of the consideration to the context in which it is negotiated and the purpose which it is
employees, as a consequence thereof, will necessarily lose their jobs. 62 intended to serve.

In its petition before the CA, respondent submitted its audited financial The assailed PAL-PALEA agreement was the result of voluntary collective
statements63 which show that for the years 1998, 1999, until September 30, 2000, its bargaining negotiations undertaken in the light of the severe financial situation
total operating losses amounted to ₱48,409,385.00. Based on the foregoing, the CA faced by the employer, with the peculiar and unique intention of not merely
was not without basis when it declared that respondent was suffering from impending promoting industrial peace at PAL, but preventing the latter’s closure. We find
financial distress. While the Wage Board denied respondent's petition for exemption, no conflict between said agreement and Article 253-A of the Labor Code. Article 253-
this Court notes that the denial was partly due to the fact that the June 2000 financial A has a two-fold purpose. One is to promote industrial stability and predictability.
statements then submitted by respondent were not audited. Cullo did not question nor Inasmuch as the agreement sought to promote industrial peace at PAL during its
discredit the accuracy and authenticity of respondent's audited financial statements. rehabilitation, said agreement satisfies the first purpose of Article 253-A.1awphi1 The
This Court, therefore, has no reason to question the veracity of the contents thereof. other is to assign specific timetables wherein negotiations become a matter of right
Moreover, it bears to point out that respondent's audited financial statements covering and requirement. Nothing in Article 253-A, prohibits the parties from waiving or
the years 2001 to 2005 show that it still continues to suffer losses.64 suspending the mandatory timetables and agreeing on the remedies to enforce the
Finally, anent the last issue raised by Cullo, the same is without merit.

In the instant case, it was PALEA, as the exclusive bargaining agent of PAL’s ground cannot escape this Court's attention that it was the execution of the MOA which
employees, that voluntarily entered into the CBA with PAL. It was also PALEA that paved the way for the re-opening of the hotel, notwithstanding its financial distress.
voluntarily opted for the 10-year suspension of the CBA. Either case was the union’s More importantly, the execution of the MOA allowed respondents to keep their jobs. It
exercise of its right to collective bargaining. The right to free collective bargaining, would certainly be iniquitous for the members of the Union to sign new contracts
after all, includes the right to suspend it.68 prompting the re-opening of the hotel only to later on renege on their agreement on
the fact of the non-ratification of the MOA.
Lastly, this Court is not unmindful of the fact that DIHFEU-NFL's Constitution and By-
Laws specifically provides that "the results of the collective bargaining negotiations In addition, it bears to point out that Rojas did not act unilaterally when he negotiated
shall be subject to ratification and approval by majority vote of the Union members at with respondent's management. The Constitution and By-Laws of DIHFEU-NFL
a meeting convened, or by plebiscite held for such special purpose."69 Accordingly, it clearly provide that the president is authorized to represent the union on all occasions
is undisputed that the MOA was not subject to ratification by the general membership and in all matters in which representation of the union may be agreed or
of the Union. The question to be resolved then is, does the non-ratification of the required.73 Furthermore, Rojas was properly authorized under a Board of Directors
MOA in accordance with the Union's constitution prove fatal to the validity thereof? Resolution74 to negotiate with respondent, the pertinent portions of which read:

It must be remembered that after the MOA was signed, the members of the Union SECRETARY's CERTIFICATE
individually signed contracts denominated as "Reconfirmation of
Employment."70 Cullo did not dispute the fact that of the 87 members of the Union, I, MA. SOCORRO LISETTE B. IBARRA, x x x, do hereby certify that, at a meeting of
who signed and accepted the "Reconfirmation of Employment," 71 are the respondent the Board of Directors of the DIHFEU-NFL, on 28 Feb. 2001 with a quorum duly
employees in the case at bar. Moreover, it bears to stress that all the employees were constituted, the following resolutions were unanimously approved:
assisted by Rojas, DIHFEU-NFL's president, who even co-signed each contract.
RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved that the Manifesto dated 25 Feb. 2001 be
Stipulated in each Reconfirmation of Employment were the new salary and benefits approved ratified and adopted;
scheme. In addition, it bears to stress that specific provisions of the new contract also
made reference to the MOA. Thus, the individual members of the union cannot feign
knowledge of the execution of the MOA. Each contract was freely entered into and RESOLVED, FURTHER, that Mr. Domy R. Rojas, the president of the DIHFEU-
there is no indication that the same was attended by fraud, misrepresentation or NFL, be hereby authorized to negotiate with Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao and
duress. To this Court's mind, the signing of the individual "Reconfirmation of to work for the latter's acceptance of the proposals contained in DIHFEU-NFL
Employment" should, therefore, be deemed an implied ratification by the Union Manifesto; and
members of the MOA.
RESOLVED, FINALLY, that Mr. Domy R. Rojas is hereby authorized to sign any
In Planters Products, Inc. v.NLRC,71 this Court refrained from declaring a CBA invalid and all documents to implement, and carry into effect, his foregoing authority.75
notwithstanding that the same was not ratified in view of the fact that the employees
had enjoyed benefits under it, thus: Withal, while the scales of justice usually tilt in favor of labor, the peculiar
circumstances herein prevent this Court from applying the same in the instant petition.
Under Article 231 of the Labor Code and Sec. 1, Rule IX, Book V of the Implementing Even if our laws endeavor to give life to the constitutional policy on social justice and
Rules, the parties to a collective [bargaining] agreement are required to furnish copies on the protection of labor, it does not mean that every labor dispute will be decided in
of the appropriate Regional Office with accompanying proof of ratification by the favor of the workers. The law also recognizes that management has rights which are
majority of all the workers in a bargaining unit. This was not done in the case at bar. also entitled to respect and enforcement in the interest of fair play. 76
But we do not declare the 1984-1987 CBA invalid or void considering that the
employees have enjoyed benefits from it. They cannot receive benefits under WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED. The Decision dated
provisions favorable to them and later insist that the CBA is void simply because other October 11, 2005, and the Resolution dated July 13, 2006 of the Court of Appeals in
provisions turn out not to the liking of certain employees. x x x. Moreover, the two consolidated labor cases docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 83831 and CA-G.R. SP No.
CBAs prior to the 1984-1987 CBA were not also formally ratified, yet the employees 83657, are AFFIRMED.
are basing their present claims on these CBAs. It is iniquitous to receive benefits
from a CBA and later on disclaim its validity.72 SO ORDERED.

Applied to the case at bar, while the terms of the MOA undoubtedly reduced the
salaries and certain benefits previously enjoyed by the members of the Union, it

G.R. No. L-45824 June 19, 1985 Section 3. CHECK-OFF. — The COMPANY agrees to make payroll
deductions not softener than twice a month of UNION membership
VOLKSCHEL LABOR UNION, petitioner, dues and such special assessments fees or fines as may be duly
vs. authorized by the UNION, provided that the same is covered by the
BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS, ASSOCIATED LABOR UNION FOR METAL, individual check-off authorization of the UNION members. All said
WORKERS, DMG, INC., PEOPLE'S CAR, INC., KARBAYAN INC., and RTC deductions shall be promptly transmitted within five (5) days by the
TRADING, INC., respondents. COMPANY to the UNION Treasurer. The COMPANY shall prepare
two (2) checks. One (1) check will be under the name of the local
union as their local fund including local special assessment funds
Ignacio P. Lacsina for petitioner. and the other check will be for the ALU Regional Office regarding
the remittance of the UNION dues deduction.
William D. Dichoso for respondent DMG, Inc.
On March 10, 1976, a majority of petitioner's members decided to disaffiliate from
Abraham B. Drapiza for private respondent. respondent federation in order to operate on its own as an independent labor group
pursuant to Article 241 (formerly Article 240) of the Labor Code of the Philippines, the
pertinent portion of which reads:

CUEVAS, J.: Incumbent affiliates of existing federations or national unions may

disaffiliate only for the purpose of joining a federation or national
union in the industry or region in which it properly belongs or for the
Petition for certiorari to review the Resolutions dated January 25, 1977 and March 14, purpose of operating as an independent labor group.
1977 of the Bureau of Labor Relations.
Accordingly, a resolution was adopted and signed by petitioner's members revoking
On April 25. 1977, however, a Supplemental Petition was filed seeking the issuance their check-off authorization in favor of ALUMETAL and notices thereof were served
of — on ALUMETAL and respondent companies.

(1) A preliminary mandatory injunction commanding respondents to Confronted with the predicament of whether or not to continue deducting from
return to petitioner the union dues amounting to about P55,000.00 employees' wages and remitting union dues to respondent, ALUMETAL which wrote
lawfully pertaining to it but illegally levied upon, collected and respondent companies advising them to continue deducting union dues and remitting
handed over by respondent Bureau, acting through the NLRC them to said federation, respondent companies sought the legal opinion of the
sheriff, to respondent Associated Labor Union for Metal workers, respondent Bureau as regards the controversy between the two unions. On
with the collusion of respondents DMG, Inc., Karbayan, Inc. and November 11, 1976, Med-Arbiter George A. Eduvalla of respondent Bureau rendered
RTC Machineries, Inc.; a Resolution which in effect found the disaffiliation legal but at the same time gave the
opinion that, petitioner's members should continue paying their dues to ALUMETAL in
(2) A preliminary restraining order prohibiting respondents from the concept of agency fees. 1
making further delivery to respondent Associated Labor Union for
Metal workers of Union dues collected or to be collected through From the said Resolution, of the Med-Arbiter both petitioner and respondent
check-off from the wages of petitioner's members by respondents, ALUMETAL appealed to the Director of respondent Bureau. Petitioner' contended that
DMG, Inc., Karbayan, Inc., RTC Machineries, Inc., and People's the Med-Arbiter's opinion to the effect that petitioner's members remained obligated to
Car, Inc., under or by virtue of the questioned writ of execution pay dues to respondent ALUMETAL was inconsistent with the dispositive finding that
issued by respondent Bureau, dated April 4, 1977. petitioner's disaffiliation from ALUMETAL was valid. ALUMETAL, on the other hand,
assailed the Resolution in question asserting that the disaffiliation should have been
Petitioner was once affiliated with the Associated Labor Union for Metal Workers declared contrary to law.
(ALUMETAL for short). On August 1, 1975, both unions, using the name Volkschel
Labor Union Associated Labor Union for Metal Workers, jointly entered into a On January 25, 1977, respondent Bureau, through its Acting Director, Francisco L.
collective bargaining agreement with respondent companies. One of the subjects Estrella, REVERSED the Med-Arbiter's Resolution., and declared that the Bureau
dealt with is the payment of union dues which is provided for in Section 3, Article 1, of recognized "the continued affiliation of Volkschel Labor Union with the Associated
the CBA, which reads: Labor Union for Metal Workers." 2

Petitioner appealed the Acting Director's Resolution to the Secretary of Labor know allegedly left unattended to by respondent federation to the detriment of the
Minister of Labor and Employment) who, treating the appeal as a Motion for employees' rights and interests.
Reconsideration referred the same back to respondent Bureau On March 14, 1977,
the Bureau denied the appeal for lack of merit. In reversing the Med-Arbiter's resolution, respondent Bureau declared: the
Department of Labor is set on a task to restructure the labor movement to the end
Hence, the instant petition. that the workers will unite themselves along industry lines. Carried to its complete
fruition, only one union for every industry will remain to bargain collectively for the
Meanwhile, on April 4, 1977, on motion of ALUMETAL, the then Acting Secretary of workers. The clear policy therefore even now is to conjoin workers and worker
Labor, Amado Gat Inciong, issued a of execution commanding the Sheriff of the groups, not to dismember them. 5 This policy is commendable. However, we must not
National Labor Relations Commission to enforce and execute the order of January lose sight of the constitutional mandate of protecting labor and the workers' right to
25, 1977, which has become final and executory. 3 Pursuant thereto, the NLRC self-organization. In the implementation and interpretation of the provisions of the
Sheriff enforced and implemented the Order of January 25, 1977, as a result of which Labor Code and its implementing regulations, the workingman's welfare should be the
respondent companies turned over and handed to respondent federation the union primordial and paramount consideration. In the case at bar, it would go against the
dues and other assessments in accordance with the check-off provision of the CBA, spirit of the labor law to restrict petitioner's right to self-organization due to the
existence of the CBA. We agree with the Med-Arbiter's opinion that "A disaffiliation
does not disturb the enforceability and administration of a collective agreement; it
From the pleadings filed and arguments of counsel, the following issues present does not occasion a change of administrators of the contract nor even an amendment
themselves for this Court's resolution. of the provisions thereof." 6 But nowhere in the record does it appear that the contract
entered into by the petitioner and ALUMETAL prohibits the withdrawal of the former
I from the latter.

Is petitioner union's disaffiliation from respondent federation valid? This now brings us to the second issue. Under Section 3, Article I, of the CBA, the
obligation of the respondent companies to deduct and remit dues to ALUMETAL is
II conditioned on the individual check-off authorization of petitioner's members, In other
words, ALUMETAL is entitled to receive the dues from respondent companies as long
as petitioner union is affiliated with it and respondent companies are authorized by
Do respondent companies have the right to effect union dues their employees (members of petitioner union) to deduct union dues. Without said
collections despite revocation by the employees of the check-off affiliation, the employer has no link to the mother union. The obligation of an
authorization? and employee to pay union dues is coterminous with his affiliation or membership. "The
employees' check-off authorization, even if declared irrevocable, is good only as long
III as they remain members of the union concerned." 7 A contract between an employer
and the parent organization as bargaining agent for the employees is terminated by
the disaffiliation of the local of which the employees are members. 8 Respondent
Is respondent federation entitled to union dues payments from
companies therefore were wrong in continuing the check-off in favor of respondent
petitioner union's members notwithstanding their disaffiliation from
federation since they were duly notified of the disaffiliation and of petitioner's
said federation?
members having already rescinded their check-off authorization.

We resolve the first issue in the affirmative.

With the view we take on those two issues, we find no necessity in dwelling further on
the last issue. Suffice it to state that respondent federation is not entitled to union
The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother union is well-settled. In dues payments from petitioner's members. "A local union which has validly withdrawn
previous cases, it has been repeatedly held that a local union, being a separate and from its affiliation with the parent association and which continues to represent the
voluntary association, is free to serve the interest of all its members including the employees of an employer is entitled to the check-off dues under a collective
freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances warrant. 4 This right is consistent with the bargaining contract." 9
Constitutional guarantee of freedom of association (Article IV, Section 7, Philippine
WHEREFORE, the Resolutions of the Bureau of Labor Relations of January 25, 1977
and March 14, 1977 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Respondent ALUMETAL is
Petitioner contends that the disaffiliation was not due to any opportunists motives on ordered to return to petitioner union all the union dues enforced and collected through
its part. Rather it was prompted by the federation's deliberate and habitual dereliction the NLRC Sheriff by virtue of the writ of execution dated April 4, 1977 issued by
of duties as mother federation towards petitioner union. Employees' grievances were respondent Bureau. No costs. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 127374 January 31, 2002 PSEA subsequently affiliated itself with the National Congress of Workers (NCW),
changed its name to Philippine Skylanders Employees Association - National
PHILIPPINE SKYLANDERS, INC., MARILES C. ROMULO and FRANCISCO Congress of Workers (PSEA-NCW), and to maintain continuity within the
DAKILA, petitioners, organization, allowed the former officers of PSEA-PAFLU to continue occupying their
vs. positions as elected officers in the newly-forged PSEA-NCW.
TUMANON, PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF FREE LABOR UNIONS (PAFLU) On 17 March 1994 PSEA-NCW entered into a collective bargaining agreement with
SEPTEMBER (now UNIFIED PAFLU) and SERAFIN AYROSO, respondents. PSI which was immediately registered with the Department of Labor and
Meanwhile, apparently oblivious to PSEA's shift of allegiance, PAFLU Secretary
G.R. No. 127431 January 31, 2002 General Serafin Ayroso wrote Mariles C. Romulo requesting a copy of PSI's audited
financial statement. Ayroso explained that with the dismissal of PSEA-WATU's
election protest the time was ripe for the parties to enter into a collective bargaining
JOSEPH MARISOL, NERISA MORTEL, TEOFILO QUIRONG, LEONARDO REYES, On 30 July 1994 PSI through its personnel manager Francisco Dakila denied the
MANUEL CADIENTE and HERMINIA RIOSA, petitioners, request citing as reason PSEA's disaffiliation from PAFLU and its subsequent
vs. affiliation with NCW.
(now UNIFIED PAFLU) and NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, Agitated by PSI's recognition of PSEA-NCW, PAFLU through Serafin Ayroso filed a
SECOND DIVISION, respondents. complaint for unfair labor practice against PSI, its president Mariles Romulo and
personnel manager Francisco Dakila. PAFLU alleged that aside from PSI's refusal to
BELLOSILLO, J.: bargain collectively with its workers, the company through its president and personnel
manager, was also liable for interfering with its employees' union activities. 6
This is a petition for certiorari1 seeking to set aside the 31 July 1996 Decision2 of the
National Labor Relations Commission affirming the 30 June 1995 Decision of the Two (2) days later or on 6 October 1994 Ayroso filed another complaint in behalf of
Labor Arbiter holding petitioners Philippine Skylanders, Inc., Mariles C. Romulo3 and PAFLU for unfair labor practice against Francisco Dakila. Through Ayroso PAFLU
Francisco Dakila as well as the elected officers of the Philippine Skylanders claimed that Dakila was present in PSEA's organizational meeting thereby confirming
Employees and Workers Association-PAFLU4 guilty of unfair labor practice and his illicit participation in union activities. Ayroso added that the members of the local
ordering them to pay private respondent Philippine Association of Free Labor Union union had unwittingly fallen into the manipulative machinations of PSI and were lured
(PAFLU) September5 ₱150,000.00 as damages. Petitioners likewise seek the reversal into endorsing a collective bargaining agreement which was detrimental to their
of the 31 October 1996 Resolution of the NLRC denying their Motion for interests.7 The two (2) complaints were thereafter consolidated.
On 1 February 1995 PAFLU amended its complaint by including the elected officers
In November 1993 the Philippine Skylanders Employees Association (PSEA), a local of PSEA-PAFLU as additional party respondents. PAFLU averred that the local
labor union affiliated with the Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU) officers of PSEA-PAFLU, namely Macario Cabanias, Pepito Rodillas, Sharon Castillo,
September (PAFLU), won in the certification election conducted among the rank and Danilo Carbonel, Manuel Eda, Rolando Felix, Jocelyn Fronda, Ricardo Lumba,
file employees of Philippine Skylanders, Inc. (PSI). Its rival union, Philippine Joseph Mirasol, Nerisa Mortel, Teofilo Quirong, Leonardo Reyes, Manuel Cadiente,
Skylanders Employees Association-WATU (PSEA-WATU) immediately protested the and Herminia Riosa, were equally guilty of unfair labor practice since they brazenly
result of the election before the Secretary of Labor. allowed themselves to be manipulated and influenced by petitioner Francisco Dakila.8

Several months later, pending settlement of the controversy, PSEA sent PAFLU a PSI, its president Mariles C. Romulo, and its personnel manager Dakila moved for the
notice of disaffiliation citing as reason PAFLU's supposed deliberate and habitual dismissal of the complaint on the ground that the issue of disaffiliation was an inter-
dereliction of duty toward its members. Attached to the notice was a copy of the union conflict which lay beyond the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter. On the other
resolution adopted and signed by the officers and members of PSEA authorizing their hand, PSEA-NCW took the cudgels for its officers who were being sued in their
local union to disaffiliate from its mother federation. capacities as former officers of PSEA-PAFLU and asserted that since PSEA was no
longer affiliated with PAFLU, Ayroso or PAFLU for that matter had no personality to
file the instant complaint. In support of this assertion, PSEA-NCW submitted in The Solicitor General filed a Manifestation in Lieu of Comment recommending that
evidence a Katunayan signed by 111 out of 120 rank and file employees of PSI both petitions be granted. In his Manifestation, the Solicitor General argued against
disauthorizing Ayroso or PAFLU from instituting any action in their behalf. 9 the Labor Arbiter's assumption of jurisdiction citing the following as
reasons: first, there was no employer-employee relationship between complainant
In a Decision rendered on 30 June 1995 the Labor Arbiter declared PSEA's Ayroso and PSI over which the Labor Arbiter could rightfully assert his
disaffiliation from PAFLU invalid and held PSI, PSEA-PAFLU and their respective jurisdiction; second, since the case involved a dispute between PAFLU as mother
officers guilty of unfair labor practice. The Decision explained that despite PSEA- federation and PSEA as local union, the controversy fell within the jurisdiction of the
PAFLU's status as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of PSI's rank and file Bureau of Labor Relations; and lastly, the relationship of principal-agent between
employees, the company knowingly sanctioned and confederated with Dakila in PAFLU and PSEA had been severed by the local union through the lawful exercise of
actively assisting a rival union. This, according to the Labor Arbiter, was a classic its right of disaffiliation.14
case of interference for which PSI could be held responsible. As PSEA-NCW's
personality was not accorded recognition, its collective bargaining agreement with PSI Stripped of non-essentials, the fundamental issue tapers down to the legitimacy of
was struck down for being invalid. Ayroso's legal personality to file the complaint was PSEA's disaffiliation. To be more precise, may PSEA, which is an independent and
sustained on the ratiocination that under the Labor Code no petition questioning the separate local union, validly disaffiliate from PAFLU pending the settlement of an
majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent shall be entertained outside of the election protest questioning its status as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of
sixty (60)-day period immediately before the expiry date of such five (5)-year term of PSI's rank and file employees?
the collective bargaining agreement that the parties may enter into. Accordingly,
judgment was rendered ordering PSI, PSEA-PAFLU and their officers to pay PAFLU At the outset, let it be noted that the issue of disaffiliation is an inter-union conflict the
₱150,000.00 in damages.10 jurisdiction of which properly lies with the Bureau of Labor Relations (BLR) and not
with the Labor Arbiter.15 Nonetheless, with due recognition of this fact, we deem it
PSI, PSEA and their respective officers appealed to the National Labor Relations proper to settle the controversy at this instance since to remand the case to the BLR
Commission (NLRC). But the NLRC upheld the Decision of the Labor Arbiter and would only mean intolerable delay for the parties.
conjectured that since an election protest questioning PSEA-PAFLU's certification as
the sole and exclusive bargaining agent was pending resolution before the Secretary The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother federation is not a novel thesis
of Labor, PSEA could not validly separate from PAFLU, join another national unillumined by case law. In the landmark case of Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union
federation and subsequently enter into a collective bargaining agreement with its vs. Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc.16 we upheld the right of local unions to separate from
employer-company.11 their mother federation on the ground that as separate and voluntary associations,
local unions do not owe their creation and existence to the national federation to
Petitioners separately moved for reconsideration but both motions were denied. which they are affiliated but, instead, to the will of their members. The sole essence of
Hence, these petitions for certiorari filed by PSI and PSEA-NCW together with their affiliation is to increase, by collective action, the common bargaining power of local
respective officers pleading for a reversal of the NLRC's Decision which they claimed unions for the effective enhancement and protection of their interests. Admittedly,
to have been rendered in excess of jurisdiction. In due time, both petitions were there are times when without succor and support local unions may find it hard,
consolidated. unaided by other support groups, to secure justice for themselves.

