30 Things You Have A Right To Do

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for All Intelligent Beings
Master of Sacred Science
Charles Henry Kropf
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© Copyright 2009 by Charles Henry Kropf.

All rights reserved.

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Printed in 14 Point Times New Roman.


O ne day, as I was moping around feeling sorry for

myself, I was inspired to write down what my
rights as a human being were. From that list came this
“Bill of Rights”, along with a meditation for each of the
Thirty Principles have been listed herein. I realize
that the list could be much longer, but what is given
here represents the basics, I believe, for personal growth
and maturity.
A true human being is able to stand with integrity,
dignity and honor in the midst of all that comes his way,
but this is not always easy. I will be honest with you
and tell you that these thirty things are some of the most
difficult things for most people to do, even though in
reading them they sound like a piece of cake. This is
because we have been programmed to have a certain
mindset that says we are merely puny humans that have
no power. We are supposed to submit to the “fates” that
await us and have no power to change them. But in
truth, this is the mindset of slaves, not free people.
There comes a time when we must “take authority”
over our lives and in strength confess our authority as
we are given it by the Ineffable. This is the natural
heritage of all humans! It is my hope that these thirty
simple statements will help you to begin to throw off
the “slave consciousness” instilled in you and begin to
really live!
This booklet teaches you that you have authority.
The word authority means the right and the sanction to
do something. Authority is power. So in embracing
these thirty simple principles, you are taking back the
power that is rightfully yours. Because of this,
 You have a purpose for being here.
 You have the power to be here.
 You have the authority to be here.

You have the Right, Power and Authority to fulfill your

purpose, and no one has the right, power or authority to
stop you.
You may say that there are others in authority,
whether they be religious or political. In the greater
work of society this may be true. But on a personal

No one has the right to tell you how to run your

life – no religious authority, no political
authority, no social rule.

Only you can decide this. These thirty principles

will, I trust, help you establish your personal power
base. They are given in the authority of Love.
Perhaps you are already using your authority in
some of these things. I will say this to you as it was
taught to me a few years ago: Take what you can use
and leave the rest.

1. TO BE ME.

One day when I was really feeling sorry for myself, a

profound thought popped into my mind:

“I am me. No one else can be me but me. No one

else can do what I do the way I do it. Everything
has my personal signature on it and cannot be

Everyone’s life is stamped with their personal

signature. They are the only ones who can use it.
Whatever they do has the unique expression that goes
with that signature and anyone who tries to duplicate it
is committing forgery.
There is no one on earth that can do what you do the
way that you do it. Two people writing about the same
thing will tell their experience of it, and put side by
side, one can tell that the two came from different
Your signature endorses your personal authority and
is a statement of power. You say to others who you are,
what you are and where you are in your life.
One of the greatest Spiritual principles that exists is
the admonition to speak your truth with courage,
boldness and wisdom. By choosing to be who you are,
what you are and where you are, you can become a free
agent, no matter what circumstances surround you.
I am the only person who can do this. The Signature of
my life is locked in the Reality of who and what I am
and is necessary for the benefit of others and for the
furtherance of my path. I am who I am, what I am and
where I am for a reason. I bear this signature, and no
one can take it from me. Though I be enshrouded in the
opinions of others, I am that I am.

“Be impeccable with your word.” is the teaching of

“THE FOUR AGREEMENTS”.1 The word impeccable
comes from a Latin root and means to be without sin, to
be perfect, flawless. Your word is the statement of your
authority and power. If it is not true to your intentions,
it has a nasty habit of coming back to you and biting
your ass.
People determine your honesty and integrity by not
only what you say, but how you back up what you say.
If you say one thing and do something else instead, you
lose the trust of others and consequently, your power
base. You devastate yourself and the work you are here
to do. You usurp your own authority.
Being true to your word means to follow through
with what you say by taking actions that are conducive
to it, by doing the things you said you would do. The
old saying is, “A promise made must be a promise
fulfilled.” If you say you live by the principles of Life
then you must do so at all costs. If you say, “I will
fulfill this need,” then you must do everything you can
to fulfill it. This is being true to your word.

