Sixth Dispensation Test (75 Items)

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Sixth Dispensation Test (75 items)

1. When did the sixth dispensation started

2. The sixth or Our dispensation is called what? – Grace and Holy Ghost dispensation
3. Define Grace on its acronym- G-od, R-iches, A-t, C-hrist, E-xpense -3pts
4. Give one verse that says about the grace – Eph.2:7-8, 2 Cor.8:9
5. In what verse that the dispensation of grace was mentioned – Eph.3:2
6. Give four steps on how to be saved – Repentance, baptism, receiving Holy Ghost, Live
a holy life.
7. Explain what do we mean Repentance – 3pts
8. This is a sign of a New covenant- Water baptism
9. The importance why we should be baptized in water – give verses, 5 Pts.
10. What sign is the circumcision of the flesh- Old Sign (Gen.17:10-14)
11. What sign is the circumcision of the heart – New Sign (Rom.2:28-29, Col.2:11-12)
12. There are many purpose and manifestation of the Holy Spirit – Give 4 only
13. Explain what do you mean by gospel and its application for salvation – birth, death,
burial and resurrection – 8 pts
14. There are 7 easy steps how to receive the Holy Ghost, give 5 only (repent and believe
the gospel, water baptism, be comfortable, ask and believe for God’s gift, offer a
sacrifice of praise, let the spirit submerge and flow out of you, become as a little child.
Surrender your tongue to the spirit control).
15. Who started the reformation- Martin Luther
16. Describe some event that happened during Christians persecution or martyrdom.- 5
17. What happened in Nicea council in 325 AD- 3pts
18. Why did God used tongue (as like speaking in tongue)?- 3pts
19. He was a Roman Emperor who claimed to be used by God to conquer the world by
seeing the sign of the cross during his encounter with his rivalry (Maxentius) at
melvian bridge – Constantine the Great
20. Explain further the keys of Peter and how it is necessary for salvation to all – 10 PTS
21. It is called the one week of Daniel’s prophecy – The great tribulation
22. What is the law in the sixth dispensation – You must be born again
23. What is the judgment in the sixth dispensation – Great tribulation
24. Explain how the gospel related to peter sermon in Acts 2:38 and born again
experience- 10 PTS

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