In these petitions, petitioner PSEA together with its officers argued that by virtue of Yet the local unions remain the basic units of association, free to serve their own
their disaffiliation PAFLU as a mere agent had no authority to represent them before interests subject to the restraints imposed by the constitution and by-laws of the
any proceedings. They further asserted that being an independent labor union PSEA national federation, and free also to renounce the affiliation upon the terms laid down
may freely serve the interest of all its members and readily disaffiliate from its mother in the agreement which brought such affiliation into existence.
federation when circumstances so warrant. This right, they averred, was consistent
with the constitutional guarantee of freedom of association. 12 Such dictum has been punctiliously followed since then. 17

For their part, petitioners PSI, Romulo and Dakila alleged that their decision to Upon an application of the aforecited principle to the issue at hand, the impropriety of
bargain collectively with PSEA-NCW was actuated, to a large extent, by PAFLU's the questioned Decisions becomes clearly apparent. There is nothing shown in the
behavior. Having heard no objections or protestations from PAFLU relative to PSEA's records nor is it claimed by PAFLU that the local union was expressly forbidden to
disaffiliation, they reckoned that PSEA's subsequent association with NSW was disaffiliate from the federation nor were there any conditions imposed for a valid
done bona fide.13 breakaway. As such, the pendency of an election protest involving both the mother
federation and the local union did not constitute a bar to a valid disaffiliation. Neither
was it disputed by PAFLU that 111 signatories out of the 120 members of the local

union, or an equivalent of 92.5% of the total union membership supported the claim of
disaffiliation and had in fact disauthorized PAFLU from instituting any complaint in
their behalf. Surely, this is not a case where one (1) or two (2) members of the local
union decided to disaffiliate from the mother federation, but it is a case where almost
all local union members decided to disaffiliate.

It was entirely reasonable then for PSI to enter into a collective bargaining agreement
with PSEA-NCW. As PSEA had validly severed itself from PAFLU, there would be no
restrictions which could validly hinder it from subsequently affiliating with NCW and
entering into a collective bargaining agreement in behalf of its members.

There is a further consideration that likewise argues for the granting of the petitions. It
stands unchallenged that PAFLU instituted the complaint for unfair labor practice
against the wishes of workers whose interests it was supposedly protecting. The mere
act of disaffiliation did not divest PSEA of its own personality; neither did it give
PAFLU the license to act independently of the local union. Recreant to its mission,
PAFLU cannot simply ignore the demands of the local chapter and decide for its
welfare. PAFLU might have forgotten that as an agent it could only act in
representation of and in accordance with the interests of the local union. The
complaint then for unfair labor practice lodged by PAFLU against PSI, PSEA and their
respective officers, having been filed by a party which has no legal personality to
institute the complaint, should have been dismissed at the first instance for failure to
state a cause of action.

Policy considerations dictate that in weighing the claims of a local union as against
those of a national federation, those of the former must be preferred. Parenthetically
though, the desires of the mother federation to protect its locals are not altogether to
be shunned. It will however be to err greatly against the Constitution if the desires of
the federation would be favored over those of its members. That, at any rate, is the
policy of the law. For if it were otherwise, instead of protection, there would be
disregard and neglect of the lowly workingmen.

WHEREFORE, the petitions of Philippine Skylanders, Inc. and of Philippine

Skylanders and Workers Association-NCW, together with their respective officers,
are GRANTED. The Decision of the National Labor Relations Commission of 31 July
1996 affirming the Decision of the Labor Arbiter of 30 June 1995 holding petitioners
Philippine Skylanders and Workers Association-NCW, Philippine Skylanders, Inc. and
their respective officers, guilty of unfair labor practice and ordering them to pay
damages to private respondent Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU)
September (now UNIFIED PAFLU) as well as the Resolution of 31 October 1996
denying reconsideration is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. No costs.





GAMBOA, JOSEPHINE IGNACIO, SUSAN IBARRA, ESPERANZA JABSON, The petitioner, Malayang Samahan ng mga Manggagawa sa M. Greenfield, Inc., (B)
OSCAR JAMBARO, ROSANNA JARDIN, CORAZON JALOCON, ZENAIDA (MSMG), hereinafter referred to as the "local union", is an affiliate of the private
LEGASPI, DELLA LAGRAMADA, ROSITA LIBRANDO, LIGAYA LUMAYOT, respondent, United Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines (ULGWP),
DELIA LUMBIS, LEONORA LANCHICA, RELAGIA LACSI, JOSEFINA LUMBO, referred to as the "federation". The collective bargaining agreement between MSMG
VIOLETA DE LUNA, EVELYN MADRID, TERESITA MORILLA, GEMMA and M. Greenfield, Inc., names the parties as follows:
ROSANNA MEDINA, DELIA MARTINEZ, ROSARIO MAG-ISA, EDITHA MENDOZA, This agreement made and entered into by and between:
FLORDELIZA PUMARES, LUZ REYES, NORMA RACELIS, LEONOR RIZALDO, M. GREENFIELD, INC. (B) a corporation duly organized in accordance with
JOSIE SUMASAR, NANCY SAMALA, EMERLITA SOLAYAO, MERCEDITA the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with office address at Km. 14,
SAMANIEGO, BLANDINA SIMBULAN, JOCELYN SENDING, LUISITA Merville Road, Parañaque, Metro Manila, represented in this act by its
TABERRERO, TERESITA TIBAR, ESTERLINA VALDEZ, GLORIA VEJERANO, General manager, Mr. Carlos T. Javelosa, hereinafter referred to as the
HERMINIA ADVINCULA, LILIA MORTA, REGINA LAPIDARIO, LORNA LARGA, Suite 404, Trinity Building, T. M. Kalaw Street, Manila, represented in this act
by a Negotiating Committee headed by its National President, Mr. Godofredo
DELMA REGALIS, SUSAN RAFAULO, ELENA RONDINA, MYRNA PIENDA, Paceno, Sr., referred to in this Agreement as the UNION.1
FE MACATANGAY, EMELITA MINON, NORMA PAGUIO, ELIZA VASQUEZ, The CBA includes, among others, the following pertinent provisions:
Sec. 1. Coverage and Scope. All employees who are covered by this
Agreement and presently members of the UNION shall remain members of
the UNION for the duration of this Agreement as a condition precedent to
FRANCISCO, petitioners,
continued employment with the COMPANY.
GERVACIO CASILLANO, LORENZO ITAOC, ATTY. GODOFREDO PACENO, JR., Sec. 4. Dismissal. Any such employee mentioned in Section 2 hereof, who
MARGARITO CABRERA, GAUDENCIO RACHO, SANTIAGO IBANEZ, AND fails to maintain his membership in the UNION for non-payment of UNION
RODRIGO AGUILING, respondents. dues, for resignation and for violation of UNION's Constitution and By-Laws
and any new employee as defined in Section 2 of this Article shall upon
PURISIMA, J.: written notice of such failure to join or to maintain membership in the UNION
and upon written recommendation to the COMPANY by the UNION, be
dismissed from the employment by the COMPANY; provided, however, that
At bar is a Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court to annul
the UNION shall hold the COMPANY free and blameless from any and all
the decision of the National Labor Relations Commission in an unfair labor practice
liabilities that may arise should the dismissed employee question, in any
case instituted by a local union against its employer company and the officers of its
manner, his dismissal; provided, further that the matter of the employee's
national federation.
dismissal under this Article may be submitted as a grievance under Article
XIII and, provided, finally, that no such written recommendation shall be
made upon the COMPANY nor shall COMPANY be compelled to act upon

any such recommendation within the period of sixty (60) days prior to the On June 27, 1988, the local union wrote respondent company a letter requesting it to
expiry date of this Agreement conformably to law. deduct the union fines from the wages/salaries of those union members who failed to
attend the general membership meeting. A portion of the said letter stated:
Art. IX
xxx xxx xxx
Sec. 4. Program Fund — The Company shall provide the amount of
P10,000.00 a month for a continuing labor education program which shall be In connection with Section 4 Article II of our existing Collective Bargaining
remitted to the Federation . . .2 Agreement, please deduct the amount of P50.00 from each of the union
members named in said annexes on the payroll of July 2-8, 1988 as fine for
On September 12, 1986, a local union election was held under the auspices of the their failure to attend said general membership meeting. 4
ULGWP wherein the herein petitioner, Beda Magdalena Villanueva, and the other
union officers were proclaimed as winners. Minutes of the said election were duly filed In a Memorandum dated July 3, 1988, the Secretary General of the national
with the Bureau of Labor Relations on September 29, 1986. federation, Godofredo Paceño, Jr. disapproved the resolution of the local union
imposing the P50.00 fine. The union officers protested such action by the Federation
On March 21, 1987, a Petition for Impeachment was filed with the national federation in a Reply dated July 4, 1988.
ULGWP by the defeated candidates in the aforementioned election.
On July 11, 1988, the Federation wrote respondent company a letter advising the
On June 16, 1987, the federation conducted an audit of the local union funds. The latter not to deduct the fifty-peso fine from the salaries of the union members
investigation did not yield any unfavorable result and the local union officers were requesting that:
cleared of the charges of anomaly in the custody, handling and disposition of the
union funds.1âwphi1.nêt . . . any and all future representations by MSMG affecting a number of
members be first cleared from the federation before corresponding action by
The 14 defeated candidates filed a Petition for Impeachment/Expulsion of the local the Company.5
union officers with the DOLE NCR on November 5, 1987, docketed as NCR-OD-M-
11-780-87. However, the same was dismissed on March 2, 1988, by Med-Arbiter The following day, respondent company sent a reply to petitioner union's request in a
Renato Parungo for failure to substantiate the charges and to present evidence in letter, stating that it cannot deduct fines from the employees' salary without going
support of the allegations. against certain laws. The company suggested that the union refer the matter to the
proper government office for resolution in order to avoid placing the company in the
On April 17, 1988, the local union held a general membership meeting at the middle of the issue.
Caruncho Complex in Pasig. Several union members failed to attend the meeting,
prompting the Executive Board to create a committee tasked to investigate the non- The imposition of P50.00 fine became the subject of bitter disagreement between the
attendance of several union members in the said assembly, pursuant to Sections 4 Federation and the local union culminating in the latter's declaration of general
and 5, Article V of the Constitution and By-Laws of the union, which read: autonomy from the former through Resolution No. 10 passed by the local executive
board and ratified by the general membership on July 16, 1988.
Seksyon 4. Ang mga kinukusang hindi pagdalo o hindi paglahok sa lahat ng
hakbangin ng unyon ng sinumang kasapi o pinuno ay maaaring maging In retaliation, the national federation asked respondent company to stop the
sanhi ng pagtitiwalag o pagpapataw ng multa ng hindi hihigit sa P50.00 sa remittance of the local union's share in the education funds effective August 1988.
bawat araw na nagkulang. This was objected to by the local union which demanded that the education fund be
remitted to it in full.
Seksyon 5. Ang sinumang dadalo na aalis ng hindi pa natatapos ang pulong
ay ituturing na pagliban at maparusahan itong alinsunod sa Article V, The company was thus constrained to file a Complaint for Interpleader with a Petition
Seksyong 4 ng Saligang Batas na ito. Sino mang kasapi o pisyales na for Declaratory Relief with the Med-Arbitration Branch of the Department of Labor and
mahuli and dating sa takdang oras ng di lalampas sa isang oras ay Employment, docketed as Case No. OD-M-8-435-88. This was resolved on October
magmumulta ng P25.00 at babawasin sa sahod sa pamamagitan ng salary 28, 1988, by Med-Arbiter Anastacio Bactin in an Order, disposing thus:
deduction at higit sa isang oras ng pagdating ng huli ay ituturing na
pagliban.3 WHEREFORE, premises considered, it is hereby ordered:

1. That the United Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines (ULGWP) (a) Questioning the validity of the alleged National Executive Board
through its local union officers shall administer the collective bargaining Resolution placing their union under trusteeship;
agreement (CBA).
(b) Justifying the action of their union in declaring a general autonomy from
2. That petitioner company shall remit the P10,000.00 monthly labor ULGWP due to the latter's inability to give proper educational, organizational
education program fund to the ULGWP subject to the condition that it shall and legal services to its affiliates and the pendency of the audit of the
use the said amount for its intended purpose. federation funds;

3. That the Treasurer of the MSMG shall be authorized to collect from the (c) Advising that their union did not commit any act of disloyalty as it has
356 union members the amount of P50.00 as penalty for their failure to remained an affiliate of ULGWP;
attend the general membership assembly on April 17, 1988.
(d) Giving ULGWP a period of five (5) days to cease and desist from further
However, if the MSMG Officers could present the individual written committing acts of coercion, intimidation and harassment.8
authorizations of the 356 union members, then the company is obliged to
deduct from the salaries of the 356 union members the P50.00 fine.6 However, as early as November 21, 1988, the officers were expelled from the
ULGWP. The termination letter read:
On appeal, Director Pura-Ferrer Calleja issued a Resolution dated February 7, 1989,
which modified in part the earlier disposition, to wit: Effective today, November 21, 1988, you are hereby expelled from UNITED
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appealed portion is hereby committing acts of disloyalty and/or acts inimical to the interest and violative
modified to the extent that the company should remit the amount of five to the Constitution and by-laws of your federation.
thousand pesos (P5,000.00) of the P10,000.00 monthly labor education
program fund to ULGWP and the other P5,000.00 to MSMG, both unions to You failed and/or refused to offer an explanation inspite of the time granted
use the same for its intended purpose.7 to you.

Meanwhile, on September 2, 1988, several local unions (Top Form, M. Greenfield, Since you are no longer a member of good standing, ULGWP is constrained
Grosby, Triumph International, General Milling, and Vander Hons chapters) filed a to recommend for your termination from your employment, and provided in
Petition for Audit and Examination of the federation and education funds of ULGWP Article II Section 4, known as UNION SECURITY, in the Collective
which was granted by Med-Arbiter Rasidali Abdullah on December 25, 1988 in an Bargaining agreement.9
Order which directed the audit and examination of the books of account of ULGWP.
On the same day, the federation advised respondent company of the expulsion of the
On September 30, 1988, the officials of ULGWP called a Special National Executive 30 union officers and demanded their separation from employment pursuant to the
Board Meeting at Nasipit, Agusan del Norte where a Resolution was passed placing Union Security Clause in their collective bargaining agreement. This demand was
the MSMG under trusteeship and appointing respondent Cesar Clarete as reiterated twice, through letters dated February 21 and March 4, 1989, respectively, to
administrator. respondent company.

On October 27, 1988, the said administrator wrote the respondent company informing Thereafter, the Federation filed a Notice of Strike with the National Conciliation and
the latter of its designation of a certain Alfredo Kalingking as local union president and Mediation Board to compel the company to effect the immediate termination of the
"disauthorizing" the incumbent union officers from representing the employees. This expelled union officers.
action by the national federation was protested by the petitioners in a letter to
respondent company dated November 11, 1988.
On March 7, 1989, under the pressure of a threatened strike, respondent company
terminated the 30 union officers from employment, serving them identical copies of
On November 13, 1988, the petitioner union officers received identical letters from the the termination letter reproduced below:
administrator requiring them to explain within 72 hours why they should not be
removed from their office and expelled from union membership.
We received a demand letter dated 21 November 1988 from the United
Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines (ULGWP) demanding for
On November 26, 1988, petitioners replied: your dismissal from employment pursuant to the provisions of Article II,
Section 4 of the existing Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). In the said On March 10, 1989, the thirty (30) dismissed union officers filed an urgent petition,
demand letter, ULGWP informed us that as of November 21, 1988, you were docketed as Case No. NCMB-NCR-NS-03-216-89, with the Office of the Secretary of
expelled from the said federation "for committing acts of disloyalty and/or the Department of Labor and Employment praying for the suspension of the effects of
acts inimical to the interest of ULGWP and violative to its Constitution and their termination from employment. However, the petition was dismissed by then
By-laws particularly Article V, Section 6, 9, and 12, Article XIII, Section 8. Secretary Franklin Drilon on April 11, 1989, the pertinent portion of which stated as
In subsequent letters dated 21 February and 4 March 1989, the ULGWP
reiterated its demand for your dismissal, pointing out that notwithstanding At this point in time, it is clear that the dispute at M. Greenfield is purely an
your expulsion from the federation, you have continued in your employment intra-union matter. No mass lay-off is evident as the terminations have been
with the company in violation of Sec. 1 and 4 of Article II of our CBA, and of limited to those allegedly leading the secessionist group leaving MSMG-
existing provisions of law. ULGWP to form a union under the KMU. . . .

In view thereof, we are left with no alternative but to comply with the xxx xxx xxx
provisions of the Union Security Clause of our CBA. Accordingly, we hereby
serve notice upon you that we are dismissing you from your employment WHEREFORE, finding no sufficient jurisdiction to warrant the exercise of our
with M. Greenfield, Inc., pursuant to Sections 1 and 4, Article II of the CBA extraordinary authority under Article 277 (b) of the Labor Code, as amended,
effective immediately.10 the instant Petition is hereby DISMISSED for lack of merit.