I have made commitments, not only to myself, but to

God before the hosts of Heaven. Because of this, I am
under the obligation to fulfill them. I made them freely
before entering this world and they are sealed within
A book written by Don Miguel Ruiz, a Toltec Nagual (Master). The Four
Agreements are: Be impeccable with your word. Don’t take anything
personally. Don’t make assumptions. Always do your best.
the DNA of my body, to be broken open and released in
the proper times. There is no other set of promises that
are as important as these. They are my Prime

You were born into this world having the mandate

you agreed to fulfill in this life. You were given
choices, and of your own free will accepted the life you
now live, and in this life, to do what you agreed to do.
This is now a given for you, your Prime Directive. It is
a part of what you are and what you may yet become.
To go against the agreement you have already made
is a testimony that your word means nothing. The
misery you face because of it will be of your own
making. This is not only because you, in essence, lied to
God, but you also usurped your own authority. You lie
to yourself and withhold the energy that is allotted to
you to do your work. That energy is locked into the
DNA of your being and is available when you need it.
Your purpose for being here is designed to fit your
personality and Signature. All the tools are at your
disposal and will activate when they are needed. You
would not have these tools, which are your many
abilities and talents, if you did not have the authority to
have them. Since that authority is yours, you have the
authority to use them.
One of the strengths of your health in body, mind
and soul is your use of the authority you have to fulfill
your purpose. In doing this in the long run, you will
have no regrets.

The promises I have made are concerned with the

reasons I was born into this world at this time. I have a
Commission from God to do the tasks lain before me. I
will do them to the best of my ability and honor my
commitment to them. I will not hesitate. I will not hold
back. I will march forward and never have regrets.

The Voice of God speaks to your heart and guides you

in all the things you do. It is the voice of your Divine
Soul, which has always been a part of you. It is your
True Authority. We often refer to the Divine Soul as the
Christ that dwells within all things and especially,
within every person.
To be guided by this Voice is to fulfill all the things
you are here to fulfill. I must stress that it is an Inner
Voice. It is a part of your being. You have the right,
power and authority to follow its guidance in all things.
There are those who say you must adhere to a certain
way of thinking and acting. If those ways are not
conducive to what your heart is telling you they are
false and will lead you away from your purpose. What
will you heed, your Heart Voice or the voice from an
outside authority that has no right to impose its mandate
on you?
You must realize that you are a Divine Being who
has Divine Authority. You are in this world to learn
how to be truly human. To be this is to be totally free to
do your Work and to speak your Truth. It is not based
on a cut and dried form but upon your spontaneous
activation of your purpose, an activation that requires
your signature in order to have any power.
You have the authority to hear God speak to you
because He is a part of what you are. There is no
separation, no self and other. God is not up in the sky
far, far away, but so integrated with you and with all
that surrounds you that no other authority has any say in
the matter. You are a part of God and God is a part of
you. That is the way it was always intended.
This independence from the obligations of a
religious format is highly frowned upon by those who
are blinded to the Truth. They are running from
themselves, trying to hide from what they know, in the
deepest nave of their souls, they truly are. Such are
weakened in all areas because of this, and their ability
to hear the still small Voice whispering in the ear of
their heart is muted to a murmur they cannot
To hear this voice speaking to you is a vital key to
your success in what you seek to do, no matter what it
is. It is honorable to do this, though sometimes hard to
accomplish. Yet you have the strength and the right to
do it and be at peace.

I am just as able as anyone else to hear the Spirit of

God speak to me, though it be through emissaries of the
invisible or visible world. I will weigh the truth of all
things lain before me and will trust in the Divine
Guidance given to me to tread my Way. I will listen
when Spirit speaks, and use the guidance He gives me
as if it were a sacred text. I will not falter in my Way.

