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Feature Title: Documentary

Producer: Avraj

Pre production
Travel to check location 2
Phone bill 1

Food 2
Equipment hire 2
Material 1

Camera hire 2
Venue Location/licence to film 1
Copy right fee 1
Expert 2
Libec Tracking Dolly 1
Compact Tripod with integrated 3-Way Aluminium Head 2
Crew 1
Rod mic 1
Actors 1
Royalty payments 1
Lighting hire 3 piece redhead hire 1
sound recorder 1
Camera man 2

Post production
Editing equipment 1
Editors/teachers 1
Microphone 1
CD,DVD and memory stick 1
Voice over 1
Final cut pro 1
Blue ray DVD or CD 1
Income Total Running total
Budget £0.00
£5,000.00 £5,000.00

Unit cost Total Running total

£0.00 £5,000.00
£5.00 £10.00 £4,990.00
£0.00 £4,990.00
£0.00 £4,990.00
£4.00 £8.00 £4,982.00
£490.00 £980.00 £4,002.00
£8.00 £8.00 £3,994.00
£0.00 £3,994.00
£0.00 £3,994.00
£0.00 £3,994.00
£0.00 £3,994.00
£0.00 £3,994.00
£145.00 £290.00 £3,704.00
£7.50 £7.50 £3,696.50
£70.00 £70.00 £3,626.50
£100 £200.00 £3,426.50
£40.00 £40.00 £3,386.50
£184.00 £368.00 £3,018.50
£99.00 £99.00 £2,919.50
£120.00 £120.00 £2,799.50
£100.00 £100.00 £2,699.50
£100.00 £100.00 £2,599.50
£30.00 £30.00 £2,569.50
£100.00 £100.00 £2,469.50
£200.00 £400.00 £2,069.50
£0.00 £2,069.50
£0.00 £2,069.50
£0.00 £2,069.50
£1,000.00 £1,000.00 £1,069.50
£0.00 £1,069.50
£40.00 £40.00 £1,029.50
£30 £30.00 £999.50
£200.00 £200.00 £699.50
£180.00 £180.00 £519.50
£15.00 £15.00 £504.50
£0.00 £504.50

Travel to find a location to film and findout location fee

Phone the person (expert) to find out if they are Avalible
Lighting for a set that I want to film
food for the crew that I will hire
equipment for film example camera and tri pod
Paper and pens and pencils
props including clothes, and other set things
presenters to present the show/documentray

Camera to film the documentray

location and how much they would charge for hrie.
any material which I might use from other people
Expert people that can give advice on topics
A dolly to move around and shoot things that move
A tripod to hold the camera when filimng
example camra man, presenters.
Rod mic that will come
Any actors that you want in the documentary
payments that I may have left over
Lighting for a setor shoothat I want to film
somone to record the sound of the documentary
To film the documentary

To edit the work after it is completed

to help edit the work when it is finished
to record sound and voice overs.
to produce the finsihed product
voice over for the documentary
To edit the work after it is completed
to produce the finsihed product

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