On that same day, the expelled union officers assigned in the first shift were SO ORDERED.11
physically or bodily brought out of the company premises by the company's security
guards. Likewise, those assigned to the second shift were not allowed to report for
work. This provoked some of the members of the local union to demonstrate their On March 13 and 14, 1989, a total of 78 union shop stewards were placed under
protest for the dismissal of the said union officers. Some union members left their preventive suspension by respondent company. This prompted the union members to
work posts and walked out of the company premises. again stage a walk-out and resulted in the official declaration of strike at around 3:30
in the afternoon of March 14, 1989. The strike was attended with violence, force and
intimidation on both sides resulting to physical injuries to several employees, both
On the other hand, the Federation, having achieved its objective, withdrew the Notice striking and non-striking, and damage to company properties.
of Strike filed with the NCMB.
The employees who participated in the strike and allegedly figured in the violent
On March 8, 1989, the petitioners filed a Notice of Strike with the NCMB, DOLE, incident were placed under preventive suspension by respondent company. The
Manila, docketed as Case No. NCMB-NCR-NS-03-216-89, alleging the following company also sent return-to-work notices to the home addresses of the striking
grounds for the strike: employees thrice successively, on March 27, April 8 and April 31, 1989, respectively.
However, respondent company admitted that only 261 employees were eventually
(a) Discrimination accepted back to work. Those who did not respond to the return-to-work notice were
sent termination letters dated May 17, 1989, reproduced below:
(b) Interference in union activities
M. Greenfield Inc., (B)
(c) Mass dismissal of union officers and shop stewards
Km. 14, Merville Rd., Parañaque, M.M.
(d) Threats, coercion and intimidation
May 17, 1989
(e) Union busting
xxx xxx xxx
The following day, March 9, 1989, a strike vote referendum was conducted and out of
2, 103 union members who cast their votes, 2,086 members voted to declare a strike. On March 14, 1989, without justifiable cause and without due
notice, you left your work assignment at the prejudice of the
Company's operations. On March 27, April 11, and April 21, 1989,

we sent you notices to report to the Company. Inspite of your Tanodra of the Third Division was temporarily designated to sit in the First Division for
receipt of said notices, we have not heard from you up to this date. the proper disposition of the case.

Accordingly, for your failure to report, it is construed that you have The First Division affirmed the Labor Arbiter's disposition. With the denial of their
effectively abandoned your employment and the Company is, motion for reconsideration on January 28, 1994, petitioners elevated the case to this
therefore, constrained to dismiss you for said cause. Court, attributing grave abuse of discretion to public respondent NLRC in:



On August 7, 1989, the petitioners filed a verified complaint with the Arbitration
Branch, National Capital Region, DOLE, Manila, docketed as Case No. NCR-00-09- IV. NOT FINDING RESPONDENT COMPANY AND RESPONDENT
04199-89, charging private respondents of unfair labor practice which consists of FEDERATION OFFICERS GUILTY OF ACTS OF UNFAIR LABOR
union busting, illegal dismissal, illegal suspension, interference in union activities, PRACTICE.
discrimination, threats, intimidation, coercion, violence, and oppression.
Notwithstanding the several issues raised by the petitioners and respondents in the
After the filing of the complaint, the lease contracts on the respondent company's voluminous pleadings presented before the NLRC and this Court, they revolve around
office and factory at Merville Subdivision, Parañaque expired and were not renewed. and proceed from the issue of whether or not respondent company was justified in
Upon demand of the owners of the premises, the company was compelled to vacate dismissing petitioner employees merely upon the labor federation's demand for the
its office and factory. enforcement of the union security clause embodied in their collective bargaining
Thereafter, the company transferred its administration and account/client servicing
department at AFP-RSBS Industrial Park in Taguig, Metro Manila. For failure to find a Before delving into the main issue, the procedural flaw pointed out by the petitioners
suitable place in Metro Manila for relocation of its factory and manufacturing should first be resolved.
operations, the company was constrained to move the said departments to Tacloban,
Leyte. Hence, on April 16, 1990, respondent company accordingly notified its Petitioners contend that the decision rendered by the First Division of the NLRC is not
employees of a temporary shutdown in operations. Employees who were interested in valid because Commissioner Tanodra, who is from the Third Division, did not have
relocating to Tacloban were advised to enlist on or before April 23, 1990. any lawful authority to sit, much less write the ponencia, on a case pending before the
First Division. It is claimed that a commissioner from one division of the NLRC cannot
The complaint for unfair labor practice was assigned to Labor Arbiter Manuel be assigned or temporarily designated to another division because each division is
Asuncion but was thereafter reassigned to Labor Arbiter Cresencio Ramos when assigned a particular territorial jurisdiction. Thus, the decision rendered did not have
respondents moved to inhibit him from acting on the case. any legal effect at all for being irregularly issued.

On December 15, 1992, finding the termination to be valid in compliance with the Petitioners' argument is misplaced. Article 213 of the Labor Code in enumerating the
union security clause of the collective bargaining agreement, Labor Arbiter Cresencio powers of the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Commission provides that:
Ramos dismissed the complaint.
The concurrence of two (2) Commissioners of a division shall be necessary
Petitioners then appealed to the NLRC. During its pendency, Commissioner Romeo for the pronouncement of a judgment or resolution. Whenever the required
Putong retired from the service, leaving only two commissioners, Commissioner membership in a division is not complete and the concurrence of two (2)
Vicente Veloso III and Hon. Chairman Bartolome Carale in the First Division. When commissioners to arrive at a judgment or resolution cannot be obtained, the
Commissioner Veloso inhibited himself from the case, Commissioner Joaquin
Chairman shall designate such number of additional Commissioners from employees as the right to do so is personal to the latter; and that, the officers of
the other divisions as may be necessary. respondent company cannot be liable because as mere corporate officers, they acted
within the scope of their authority.
It must be remembered that during the pendency of the case in the First Division of
the NLRC, one of the three commissioners, Commissioner Romeo Putong, retired, Public respondent, through the Labor Arbiter, ruled that the dismissed union officers
leaving Chairman Bartolome Carale and Commissioner Vicente Veloso III. were validly and legally terminated because the dismissal was effected in compliance
Subsequently, Commissioner Veloso inhibited himself from the case because the with the union security clause of the CBA which is the law between the parties. And
counsel for the petitioners was his former classmate in law school. The First Division this was affirmed by the Commission on appeal. Moreover, the Labor Arbiter declared
was thus left with only one commissioner. Since the law requires the concurrence of that notwithstanding the lack of a prior administrative investigation by respondent
two commissioners to arrive at a judgment or resolution, the Commission was company, under the union security clause provision in the CBA, the company cannot
constrained to temporarily designate a commissioner from another division to look into the legality or illegality of the recommendation to dismiss by the union nd the
complete the First Division. There is nothing irregular at all in such a temporary obligation to dismiss is ministerial on the part of the company. 13
designation for the law empowers the Chairman to make temporary assignments
whenever the required concurrence is not met. The law does not say that a This ruling of the NLRC is erroneous. Although this Court has ruled that union security
commissioner from the first division cannot be temporarily assigned to the second or clauses embodied in the collective bargaining agreement may be validly enforced and
third division to fill the gap or vice versa. The territorial divisions do not confer that dismissals pursuant thereto may likewise be valid, this does not erode the
exclusive jurisdiction to each division and are merely designed for administrative fundamental requirement of due process. The reason behind the enforcement of
efficiency. union security clauses which is the sanctity and inviolability of contracts 14 cannot
override one's right to due process.
Going into the merits of the case, the court finds that the Complaint for unfair labor
practice filed by the petitioners against respondent company which charges union In the case of Cariño vs. National Labor Relations Commission,15 this Court
busting, illegal dismissal, illegal suspension, interference in union activities, pronounced that while the company, under a maintenance of membership provision of
discrimination, threats, intimidation, coercion, violence, and oppression actually the collective bargaining agreement, is bound to dismiss any employee expelled by
proceeds from one main issue which is the termination of several employees by the union for disloyalty upon its written request, this undertaking should not be done
respondent company upon the demand of the labor federation pursuant to the union hastily and summarily. The company acts in bad faith in dismissing a worker without
security clause embodied in their collective bargaining agreement. giving him the benefit of a hearing.

Petitioners contend that their dismissal from work was effected in an arbitrary, hasty, The power to dismiss is a normal prerogative of the employer. However, this
capricious and illegal manner because it was undertaken by the respondent company is not without limitation. The employer is bound to exercise caution in
without any prior administrative investigation; that, had respondent company terminating the services of his employees especially so when it is made
conducted prior independent investigation it would have found that their expulsion upon the request of a labor union pursuant to the Collective Bargaining
from the union was unlawful similarly for lack of prior administrative investigation; that Agreement, . . . Dismissals must not be arbitrary and capricious. Due
the federation cannot recommend the dismissal of the union officers because it was process must be observed in dismissing an employee because it affects not
not a principal party to the collective bargaining agreement between the company and only his position but also his means of livelihood. Employers should respect
the union; that public respondents acted with grave abuse of discretion when they and protect the rights of their employees, which include the right to labor.
declared petitioners' dismissals as valid and the union strike as illegal and in not
declaring that respondents were guilty of unfair labor practice.
In the case under scrutiny, petitioner union officers were expelled by the federation for
allegedly committing acts of disloyalty and/or inimical to the interest of ULGWP and in
Private respondents, on the other hand, maintain that the thirty dismissed employees violation of its Constitution and By-laws. Upon demand of the federation, the company
who were former officers of the federation have no cause of action against the terminated the petitioners without conducting a separate and independent
company, the termination of their employment having been made upon the demand of investigation. Respondent company did not inquire into the cause of the expulsion
the federation pursuant to the union security clause of the CBA; the expelled officers and whether or not the federation had sufficient grounds to effect the same. Relying
of the local union were accorded due process of law prior to their expulsion from their merely upon the federation's allegations, respondent company terminated petitioners
federation; that the strike conducted by the petitioners was illegal for noncompliance from employment when a separate inquiry could have revealed if the federation had
with the requirements; that the employees who participated in the illegal strike and in acted arbitrarily and capriciously in expelling the union officers. Respondent
the commission of violence thereof were validly terminated from work; that petitioners company's allegation that petitioners were accorded due process is belied by the
were deemed to have abandoned their employment when they did not respond to the termination letters received by the petitioners which state that the dismissal shall be
three return to work notices sent to them; that petitioner labor union has no legal immediately effective.
personality to file and prosecute the case for and on behalf of the individual

As held in the aforecited case of Cariño, "the right of an employee to be informed of Anent petitioners contention that the federation was not a principal party to the
the charges against him and to reasonable opportunity to present his side in a collective bargaining agreement between the company and the union, suffice it to say
controversy with either the company or his own union is not wiped away by a union that the matter was already ruled upon in the Interpleader case filed by respondent
security clause or a union shop clause in a collective bargaining agreement. An company. Med-Arbiter Anastacio Bactin thus ruled:
employee is entitled to be protected not only from a company which disregards his
rights but also from his own union the leadership of which could yield to the After a careful examination of the facts and evidences presented by the
temptation of swift and arbitrary expulsion from membership and mere dismissal from parties, this Officer hereby renders its decision as follows:
his job.
1.) It appears on record that in Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)
While respondent company may validly dismiss the employees expelled by the union which took effect on July 1, 1986, the contracting parties are M. Greenfield,
for disloyalty under the union security clause of the collective bargaining agreement Inc. (B) and Malayang Samahan ng Mga Manggagawa sa M. Greenfield, Inc.
upon the recommendation by the union, this dismissal should not be done hastily and (B) (MSMG)/United Lumber and General Workers of the Philippines
summarily thereby eroding the employees' right to due process, self-organization and (ULGWP). However, MSMG was not yet registered labor organization at the
security of tenure. The enforcement of union security clauses is authorized by law time of the signing of the CBA. Hence, the union referred to in the CBA is the
provided such enforcement is not characterized by arbitrariness, and always with due ULGWP.18
process.16 Even on the assumption that the federation had valid grounds to expel the
union officers, due process requires that these union officers be accorded a separate
hearing by respondent company. Likewise on appeal, Director Pura Ferrer-Calleja put the issue to rest as follows:

In its decision, public respondent also declared that if complainants (herein It is undisputed that ULGWP is the certified sole and exclusive collective
petitioners) have any recourse in law, their right of action is against the federation and bargaining agent of all the regular rank-and-file workers of the company, M.
not against the company or its officers, relying on the findings of the Labor Secretary Greenfield, Inc. (pages 31-32 of the records).
that the issue of expulsion of petitioner union officers by the federation is a purely
intra-union matter. It has been established also that the company and ULGWP signed a 3-year
collective bargaining agreement effective July 1, 1986 up to June 30, 1989. 19
Again, such a contention is untenable. While it is true that the issue of expulsion of
the local union officers is originally between the local union and the federation, hence, Although the issue of whether or not the federation had reasonable grounds to expel
intra-union in character, the issue was later on converted into a termination dispute the petitioner union officers is properly within the original and exclusive jurisdiction of
when the company dismissed the petitioners from work without the benefit of a the Bureau of Labor Relations, being an intra-union conflict, this Court deems it
separate notice and hearing. As a matter of fact, the records reveal that the justifiable that such issue be nonetheless ruled upon, as the Labor Arbiter did, for to
termination was effective on the same day that the termination notice was served on remand the same to the Bureau of Labor Relations would be to intolerably delay the
the petitioners. case.

In the case of Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union vs. Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc.17, the The Labor Arbiter found that petitioner union officers were justifiably expelled from the
Court held the company liable for the payment of backwages for having acted in bad federation for committing acts of disloyalty when it "undertook to disaffiliate from the
faith in effecting the dismissal of the employees. federation by charging ULGWP with failure to provide any legal, educational or
organizational support to the local. . . . and declared autonomy, wherein they prohibit
. . . Bad faith on the part of the respondent company may be gleaned from the federation from interfering in any internal and external affairs of the local union."20
the fact that the petitioner workers were dismissed hastily and summarily. At
best, it was guilty of a tortious act, for which it must assume solidary liability, It is well-settled that findings of facts of the NLRC are entitled to great respect and are
since it apparently chose to summarily dismiss the workers at the union's generally binding on this Court, but it is equally well-settled that the Court will not
instance secure in the union's contractual undertaking that the union would uphold erroneous conclusions of the NLRC as when the Court finds insufficient or
hold it "free from any liability" arising from such dismissal. insubstantial evidence on record to support those factual findings. The same holds
true when it is perceived that far too much is concluded, inferred or deduced from the
Thus, notwithstanding the fact that the dismissal was at the instance of the federation bare or incomplete facts appearing of record.21
and that it undertook to hold the company free from any liability resulting from such a
dismissal, the company may still be held liable if it was remiss in its duty to accord the In its decision, the Labor Arbiter declared that the act of disaffiliation and declaration
would-be dismissed employees their right to be heard on the matter. of autonomy by the local union was part of its "plan to take over the respondent

federation." This is purely conjecture and speculation on the part of public different federation, entirely separate from the federation which expelled them, is but
respondent, totally unsupported by the evidence. a normal retaliatory reaction to their expulsion.

A local union has the right to disaffiliate from its mother union or declare its autonomy. With regard to the issue of the legality or illegality of the strike, the Labor Arbiter held
A local union, being a separate and voluntary association, is free to serve the that the strike was illegal for the following reasons: (1) it was based on an intra-union
interests of all its members including the freedom to disaffiliate or declare its dispute which cannot properly be the subject of a strike, the right to strike being
autonomy from the federation to which it belongs when circumstances warrant, in limited to cases of bargaining deadlocks and unfair labor practice (2) it was made in
accordance with the constitutional guarantee of freedom of association. 22 violation of the "no strike, no lock-out" clause in the CBA, and (3) it was attended with
violence, force and intimidation upon the persons of the company officials, other
The purpose of affiliation by a local union with a mother union or a federation. employees reporting for work and third persons having legitimate business with the
company, resulting to serious physical injuries to several employees and damage to
company property.
. . . is to increase by collective action the bargaining power in respect of the
terms and conditions of labor. Yet the locals remained the basic units of
association, free to serve their own and the common interest of all, subject to On the submission that the strike was illegal for being grounded on a non-strikeable
the restraints imposed by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, issue, that is, the intra-union conflict between the federation and the local union, it
and free also to renounce the affiliation for mutual welfare upon the terms bears reiterating that when respondent company dismissed the union officers, the
laid down in the agreement which brought it into existence. 23 issue was transformed into a termination dispute and brought respondent company
into the picture. Petitioners believed in good faith that in dismissing them upon
request by the federation, respondent company was guilty of unfair labor practice in
Thus, a local union which has affiliated itself with a federation is free to sever such that it violated the petitioner's right to self-organization. The strike was staged to
affiliation anytime and such disaffiliation cannot be considered disloyalty. In the protest respondent company's act of dismissing the union officers. Even if the
absence of specific provisions in the federation's constitution prohibiting disaffiliation allegations of unfair labor practice are subsequently found out to be untrue, the
or the declaration of autonomy of a local union, a local may dissociate with its parent presumption of legality of the strike prevails.25
Another reason why the Labor Arbiter declared the strike illegal is due to the
The evidence on hand does not show that there is such a provision in ULGWP's existence of a no strike no lockout provision in the CBA. Again, such a ruling is
constitution. Respondents' reliance upon Article V, Section 6, of the federation's erroneous. A no strike, no lock out provision can only be invoked when the strike is
constitution is not right because said section, in fact, bolsters the petitioner union's economic in nature, i.e. to force wage or other concessions from the employer which
claim of its right to declare autonomy: he is not required by law to grant.26 Such a provision cannot be used to assail the
legality of a strike which is grounded on unfair labor practice, as was the honest belief
Sec. 6. The autonomy of a local union affiliated with ULGWP shall be of herein petitioners. Again, whether or not there was indeed unfair labor practice
respected insofar as it pertains to its internal affairs, except as provided does not affect the strike.
elsewhere in this Constitution.
On the allegation of violence committed in the course of the strike, it must be
There is no disloyalty to speak of, neither is there any violation of the federation's remembered that the Labor Arbiter and the Commission found that "the parties are
constitution because there is nothing in the said constitution which specifically agreed that there were violent incidents . . . resulting to injuries to both sides, the
prohibits disaffiliation or declaration of autonomy. Hence, there cannot be any valid union and management."27 The evidence on record show that the violence cannot be
dismissal because Article II, Section 4 of the union security clause in the CBA limits attributed to the striking employees alone for the company itself employed hired men
the dismissal to only three (3) grounds, to wit: failure to maintain membership in the to pacify the strikers. With violence committed on both sides, the management and
union (1) for non-payment of union dues, (2) for resignation; and (3) for violation of the employees, such violence cannot be a ground for declaring the strike as illegal.
the union's Constitution and By-Laws.
With respect to the dismissal of individual petitioners, the Labor Arbiter declared that
To support the finding of disloyalty, the Labor Arbiter gave weight to the fact that on their refusal to heed respondent's recall to work notice is a clear indication that they
February 26, 1989, the petitioners declared as vacant all the responsible positions of were no longer interested in continuing their employment and is deemed
ULGWP, filled these vacancies through an election and filed a petition for the abandonment. It is admitted that three return to work notices were sent by respondent
registration of UWP as a national federation. It should be pointed out, however, that company to the striking employees on March 27, April 11, and April 21, 1989 and that
these occurred after the federation had already expelled the union officers. The 261 employees who responded to the notice were admitted back to work.
expulsion was effective November 21, 1988. Therefore, the act of establishing a

However, jurisprudence holds that for abandonment of work to exist, it is essential (1) for such violation enunciated in Wenphil Corporation vs. NLRC32 has become an
that the employee must have failed to report for work or must have been absent ineffective deterrent. Thus, the Court recently promulgated a decision to reinforce and
without valid or justifiable reason; and (2) that there must have been a clear intention make more effective the requirement of notice and hearing, a procedure that must be
to sever the employer-employee relationship manifested by some overt observed before termination of employment can be legally effected.
acts.28 Deliberate and unjustified refusal on the part of the employee to go back to his
work post amd resume his employment must be established. Absence must be In Ruben Serrano vs. NLRC and Isetann Department Store (G.R. No. 117040,
accompanied by overt acts unerringly pointing to the fact that the employee simply January 27, 2000), the Court ruled that an employee who is dismissed, whether or not
does not want to work anymore.29 And the burden of proof to show that there was for just or authorized cause but without prior notice of his termination, is entitled to full
unjustified refusal to go back to work rests on the employer. backwages from the time he was terminated until the decision in his case becomes
final, when the dismissal was for cause; and in case the dismissal was without just or
In the present case, respondents failed to prove that there was a clear intention on valid cause, the backwages shall be computed from the time of his dismissal until his
the part of the striking employees to sever their employer-employee relationship. actual reinstatement. In the case at bar, where the requirement of notice and hearing
Although admittedly the company sent three return to work notices to them, it has not was not complied with, the aforecited doctrine laid down in the Serrano case applies.
been substantially proven that these notices were actually sent and received by the
employees. As a matter of fact, some employees deny that they ever received such WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED; the decision of the National Labor
notices. Others alleged that they were refused entry to the company premises by the Relations Commission in Case No. NCR-00-09-04199-89 is REVERSED and SET
security guards and were advised to secure a clearance from ULGWP and to sign a ASIDE; and the respondent company is hereby ordered to immediately reinstate the
waiver. Some employees who responded to the notice were allegedly told to wait for petitioners to their respective positions. Should reinstatement be not feasible,
further notice from respondent company as there was lack of work. respondent company shall pay separation pay of one month salary for every year of
service. Since petitioners were terminated without the requisite written notice at least
Furthermore, this Court has ruled that an employee who took steps to protest his lay- 30 days prior to their termination, following the recent ruling in the case of Ruben
off cannot be said to have abandoned his work. 30 The filing of a complaint for illegal Serrano vs. National Labor Relations Commission and Isetann Department Store, the
dismissal is inconsistent with the allegation of abandonment. In the case under respondent company is hereby ordered to pay full backwages to petitioner-employees
consideration, the petitioners did, in fact, file a complaint when they were refused while the Federation is also ordered to pay full backwages to petitioner-union officers
reinstatement by respondent company. who were dismissed upon its instigation. Since the dismissal of petitioners was
without cause, backwages shall be computed from the time the herein petitioner
Anent public respondent's finding that there was no unfair labor practice on the part of employees and union officers were dismissed until their actual reinstatement. Should
respondent company and federation officers, the Court sustains the same. As earlier reinstatement be not feasible, their backwages shall be computed from the time
discussed, union security clauses in collective bargaining agreements, if freely and petitioners were terminated until the finality of this decision. Costs against the
voluntarily entered into, are valid and binding. Corollary, dismissals pursuant to union respondent company.1âwphi1.nêt
security clauses are valid and legal subject only to the requirement of due process,
that is, notice and hearing prior to dismissal. Thus, the dismissal of an employee by SO ORDERED.
the company pursuant to a labor union's demand in accordance with a union security
agreement does not constitute unfair labor practice.31

However, the dismissal was invalidated in this case because of respondent

company's failure to accord petitioners with due process, that is, notice and hearing
prior to their termination. Also, said dismissal was invalidated because the reason
relied upon by respondent Federation was not valid. Nonetheless, the dismissal still
does not constitute unfair labor practice.