When you listen to the Voice of God in your heart, there

is no need to fear that you will be led astray. That Voice
does not call you to grovel, trembling like a whipped
dog, but to stand in the authority that is rightfully yours,
and to heed the truths that are presented to you by
whatever means.
It is true that religious and political authority says
differently. They say you must act like everyone else
acts in order to be accepted. Which is better – to be
accepted into their fold by their standards or to be
acceptable by having the courage to embrace Truth on
its own merits?
To accept the Truth is to take unto yourself the
Reality of who and what you are. It helps you determine
where you are in your life. It may be contrary to
everyone else’s views, but it is right for you. You have
the authority to embrace it because it would not present
itself to you otherwise. You receive in your life what
you need, and all you need is for the furtherance of your
Sometimes the Truth you receive is very
uncomfortable for you personally. You cannot escape it.
It is there to help you adjust your life to a more perfect
expression of your purpose. If you try to run from it, it
will chase you to the ends of the Earth. If you embrace
it, it will give you peace.
You have the authority to receive Truth without fear
of being led astray, because it is Truth. It is not based on
speculations or the whims of the moment. Some of
these truths are Universal in nature and others are
personally designed for you alone. The latter cannot be
spoken because they are keys to your Power, but the
former is what is shared with others. In sharing with
others, one makes room for more Truth to come.

The Truth will set me free! I will accept it as it is,

without speculation and without fearing what others
might think of it. I am not here to uphold a false
tradition, but if necessary, to introduce a new one based
on the Truth I have been given. I cannot do less than
this without violating my Sacred Trust. It is more
important to me to uphold Truth than to live a lie.

It is an outright myth that Spirituality and poverty go

hand in hand! You do not have to be poor to have a
Spiritual experience. If you have much money and
wealth in this world’s goods and can maintain a
Spiritual rapport within yourself, you are not living in
This penster has seen both the poor and the rich have
the deepest of Spiritual experiences, so the experience is
independent of this.
To have the authority to prosper is to first and
foremost let go of the fear of it. Fear in any form can
disrupt the circuitry, so to speak, between the reality
one seeks and the one seeking. If you are afraid to
prosper, in other words, you will not do so. You will
stay where you are and never progress.
True prosperity comes on three levels:

 On the physical level, you have the authority to live

as well as you desire.
 On the mental level, you have the authority to
change your thinking from “poverty consciousness”
to the consciousness of abundance.
 On the Spiritual level, you are in authority through
the Divine Soul to overcome all obstacles and direct
the flow of prosperity to the mental and physical

You must become aware that everything you are has

always been a part of you. Ill teaching and human
ignorance has kept you from embracing your birthright
as a human being. It has instilled within you the
consciousness of fear. To change your consciousness,
the way you view and react to things, is to accept the
authority you have and vanquish the consciousness of
The deepest roots of what we might call Prosperity
Consciousness is found within you. You cannot just be
prosperous on the outside and be impoverished within if
you wish to be a whole person. If you want to prosper in
a balanced way, seek to enrich yourself on all levels in
balance with each other.
What have you accomplished if you are filthy rich
and have all the earthly goods you want, if you feel
miserable inside? By the same token, what good does it
do to have all that Spiritual and Mental energy within if
you don’t have the means to express it? To allow the
WHOLE PERSON to prosper as ONE is the true

I have received a promise given to all who would

receive it that God would supply all our needs because
He is rich in glory. God knows that I must have the
means to do the things I must do to fulfill my reason for
being here. It is given to me to activate that Abundant
Supply, to have the Key to the Treasure House. I must
use it wisely.

One of the greatest bits of prosperity in the world is

good health. It is true, that the pursuit of your mandate
in this life can be compromised by poor health. This is a
given. This is why it is important

 To respect your body as the Temple of God that it

 To respect your mind as an offspring of Divine
 To respect your spirit as the child of the Spirit,
 To respect your soul as the vital energy of Divine
 To respect your Divine Soul as the Foundationary
Energy of God, the Christ within you.

This is a “Wholistic” process that must be

undertaken to ensure good health across the board. You
have the authority to do this. Remember that authority
gives you the right to be healthy, and to be healthy is to
be in harmony with your own Life Rhythm.
Remember that Life is the rule of the Totality, not
the exception! You are part of that Totality, so you are
an expression of Life, the Divine Christ that is the Life
of all that is.

My body is the Temple of God and the Spirit of God is

within me. It is part of my Sacred Trust, and I am
accountable for it if I misuse it and squander its energy.
While I do not go to extremes of body-building and
such, I do what I must to care for it by practicing
moderation and respect for myself, by eating
moderately, exercising moderately and getting the
proper rest. Nor will I endanger it by taking
unnecessary risks.

What is fulfilling to you?

