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Swara Gnyana !
Parvati asked ” Oh lord bless me with the shastra which gives all types of siddhis and knowledge [
gnyana ]

Rudra deva answered :” The secret among secrets , essence of all auspicious , this science of swara is
like crest jewel , i shall describe it as present in the body and moves like hamsa the reailsation which
gives rise to knowledge of past present and future “

 athiests pose wonder towards it and theists [ believers ] make it a fundamental base .
 one who is peaceful , pure , full of austerities , gurubahkti ,and restraint mind , firm ,resolute and
grateful will learn this science else not !
 adulterous people do not understand and should not be given this knowledge
 mere practise and proper application one becomes allknowing
 Astrologer without knowledge of swara is like body without a head , a home without a protector .
 Lord is manifest in swara
 Nothing is more powerful than swara
 enemies can vanquished , friends acquired and wealth accumulates , fame and happiness occurs
with help of swara
 one can obtain a good wife , meet great people [ without appointments ] , attain devtasiddhi and
attract everyone with the help of swara
 one can overpower strong , eradicate illness with swara
 This shastra should not be used merely for answering questions , but should be used for self
mprovement and spiritual development .
 one adept in swara need not look out for day , time tithi vara nakshatra yoga karana , swara helps him
achieve success .
 No yoga or kuyoga hampers the pure strength of swara and everything every moment is auspicious to
swara yogi .
 There are many nadis in the body , the wise should know them in their body every now and then for
his spiritual pursuits .
 from navel to shoulder and above there are seventy two thousands nadis all through the body,
 Kundalini shakti exist in these nadis lying in the form of a snake .
 Sarpa mantra : ” ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ ॐॐॐ ॐॐॐॐॐ ॐ ॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐॐ

 TEN nadis upwards ten downwards and two -two each criss cross horizontally . totally 24 nadis hold
like a wheel . of these ten are dominant .
 of Ten, ida pingala sushumna are important.
 the others are gandhari hastijivha poosha yashaswini alambusha kuhu and shankhini .
 Ida is on left of the body , pingala is on right , and sushumna in the centre ,gandhari in the eye [left]
 hastijivha in right eye , poosha in the right ear , yashasvni in left ear , alambusa in the mouth .
 kuhu in linga , shankhini in moola , in thia manner all the openings have been pervaded by nadis .
 ten nadis are presided by ten vayus , prana apana vyana udaana samaana , naga kurma ,krukala
devadutta , dhananjaya ,
 prana is in the heart , apana in moola , samana in navel , udana in throat , vyana all over ,.
 naga is for udgara [ belching ] , kurma for opening closing eyes [unmilan] , krikala for sneezing ,
devadutta for yawning , dhananjay is allover body and stays even after death .
 moon is in ida , sun is in pingala , agni [sankarshana ] in sushumna . in the form of Hamsa .
 on exhaling sound is Ham , on inhaling its Sa .
 when dana is made in sakara it becomes infinite .
 With steadfast swara in tattva dhyana gives fulfillment of desire ,victory gains etc.
 left is sustainance and right is creation . middle is destructive .
 in all auspicious left channel gives success .
 Leaving the house with ida is auspicious . entering with pingala is also auspicious .
 Roudra karma should be carried out in surya nadi and enjoyments bhukti bhoga is good in sushumna
 in shukla paksha on wednesday , friday ,thursday monday , if ida flows it brings success .
 all movable changeable undertakings in pingala on sunday ,tueday and saturday are successful
 pingala at sunrise ending with ida at moonrise all undertakings will be successful
 All difficult and unknown can be known during solar flow .
 If morning the opposite swaras flows for one day it creates disturbance in mind , two days loss of
wealth , three days travel , four days destruction of liked thing , five days destruction of kingdom
[home] six days destruction of belongings , seven days diseases ,misery and eight days death .
 All these happen if swara is opposite for all the three sandhyas [ morning afternoon and evening ] if
one period any change is observed there will be break in misery and some solace .
 Stepping forward with the foot of active swara gives success .
 giving with the hand on active swara does not give loss or failure in vyavahara .
 moon swara is good for distant travel , solar swara is good for short travel
 Getting up early in the morning and touching the face with the palm of active swara gives desired goal
 Always keep guru minister King and other powerful people on the side of active swara .
 All negative people whom you wish to punish like thieves corrupt , keep them on inactive swara .
 Swara comes by karma , it imparts power to weak and makes powerful weak ,thus one should act
according to swara .
 Ida is nectar nullifies poison , pingala brings poerful under control , sushumna gives moksha .
 works in ida :
 Stable , longlasting work should be done on ida .
 construction of temple , purchase of jewelry , collection .
 digging wells , ponds , devata pratishtha , travel , donation , marriage , clothing fashion ,decoration .
 shantikarma , poushtika , medicine , rejuvenation, meetings , business
 grihapravesh , taking charge of service , sowing seeds , alliance , moving out all these are successful
in ida .
 vidyaarambha, relatives , birth death , dharma and mantra deeksha in ida is good .
 studying astrology , bringing home a new car , meeting a master , treating a disease in ida is good
 riding elephant horses etc , new vehicle , going in space , release of satellite , practising archery ,
keeping wealth in secret place is good in ida .
 singing , dancing , arts , entering a new destination , tilak or acquiring lands building property in ida is
 arrival of rain , worship and remedies are good in ida .
 ida brings perfection siddhi in yoga .
 works in pingala:
 Maran , mohan ,vidweshan stambhan vashikaran , copulating with women , enticing women ,
prostitution , boarding a ship .
 mean actions , corruption , drinking , vir mantra prayog , kshudra upasana , terrorism , giving poison ,
burning houses blasts , cheating enemy , destroying the country .
 shastra abhyasa , hunting , selling cattle , grinding , pasting , cutting stones , polishing gems will be
successful in pingala
 yantra tantra , speeding , gambling , scaling fort mountain ,expedition , controlling planes spaceships
,conveyances etc ,
 exercise , gymnastics , spellls , uchchatan , shatkarma , overcoming powers of yakshini . employing
bhut preta pishacha . snakes etc .
 riding donkey camel buffalo, swimming rivers , writing letters
 murdering , attracting , paralyzing , inspiring , disturbing , kraya vikraya , war , sensual pleasure
,feasting , bathing accomplishing excellent deeds all will be successful in pingala .
 wise should always do the following in solar flow , eating , stimulating appetite , captivating women
and going to bed
 all cruel harsh works and those involving dynamism should be done in solar flow .