Lastly, the Court is of the opinion, and so holds, that respondent company officials
cannot be held personally liable for damages on account of the employees' dismissal
because the employer corporation has a personality separate and distinct from its
officers who merely acted as its agents.

It has come to the attention of this Court that the 30-day prior notice requirement for
the dismissal of employees has been repeatedly violated and the sanction imposed

G.R. No. L-43495-99 January 20, 1990 called the Tropical Hut Employees Union, known for short as the THEU, elected their
officers, adopted their constitution and by-laws and immediately sought affiliation with
TROPICAL HUT EMPLOYEES' UNION-CGW, JOSE ENCINAS, JOSE LUIS the National Association of Trade Unions (NATU). On January 3, 1968, the NATU
TRIBINO, FELIPE DURAN, MANUEL MANGYAO, MAMERTO CAHUCOM, accepted the THEU application for affiliation. Following such affiliation with NATU,
NEMESIO BARRO, TEODULFO CAPAGNGAN, VICTORINO ABORRO, VIDAL Registration Certificate No. 5544-IP was issued by the Department of Labor in the
MANTOS, DALMACIO DALDE, LUCIO PIASAN, CANUTO LABADAN, TERESO name of the Tropical Hut Employees Union — NATU. It appears, however, that NATU
ROMERDE, CONRADO ENGALAN, SALVADOR NERVA, BERNARDO ENGALAN, itself as a labor federation, was not registered with the Department of Labor.
HAMAYAN, ASUERO BONITO, GAVINO DEL CAMPO, ZACARIAS DAMING, After several negotiations were conducted between THEU-NATU, represented by its
PRUDENCIO LADION, FULGENCIO BERSALUNA, ALBERTO PERALES, ROMEO local president and the national officers of the NATU, particularly Ignacio Lacsina,
MAGRAMO, GODOFREDO CAMINOS, GILDARDO DUMAS, JORGE SALDIVAR, President, Pacifico Rosal, Executive Vice-President and Marcelino Lontok, Jr., Vice
GENARO MADRIO, SEGUNDINO KUIZON, LUIS SANDOVAL, NESTOR JAPAY, President, and respondent Tropical Hut Food Market, Incorporated, thru its President
ROGELIO CUIZON, RENATO ANTIPADO, GREGORIO CUEVO, MARTIN and General Manager, Cesar Azcona, Sr., a Collective Bargaining Agreement was
BALAZUELA, CONSTANCIO CHU, CRISPIN TUBLE, FLORENCIO CHIU, FABIAN concluded between the parties on April 1, 1968, the term of which expired on March
CAHUCOM, EMILIANO VILLAMOR, RESTITUTO HANDAYAN, VICTORINO 31, 1971. Said agreement' contained these clear and unequivocal terms:
SAMSON CRUDA, DANILO CASTRO, CENON VALLENAS, DANILO CAWALING, This Agreement made and entered into this __________ day of
NERVA, NARCISO CUIZON, ALFREDO DEL ROSARIO, EDUARDO LORENZO, The Tropical Hut Food Market, Inc., a corporation duly organized and
PEDRO ARANGO, VICENTE SUPANGAN, JACINTO BANAL AND BONIFACIO existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
PUERTO, petitioners, with principal office at Quezon City, represented in this Act by its President,
vs. Cesar B. Azcona (hereinafter referred to as the Company)
ATIENZA, GERONIMO Q. QUADRA, FEDERICO C. BORROMEO, AND HON. The Tropical Hut Employees Union — NATU, a legitimate labor organization
BLAS F. OPLE, respondents.
duly organized and existing in accordance with the laws of the Republic of
the Philippines, and affiliated with the National Association of Trade Unions,
Pacifico C. Rosal for petitioners. with offices at San Luis Terraces, Ermita, Manila, and represented in this Act
Marcelino Lontok, Jr. for private respondents. by its undersigned officers (hereinafter referred to as the UNION)

Dizon, Vitug & Fajardo Law Office for Tropical Hut Food Market, Inc. and Que. Witnesseth:

xxx xxx xxx

Article I
Coverage and Effectivity
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 seeking to set aside the decisions of the
public respondents Secretary of Labor and National Labor Relations Commission Sec. 1. The COMPANY recognizes the UNION as the sole and exclusive
which reversed the Arbitrators rulings in favor of petitioners herein. collective bargaining agent for all its workers and employees in all matters
concerning wages, hours of work, and other terms and conditions of
The following factual background of this case appears from the record: employment.

On January 2, 1968, the rank and file workers of the Tropical Hut Food Market xxx xxx xxx
Incorporated, referred to herein as respondent company, organized a local union
Article III thirty-seven (137) signatures appeared as having given their consent to and
acknowledgment of the decision to disaffiliate the THEU from the NATU.
Union Membership and Union Check-off
On January 1, 1974, the general membership of the so-called THEU-CGW held its
Sec. 1 —. . . Employees who are already members of the UNION at the time annual election of officers, with Jose Encinas elected as President. On January 3,
of the signing of this Agreement or who become so thereafter shall be 1974, Encinas, in his capacity as THEU-CGW President, informed the respondent
required to maintain their membership therein as a condition of continued company of the result of the elections. On January 9, 1974, Pacifico Rosal, President
employment. of the Confederation of General Workers (CGW), wrote a letter in behalf of
complainant THEU-CGW to the respondent company demanding the remittance of
the union dues collected by the Tropical Hut Food Mart, Incorporated to the THEU-
xxx xxx xxx CGW, but this was refused by the respondent company.

Sec. 3—Any employee who is expelled from the UNION for joining another On January 11, 1974, the NATU thru its Vice-President Marcelino Lontok, Jr., wrote
federation or forming another union, or who fails or refuses to maintain his Vidal Mantos, requiring the latter to assume immediately the position of President of
membership therein as required, . . . shall, upon written request of the the THEU-NATU in place of Jose Encinas, but the position was declined by Mantos.
UNION be discharged by the COMPANY. (Rollo, pp. 667-670) On the same day, Lontok, Jr., informed Encinas in a letter, concerning the request
made by the NATU federation to the respondent company to dismiss him (Encinas) in
And attached to the Agreement as Appendix "A" is a check-off Authorization Form, view of his violation of Section 3 of Article III of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
the terms of which are as follows: Encinas was also advised in the letter that NATU was returning the letter of
disaffiliation on the ground that:
We, the undersigned, hereby designate the NATIONAL Association of Trade
Unions, of which the TROPICAL HUT EMPLOYEES UNION is an affiliate as 1. Under the restructuring program NOT of the Bureau of Labor but of the
sole collective bargaining agent in all matters relating to salary rates, hours Philippine National Trade Union Center in conjunction with the NATU and
of work and other terms and conditions of employment in the Tropical Hut other established national labor centers, retail clerks and employees such as
Food Market, Inc. and we hereby authorize the said company to deduct the our members in the Tropical Hut pertain to Industry II which by consensus,
amount of Four (P 4.00) Pesos each every month as our monthly dues and has been assigned already to the jurisdiction of the NATU;
to deliver the amount to the Treasurer of the Union or his duly authorized
representatives. (Rollo, pp. 680-684) 2. The right to disaffiliate belongs to the union membership who — on the
basis of verified reports received by — have not even been consulted by you
On May 21, 1971, respondent company and THEU-NATU entered into a new regarding the matter;
Collective Bargaining Agreement which ended on March 31, 1974. This new CBA
incorporated the previous union-shop security clause and the attached check-off 3. Assuming that the disaffiliation decision was properly reached; your letter
authorization form. nevertheless is unacceptable in view of Article V, Section 1, of the NATU
Constitution which provides that "withdrawal from the organization shall he
Sometime in July, 1973, Arturo Dilag, incumbent President of THEU-NATU, was valid provided three (3) months notice of intention to withdraw is served upon
appointed by the respondent company as Assistant Unit Manager. On July 24, 1973, the National Executive Council." (p. 281, Rollo)
he wrote the general membership of his union that for reason of his present position,
he was resigning as President of the THEU-NATU effective that date. As a In view of NATU's request, the respondent company, on the same day, which was
consequence thereof, his Vice-President, Jose Encinas, assumed and discharged the January 11, 1974, suspended Encinas pending the application for clearance with the
duties of the presidency of the THEU-NATU. Department of Labor to dismiss him. On January 12, 1974, members of the THEU-
CGW passed a resolution protesting the suspension of Encinas and reiterated their
On December 19,1973, NATU received a letter dated December 15, 1973, jointly ratification and approval of their union's disaffiliation from NATU and their affiliation
signed by the incumbent officers of the local union informing the NATU that THEU with the Confederation of General Workers (CGW). It was Encinas' suspension that
was disaffiliating from the NATU federation. On December 20, 1973, the Secretary of caused the filing of NLRC Case No. LR-2511 on January 11, 1974 against private
the THEU, Nemesio Barro, made an announcement in an open letter to the general respondents herein, charging them of unfair labor practice.
membership of the THEU, concerning the latter's disaffiliation from the NATU and its
affiliation with the Confederation of General Workers (CGW). The letter was passed On January 15,1974, upon the request of NATU, respondent company applied for
around among the members of the THEU-NATU, to which around one hundred and clearance with the Secretary of Labor to dismiss the other officers and members of
THEU-CGW. The company also suspended them effective that day. NLRC Case No. NLRC Order dated February 25, 1974 in NLRC Case No. LR-2670, which directed the
LR-2521 was filed by THEU-CGW and individual complainants against private holding of a certification election among the rank and file workers of the respondent
respondents for unfair labor practices. company between the THEU-NATU and THEU-CGW. He also ordered: a) the
reinstatement of all complainants; b) for the respondent company to cease and desist
On January 19, 1974, Lontok, acting as temporary chairman, presided over the from committing further acts of dismissals without previous order from the NLRC and
election of officers of the remaining THEU-NATU in an emergency meeting pending for the complainant Tropical Hut Employees UNION-CGW to file representation cases
the holding of a special election to be called at a later date. In the alleged election, on a case to case basis during the freedom period provided for by the existing CBA
Arturo Dilag was elected acting THEU-NATU President together with the other union between the parties (pp. 91-93, Rollo).
officers. On February 14, 1974, these temporary officers were considered as having
been elected as regular officers for the year 1974. With regard to NLRC Case Nos. LR-2971, LR-3015, and the unnumbered case,
Arbitrator Cleto T. Villatuya rendered a decision dated October 14, 1974, the
On January 30, 1974, petitioner THEU-CGW wrote a letter to Juan Ponce Enrile, dispositive portion of which states:
Secretary of National Defense, complaining of the unfair labor practices committed by
respondent company against its members and requesting assistance on the matter. Premises considered, a DECISION is hereby rendered ordering respondent
The aforementioned letter contained the signatures of one hundred forty-three (143) company to reinstate immediately the sixty three (63) complainants to their
members. former positions with back wages from the time they were illegally
suspended up to their actual reinstatement without loss of seniority and other
On February 24,1974, the secretary of THEU-NATU, notified the entire rank and file employment rights and privileges, and ordering the respondents to desist
employees of the company that they will be given forty-eight (48) hours upon receipt from further committing acts of unfair labor practice. The respondent
of the notice within which to answer and affirm their membership with THEU-NATU. company's application for clearance filed with the Secretary of Labor to
When the petitioner employees failed to reply, Arturo Dilag advised them thru letters terminate the subject complainants' services effective March 20 and 23,
dated February 26, March 2 and 5, 1974, that the THEU-NATU shall enforce the 1974, should be denied.
union security clause set forth in the CBA, and that he had requested respondent
company to dismiss them. SO ORDERED. (pp. 147-148, Rollo)

Respondent company, thereafter, wrote the petitioner employees demanding the From the orders rendered above by Abitrator Daniel Lucas in NLRC Cases No. LR-
latter's comment on Dilag's charges before action was taken thereon. However, no 2511 and LR-2521 and by Arbitrator Cleto Villatuya in NLRC Cases Nos. LR-2971,
comment or reply was received from petitioners. In view of this, Estelita Que, LR-3015, and the unnumbered case, all parties thereto, namely, petitioners herein,
President/General Manager of respondent company, upon Dilag's request, respondent company, NATU and Dilag appealed to the National Labor Relations
suspended twenty four (24) workers on March 5, 1974, another thirty seven (37) on Commission.
March 8, 1974 and two (2) more on March 11, 1974, pending approval by the
Secretary of Labor of the application for their dismissal. In a decision rendered on August 1, 1975, the National Labor Relations Commission
found the private respondents' appeals meritorious, and stated, inter alia:
As a consequence thereof, NLRC Case Nos. LR-2971, LR-3015 and an unnumbered
case were filed by petitioners against Tropical Hut Food Market, Incorporated, Estelita WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing premises, the Order of Arbitrator
Que, Hernando Sarmiento and Arturo Dilag. Lucas in NLRC CASE NOS. LR-2511, 2521 and the decision of Arbitrator
Villatuya in NLRC CASE NOS. LR-2971, 3015 and the unnumbered Case
It is significant to note that the joint letter petition signed by sixty-seven (67) are hereby REVERSED. Accordingly, the individual complainants are
employees was filed with the Secretary of Labor, the NLRC Chairman and Director of deemed to have lost their status as employees of the respondent company.
Labor Relations to cancel the words NATU after the name of Tropical Hut Employee However, considering that the individual complainants are not presumed to
Union under Registration Certificate No. 5544 IP. Another letter signed by one be familiar with nor to have anticipated the legal mesh they would find
hundred forty-six (146) members of THEU-CGW was sent to the President of the themselves in, after their "disaffiliation" from National Association of Trade
Philippines informing him of the unfair labor practices committed by private Unions and the THEU-NATU, much less the legal consequences of the said
respondents against THEU-CGW members. action which we presume they have taken in all good faith; considering,
further, that the thrust of the new orientation in labor relations is not towards
After hearing the parties in NLRC Cases Nos. 2511 and 2521 jointly filed with the the punishment of acts violative of contractual relations but rather towards
Labor Arbiter, Arbitrator Daniel Lucas issued an order dated March 21, 1974, holding fair adjustments of the resulting complications; and considering, finally, the
that the issues raised by the parties became moot and academic with the issuance of consequent economic hardships that would be visited on the individual

complainants, if the law were to be strictly enforced against them, this From the various pleadings filed and arguments adduced by petitioners and
Commission is constrained to be magnanimous in this instant, respondents, the following issues appear to be those presented for resolution in this
notwithstanding its obligation to give full force and effect to the majesty of the petition to wit: 1) whether or not the petitioners failed to exhaust administrative
law, and hereby orders the respondent company, under pain of being cited remedies when they immediately elevated the case to this Court without an appeal
for contempt for failure to do so, to give the individual complainants a second having been made to the Office of the President; 2) whether or not the disaffiliation of
chance by reemploying them upon their voluntary reaffirmation of the local union from the national federation was valid; and 3) whether or not the
membership and loyalty to the Tropical Hut Employees Union-NATU and the dismissal of petitioner employees resulting from their unions disaffiliation for the
National Association of Trade Unions in the event it hires additional mother federation was illegal and constituted unfair labor practice on the part of
personnel. respondent company and federation.

SO ORDERED. (pp. 312-313, Rollo) We find the petition highly meritorious.

The petitioner employees appealed the decision of the respondent National Labor The applicable law then is the Labor Code, PD 442, as amended by PD 643 on
Relations Commission to the Secretary of Labor. On February 23, 1976, the January 21, 1975, which states:
Secretary of Labor rendered a decision affirming the findings of the Commission,
which provided inter alia: Art. 222. Appeal — . . .