 Is it living the good life? If that does not include

every aspect of your being as a human it is not
 Is it having deep Mystical experiences? If the
experience does not express itself in some form on
the outside, it is not complete.
 Is it having great academic prowess? If you do
nothing constructive with it, it is not complete.

You cannot live a fulfilled life if you do not live it

on all levels. Your life must be fulfilled in body, mind,
spirit and soul. If any part is weakened in any way,
there is yet no completeness. If you wonder why there is
a weakness within you, in most cases it can be boiled
down to one question:

Are you fulfilling your reason for being here?

To fulfill your purpose is the most fulfilling thing

you can do for yourself as well as others. This brings
everything else into line, including good health,
prosperity and well-being. Only one who is able to do
this can become a whole and complete human being.

My life is fulfilled when I do what I am here to do, no

matter how hard or impossible it seems at the moment.
When I accepted the rose garden of my life I accepted
the thorns as well as the flowers. I learn respect and
obedience to proper protocol in my life through the
pleasure and the pain of this life. I learn, I grow, I
become more nimble of foot and more humble of spirit
here below.

The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is your strength.
This joy is a feeling of well being and security in the
midst of a troubled world. It is an inner knowing that
nothing is out of control, that all things are guided by
intelligent design, even the unpleasant things.
This joy is something that you already have whether
you realize it or not. It is part of the human package of
unopened qualities that have been suppressed within
you. You have from the day you were born been under
an illusion that you had to earn this joy in order to have
it. You have allowed others to teach you that you could
not have joy unless you did thus and so, unless you
followed a prescribed pattern of conduct.
The truth of the matter is that it has always been
yours for the taking. There have been many who have
never allowed their joy to be taken away because they
have had people who have encouraged them to be the
best they can be. Most, however, have not had that
luxury. It is hard for you to have joy if you are
constantly reminded that life is a path of constant
suffering and pain.
If you are told that you are a miserable sinner who
deserves to burn in hell for all eternity, it is difficult for
you to feel much joy. But when you know that joy is a
part of your birthright, that is a different matter! That
means you have the authority, the right to be joyful!

My strength is in joy, especially, in the joy of the Lord!

A joyful person can be saddened and seemingly
enshrouded in grief, but within him the joy wins the
game and overcomes all things. It is the joy of knowing
that I am never abandoned, no matter how lonely I feel
or segregated from "normal" life. I am happy because I
am of a nature to be, because the Nature of the Divine
is within me.

The Book of Proverbs says that we should get wisdom.

Perhaps it would be better to say, “Use the wisdom that
you already possess.” Because you have a Divine Soul
you have access to the wisdom of the ages within you. It
is a part of you and cannot be taken away from you.
Unfortunately when something cannot be taken
away, it can become buried so deeply that you don’t
even know it is there. When you are told that wisdom is
in a book or in some lofty dimension you cannot
possibly reach without religious “training”, it causes
you to look for an outside source for your inspiration.
But the most these can do is trigger the wisdom you
already possess because the Divine is within you, the
Source of all you are. When you are enshrouded in the
illusion that everything you need is apart from you, it is
hard to realize this. Yet once it is tapped, you have the
key to the Ageless Wisdom that the Masters know. It
truth, any true Teacher of Light would tell you this.
Again I tell you that if you were not meant to have
this, you wouldn’t have it, but because you are a Divine
Being, you have the authority and right to be wise!

It is human imperfections that make people do foolish

things. I am no exception to the rule. Yet the Source of
Pure Wisdom is within me. I tap into it and use it as
fully as I can. Though I make errors in judgment, I
recognize them and move on with my life, accepting the
balance that is part of my nature as the Corrector of all

One of the greatest lessons to be learned in life is that

you, as an individual are sovereign over your own
affairs. This individual sovereignty is the basic
foundation of individual freedom and liberty. You
would not be an individual being if this were not so.
In this country we are known for our many freedoms
that most other countries do not have. Yet in this free
land of ours we are subject to religious oppression,
political hounding, peer pressure, the authority figures
in our lives who tell us more or less how the cow eats
the cabbage and our conditioning because of all this.
Somewhere along the line, we often lose many of our
individual rights as human beings because we must
submit to these “necessities”.
All of these are outside influences. They are not
supposed to control your every move as most would
lead you to believe. You are responsible for yourself
and have the authority to make your own decisions
based on what your Inner Guidance speaks to you.
Religious, political and social guides are secondary, and
are often used as tools to control people. It implies that
people are too dumb to control themselves. But this
“dumbness” is created by these outside factors and is
therefore superficial.
When you realize this you are in a position to come
into your authority and to activate your personal
sovereignty. Some will say to you, no doubt, that you
have to follow rules. If those rules do not violate your
purpose for being here or deny you the right to do it,
well and good! But if the time comes that you must
choose between the “rules” and your Purpose, you must
be wise in your choice. Which, after all, is more
important to you – the “rules” of religion, politics and
society, or your personal mandate?

