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Steam Generator - How to Use

To select a particular item, click on the required link below:

l Background
l Hydraulic Model
l Adding Heat to the System
l Using the MO Controller Connection


The component models a simple Steam Generator, where saturated liquid (feed water) enters
arm 1. With additional heat added, the incoming feed water is converted into steam and exits
via arm 3. The remaining steam exits via arm 2. Figure 1 shows an example of an industrial
system Steam Generator.

Figure 1: Industrial System Steam Generator

Hydraulic Model

This is based on the Discrete Loss component, where the loss coefficient of each arm is taken as
an input, and the pressure difference is the computed difference between arms 1 and 2.

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Equation 1


P1 = Pressure at arm 1
PDrum = Pressure inside the drum

K = Loss coefficient
A = Area of arm 1
ρ = Density

Adding Heat to the System

Additional heat can be added by using one of the following methods:

1. By setting a constant value of Thermal Duty.

2. By specifying a curve of Thermal Duty v Time, or

3. By connecting a controller to the 'Thermal Duty' SI input.

The following table shows the order of data entry:

Table 1: Specifying the Order of Data Entry

Controller Curve Data Form Value

Connected? Set? Set?

Yes No No Controller setting will be used

No Yes No Curve setting will be used

Fixed data form value will be

No No Yes

Yes Yes Yes Controller setting will be used

No No No Error Halt

Using the MO Controller Connection

By connecting a gauge component to this output, you can measure anyone of the features
shown below:

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Figure 2: Available Features

When you connect a gauge template to the component to measure or display one of the above
outputs, you need to set the following features for the component:

l Algorithm Type - This is set to 1: Output = Input

l Output Quantity - this is automatically set when you select the required feature from the
dialog shown above and then click OK. For example, if you selected 'Exit Superheat', then the
Output Quantity is set to: '58. Temperature'. If you selected 'Inlet 'Steam Production Rate',
then it would be set to '4. Mass Flow Rate'.

l Output Initial Value - this is set to the required value

l Output Clipping Min/Max Limits - these should be set as required

In addition to the above, if you wanted to display one of the above outputs in a plot window,
then you would need to set the following feature:

l Plot Window No. - this is set to: 1: 1'st Window.

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