We find, after a careful review of the record, no sufficient justification to alter xxx xxx xxx
the decision appealed from except that portion of the dispositive part which
Decisions of the Secretary of Labor may be appealed to the President of the
Philippines subject to such conditions or limitations as the President may
. . . this Commission . . . hereby orders respondent company under direct. (Emphasis ours)
pain of being cited for contempt for failure to do so, to give the
individual complainants a second chance by reemploying them
upon their voluntary reaffirmation of membership and loyalty to the The remedy of appeal from the Secretary of Labor to the Office of the President is not
Tropical Hut Employees UNION-NATU and the National a mandatory requirement before resort to courts can be had, but an optional relief
Association of Trade Union in the event it hires additional provided by law to parties seeking expeditious disposition of their labor disputes.
personnel. Failure to avail of such relief shall not in any way served as an impediment to judicial
intervention. And where the issue is lack of power or arbitrary or improvident exercise
thereof, decisions of the Secretary of Labor may be questioned in
Compliance by respondent of the above undertaking is not immediately a certiorari proceeding without prior appeal to the President (Arrastre Security
feasible considering that the same is based on an uncertain event, i.e., Association —TUPAS v. Ople, No. L-45344, February 20, 1984, 127 SCRA 580).
reemployment of individual complainants "in the event that management Since the instant petition raises the same issue of grave abuse of discretion of the
hires additional personnel," after they shall have reaffirmed their loyalty to Secretary of Labor amounting to lack of or in excess of jurisdiction in deciding the
THEU-NATU, which is unlikely. controversy, this Court can properly take cognizance of and resolve the issues raised
In lieu of the foregoing, and to give complainants positive relief pursuant to
Section 9, Implementing Instruction No. 1. dated November 9, 1972, This brings Us to the question of the legality of the dismissal meted to petitioner
respondent is hereby ordered to grant to all the individual complainants employees. In the celebrated case of Liberty Cotton Mills Workers Union v. Liberty
financial assistance equivalent to one (1) month salary for every year of Cotton Mills, L-33187, September 4, 1975, 66 SCRA 512, We held that the validity of
service. the dismissals pursuant to the union security clause in the collective bargaining
agreement hinges on the validity of the disaffiliation of the local union from the
WHEREFORE, with the modification as above indicated, the Decision of the federation.
National Labor Relations Commission is hereby affirmed.
The right of a local union to disaffiliate from its mother federation is well-settled. A
SO ORDERED.(pp. 317-318, Rollo) local union, being a separate and voluntary association, is free to serve the interest of
all its members including the freedom to disaffiliate when circumstances warrant. This
right is consistent with the constitutional guarantee of freedom of association

(Volkschel Labor Union v. Bureau of Labor Relations, No. L-45824, June 19, 1985, There is nothing in the constitution of the NATU or in the constitution of the THEU-
137 SCRA 42). NATU that the THEU was expressly forbidden to disaffiliate from the federation (pp.
62, 281, Rollo), The alleged non-compliance of the local union with the provision in
All employees enjoy the right to self organization and to form and join labor the NATU Constitution requiring the service of three months notice of intention to
organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of collective bargaining and to withdraw did not produce the effect of nullifying the disaffiliation for the following
engage in concerted activities for their mutual aid or protection. This is a fundamental grounds: firstly, NATU was not even a legitimate labor organization, it appearing that
right of labor that derives its existence from the Constitution. In interpreting the it was not registered at that time with the Department of Labor, and therefore did not
protection to labor and social justice provisions of the Constitution and the labor laws possess and acquire, in the first place, the legal personality to enforce its constitution
or rules or regulations, We have always adopted the liberal approach which favors the and laws, much less the right and privilege under the Labor Code to organize and
exercise of labor rights. affiliate chapters or locals within its group, and secondly, the act of non-compliance
with the procedure on withdrawal is premised on purely technical grounds which
cannot rise above the fundamental right of self-organization.
Relevant on this point is the basic principle We have repeatedly in affirmed in many
Respondent Secretary of Labor, in affirming the decision of the respondent
Commission, concluded that the supposed decision to disaffiliate was not the subject
. . . The locals are separate and distinct units primarily designed to secure of a free and open discussion and decision on the part of the THEU-NATU general
and maintain an equality of bargaining power between the employer and membership (p. 305, Rollo). This, however, is contradicted by the evidence on record.
their employee-members in the economic struggle for the fruits of the joint Moreover, We are inclined to believe Arbitrator Villatuya's findings to the contrary, as
productive effort of labor and capital; and the association of the locals into follows:
the national union (PAFLU) was in furtherance of the same end. These
associations are consensual entities capable of entering into such legal
relations with their member. The essential purpose was the affiliation of the . . . . However, the complainants refute this allegation by submitting the
local unions into a common enterprise to increase by collective action the following: a) Letter dated December 20, 1.973 signed by 142 members
common bargaining power in respect of the terms and conditions of labor. (Exhs. "B to B-5") resolution dated January 12, 1974, signed by 140
Yet the locals remained the basic units of association, free to serve their own members (Exhs. "H to H-6") letter dated February 26, 1974 to the
and the common interest of all, subject to the restraints imposed by the Department of Labor signed by 165 members (Exhs. "I to I-10"); d) letter
Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, and free also to renounce the dated January 30, 1974 to the Secretary of the National Defense signed by
affiliation for mutual welfare upon the terms laid down in the agreement 144 members (Exhs. "0 to 0-5") and; e) letter dated March 6, 1974 signed by
which brought it into existence. (Adamson & Adamson, Inc. v. CIR, No. L- 146 members addressed to the President of the Philippines (Exhs. "HH to
35120, January 31, 1984, 127 SCRA 268; Elisco-Elirol Labor Union (NAFLU) HH-5"), to show that in several instances, the members of the THEU-NATU
v. Noriel, No. L-41955, December 29, 1977, 80 SCRA 681; Liberty Cotton have acknowledged their disaffiliation from NATU. The letters of the
Mills Workers Union v. Liberty Cotton Mills, Inc., supra). complainants also indicate that an overwhelming majority have freely and
voluntarily signed their union's disaffiliation from NATU, otherwise, if there
was really deception employed in securing their signatures as claimed by
The inclusion of the word NATU after the name of the local union THEU in the NATU/ Dilag, it could not be possible to get their signatures in five different
registration with the Department of Labor is merely to stress that the THEU is NATU's documents. (p. 144, Rollo)
affiliate at the time of the registration. It does not mean that the said local union
cannot stand on its own. Neither can it be interpreted to mean that it cannot pursue its
own interests independently of the federation. A local union owes its creation and We are aware of the time-honored doctrine that the findings of the NLRC and the
continued existence to the will of its members and not to the federation to which it Secretary of Labor are binding on this Court if supported by substantial evidence.
belongs. However, in the same way that the findings of facts unsupported by substantial and
credible evidence do not bind this Court, neither will We uphold erroneous
conclusions of the NLRC and the Secretary of Labor when We find that the latter
When the local union withdrew from the old federation to join a new federation, it was committed grave abuse of discretion in reversing the decision of the labor arbiter (San
merely exercising its primary right to labor organization for the effective enhancement Miguel Corporation v. NLRC, L-50321, March 13, 1984, 128 SCRA 180). In the
and protection of common interests. In the absence of enforceable provisions in the instant case, the factual findings of the arbitrator were correct against that of public
federation's constitution preventing disaffiliation of a local union a local may sever its respondents.
relationship with its parent (People's Industrial and Commercial Employees and
Workers Organization (FFW) v. People's Industrial and Commercial Corporation, No.
37687, March 15, 1982, 112 SCRA 440). Further, there is no merit in the contention of the respondents that the act of
disaffiliation violated the union security clause of the CBA and that their dismissal as a
consequence thereof is valid. A perusal of the collective bargaining agreements

shows that the THEU-NATU, and not the NATU federation, was recognized as the . . . out of the alleged one hundred and seventy-one (171) members of the
sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent for all its workers and employees in all THEU-CGW whose signatures appeared in the "Analysis of Various
matters concerning wages, hours of work and other terms and conditions of Documents Signed by Majority Members of the THEU-CGW, (Annex "T",
employment (pp. 667-706, Rollo). Although NATU was designated as the sole Complainants), which incidentally was relied upon by Arbitrator Villatuya in
bargaining agent in the check-off authorization form attached to the CBA, this simply holding that complainant THEU-CGW commanded the majority of
means it was acting only for and in behalf of its affiliate. The NATU possessed the employees in respondent company, ninety-three (93) of the alleged
status of an agent while the local union remained the basic principal union which signatories reaffirmed their membership with the THEU-NATU and
entered into contract with the respondent company. When the THEU disaffiliated from renounced whatever connection they may have had with other labor unions,
its mother federation, the former did not lose its legal personality as the bargaining (meaning the complainant THEU-CGW) either through resolution or
union under the CBA. Moreover, the union security clause embodied in the membership application forms they have unwittingly signed." (p. 306, Rollo)
agreements cannot be used to justify the dismissals meted to petitioners since it is not
applicable to the circumstances obtaining in this case. The CBA imposes dismissal Granting arguendo, that the fact of retraction is true, the evidence on record shows
only in case an employee is expelled from the union for joining another federation or that the letters of retraction were executed on various dates beginning January 11,
for forming another union or who fails or refuses to maintain membership therein. The 1974 to March 8, 1974 (pp. 278-280, Rollo). This shows that the retractions were
case at bar does not involve the withdrawal of merely some employees from the union made more or less after the suspension pending dismissal on January 11, 1974 of
but of the whole THEU itself from its federation. Clearly, since there is no violation of Jose Encinas, formerly THEU-NATU President, who became THEU-CGW President,
the union security provision in the CBA, there was no sufficient ground to terminate and the suspension pending their dismissal of the other elected officers and members
the employment of petitioners. of the THEU-CGW on January 15, 1974. It is also clear that some of the retractions
occurred after the suspension of the first set of workers numbering about twenty-four
Public respondents considered the existence of Arturo Dilag's group as the remaining (24) on March 5, 1974. There is no use in saying that the retractions obliterated the
true and valid union. We, however, are inclined to agree instead with the Arbitrator's act of disaffiliation as there are doubts that they were freely and voluntarily done
findings when he declared: especially during such time when their own union officers and co-workers were
already suspended pending their dismissal.
. . . . Much more, the so-called THEU-NATU under Dilag's group which
assumes to be the original THEU-NATU has a very doubtful and Finally, with regard to the process by which the workers were suspended or
questionable existence not to mention that the alleged president is dismissed, this Court finds that it was hastily and summarily done without the
performing supervisory functions and not qualified to be a bona fide member necessary due process. The respondent company sent a letter to petitioners herein,
of the rank and file union. (p. 146, Rollo) advising them of NATU/Dilag's recommendation of their dismissal and at the same
time giving them forty-eight (48) hours within which to comment (p. 637, Rollo). When
Records show that Arturo Dilag had resigned in the past as President of THEU-NATU petitioners failed to do so, respondent company immediately suspended them and
because of his promotion to a managerial or supervisory position as Assistant Unit thereafter effected their dismissal. This is certainly not in fulfillment of the mandate of
Manager of respondent Company. Petitioner Jose Encinas replaced Dilag as due process, which is to afford the employee to be dismissed an opportunity to be
President and continued to hold such position at the time of the disaffiliation of the heard.
union from the federation. It is therefore improper and contrary to law for Dilag to
reassume the leadership of the remaining group which was alleged to be the true The prerogative of the employer to dismiss or lay-off an employee should be done
union since he belonged to the managerial personnel who could not be expected to without abuse of discretion or arbitrainess, for what is at stake is not only the
work for the betterment of the rank and file employees. Besides, managers and employee's name or position but also his means of livelihood. Thus, the discharge of
supervisors are prohibited from joining a rank and file union (Binalbagan Isabela an employee from his employment is null and void where the employee was not
Sugar Co., Inc. (BISCOM) v. Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU), et formally investigated and given the opportunity to refute the alleged findings made by
al., L-18782, August 29, 1963, 8 SCRA 700). Correspondingly, if a manager or the company (De Leon v. NLRC, L-52056, October 30, 1980, 100 SCRA 691).
supervisor organizes or joins a rank and file union, he will be required to resign Likewise, an employer can be adjudged guilty of unfair labor practice for having
therefrom (Magalit, et al. v. Court of Industrial Relations, et al., L-20448, May 25, dismissed its employees in line with a closed shop provision if they were not given a
1965,14 SCRA 72). proper hearing (Binalbagan-Isabela Sugar Co., Inc.,(BISCOM) v. Philippine
Association of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU) et al., L-18782, August 29, 1963, 8 SCRA
Public respondents further submit that several employees who disaffiliate their union 700).
from the NATU subsequently retracted and reaffirmed their membership with the
THEU-NATU. In the decision which was affirmed by respondent Secretary of Labor, In view of the fact that the dispute revolved around the mother federation and its local,
the respondent Commission stated that: with the company suspending and dismissing the workers at the instance of the
mother federation then, the company's liability should be limited to the immediate

reinstatement of the workers. And since their dismissals were effected without
previous hearing and at the instance of NATU, this federation should be held liable to
the petitioners for the payment of their backwages, as what We have ruled in the
Liberty Cotton Mills Case (supra).

ACCORDINGLY, the petition is hereby GRANTED and the assailed decision of

respondent Secretary of Labor is REVERSED and SET ASIDE, and the respondent
company is hereby ordered to immediately reinstate all the petitioner employees
within thirty (30) days from notice of this decision. If reinstatement is no longer
feasible, the respondent company is ordered to pay petitioners separation pay
equivalent to one (1) month pay for every year of service. The respondent NATU
federation is directed to pay petitioners the amount of three (3) years backwages
without deduction or qualification. This decision shall be immediately executory upon
promulgation and notice to the parties.

G.R. No. 87266-69 July 30, 1990 unfilled vacancies and union busting. This was docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-
vs. On 3 April 1985, the abovementioned case was certified in an Order by the then
THE NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISION (EN BANC), METRO PORT Minister of Labor and Employment to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration; the Order
SERVICE, INC., MARINA PORT SERVICES, INC., ADRIANO S. YUMUL and 10 also forbade the holding of strikes or lock-outs. 1 The case was docketed as Certified
OTHER INDIVIDUAL RESPONDENTS REPRESENTED BY ATTY. EPIFANIO NLRC Case No. 0403-85. In the latter case, one of the demands raised by AWU was
JACOSALEM, respondents. that Metro terminate the employment of respondents Adriano Yumul and ten (10)
others (individual respondents), for having organized, on 26 October 1984, the
G.R. Nos. 91223-26 JULY 30, 1990 Associated Workers Union in Metroport ("AWUM") among the rank-and-file
employees of Metro, ostensibly as a local or chapter of AWU. AWU had earlier
expelled individual respondents from membership in AUW for disloyalty and, pursuant
MANILA PORT SERVICES, INC., petitioner, to the closed-shop provision of the existing AWU-Metro collective bargaining
vs. agreement ("CBA"), sought the termination of their employment.
VERGARA, ROMEO ABACAN, LEONARDO ROMULO, ELINO JOSE, and Metro initially resisted AWU's request to terminate the employment of individual
CATINDIANO CALAUAG (COLLECTIVELY CALLED AWUM), respondents. respondents, contending that the termination would be premature as individual
respondents had not been afforded due process, and that the termination would be
violative of the status quo agreement in NLRC Case No. NCR-NS-10-288-84. 2 Metro,
D.T. Dagum, Jr. and P.T. De Quiroz for petitioner in G.R. Nos. 87266-69. however, eventually relented and suspended individual respondents after AWU—
despite the express prohibition in the Order dated 3 April 1985—staged a strike
Ramon N. Nalipay, Jr. for petitioner in G.R. Nos. 91223-26. against it. On 18 April 1985, Metro executed a Compromise Agreement ("Agreement")
with AWU to end the strike, item No. 2 of which stipulated:
Cruz, Durian, Agabin, Atienza, Alday & Tuason for respondent MPSI.
At the instance of the union, [Metro] agrees to preventively suspend
Udarbe & Jacosalem for private respondents in G.R. Nos. 91223-26. [individual respondents] effective immediately. 3

The Agreement was attested to by then Deputy Labor Minister Carmelo Noriel.

FELICIANO, J.: As a result of Metro's implementation of the Agreement, individual respondents on 30

April 1985 filed a complaint against Metro, docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1372-
85. Metro in that case filed in turn a third-party complaint against AWU and its
These cases have been usually difficult for the Court, not because the issues posed officers.
are in themselves intellectually demanding, but because of problems generated by
the procedure adopted by the parties in coming before this Court. The incidents
subject of these cases spawned multiple cases and petitions before the National Metro in April 1985 also filed a complaint for illegal strike with damages against AWU
Labor Relations Commission ("NLRC"). After the NLRC rendered a consolidated and its officers, docketed as NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1341-85. On 21 June 1985,
decision, the parties, in turn, filed multiple separate certioraripetitions to the Court — Labor Arbiter Ceferina Diosana in an Order directed Metro provisionally to reinstate
on a staggered and piecemeal basis. This situation resulted in a number of discrete individual respondents pending resolution of the issues raised therein, with which
discussions of issues actually inter-related, since the Court, at any one time, could Order Metro complied.
only see a small part of the whole picture and decide only on the basis of what it could
see. In what follows, we have tried to put the whole picture together and to render On 15 July 1985, AWU filed a petition for injunction against Metro, docketed as NLRC
comprehensive and substantial justice to all the parties. Injunction Case No. 993, praying for issuance of a temporary restraining order
stopping the implementation of the Order of provisional reinstatement, and for Metro's
On 26 October 1984, petitioner Associated Workers Union ("AWU")—PTGWO, the compliance with the Agreement providing for the suspension of individual
then bargaining representative of the dockworkers at South Harbor, Port Area, respondents. On 1 August 1985, the NLRC in an En Banc Resolution directed Metro
Manila, filed a Notice of Strike against respondent Metro Port Service, Inc. ("Metro"), to comply with the Agreement, and Metro complied and re-suspended individual
the then arrastre contractor in the South Harbor, on the issues, among others, of respondents. Individual respondents' petition before the NLRC for preliminary
mandatory injunction on 30 August 1985, praying "that pursuant to the Implementing
Rules of Batas Pambansa Blg. 130, [Metro] be ordered to pay their salaries and No. NCR-NS-10-288-84 and NLRC Injunction Case No. 993 (praying principally for
allowances from and after their initial preventive suspension of thirty (30) days and reversal of the order holding that respondent Metro could not be compelled to fill up
until their actual reinstatement," was not acted upon. vacancies with AWUs recommendees) and in NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1372-85
(praying chiefly for reversal of the order reinstating the eleven [11] private
All the above-mentioned cases, to wit: (a) Certified NLRC Case No. 0403-85 (NCR respondents to their former positions with backwages payable solidarily by AWU and
No. NS-10-288-84); (b) NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1341-85; (c) NLRC Case No. NCR-4- respondent Metro). These cases (G.R. Nos. 87266-69) were assigned to the Third
1372-85; and (d) NLRC Injunction Case No. 993, were ordered consolidated before Division of the Court.
the NLRC en banc.
Marina, meantime, had gone to the Court on certiorari on 14 June 1988 in G.R. Nos.
On 4 September 1986, the NLRC rendered a consolidated Decision. In Certified 81256-59 entitled "Marina Port Services, Inc. v. National Labor Relations
NLRC Case No. 0403-85, the NLRC ruled that: (a) respondent Metro cannot be Commission, Metro Port Service, Inc, Associated Workers Union ["AWU"-PTGWO],
compelled to fill up vacancies with AWU's recommendees; (b) respondent Metro and Associated Workers Union in Metro Port [AWUM]" protesting, on grounds of
cannot be held liable for union busting, the issue of the medically impaired workers alleged denial of due process, its inclusion by the NLRC as a party in NLRC Case No.
having become moot and academic; and (c) the compulsory retirement of AWUs NCR-4-1372-85 and its being required to reinstate individual respondents with
members who have reached the age of 60 years is a valid exercise of management backwages. In dismissing these cases (G.R. Nos. 81256-59) on 3 August 1988, the
prerogative. Court held that:

In NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1372-85, the NLRC, finding that AWU was a national . . . [t]he decision to include Marina in the questioned [NLRC
union, and that individual respondents have the right to organize themselves into a Resolution dated 17 July 1987] is based on Par. "7" of the Special
local chapter thereof, the formation of which was a protected activity and could not be Permit granted to Marina which states that "Labor and personnel of
considered as disloyalty, held the suspension or dismissal of individual respondents previous operator, except those positions of trust and confidence,
as illegal and, in relation to NLRC Injuction Case No. 993, ordered their reinstatement shall be absorbed by the grantee." Besides, the petitioner was able
with backwages, to be paid solidarily by AWU and respondent Metro. to file not only a Motion for Reconsideration of the Questioned
Resolution but also a Motion to Set Aside Motion/Manifestation and
Remarks on the Comment of Metro Port. The lack of due process at
In NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1341-85, the NLRC found the strike staged by AWU not the beginning, if any, was cured by the above motions that the
illegal, holding that AWU was of the belief, although erroneously, that it could validly petitioner was able to file.4
stage a strike during the pendency of its motion for reconsideration of the Minister's
Order dated 3 April 1985 enjoining a strike or lockout.
On 13 April 1988, Metro in G.R. No. 82705 (entitled "Metro Port Services, Inc. v.
National Labor Relations Commission, Associated Workers Union-PTGWO, Marina
Both AWU and Metro filed separate motions for reconsideration of the consolidated Port Services, Inc., and Adriano Yumul [and 10 others]") went to this court again and
Decision. assailed the NLRC ruling in NLRC Case No. NCR-4-1372-85 and NLRC Injunction
Case No. 993. Metro claimed that it should not have been held solidary liable with
Meanwhile, on 21 July 1986, petitioner Marina Port Services, Inc. ("Marina"), by virtue AWU because it had merely suspended individual respondents pursuant to the
of a Special Permit issued by the Philippine Ports Authority, started operations as the Agreement dated 18 April 1985 it had executed with AWU and, later, had merely
arrastre operator at the Manila South Harbor vice Metro. On November 1986, obeyed the Resolution of the NLRC dated 1 August 1985 ordering Metro to re-
individual respondents in a Motion/Manifestation prayed that Marina be included as suspend individual respondents. In similarly dismissing Metro's petition, the Court in
party-respondent. G.R. No. 82705, held:

On 27 July 1987, the NLRC in a Resolution denied AWU's and Metro's motions for . . . Considering that the petitioner was a party to the compromise
reconsideration of the consolidated Decision dated 4 September 1986, but (acting on agreement with AWU which provided that "at the instance of the
individual respondents' Motion/Manifestation) with the modification union, the company agrees to preventively suspend Adriano S.
limiting Metro's liability for backwages to wages accruing up to July 20, 1986 and Yumul and eleven associates effective immediately" and
ordering Marina to reinstate individual respondents with backwages and allowances accordingly suspended the private respondents despite the
starting from 21 July 1986. Marina complied with the Resolution by reinstating suspension being contrary to law, the petitioner should be made
individual respondents through its payroll retroactive to 21 July 1986. solidarity liable with AWU for the backwages and allowances that
the private respondents may have been entitled to during their
AWU thereafter in G.R. Nos. 87266-69 filed with the Court a Petition for certiorari on suspension. The petitioner's liability, however, should not extend to
14 March 1989 praying for the reversal of the decision of the NLRC in NLRC Case
the time that respondent NLRC ordered it to re-suspend the private the right to "fill or not to fill-up vacancies"; that the issue of the medically impaired
respondents. 5 (Emphasis supplied) employees had already been raised in another Notice of Strike filed by AWU against
respondent Metro on 16 September 1985, and both parties had agreed to abide by
Judgment was entered in G.R. Nos. 81256-59 and G.R. No. 82705 on 23 September the recommendation and decision of an examining physician selected by them; and
1988 and 4 July 1989, respectively, and the cases were remanded to the Labor that the existing CBA grants respondent Metro the right to compulsorily retire any
Arbiter of origin for execution. member of AWU who had reached 60 years of age, which right has been exercised
by Metro.
On 18 September 1989, the Labor Arbiter issued a writ of execution against Marina to
reinstate individual respondents and to pay them the amount of P154,357.00 2. The NLRC, however, misappreciated the relevant facts in NLRC Case No. NCR-4-
representing salary adjustments. Marina moved to quash the writ of execution 1372-85 and NLRC Injunction Case No. 993. While it is true that AWUM as a local
questioning the award of P154,357.00, but without success. Marina thereafter union, being an entity separate and distinct from AWU, is free to serve the interest of
appealed to the NLRC assailing the Labor Arbiter's refusal to quash the writ of all its members and enjoys the freedom to disaffiliate, such right to disaffiliate may be
execution. exercised, and is thus considered a protected labor activity, only when warranted by
circumstances. Generally, a labor union may disaffiliate from the mother union to form
a local or independent union only during the 60-day freedom period immediately
On 23 November 1989, Marina received an Order from the Executive Labor Arbiter preceding the expiration of the CBA.6 Even before the onset of the freedom period
dated 15 November 1989, requiring the release of any garnished deposit from its (and despite the closed-shop provision in the CBA between the mother union and
bank, holding that no seasonable appeal from the 7 November 1989 Order denying management) disaffiliation may still be carried out, but such disaffiliation must be
Marina's motion to quash had been taken. Marina filed a Manifestation dated 23 effected by a majority of the members in the bargaining unit. 7 This happens when
November 1989, arguing that it had filed an appeal with the NLRC within the 10-day there is a substantial shift in allegiance on the part of the majority of the members of
reglementary period. the union. In such a case, however, the CBA continues to bind the members of the
new or disaffiliated and independent union up to the CBA's expiration date. 8
On 6 December 1989, the Executive Labor Arbiter issued a writ of execution requiring
Marina: (a) to reinstate individual respondents and to pay them the amount of The record does not show that individual respondents had disaffiliated during the
P154,357.00 representing salary adjustments; and (b) to implement and honor the freedom period. The record does, however, show that only eleven (11) members of
legality of the organization and registration of AWUM as the local chapter of AWU. AWU (individual respondents) had decided to disaffiliate from AWU and form AWUM.
Marina then once more went to the Court in G.R. Nos. 91223-26 and filed a Petition Respondent Metro had about 4,000 employees, and around 2,000 of these were
for certiorari to invalidate the writ of execution, pleading that: (a) execution had been members of AWU 9 It is evident that individual respondents had failed to muster
ordered without due regard for its right of appeal from the Labor Arbiter's Order; and the necessary majority in order to justify their disaffiliation. (In fact, it was only
(b) execution would result in its being made to pay more than what is called for by the on 5 December 1985 that individual respondents were finally able to register an
ruling of the Court in G.R. No. 82705, where the Court affirmed the NLRC ruling that independent union called Metroport Workers Union [MWU]. 10 Even then, in the
Marina "should be made solidarily liable with AWU for the backwages and allowances absence of allegation by AWUM [MWU] of the exact number of its members, the
that the private respondents may have been entitled to during their suspension Court presumes that only twenty percent [20%] of the employees of Metro had
[although liability] should not extend to the time that respondent NLRC ordered it to joined MWU) 11 Thus, in the referendum held on 7 January 1985 at the PTGWO
re-suspend the private respondents." These cases (G.R. Nos. 91223-26) were compound (where representatives of the Ministry of Labor and Employment
assigned to the First Division of the Court. On 20 December 1989, a temporary were present) to determine whether individual respondents should be expelled
restraining order was issued by the First Division of the Court to enjoin the from AWU, 1,229 members (out of 1,695 members present) voted for expulsion
implementation of the Executive Labor Arbiter's Order of 6 December 1989. of individual respondents. 12

On 16 April 1990, G.R. Nos. 91223-26 were consolidated with G.R. Nos. 87266-69. The individual respondents here have failed to present proof of their allegation that
the 1,695 members of AWU were not employees of respondent Metro alone; the
I Court therefore presumes that those who voted for their expulsion were bona
fide employees of respondent Metro. Moreover, individual respondents failed to allege
1. Deliberating on the instant Petition for Certiorari, the Court in G.R. Nos. 87266-69 that their expulsion for disloyalty violated AWU's constitution and by-laws. 13 In sum,
considers that petitioner AWU has failed to show grave abuse of discretion or any act the attempted disaffiliation of the eleven (11) private respondents from the petitioner
without or in excess of jurisdiction on the part of the NLRC in Certified NLRC Case mother union and the effort to organize either a new local of the mother union or an
No. 0403-85 (NCR No. NS-10-288-84). The NLRC was correct there in holding that entirely new and separate union, did not, under the circumstances of this case,
respondent Metro cannot be compelled to fill up vacancies with AWU's constitute protected activities of the eleven (11) individual respondents.
recommendees, as the CBA between AWU and respondent Metro granted the latter
II 3. Turning to the question of the backwages due to the eleven (11) individual
respondents, three (3) different time periods are relevant here and must be
In view of the conclusion reached above in G.R. Nos. 87266-69, i.e., that AWU was distinguished from one another:
justified in expelling from its membership the eleven (11) individual respondents, the
question now arises: how and to what extent does such conclusion affect the liability First Period: From 18 April 1985 to 21 June 1985: the Compromise
of Metro, and Marina (as successor-employer)? It will be recalled that the Resolutions Agreement between Metro and AWU to end the strike, in which
of this Court in G.R. Nos. 81256-59 and 82705 dismissing the Petitions Metro agreed to preventively suspend the eleven (11) individual
for certiorari of both Metro and Marina assailing the NLRC consolidated Decision of 4 respondents, was effected on 18 April 1985 and implemented
September 1986 insofar as their (Metro's and Marina's) liability for reinstatement and immediately. The Labor Arbiter on 21 June 1985 ordered Metro to
backwages of the individual respondents thereunder is concerned, became final and reinstate provisionally the eleven (11) individual respondents and
judgment entered therein, sometime ago. Metro complied.

1. So far as concerns AWU's liability under the NLRC consolidated Decision, it should Second Period: From 1 August 1985 up to 27 July 1987: the NLRC,
in the first place be pointed out that the Court did not make any pronouncement either pursuant to the urging of AWU, ordered Metro to re-suspend the
in G.R. Nos. 81256-59 or in G.R. No. 82705 concerning AWU's liability. In G.R. No. individual respondents on 1 August 1985 and Metro again complied
82705, the Court merely acted on the issue raised by petitioner Metro: that Metro with this Order. Approximately two (2) years later, on 27 July 1987,
should not be liable at all for reinstatement and backwages considering that Metro NLRC ordered Metro/Marina to reinstate the individual respondents
was only pressed into suspending individual respondents because of AWUs threat to and Marina complied by reinstating the individual respondents on
strike. In dismissing Metro's Petition, the Court in G.R. No. 82705 in effect merely the payroll, i.e., paying their salaries although they were not allowed
held that Metro, whatever the liability of AWU might be in respect of the expulsion of to work on their jobs.
individual respondents, could not escape liability by throwing all responsibility upon
AWU; and that Metro could not validly plead that it was under duress when it Third Period: From 28 July 1987 to 18 September 1989: on 18
executed the Agreement with AWU providing for, among other things, the preventive September 1989, the Labor Arbiter issued the questioned writ of
suspension of individual respondents. execution ordering, among other things, Marina to reinstate formally
the individual respondents.
The Court is, of course, aware that AWU was a party-respondent in both G.R. Nos.
81256-59 and 82705, and that AWU had in fact filed a Comment in both G.R. Nos. Under the consolidated NLRC Decision, Metro/Marina are liable for the backwages
81256-59 and 82705. Nonetheless, the Court did not either in G.R. Nos. 82156-59 or accruing during the First and Third Periods above indicated. In respect of the Second
in G.R. No. 82705 in fact make a determination of the legality of AWU's expulsion of Period, however, the Court in G.R. No. 82705, as already pointed out earlier, held that
individual respondents from its membership. The Court in G.R. No. 82705 held only Metro/Marina should not be held liable for backwages accruing during that period.
that the liability of Metro was solidary in nature, i.e., solidary with AWU, whatever Strictly speaking, in view of our conclusion above that AWU was justified in expelling
AWU's liability might be; and it may be well to recall that solidary liability is different individual respondents from its membership, neither AWU nor Metro/Marina would be
from secondary liability. In G.R. Nos. 81256-59, the Court simply held that Marina was liable to individual respondents for the backwages accruing during this Second
properly impleaded in the underlying cases and could not be absolved from Period.
responsibility for reinstatement and backwages upon the ground of denial of due
4. In the interest of substantial and expeditious justice, however, we believe that the
backwages accruing during the Second Period should be paid and shared by AWU
2. Thus, so far as concerns the liability of Metro and Marina for reinstatement with and by Metro Marina, on a 50-50 basis. We here establish this equitable allocation of
backwages of individual respondents under the consolidated NLRC Decision, the pre- ultimate responsibility in order to forestall further litigation between AWU and
eminent fact is that the Court's Resolutions in G.R. Nos. 81256-59 and 82705 Metro/Marina and individual respondents in respect of claims and countering claims
dismissing their Petitions are already final. The liabilities of Metro and Marina for for payment or reimbursement or contribution and to put a definite end to this
reinstatement and backwages under the consolidated NLRC Decision have become prolonged and costly confrontation among the several parties.
fixed and definite, with the modification decreed by the Court in G.R. No. 82705 in so
far as backwages were concerned. Thus, the conclusion we today have reached in
G.R. Nos. 87266-69 cannot benefit Metro and Marina and will not dissolve their The equitable considerations which impel us to hold AWU liable for one-half (½) of the
already fixed and definite liabilities. backwages during the Second Period include:

(a) the fact that Metro had been reluctant to comply with the
demand of AWU to terminate the services of individual respondents
and had wanted to give the latter procedural due process, but gave ACCORDINGLY, the Court Resolved:
in to the demands of AWU;
In G.R. Nos. 87266-69:
(b) that AWU had pressed Metro very hard and indeed went on
strike against Metro when Metro refused simply to terminate the (a) to DISMISS the Petition for Certiorari in respect of Certified
services of the individual respondents; NLRC Case No. 0403-855 (NCR-NS-10-288-84) for lack of merit;
(c) that AWU, instead of waiting for final judicial determination of the
legality of its expulsion of individual respondents, chose to (b) to GRANT partially the Petition for Certiorari in respect of NLRC
importune the NLRC to issue the order requiring the re-suspension Case No. NCR-4-1372-85 and NLRC Injunction Case No. 993. The
of the individual respondents on 1 August 1985, with which order consolidated Decision of the NLRC dated 4 September 1986
Metro eventually complied. ordering AWU and Marina to pay solidarily the backwages of
individual respondents, as well as the NLRC Resolution of 27 July
5. Turning to Metro/Marina we note that, apart from the finality of the Court's 1987 denying AWUs and Metro's Motions for Reconsideration, are
Resolutions in G.R. Nos. 81256-59 and 82705, there is independent basis for holding hereby MODIFIED so as to require AWU and Metro/Marina to pay,
Metro/Marina responsible for reinstatement with backwages accruing throughout the on a 50-50 basis, to individual respondents the backwages which
three (3) periods above indicated. The equitable considerations which lead us to hold accrued during the Second Period, i.e., from 1 August 1985 up to
Metro/Marina responsible for one-half (½) of the backwages accruing during the 27 July 1987.
above Second Period relate to the failure of Metro to accord individual respondents
procedural due process by giving them reasonable opportunity to explain their side In G.R. Nos. 91223-26:
before suspending or dismissing them. Such dismissal was accordingly in violation of
the Labor Code.14Notwithstanding AWU's closed-shop clause in the CBA, Metro was
bound to conduct its own inquiry to determine the existence of substantial basis for to GRANT partially the Petition. The Order of the Executive Labor
terminating the employment of individual respondents. 15 That AWU, disregarding the Arbiter dated 6 December 1989 is hereby MODIFIED so as (a) to
Minister of Labor and Employment's express order, had threatened to go on strike, require AWU and Metro/Marina on a 50-50 basis to pay the salary
and indeed actually went on strike, if Metro had continued with the services of differentials accruing during the period from 20 July 1986 up to 27
individual respondents, did not relieve Metro from the duty to accord procedural due July 1987, and Marina alone to pay the salary differentials accruing
process to individual respondents. 16 from 28 July 1987 up to 31 October 1989, and so as (b) to delete
the portion requiring Marina to recognize AWU. (MWU) as the local
chapter of AWU. The Temporary Restraining Order issued by the
6. The portion of the Writ of Execution issued by the Executive Labor Arbiter requiring Court on 20 December 1989 is hereby LIFTED so as to permit
Marina to pay salary differentials in the total amount of P154,357.00 accruing during enforcement of the Order of the Executive Labor Arbiter as herein
the period from 20 July 1986 up to October 1989, should be modified to conform with modified.
the above legal and equitable allocation of liability for the backwages which had
accrued during the three (3) Periods above mentioned during which the individual
respondents were suspended. The salary differentials, as we understands it, refer to No pronouncement as to costs.
increases in the prevailing wages accruing partly during the Second Period and partly
during the Third Period as above indicated. In other words, the salary differentials SO ORDERED.
accruing from 20 July 1986 up to 27 July 1987 should be borne on a 50-50 basis by
AWU on the one hand and Metro/Marina on the other. The salary differentials
accruing from 28 July 1987 up to 18 September 1989 shall be borne exclusively by

7. The portion of the Writ of Execution issued by the Executive Labor Arbiter which
requires Marina to recognize the legality of the organization and registration of AWUM
(now MWU) as a local chapter of AWU, is inconsistent with the conclusions we have
set forth in Part I above, and must be deleted. What was in fact eventually established
by individual respondents was a separate, independent union called Metro Port
Workers Union (MWU) which was not entitled, during the time periods here relevant,
to recognition as the bargaining unit in CBA negotiations.
G.R. No. L-50283-84 April 20, 1983 On February 7, 1977, the same employees who had signed the petition filed by FUR
signed a joint resolution reading in toto as follows:
vs. 1. TUMIWALAG bilang kasaping Unyon ng Philippine Association
THE HON. AMADO G. INCIONG, as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labor, of Free Labor Unions (PAFLU) at kaalinsabay nito, inaalisan namin
AMIGO MANUFACTURING INCORPORATED and PHILIPPINE ASSOCIATION OF ang PAFLU ng kapangyarihan na katawanin kami sa anumang
FREE LABOR UNIONS (PAFLU), respondents. pakikipagkasundo (CBA) sa Pangasiwaan ng aming pinapasukan
at kung sila man ay nagkasundo o magkakasundo sa kabila ng
Aniceto Haber for petitioners. pagtitiwalag na ito, ang nasabing kasunduan ay hindi namin
pinagtitibay at tahasang aming itinatakwil/tinatanggihan;
Roberto T. Neri for respondents.
2. BINABAWI namin ang aming pahintulot sa Federation of Unions
of Rizal (FUR) na katawanin kami sa Petition for Certification
Election (RO4-MED Case No. 743-77) at/o sa sama-samang
pakikipagkasundo sa aming patrons;
3. PANATILIHIN na nagsasarili (independent) ang aming samahan,
Petition for review by certiorari to set aside the Order dated February 15, 1979 of AMIGO EMPLOYEES' UNION, alinsunod sa Artikulo 240 ng Labor
respondent Deputy Minister Amado G. Inciong affirming the Decision of the OIC of Code;
Regional Office No. 4 dated October 14, 1978 which jointly resolved RO4-Case No.
T-IV-3549-T and RO4-Case No. RD 4-4088-77-T.
4. MAGHAIN KAAGAD ang aming Unyong nagsasarili, sa
pamumuno ng aming pangsamantalang Opisyal na kinatawan, si
The facts are as follows: Ginang DOLORES VILLAR, ng Petition for Certification Election sa
Department of Labor, para kilalanin ang aming Unyong nagsasarili
Petitioners were members of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU, a duly registered bilang Tanging kinatawan ng mga manggagawa sa sama-samang
labor organization which, at the time of the present dispute, was the existing pakikipagkasundo (CBA);
bargaining agent of the employees in private respondent Amigo Manufacturing, Inc.
(hereinafter referred to as Company). The Company and the Amigo Employees 5. BIGYAN ng kopya nito ang bawa't kinauukulan at ang mga
Union-PAFLU had a collective bargaining agreement governing their labor relations, kapasiyahang ito ay magkakabisa sa oras na matanggap ng mga
which agreement was then about to expire on February 28, 1977. Within the last sixty kinauukulan ang kani-kanilang sipi nito.1
(60) days of the CBA, events transpired giving rise to the present dispute.
Immediately thereafter or on February 9, 1977, petitioner Dolores Villar, representing
On January 5, 1977, upon written authority of at least 30% of the employees in the herself to be the authorized representative of the Amigo Employees Union, filed a
company, including the petitioners, the Federation of Unions of Rizal (hereinafter petition for certification election in the Company before Regional Office No. 4, with the
referred to as FUR) filed a petition for certification election with the Med-Arbiter's Amigo Employees Union as the petitioner. The Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU
Office, Regional Office No. 4 of the Ministry of Labor and Employment. The petition intervened and moved for the dismissal of the petition for certification election filed by
was, however, opposed by the Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions Dolores Villar, citing as grounds therefor, viz: (a) the petition lacked the mandatory
(hereinafter referred to as PAFLU) with whom, as stated earlier, the Amigo requisite of at least 30% of the employees in the bargaining unit; (2) Dolores Villar
Employees Union was at that time affiliated. PAFLU's opposition cited the "Code of had no legal personality to sign the petition since she was not an officer of the union
Ethics" governing inter-federation disputes among and between members of the nor is there factual or legal basis for her claim that she was the authorized
Trade Unions Congress of the Philippines (hereinafter referred to as TUCP). representative of the local union; (3) there was a pending case for the same subject
Consequently, the Med-Arbiter indorsed the case to TUCP for appropriate action but matter filed by the same individuals; (4) the petition was barred by the new CBA
before any such action could be taken thereon, the petitioners disauthorized FUR concluded on February 15, 1977; (5) there was no valid disaffiliation from PAFLU; and
from continuing the petition for certification election for which reason FUR withdrew (6) the supporting signatures were procured through false pretenses.
the petition.