I am what I am by the grace of the Divine Christ within

me. I have the honor and the right to have freedom of
choice in conducting my life, even though I have made
commitments to do certain things before my birth. As a
free moral agent, I can choose to lead my own life or to
follow my destiny. Though others may judge my choices
and try to dissuade me, they are my choices and I must
live with them, or I can choose to change them.

Do not be afraid of the fact that you are a human being

and that human beings make mistakes. This is a given.
There are those who would shame you for things that
you do wrong and never let you forget it. Such is a ploy
to keep power over you, to restrain you from learning
from the mistakes you make and finding ways to correct
your path. If you learn from the things you screw up,
you retain your own power base, and no one can
overcome you.
This is why you have the authority to make a
mistake and to correct your path. These are two parts of
the same thing. You cannot have one and neglect the
other. It is well if you make no mistakes. But this is a
virtual impossibility on the human level. The right to
makes mistakes and to correct them as you are able is a
process that gives you a chance to learn and grow in a
positive way.
This is why I said to never be ashamed of the fact
that you goofed up. You learn more about yourself
because you expose your weak points and have the
wherewithal to strengthen them. The key to retaining
your power base is to face squarely these weaknesses
with courage and determination to shore them up so you
are no longer weak in that area.
Some may say to you that they make mistakes on
purpose to cause someone else to suffer or have a hard
time. Such an act is very bad and the repercussions are
great. This is not what we are talking about here.
Someone else will say that they are in prison because
they screwed up and robbed a bank. This is
premeditated, designed to be hurtful on purpose. This is
not a mistake.
A mistake is when you do something wrong without
the intent to do so, and certainly without the intent to
cause misfortune to anyone. Karma, the Law of Cause
and Effect, discerns the difference and welds its power
to that effect. It is known when you goofed up
accidentally, and when you did so on purpose.
The key to this is your intent. Were you really trying
to do the right thing and wound up doing the opposite?
Do not be afraid to admit this and begin the process of
healing within yourself and, if need be, within others.

I have the perfectly legal right to screw up! But I also

have the obligation to correct my mistakes whenever I
can, so that no one will be hurt because of my error. I
realize that everything I do has an effect, and so I must
be careful to conduct myself in a way that is Life-
Generating. When I screw up, I must correct my Path
as soon as possible.

This does not mean you become a simpleton. It simply

means no window-dressing. There is absolutely no need
for you to complicate your life any more than it
naturally is. You don’t have to keep up with the
Joneses, or anyone. You are yourself, and as yourself
you are required only to unfold your life according to
the pattern you set before you were born.
Remember that you made promises and chose to
come into this life with all its hang-ups and problems to
progress your soul. You only need what you naturally
desire, not what others say you need. You only have to
live a lifestyle according to your own desires, not
according to the “status quo” others say you must live.
The true prosperity that you should seek is the
prosperity of being happy where you are. If you want to
improve it, do so because you want to, not because you
are being pressured to. Someone might say that you
need a Mercedes and a big fancy house in order to have
status in the world. If you are more comfortable in a
Chevrolet and a mobile home, then that is where you
should be. Status is determined, in the long run, by your
character, not by what you own.
Simplicity simply means living the way you are
comfortable and content to live, and following your
destiny to completion. What others say is not important.
Though some may give you advice about this and that,
that advice should be weighed against your purpose for
being here. If it is not compatible you will know it. You
will not feel comfortable with it. Be honest and
straightforward with yourself and with others. That is
all that is required.

