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Panduan menulis essai


saya bekerja di DPD KNPI ACEH pada periode 2017-2020 sebagai staff kesekretariatan dan
administrasi. Disini saya bertanggung jawab mengurus bagian surat-menyurat, diantaranya
saya mendata surat masuk, mendisposisikan surat tersebut agar kemudian dapat dilihat oleh
pimpinan dan juga saya menyiapkan berbagai surat keluar jika dibutuhkan.

I am working at Indonesian National Youth Council-Regional Boards Aceh Province during the
period of 2017-2020 as secretarial and administrative staff. Here I am responsible for taking
care of the correspondence, such as I record the incoming mail, disposing the letter so that it
can be seen by the chairman and also I prepare various outgoing mail if needed.Beyond that, I
participated in every field activity in this organization where having 50 synergistic fields to
achieve various youth agenda.

Diluar tugas saya sebagai staff kesekretariatan dan administrasi, saya ikut berpartisipasi dalam
setiap kegiatan bidang yang ada di DPD KNPI ACEH. Di dalam organisasi ini terdapat 50 bidang
yang saling bersinergi untuk mencapai berbagai agenda kepemudaan.

Beyond my duties as secretarial and administrative staff, I participated in every field activity in
Indonesian National Youth Council - Regional Boards. Within this organization there are 50
synergistic fields to achieve various youth agenda.

One of the careers that I would like to pursue is working with international organizations
focusing on the issue of gender inequalities. My current does not really support ….., not to
mention that the research opportunity is very limited. Therefore, I plan to work at …… after
finishing my study. In addition, I intend to carry out my research further until it can influence
the national policy in Indonesia..

---After I return from my study,I would like to working with the organization which are related
to education. I am going to apply for a lecturer position in English teaching. Therefore, I
also plan to work as guide or interpreter where my English skill must be used. In addition, I
intend to build such an education institution for the children where they could learn about
English language.
. What are your plans when you finish your studies*? (500 characters)
After I return from my study, I am going to apply for a lecturer position in English
teaching in universities in Kediri. Kediri is a developing city which has some
potentials in it. The quality of English taught in university there is not as good as the
other bigger cities such as Malang or Surabaya. I am eager to become part of the
people who devotedly spend their energy and time in increasing the quality of
English teaching and help the students to become great teachers.

Rather than telling the reviewer about the shortcomings of Kediri, you should be
explaining how you will be using your newly gained knowledge about how to teach
English at the university. Signify your plans to help develop the English teaching
standards at the university due to the potential of the students. Don't make Kediri
sound like a hopeless place as you do at the moment. Focus on knowledge sharing
between you, the students, and the other teachers as part of your post study plan.
Then explain that you want to do this because of the untapped potential that the
people of Kediri have to learn English as a second language. It is not necessary to
tell the reviewer that the quality of English education there is not as good as the
other cities or areas. That is not his concern. His main concern is focused on your
post study plans alone. So the response should focus only on the points that I
mentioned earlier in this paragraph.

Dany, you should consider the fact that 500 characters is quite different from 500
words. Here, the prompt is pretty word sensitive and as such, you must not spend
the words on irrelevant points. You should attack the prompt from the onset of your
starting sentence. As you have been rightly advised in the previous review, be
specific about what you plan to do. Due to the few words at your disposal, which
the reviewer is also aware of, I would like to advise that you think of one
remarkable thing you can do on your return to your country with respect to the
course you studied. State it as your topic sentence (i.e the very 1st sentence of
your essay) and then elaborate on it. That way, you would be able to immediately
engage the reviewer with your post study plan, while judiciously utilizing the few
characters in telling a brief story.

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