Finding that the petition involved the same parties and causes of action as the case authorizing a certain Dolores Villar as your authorized
previously indorsed to the TUCP, the Med-Arbiter dismiss the petition filed by herein representative without the official sanction of the mother
petitioner Villar, which dismissal is still pending appeal before the Bureau of Labor Federation- PAFLU.
3. Maligning, libelling and slandering the incumbent officers of the
In the meantime, on February 14, 1977, the Amigo Employees Union- PAFLU called a union as well as of the PAFLU Federation.
special meeting of its general membership. A Resolution was thereby unanimously
approved which called for the investigation by the PAFLU national president, pursuant 4. By spreading false propaganda among members of the Amigo
to the constitution and by-laws of the Federation, of all of the petitioners and one Employees Union-PAFLU that the incumbent union officers are
Felipe Manlapao, for "continuously maligning, libelling and slandering not only the 'merely appointees' of the management.
incumbent officers but even the union itself and the federation;" spreading 'false
propaganda' that the union officers were 'merely appointees of the management', and
for causing divisiveness in the union. 5. By sowing divisiveness instead of togetherness among members
of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU.
Pursuant to the Resolution approved by the Amigo Employees Union- PAFLU, the
PAFLU, through its national President, formed a Trial Committee to investigate the 6. By conduct unbecoming as members of the Amigo Employees
local union's charges against the petitioners for acts of disloyalty inimical to the Union- PAFLU which is highly prejudicial to the union as well as to
interest of the local union, as well as directing the Trial Committee to subpoena the the PAFLU Federation.
complainants (Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU) and the respondents (herein
petitioners) for investigation, to conduct the said investigation and to submit its All these charges were formalized in a resolution of the incumbent
findings and recommendations for appropriate action. officers of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU dated February 14,
1977. 3
And on the same date of February 15, 1977, the Amigo Employees Union- PAFLU
and the Company concluded a new CBA which, besides granting additional benefits Not recognizing PAFLU's jurisdiction over their case, petitioners again refused to
to the workers, also reincorporated the same provisions of the existing CBA, including participate in the investigation rescheduled and conducted on March 9, 1979. Instead,
the union security clause reading, to wit: petitioners merely appeared to file their Answer to the charges and moved for a
UNION SECURITY WITH RESPECT TO PRESENT MEMBERS Petitioners contend in their Answer that neither the disaffiliation of the Amigo
Employees Union from PAFLU nor the act of filing the petition for certification election
All members of the UNION as of the signing of this Agreement shall constitute disloyalty as these are in the exercise of their constitutional right to self-
remain members thereof in good standing. Therefore, any members organization. They further contended that PAFLU was without jurisdiction to
who shall resign, be expelled, or shall in any manner cease to be a investigate their case since the charges, being intra-union problems within the Amigo
member of the UNION, shall be dismissed from his employment Employees Union-PAFLU, should be conducted pursuant to the provisions of Article
upon written request of the UNION to the Company. 2 XI, Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the local union's constitution and by-laws.

Subsequently, petitioners were summoned to appear before the The complainants, all of whom were the then incumbent officers of the Amigo
PAFLU Trial Committee for the aforestated investigation of the Employees Union-PAFLU, however, appeared and adduced their evidence supporting
charges filed against them by the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU. the charges against herein petitioners.
Petitioners, however, did not attend but requested for a "Bill of
Particulars" of the charges, which charges were stated by the Based on the findings and recommendations of the PAFLU trial committee, the
Chairman of the committee as follows: PAFLU President, on March 15, 1977, rendered a decision finding the petitioners
guilty of the charges and disposing in the last paragraph thereof, to wit,
1. Disaffiliating from PAFLU and affiliating with the Federation of
Unions of Rizal (FUR). Excepting Felipe Manlapao, the expulsion from the AMIGO
EMPLOYEES UNION of all the other nine (9) respondents, Dionisio
2. Filling petition for certification election with the Bureau of Labor Ramos, Recitation Bernus, Dolores Villar, Romeo Dequito, Rolando
Relations and docketed as Case No. R04-MED-830-77 and de Guzman, Anselma Andan, Rita Llagas, Benigno Mamaradlo and
Orlando Acosta is hereby ordered, and as a consequence the suspension pending the resolution of the said applications. The security guard was,
Management of the employer, AMIGO MANUFACTURING, INC. is likewise, notified to refuse petitioners entry into the work premises. 8
hereby requested to terminate them from their employment in
conformity with the security clause in the collective bargaining In an earlier development, on April 25, 1977, or five days before petitioners were
agreement. Further, the Trial Committee is directed to investigate placed under preventive suspension, they filed a complaint with application for
Felipe Manlapao when he shall have reported back for duty. 4 preliminary injunction before the same Regional Office No. 4, docketed as RO4-Case
No. RD-4-4088-77-T, praying that after due notice and hearing, "(1) A preliminary
Petitioners appealed the Decision to the PAFLU, citing the same grounds as before, injunction be issued forthwith to restrain the respondents from doing the act herein
and in addition thereto, argued that the PAFLU decision cannot legally invoke a CBA complained of, namely: the dismissal of the individual complainants from their
which was unratified, not certified, and entered into without authority from the union employment; (2) After due hearing on the merits of the case, an Order be entered
general membership, in asking the Company to terminate them from their denying and/or setting aside the Decision dated March 15, 1977 and the Resolution
employment. The appeal was, likewise, denied by PAFLU in a Resolution dated dated March 28, 1977, issued by respondent Onofre P. Guevara, National President
March 28, 1977. of respondent PAFLU; (3) The Appeal of the individual complainants to the General
Membership of the complainant AMIGO EMPLOYEES UNION, dated March 22,
After denying petitioner's appeal, PAFLU on March 28, 1977 sent a letter to the 1977, pursuant to Sections 2, 3, 4 & 5, Article XI in relation of Section 1, Article XII of
Company stating, to wit, the Union Constitution and By-Laws, be given due course; and (4) Thereafter, the
said preliminary injunction be made permanent, with costs, and with such further
orders/reliefs that are just and equitable in the premises." 9
We are furnishing you a copy of our Resolution on the Appeal of the
respondent in Administrative Case No. 2, Series of 1977, Amigo
Employees Union-PAFLU vs. Dionisio Ramos, et al. In these two cases filed before the Regional Office No. 4, the parties adopted their
previous positions when they were still arguing before the PAFLU trial committee.
In view of the denial of their appeal and the Decision of March 15,
1977 having become final and executory we would appreciate full On October 14, 1977, Vicente Leogardo, Jr., Officer-in-Charge of Regional Office No.
cooperation on your part by implementing the provision of our CBA 4, rendered a decision jointly resolving said two cases, the dispositive portion of which
on security clause by terminating the respondents concerned from states, to wit,
their employment.5
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, judgment is hereby rendered
This was followed by another letter from PAFLU to the Company dated April 25, 1977, granting the application of the Amigo Manufacturing, Inc., for
reiterating the demand to terminate the employment of the petitioners pursuant to the clearance to terminate the employment of Dolores D. Villar, Dionisio
security clause of the CBA, with a statement absolving the Company from any liability Ramos, Benigno Mamaraldo, Orlando Acosta, Recitacion Bernus,
or damage that may arise from petitioner's termination. Anselma Andan, Rolando de Guzman, and Rita Llagas. The
application of oppositors, under RO4-Case No. RD-4-4088-77, for a
preliminary injunction to restrain the Amigo Manufacturing, Inc. from
Acting on PAFLU's demand, the Company informed PAFLU that it will first secure the terminating their employment and from placing them under
necessary clearances to terminate petitioners. By letter dated April 28, 1977, PAFLU preventive suspension, is hereby DISMISSED. 10
requested the Company to put petitioners under preventive suspension pending the
application for said clearances to terminate the petitioners, upon a declaration that
petitioners' continued stay within the work premises will "result in the threat to the life Not satisfied with the decision, petitioners appealed to the Office of the Secretary of
and limb of the other employees of the company." 6 Labor. By Order dated February 15, 1979, the respondent Amado G. Inciong, Deputy
Minister of Labor, dismissed their appeal for lack of merit. 11
Hence, on April 29, 1977, the Company filed the request for clearance to terminate
the petitioners before the Department of Labor, Regional Office No. 4. The Hence, the instant petition for review, raising the following issues:
application, docketed as RO4-Case No. 7-IV-3549-T, stated as cause therefor,
"Demand by the Union Pursuant to the Union Security Clause," and further, as A. Is it not error in both constitutional and statutory law by the
effectivity date, "Termination-upon issuance of clearance; Suspension-upon receipt of respondent Minister when he affirmed the decision of the RO4-
notice of workers concerned." 7 Petitioners were then informed by memorandum Officer-in-Charge allowing the preventive suspension and
dated April 29, 1977 that the Company has applied for clearance to terminate them subsequent dismissal of petitioners by reason of the exercise of
upon demand of PAFLU, and that each of them were placed under preventive their right to freedom of association?

B. Is it not error in law by the respondent Minister when he upheld Stripped of non-essentials, the basic and fundamental issue in this
the decision of the RO4 OIC which sustained the availment of the case tapers down to the determination of WHETHER OR NOT
respondent PAFLU's constitution over that of the local union PAFLU HAD THE AUTHORITY TO INVESTIGATE OPPOSITORS
constitution in the settlement of intra-union dispute? AND, THEREAFTER, EXPEL THEM FROM THE ROLL OF
C. Is it not error in law amounting to grave abuse of discretion by
the Minister in affirming the conclusion made by the RO4 OIC, Recognized and salutary is the principle that when a labor union
upholding the legal applicability of the security clause of a CBA over affiliates with a mother union, it becomes bound by the laws and
alleged offenses committed earlier than its conclusion, and within regulations of the parent organization. Thus, the Honorable
the 60-day freedom period of an old CBA? 12 Secretary of Labor, in the case of Amador Bolivar, et al. vs. PAFLU,
et al., NLRC Case No. LR-133 & MC-476, promulgated on
The main thrust of the petition is the alleged illegality of the dismiss of the petitioners December 3, 1973, declared-
by private respondent Company upon demand of PAFLU which invoked the security
clause of the collective bargaining agreement between the Company and the local When a labor union affiliates with a parent organization or mother
union, Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU. Petitioners contend that the respondent union, or accepts a charter from a superior body, it becomes
Deputy Minister acted in grave abuse of discretion when he affirmed the decision subject to the laws of the superior body under whose authority the
granting the clearance to terminate the petitioners and dismissed petitioners' local union functions. The constitution, by-laws and rules of the
complaint, and in support thereof, allege that their constitutional right to self- parent body, together with the charter it issues pursuant thereto to
organization had been impaired. Petitioner's contention lacks merit. the subordinate union, constitute an enforceable contract between
the parent body and the subordinate union, and between the
It is true that disaffiliation from a labor union is not open to legal objection. It is implicit members of the subordinate union inter se. (Citing Labor Unions,
in the freedom of association ordained by the Constitution. 13 But this Court has laid Dangel and Shriber, pp. 279-280).
down the ruling that a closed shop is a valid form of union security, and such
provision in a collective bargaining agreement is not a restriction of the right of It is undisputable that oppositors were members of the Amigo
freedom of association guaranteed by the Constitution. 14 Employees Union at the time that said union affiliated with PAFLU;
hence, under the afore-quoted principle, oppositors are bound by
In the case at bar, it appears as an undisputed fact that on February 15, 1977, the the laws and regulations of PAFLU.
Company and the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU entered into a Collective
Bargaining Agreement with a union security clause provided for in Article XII thereof Likewise, it is undeniable that in the investigation of the charges
which is a reiteration of the same clause in the old CBA. The quoted stipulation for against them, oppositors were accorded 'due process', because in
closed-shop is clear and unequivocal and it leaves no room for doubt that the this jurisdiction, the doctrine is deeply entrenched that the term 'due
employer is bound, under the collective bargaining agreement, to dismiss the process' simply means that the parties were given the opportunity
employees, herein petitioners, for non- union membership. Petitioners became non- to be heard. In the instant case, ample and unmistakable evidence
union members upon their expulsion from the general membership of the Amigo exists to show that the oppositors were afforded the opportunity to
Employees Union-PAFLU on March 15, 1977 pursuant to the Decision of the PAFLU present their evidence, but they themselves disdained or spurned
national president. the said opportunity given to them.

We reject petitioners' theory that their expulsion was not valid upon the grounds PAFLU, therefore, correctly and legally acted when, pursuant to its
adverted to earlier in this Decision. That PAFLU had the authority to investigate Constitution and By-Laws, it conducted and proceeded with the
petitioners on the charges filed by their co-employees in the local union and after investigation of the charges against the oppositors and found them
finding them guilty as charged, to expel them from the roll of membership of the guilty of acts prejudicial and inimical to the interests of the Amigo
Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU is clear under the constitution of the PAFLU to which Employees Union- PAFLU, to wit: that of falsely and maliciously
the local union was affiliated. And pursuant to the security clause of the new CBA, slandering the officers of the union; spreading false propaganda
reiterating the same clause in the old CBA, PAFLU was justified in applying said among the members of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU;
security clause. We find no abuse of discretion on the part of the OIC of Regional calling the incumbent officers as mere appointees and robots of
Office No. 4 in upholding the validity of the expulsion and on the part of the management; calling the union company-dominated or assisted
respondent Deputy Minister of Labor in sustaining the same. We agree with the OIC's union; committing acts unbecoming of the members of the union
decision, pertinent portion of which reads: and destructive of the union and its members.

Inherent in every labor union, or any organization for that matter, is union's constitution, they would have been tried by a trial committee of three (3)
the right of self-preservation. When members of a labor union, elected from among the members of the Board who are themselves the accusers.
therefore, sow the seeds of dissension and strife within the union; (Section 2, Article 11, Constitution of the Local Union). Petitioners would be in a far
when they seek the disintegration and destruction of the very union worse position had this procedure been followed. Nonetheless, petitioners admit in
to which they belong, they thereby forfeit their rights to remain as their petition that two (2) of the six (6) charges, i.e. disaffiliation and filing a petition for
members of the union which they seek to destroy. Prudence and certification election, are not intra-union matters and, therefore, are cognizable by
equity, as well as the dictates of law and justice, therefore, PAFLU.
compelling mandate the adoption by the labor union of such
corrective and remedial measures in keeping with its laws and Petitioners insist that their disaffiliation from PAFLU and filing a petition for
regulations, for its preservation and continued existence; lest by its certification election are not acts of disloyalty but an exercise of their right to self-
folly and inaction, the labor union crumble and fall. organization. They contend that these acts were done within the 60-day freedom
period when questions of representation may freely be raised. Under the peculiar
Correctly and legally, therefore, the PAFLU acted when, after facts of the case, We find petitioners' insistence untenable.
proper investigation and finding of guilt, it decided to remove the
oppositors from the list of members of the Amigo Employees Union- In the first place, had petitioners merely disaffiliated from the. Amigo Employees
PAFLU, and thereafter, recommended to the Amigo Manufacturing, Union-PAFLU, there could be no legal objections thereto for it was their right to do so.
Inc.; the termination of the employment of the oppositors. 15 But what petitioners did by the very clear terms of their "Sama-Samang Kapasiyahan"
was to disaffiliate the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU from PAFLU, an act which
We see no reason to disturb the same. they could not have done with any effective consequence because they constituted
the minority in the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU.
The contention of petitioners that the charges against them being intra-union
problems, should have been investigated in accordance with the constitution and by- Extant from the records is the fact that petitioners numbering ten (10), were among
laws of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU and not of the PAFLU, is not impressed the ninety-six (96) who signed the "Sama-Samang Kapasiyahan" whereas there are
with merit. It is true that under the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor two hundred thirty four (234) union members in the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU.
Code, in case of intra-union disputes, redress must first be sought within the Hence, petitioners constituted a small minority for which reason they could not have
organization itself in accordance with its constitution and by-laws. However, it has successfully disaffiliated the local union from PAFLU. Since only 96 wanted
been held that this requirement is not absolute but yields to exception under varying disaffiliation, it can be inferred that the majority wanted the union to remain an affiliate
circumstances. Thus, in Kapisanan ng mga Manggagawa sa MRR vs. Hernandez, 20 of PAFLU and this is not denied or disputed by petitioners. The action of the majority
SCRA 109, We held: must, therefore, prevail over that of the minority members. 16

In the case at bar, noteworthy is the fact that the complaint was Neither is there merit to petitioners' contention that they had the right to present
filed against the union and its incumbent officers, some of whom representation issues within the 60-day freedom period. It is true, as contended by
were members of the board of directors. The constitution and by- petitioners, that under Article 257 of the Labor Code and Section 3, Rule 2, Book 2 of
laws of the union provide that charges for any violations thereof its Implementing Rules, questions of exclusive bargaining representation are
shall be filed before the said board. But as explained by the lower entertainable within the sixty (60) days prior to the expiry date of an existing CBA, and
court, if the complainants had done so the board of directors would that they did file a petition for certification election within that period. But the petition
in effect be acting as respondent investigator and judge at the same was filed in the name of the Amigo Employees Union which had not disaffiliated from
time. To follow the procedure indicated would be a farce under the PAFLU, the mother union. Petitioners being a mere minority of the local union may
circumstances, where exhaustion of remedies within the union itself not bind the majority members of the local union.
would practically amount to a denial of justice or would be illusory
or vain, it will not be insisted upon, particularly where property rights Moreover, the Amigo Employees Union, as an independent union, is not duly
of the members are involved, as a condition to the right to invoke registered as such with the Bureau of Labor Relations. The appealed decision of OIC
the aid of a court. Leogardo of Regional Office No. 4 states as a fact that there is no record in the
Bureau of Labor Relations that the Amigo Employees Union (Independent) is
The facts of the instant petition stand on all fours with the aforecited case that the registered, and this is not disputed by petitioners, notwithstanding their allegation that
principle therein enunciated applies here as well. In the case at bar, the petitioners the Amigo Employees Union is a duly registered labor organization bearing Ministry of
were charged by the officers of the Amigo Employees Union- PAFLU themselves who Labor Registration Certification No. 5290-IP dated March 27, 1967. But the
were also members of the Board of Directors of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU. independent union organized after the "Sama-Samang Kapasiyahan" executed
Thus, were the petitioners to be charged and investigated according to the local February 7, 1977 could not have been registered earlier, much less March 27, 1967
under Registration Certificate No. 5290-IP. As such unregistered union, it acquires no from Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU on March 28, 1982 upon denial of their Motion
legal personality and is not entitled to the rights and privileges granted by law to for Reconsideration of the decision expelling them, the CBA of February 15, 1977 was
legitimate labor organizations upon issuance of the certificate of registration. Article already applicable to their case. The "closed-shop provision" in the CBA provides:
234 of the New Labor Code specifically provides:
All members of the UNION as of the signing of this Agreement shall
Art. 234. Requirements of Registration.—Any applicant labor remain members thereof in good standing. Therefore, any members
organization, association, or group of unions or workers shall who shall resign, be expelled, or shall in any manner cease to be a
acquire legal personality and shall be entitled to the rights and member of the UNION, shall be dismissed from his employment
privileges granted by law to legitimate labor organizations upon upon written request of the UNION to the Company. (Art. III)
issuance of the certificate of registration. ....
A closed-shop is a valid form of union security, and a provision therefor in a collective
In Phil. Association of Free Labor Unions vs. Sec. of Labor, 27 SCRA 40, We had bargaining agreement is not a restriction of the right of freedom of association
occasion to interpret Section 23 of R.A. No. 875 (Industrial Peace Act) requiring of guaranteed by the Constitution. (Manalang, et al. vs. Artex Development Co., Inc., et
labor unions registration by the Department of Labor in order to qualify as "legitimate al., L-20432, October 30, 1967, 21 SCRA 561). Where in a closed-shop agreement it
labor organization," and We said: is stipulated that union members who cease to be in good standing shall immediately
be dismissed, such dismissal does not constitute an unfair labor practice exclusively
The theory to the effect that Section 23 of Republic Act No. 875 cognizable by the Court of Industrial Relations. (Seno vs. Mendoza, 21 SCRA 1124).
unduly curtails the freedom of assembly and association
guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is devoid of factual basis. The Finally, We reject petitioners' contention that respondent Minister committed error in
registration prescribed in paragraph (b) of said section 17 is not a law amounting to grave abuse of discretion when he affirmed the conclusion made by
limitation to the right of assembly or association, which may be the RO4 OIC, upholding the legal applicability of the security clause of a CBA over
exercised with or without said registration. The latter is merely a alleged offenses committed earlier than its conclusion and within the 60-day freedom
condition sine qua non for the acquisition of legal personality by period of an old CBA. In the first place, as We stated earlier, the security clause of the
labor organizations, associations or unions and the possession of new CBA is a reproduction or reiteration of the same clause in the old CBA. While
the 'rights and privileges granted by law to legitimate labor petitioners were charged for alleged commission of acts of disloyalty inimical to the
organizations.' The Constitution does not guarantee these rights interests of the Amigo Employees Union-PAFLU in the Resolution of February 14,
and privileges, much less said personality, which are mere statutory 1977 of the Amigo Employees Union- PAFLU and on February 15, 1977 PAFLU and
creations, for the possession and exercise of which registration is the Company entered into and concluded a new collective bargaining agreement,
required to protect both labor and the public against abuses, fraud, petitioners may not escape the effects of the security clause under either the old CBA
or impostors who pose as organizers, although not truly accredited or the new CBA by claiming that the old CBA had expired and that the new CBA
agents of the union they purport to represent. Such requirement is a cannot be given retroactive enforcement. To do so would be to create a gap during
valid exercise of the police power, because the activities in which which no agreement would govern, from the time the old contract expired to the time
labor organizations, associations and union or workers are engaged a new agreement shall have been entered into with the union. As this Court said
affect public interest, which should be protected. in Seno vs. Mendoza, 21 SCRA 1124, "without any agreement to govern the relations
between labor and management in the interim, the situation would well be productive
Simply put, the Amigo Employees Union (Independent) Which petitioners claim to of confusion and result in breaches of the law by either party. "
represent, not being a legitimate labor organization, may not validly present
representation issues. Therefore, the act of petitioners cannot be considered a The case of Seno vs. Mendoza, 21 SCRA 1124 mentioned previously needs further
legitimate exercise of their right to self-organization. Hence, We affirm and reiterate citation of the facts and the opinion of the Court, speaking through Justice Makalintal
the rationale explained in Phil Association of Free Labor Unions vs. Sec. of Labor who later became Chief Justice, and We quote:
case, supra, in order to protect legitimate labor and at the same time maintain
discipline and responsibility within its ranks. It appears that petitioners other than Januario T. Seno who is their
counsel, were members of the United Seamen's Union of the
The contention of petitioners that the new CBA concluded between Amigo Employees Philippines. Pursuant to a letter-request of the Union stating that
Union-PAFLU and the Company on February 15, 1977 containing the union security they 'had ceased to be members in good standing' and citing a
clause cannot be invoked as against the petitioners for offenses committed earlier closed shop clause in its bargaining agreement with respondent
than its conclusion, deserves scant consideration. We find it to be the fact that the Carlos A. Go Thong & Co., the latter dismissed said petitioners.
union security clause provided in the new CBA merely reproduced the union security Through counsel, petitioners requested that they be reinstated to
clause provided in the old CBA about to expire. And since petitioners were expelled their former positions and paid their backwages, otherwise they
would picket respondents' offices and vessels. The request was
denied on the ground that the dismissal was unavoidable under the
terms of the collective bargaining agreement. ...