For my own peace of mind and spirit, I have the right to

be simple and straightforward in my affairs. It is not
necessary for me to complicate my life with a lot of
flack due to the tendencies of a technological society.
To live simply is to be close to the Earth and close to
Heaven at the same time and to accept the Reality of
life as it is, knowing that from every lemon tree can
come an abundance of lemonade!

One of the greatest things that you can accomplish in

your life is to attain Union with God. What does this
mean? It means being a whole person, having a
complete balance within yourself between what you
perceive as being the Divine Part you identify as Divine
Soul Consciousness or Christ, and the rest of what you
are. To see these as separated in some way is to still be
divided and not whole. One who attains Union with
God becomes as a fresh baked cake. All one sees is
cake, not the ingredients. When one sees a truly whole
person, he sees a Divine Being in manifestation.
Religious teaching has painted a picture of humanity
separated from God. This is a total impossibility. God is
the Life of all that is. In my teachings I have tried to
stress the fact that Life, which is God, is the rule of the
Creation, not the exception. There is no separation in all
Creation from the Life Essence because everything
comes from it and is a part of it.
What does this mean to you? It means that you are
the Universe and the Universe is yourself. A Divine
Being is a Cosmic Being, meaning that he or she has
come to complete Union with God, which also means
complete Union with all that is, visible and invisible.
You may call yourself a Texan or an American or
whatever, but the truth of the matter is that you are
much more than this. This is the totality of what you
really are, and you have the right and authority to
embrace it and become unified with it!
There are many things that could be said about this
concept and many things that could never be said except
by personal experience, but I tell you truly that this you
have the authority to do!

The ultimate goal of my life is to return Home, not by

death, but by living as close to the principles of
integrity and honor as I can. To do this is to be close to
God. To be close to God is to have the opportunity to
become as He is, to take on the Divine Nature that is my
birthright. I can do this in a physical body, but soon
enough it will no longer be needed.

On of the worst things you can do to another is to pass

judgment on them, to condemn them for not living up to
the “standards” set for them. Have you set those
standards? If they are your standards by which you live,
well and good. But you do not have the right or
authority to impose them on others. Others must set
their own standards and live by them, whether or not
they agree with yours. As freely as you have received
your authority to live as you feel you should, they have
the same authority in their lives.
It is true that you have a mission to fulfill in your
life, and you must do everything in your power to fulfill
it. But it is designed to awaken others to their mission,
not to persuade others to follow your way exclusively.
A true human being does not judge or condemn – he
simply lives what he is and does his work with total
love and devotion. When he sees others coming into
their own, he rejoices. Because he is not filled with
condemnation, he does not condemn. He lives and lets
others live. His life is devoted to healing and mending
the imbalances in the world, and one of them is this
seeming desire by some to control others.
Condemnation is just another way to gain power
over someone else. Even as you do not have the
authority to pass it on others, you do have the authority
to refuse to condemn others or to accept condemnation
from others! You have the authority to be free to pursue
your own path no matter what anyone else thinks about
To be free of the ability to hurt others or destroy their
dignity by harsh judgments is my goal. In so doing, I
free myself from such condemnation and
judgmentalism. I claim to be uncondemned by Christ
because I have accepted His Reality within me.
Therefore, I have none to give. If I accept
condemnation, it is because I was weak and uncertain.
God is my certainty.

If you come into the world with a special role or

mission, you must come to realize that you are no more
special than anyone else. You have a purpose to fulfill
that you volunteered for, but so does everyone else, and
like you, everyone else feels especially honored for
being thought worthy to take on the task they are doing.
As it is yours, what they do is their love, their life, their
commitment beyond all other things. Nothing else
matters but this.
The commission to do what you are here to do does
not divorce you from the human race. In fact it unifies
you and makes you more closely linked to what it
means to be human. To do this with humility should be
the crown jewel of your life.
Though you may have a place of authority, you
should learn that this authority has a price that you must
be willing to pay. Authority gives you power, perhaps
power to guide others. You must never abuse that power
for any reason. Nor must you give those you guide a
reason to feel exalted to the point where they begin to
have elitist thoughts. If they do this you have not done
your job well.
You may think is strange that I say you have the
authority to be free of elitism. It means that you have
the ability to choose to be free of this according to your
own will. Whether you choose to or not is up to you, but
you must remember that you will feel the effects of any
decision you make.
At the same time you have the authority not to be
pinned to someone else’s bug poster. You must be free
to pursue you path without any flack from others or
condemnation because you refuse to be pinned down by
rules and regulations you don’t even believe in.
I have personally found that the best things to do are
simple and direct.