 Sushumna
 Shunya swara is destroyer of all actions .
 fire in sushumna burns up all karma
 if for a second ida and then pingala flows its irregular , it gives opposite results .
 when both flows its like poison , no results occur .
 Praying Hari is the only option in such situation .
 In such situation people desirous of auspicious results must engage in yogic pursuits only .
 when solar flows and sushumna immidiately take over ,whether one curses or blesses all goes in vain
 during sushumna if one remains without food and with austerities one attains knowledge of bramha .
 Womans’ ida is active and is absorbed by man through his pingala ,if man retains it in anahata then
the woman is captivated forever [ she falls in love with him forever ],so say tapasvis.
 if after holding the prana in anahata if the prana is put back into the woman then woman is controlled
throughout her life .
 if sushumna of the woman is drunk my man in the last three hours of night when woman is asleep he
takes her youth away .
 if after a brief sushumna , ashtakshara japa is carried out then , instantly ida is flown towards women ,
love develops between them
 During sex if lunar swara of woman is captivated by solar swara of women , man looks like cupid
himself to woman .
 if opposite swaras flow during dakshinya [ dating ] one can attract upto hundred women .
 one must copulate odd number of times in pingala and even number of times in ida to satisfy a woman
 one must kiss a woman drawing both ida and pingala simultaneously like a serpent , and it should last
till the last stretch of prana , this puts the woman to sleep , when she gets up , one must kiss on the
throat and eyes .
 after the mensturation , woman should drink shankhavalli mixed in cows’ milk , and pray her husband
for a son , if husband enters her when his solar swara is active one gets a brave child . woman should
have lunar swara .
 But if man puts his solar swara in woman’s sushumna then crippled child is born .
 union on uneven days after mensturation in solar swara of man and lunar swara of women , even
sterile woman would give birth to a son .
 while ejaculation moons swara becomes active then no birth will occur .
 Devi asks ” who is the greatest friend of the human. “
 Shiva says “Prana is the greatest friend of the human . there is no companion closer than prana in the
universe “
 Maruti , residing in the centre of body is rakshapalaka ie guard . On entering body prana vayu is ten
angulas and while exhaling it is twelve angulas .
 While walking 24 angulas , running 42 , copulating 65 , sleeping 100 .
 eating it will be 18 angulas .
 If yogi succeeds in reducing length of this prana by one finger he becomes desireless . two fingers
less he gets ananda , three angula less he becomes sex virility personified .
 reduction by four angulas vaksiddhi [ whatever one says becomes true ]
 by five angulas he has telepathy [ doordrishti ]
 by six akaashgamanam [ can move in air ]
 by seven angulas chandvega [ moving with enormous speed ]
 reduction of vayu by 8 angulas ashta siddhi
 nine angulas nava nidhi
 ten will give ability to change forms of the body in ten ways
 11 angulas will leave no shadow of the body
 with twelve angulas one attains amruta .
 One who knows this shastra gains three ghatika of longevity everyday
 One must sit in padmasana , close the apana and take apana to flow upwards and merge it with prana
and take it upwards and release it into air through bramharandhra ,
 No amount of practise or study gives success in this shastra , it can be attained only through agrace of

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