We, therefore, hold and rule that petitioners, although entitled to disaffiliate from their
union and form a new organization of their own, must, however, suffer the
consequences of their separation from the union under the security clause of the


affirming the joint decision of the OIC of Regional Office No. 4 in RO4-Case No. T-IV-
3549-T and RO4 Case No. RD-4-4088-77-T granting clearance to terminate
petitioners as well as dismissing their complaint with application for preliminary
injunction, is hereby AFFIRMED. No costs.


G.R. No. L-24189 August 30, 1968 On November 18, 1958, a CIR prosecutor in behalf of Sañgilo charged petitioner and
Claude Fertig, its general superintendent, with unfair labor practice for the dismissal
ITOGON-SUYOC MINES, INC., petitioner, of two company employees A. Manaois and Jose Baldo on June 9, 1957 and March
vs. 5, 1958, respectively, allegedly because of their affiliation with Sañgilo and for having
SANGILO-ITOGON WORKERS' UNION in behalf of BARTOLOME MAYO, testified against petitioner in Certification Case No. 3-MC-Pang.2 The complaint
BERNARDO AQUINO, ET AL.,respondents. prayed for reinstatement and back wages. Petitioner asserted just cause in defense.

Reyes and Cabato for petitioner. On October 5, 1960, CIR adjudged that the dismissal of A. Manaois was just and
Benjamin C. Rillera for respondents. legal, but that petitioner was guilty of unfair labor practice in dismissing Jose Baldo.
CIR thus ordered Baldo's reinstatement with back wages. The CIR judgment for Jose
Baldo was elevated by petitioner to this Court.3 On December 24, 1964, we affirmed.
Meanwhile, on March 3, 1961, CIR's prosecutor — on Sañgilo's charge filed with CIR
Petitioner's appeal seeks reversal of the judgment of the Court of Industrial Relations on July 12, 1960, — lodged an unfair labor practice complaint against herein
(CIR) directing reinstatement of the fifteen individual respondents "to their former petitioner, its general superintendent Claude Fertig, and the Itogon Labor
positions or substantially equivalent employment in the company, with full back wages Union.4 Averment was there made of the arbitrary dismissal of 107 of Sañgilo's
from the time of their dismissal to their actual reinstatement, without loss of seniority members because of membership and/or affiliation with said union and for having
and other privileges." testified or about to testify in Certification Case G.R. No. 3-MC-Pang.; that Sañgilo's
president, Bartolome Mayo, was dismissed also because of his refusal to dissolve the
The controversy arose because prior to May 28, 1958, Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc., union; and that said company and its general superintendent Claude Fertig "had
through its general superintendent Claude Fertig, had been dismissing from its given aid and support to ... Itogon Labor Union, another labor organization" existing in
employ members of respondent Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union (Sañgilo, for short). said company "by allowing the officers and members thereof, to hold meetings inside
Fifty-four members of Sañgilo were already fired when Department of Labor the mine premises and the theatre building owned" by the company and also allowing
conciliators conferred with petitioner's representative to explore the possibility of their them to use the company's light facilities — privileges which were denied Sañgilo.
reinstatement. Petitioner refused reinstatement, alleged that dismissal of the 54 was The prayer was for judgment declaring respondents therein guilty of unfair labor
for cause. practice; enjoining them from further committing unfair labor practice acts; ordering
the dissolution of Itogon Labor Union, "it being a company dominated union"; and
On May 28, 1958, sensing that its members were being eased out of employment one directing reinstatement of the dismissed 107 employees mentioned in the complaint,
by one, Sañgilo called a strike, accompanied by picketing carried out at or near with full back wages from the time of dismissal up to actual reinstatement.
petitioner's mine premises in Itogon. Work was paralyzed. On the fourth or fifth day of
the strike, company policemen drove the strikers out of petitioner's premises. The The mining company and Claude Fertig in their answer aver that the May 27, 1958
strike lasted until about June 2, 1958. strike was illegal; that thereafter "many of respondent company's workers left for their
respective home towns, abandoning their jobs, and never reported for work until the
On that day, June 2, 1958, petitioner filed an injunction suit against some strikers in present; that some of the persons listed in the complaint are still working; and some of
the Court of First Instance of Baguio (Civil Case No. 774). Nothing clear appears of them left respondent company's employ even earlier than May 27, 1958 voluntarily or
record as to the present status of this suit. were discharged for cause." The company's principal defense is that the action for
reinstatement with back wages is barred by laches.

On the same day, too, petitioner's officials conferred with the officers of the other
labor union in the company, the Itogon Labor Union. They hammered out an Itogon Labor Union's defense is that the concessions it enjoyed were in pursuance of
agreement whereby all strikers were given fifteen (15) days from said date to return to a collective bargaining contract between said union and the company.
work. Thru a public address system, strikers were then urged to go back to their jobs.
Notices addressed to the strikers which read — "All of you are required to Of the 107 dismissed employees, 10 manifested in writing that they had never been
report immediately to your respective work otherwise you will be considered AWOL members of Sañgilo, were actually working with the company and not interested at all
[absent without leave] and will be dropped from the rolls" 1 were posted on the Itogon in the prosecution of the suit.5 One of the named dismissed employees, Graciano
Labor Union bulletin board, the Itogon store, and at 1300 checkpoint — the main Mejia, died on October 26, 1957.6 Of the remaining individual complainants, only 15
entrance to the company's mining premises. These notices did rot contain the fifteen appeared and testified in court. They were amongst the strikers.
(15) days' grace period aforesaid.

Came the CIR decision of May 20, 1964. Associate Judge Jose S. Bautista there manifestation and motion to lift resolution with the request that it be given fifteen days
observed that "the picketing was conducted peacefully, as the strikers did not commit within which to present evidence of compliance; that on March 23, 1962, an order was
acts of violence or cause injuries to persons or damage to property" and that "the issued directing the union to submit, within fifteen days from notice, a copy of its
union members staged the strike for the reason that their fellow members were being financial report for the period from May 12, 1957 to May 11, 1958, sworn to by its
eased out of employment little by little by respondent company." . treasurer, Ernesto Aragon, pursuant to Sangilo's constitution and by-laws and Section
17(k) of Republic Act 875; and that no financial report had been submitted to the
On the charge that the Itogon Labor Union was company dominated, CIR declared Department of Labor.
that "the privilege of respondent union in holding meetings inside the company's mine
premises and theater building, and in using the company's light facilities, is one of the And then, the witness testified as follows:
concessions obtained by said union in accordance with the collective bargaining
agreement entered into by the respondent Company and the Itogon Labor Union." . ATTY. RILLERA [Counsel for Sañgilo]:

CIR's judgment thus directed "respondent Itogon-Suyoc Mines, Inc. to reinstate (1) Q Now, Mr. Fabella, per your records, do you have the final order cancelling
Bartolome Mayo, (2) Bernardo Aquino, (3) Florentino Ceralde, (4) Marcelo Datuin, (5) the permit of the complainant union, or is the proceeding still going on?
Antonio Deogracias, (6) Domingo Deray, (7) Pedro Espiritu, (8) Mariano Idos, (9)
Antonio Laop, (10) Gregorio Laureta, (11) Chayon Pogay, (12) Roman Quinto, (13)
Jose Santos, (14) Simplicio Tambaoan, and (15) Tomas Valerio, to their former WITNESS
positions or substantially equivalent employment in the company, with full backwages
from the time of their dismissal to their actual reinstatement, without loss of seniority A As far as the record is concerned, it seems that the proceeding is still
and other privileges. The complaint with respect to the remaining members of going on because there is no other order pertaining [to] the non-submittal of
complainant Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union and with respect to the company the union of the financial report required within fifteen (15) days.10
domination charge against respondent Itogon Labor Union is hereby DISMISSED."
So it is, that there is no order final in character cancelling Sañgilo's registration permit
Its motion to reconsider having been denied by CIR en banc, petitioner appealed to and dropping its name from the roster of legitimate labor unions. Sangilo's status
this Court. does not appear in the record to have changed. Therefore, Sañgilo still enjoys all the
rights accorded by law to a legitimate labor union. One of those rights is the right to
1. Petitioner's brief 7 challenges Sañgilo's capacity to sue. Sañgilo, so petitioner says, sue. 1äwphï1.ñët
ceased to be a legitimate labor union on March 31, 1960 when the Department of
Labor cancelled the former's registration permit for failure to comply with statutory Even assuming that Sañgilo later lost its registration permit in the course of the
requirements. Contrariwise Sañgilo avers that at the time the complaint below was present proceedings, still Sañgilo may continue as a party without need of substitution
filed it was a legitimate labor organization, and continues to be so. 1äwphï1.ñët of parties, "subject however to the understanding that whatever decision may be
rendered therein will only be binding upon those members of the union who have not
Judicial inquiry was made by CIR on this issue. A subpoena duces tecum was issued signified their desire to withdraw from the case before its trial and decision on the
to the registrar of labor organizations of the Department of Labor requiring him or his merits." 11
duly authorized representative "[t]o bring with [him] the following: (1) the list of
membership of the Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union; (2) the revocation, if any, of the Really, we perceive of no reason why the judgment in favor of the fifteen individual
registration permit of the Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union dated March 22, 1960; and respondent laborers should be overturned simply because the union of which they
(3) the cancellation proceedings of the Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union which took were members ceased to be a legitimate labor union. It cannot be disputed that CIR's
place sometime in 1960."8 prosecutor brought this case not merely for Sañgilo; it was also on behalf of the 107
employees enumerated therein. This accounts for the fact that CIR's judgment for
Atty. Narciso Fabella, the duly authorized representative, answered the subpoena. reinstatement and backpay was rendered in favor of the fifteen respondent laborers.
With the record of the cancellation proceedings of Sañgilo with him, he testified before To accept petitioner's argument as valid is to shunt aside substance to give way to
the CIR hearing officer that on March 31, 1960, Sañgilo's registration permit [No. form. Error, if any, was harmless. It does not affect the substantial rights of the parties
2141-IP issued on May 21, 1957] was cancelled by the Department of Labor under in interest. It is no ground for reversal. 12 At this stage this Court may even strike out
Cancellation Proceedings 1722;9 that his office then received a motion for Sañgilo-Itogon Workers' Union and leave the fifteen individual respondents alone. 13
reconsideration of said cancellation; that on April 27, 1960, an order was issued
advising Sañgilo to comply with the requirement it failed to satisfy and which was the 2. Next to be considered is petitioner's claim that respondents were guilty of splitting
cause of the cancellation of Sañgilo's permit; that on March 9, 1962, Sañgilo filed a their cause of action.

Petitioner argues that the first unfair labor practice suit (CIR Case 50-ULP- Pang.) complaint seeks a remedy; (2) delay in asserting the complainant's rights, the
heretofore mentioned covers the second unfair labor practice suit - the case at hand. complainant having had knowledge or notice of the defendant's conduct and having
And this, because "[a]ll acts of unfair labor practice allegedly committed by the herein been afforded an opportunity to institute a suit; (3) lack of knowledge or notice on the
petitioner [the company] prior to November 18, 1958 [when CIR Case 50-ULP-Pang. part of the defendant that the complainant would assert the right on which he bases
was filed] against the members of respondent union [Sañgilo] constituted one single his suit; and (4) injury or prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is accorded to
cause of action." Petitioner continues onto say that since CIR Case 50-ULP-Pang, the complainant, or the suit is not held barred." 21
has been finally decided by this Court in a decision promulgated on December 24,
1964, said case is a bar to the present action. With these as guideposts, let us look at the facts.

We do not go along with petitioner. It is true that CIR declared Sañgilo and its members who did not come to court and
testify guilty of laches. 22 But as to the 15 individual respondents, the question of
The rule against splitting of a cause of action applies only where the actions are laches was passed by — sub silentio. Clearly implicit in this is that CIR is of the
between the same parties. 14 Here, the parties in the two cases aforecited are opinion that laches is not a bar to reinstatement and recovery of back wages for these
different. The first case involves only two (2) laborers, namely, Jose Baldo and A. 15 individual respondents who actually testified in court. For CIR, despite a
Manaois the second refers to the claim of other laborers numbering 107 in all. These categorical finding of laches on the part of the union and some of its complaining
two cases, it is true, were brought in the name of Sañgilo. However, the real parties in members, proceeded to order reinstatement and back wages for the 15 respondents.
interest in both cases are the dismissed employees. Sañgilo merely represented its By and large, appreciation of laches rests mainly with the trial court. Absent a clear
members before CIR. 15 CIR found that the members "are not situated under similar abuse, we are not to disturb its ruling thereon.
circumstances", and that their alleged dismissal "took pace on different
dates". 16 Each one of these employees has a cause of action arising from his Indeed, these fifteen respondents showed sufficient interest in their case. They went
particular dismissal. And the cause of action of one is separate and distinct from the to court and supported their cause by their own testimony. Delay in the filing of suit
others. 17 Although, of course, they may be joined and brought in the name of the should not hamper their suit. We must not for a moment forget that these fifteen
union. Res judicata has not attached. laborers' belong to the lower economic stratum of our society. They are not expected
to possess the intelligence or foresight of those who have been favored by high
3. Petitioner's averment that it gave out notices for a return to work would not be of formal education. 23 Individually, they may not be in a position to file suit; they may not
help to its cause. On this point, the court said: "The Court is aware of the offer of the have the means. Thrown out of job, driven off, and refused entrance to, the
company to the strikers to return to work, but it is even more cognizant of the fact that company's premises, each has to go his own way. They had to return — as most of
passions and emotions among the striking employees were running high at the heat them did — to their families in the lowlands, far from the mine site. And yet they were
of the strike." 18 The validity of this reasoning we do not find cause to dispute. not remiss in their duty to report the matter to their president. But the president,
respondent Bartolome Mayo, was then in the Baguio General Hospital. Mayo lost no
And then, evidence there is that the individual respondents were driven out of and time in reporting the laborers' plight to the union counsel. The laborers had every right
denied admission into the company's mine premises because they staged a strike. to assume that their union was doing something for them. They had done their part.
They were turned out of the bunkhouses they rented in the premises as living They had to depend on the action taken by their union leaders. A labor union certainly
quarters. They were virtually locked out. Evidence there is, too, that because of the would not be of much use if it does not act for the welfare of its members.
strike the laborers were not allowed to go back to their jobs. 19
As to respondent Mayo himself, evidence appears on record that from the time of his
4. Petitioner seeks to nullify individual respondents' right to reinstatement and dismissal, he had personally and by telephone asked Superintendent Fertig for his
backpay upon the ground that they are guilty of laches. Really the present case was reinstatement. He was brushed off with the reply: "Your union went on strike". 24 On
started after the lapse of almost two years and two months after the one occasion after the strike, when Mayo met Fertig in Baguio, the former repeated
strike. 1äwphï1.ñët his request for reinstatement, but received the same answer: "You are still on
strike". 25
Laches has been defined as "such delay in enforcing one's rights as works
disadvantage to another" and "in a general sense is the neglect, for an unreasonable Laches, if any, we must say, is not solely to be laid at the door of respondents. The
and unexplained length of time, under circumstances permitting diligence, to do what company contributed too in the delay of the filing of the present suit. And this
in law should have been done." 20 As we go into the core of this problem, we are because, as testified to by the union president in court, such delay in filing the present
reminded that for the doctrine of stale demand to apply, four essential requisites must ULP case was due to the fact that the legality of their strike precisely was being
be present, viz: "(1) conduct on the part of the defendant, or of one under whom he litigated in the Court of First Instance of Baguio in Injunction Case 774 filed on June 2,
claims, giving rise to the situation of which complaint is made and for which the 1958 by the very company itself against some of the strikers. Naturally, if the strike is
there declared illegal, the strikers including the herein fifteen respondents would lose
their right to reinstatement and backpay. But as said suit became apparently dormant,
the union, on behalf of respondents, decided to lodge their present complaint with the

Thus it is, that the taint of laches cannot attach to individual respondents. For the
second element required for the defense of laches to prosper is here absent.

5. The judgment below directs petitioner to pay individual respondents back wages
from the time of their dismissal to their actual reinstatement without loss of seniority
and privileges.

Since the dismissal of respondents in 1958, more than ten years had elapsed. It
would not seem out of place to restate the guidelines to be observed in the
ascertainment of the total back wages payable under the judgment below. These

First. To be deducted from the back wages accruing to each of the laborers
to be reinstated is the total amount of earnings obtained by him from other
employment(s) from the date of dismissal to the date of reinstatement.
Should the laborer decide that it is preferable not to return to work, the
deduction should be made up to the time judgment becomes final. And
these, for the reason that employees should not be permitted to enrich
themselves at the expense of their employer. 26 Besides, there is the "law's
abhorrence for double compensation." 27

Second. Likewise, in mitigation of the damages that the dismissed

respondents are entitled to, account should be taken of whether in the
exercise of due diligence respondents might have obtained income from
suitable remunerative employment. 28 We are prompted to give out this last
reminder because it is really unjust that a discharged employee should, with
folded arms, remain inactive in the expectation that a windfall would come to
him. A contrary view would breed idleness; it is conducive to lack of initiative
on the part of a laborer. Both bear the stamp of undesirability.

For the reasons given, the judgment under review is hereby affirmed.

Let the record of this case be returned to the Court of Industrial Relations with
instructions to forthwith ascertain the amount of back wages due individual
respondents in accordance with the guidelines herein set forth. Costs against
petitioner. So ordered. 1äwphï1.ñët

Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro, Angeles and
Fernando, JJ., concur.


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