 Stick to your mission and don’t let others tell you

how stupid it seems to them or how much you seem
to assume upon yourself.
 Live as free from any form of elitism as you can,
even if others accuse you of being elitist.
 Be humble, but don’t be a throw rug for anyone.
 Be bold in your work but don’t be a steamroller
that flattens everyone.
 Be open, honest and sincere but don’t brag or
boast of your mission to excess.

You have the authority to be yourself above and beyond

what you are now.

I am not someone's special bug pinned to a poster. I am

not here to be anything but what I am any more than
anyone else. Therefore I will not sit myself on a "guru
rock" to be respected as anything above what I am. I
am Spirit and Truth because the Divine within me is
Spirit and Truth. I did not make myself, but have
become myself because of Him.

You have the authority to speak your Truth because that

is what was entrusted to you. You do not have the
authority to speak for another person, because they must
speak and demonstrate the Truth entrusted to them in
their own terms.
Your Truth is not some strange revelation that no
one else can have. After all, the purpose of speaking
your Truth is to share it with others. But it is your Truth
because it has your signature on it, your own unique
mode of expression that no one else can duplicate.
Though what you share is universal in nature, it is
still your Truth because of this. Others may speak of the
same things you share but the way they do it will be
different. You should never forget that the Truth is not
exclusive property belonging to any one person or
group. It is public domain. And yet the variety in the
ways it is expressed serve the purpose of reaching as
many people as possible. This is not a one-man show,
and you, yourself, cannot reach everyone.
Speaking your truth in the way given to you is a
precious gift you should honor. It is your personal
uniqueness. But don’t let it go to your head, because
everyone else is so gifted as well. This is one of the
things that make human beings unique in the animal
Speaking your Truth is the expression of your
personal sovereignty. Your signature is also an
expression of it. The whole Creation is stabilized by the
balance between Order and Variety in the ways that
Order is expressed. Some call this “ordered chaos”, but
it is more than this. Within you, this process exists and
gives you your personality and mode of operation.

I am a Messenger. I am responsible for the Message I

have been given and have every right to speak as the
Spirit gives me utterance. I do not speak the Truth of
another but only what has been entrusted to me. This is
my Sacred Trust. To go beyond this is folly and an
affront to others. My Truth has my Signature upon it,
and only I can present it in the way given to me.

As I just stated a moment ago, everyone has their own

modus, there own way of doing things. Just as you have
the authority to speak your Truth, they have the
authority to speak theirs. Just as you agreed to come
into this life to fulfill your mandate, so they do as well.
As you would not have others tell you what to do or
how to do it when it comes to your work, your reason to
be here, so you must honor their right to personal
sovereignty and freedom of expression. No one has any
right to deny anyone this!
You did not come off a mass-production line, nor
did anyone else. The problems in the world today can
be brought back to the human lust and misuse of power.
It is a powerful thing to turn living people into zombies
who are slaves of obedience and duty. Powerful, too, to
play the “fraidy” card and terrify people into towing the
line. But even more powerful and stable of limb is the
power of freedom and liberty to make ones own
decisions in life and to speak ones Truth without having
to please the “elders” of organized religion.
With every gift one receives, he also receives a
responsibility. When it comes to your right to speak
your Truth, the responsibility you have is to respect
everyone else’s right to do the same, even if you do not
agree with them. There is in this the issue of semantics.
Are they telling it wrong or are you just not
understanding their background for what they say?
What is the difference between enumerating poultry and
counting chickens?
Because everyone is responsible for the work given
unto them, it is not my place to withstand them, even if I
disagree with them. Every pot must sit on its own
bottom. Every bowl must fulfill its own destiny, that for
which it was created. My responsibility is for my work
alone. Part of my work is not passing judgment or
contesting another.

Your dignity is your self-respect and your honor is your

pure honesty in the work you do. If you do not respect
yourself, you cannot expect others to do so either. If you
have no honor, you have no self-discipline and no
direction, and you will fall into the pit of chaos.
The Work of the Spirit is no play-pretty that is here
today and gone tomorrow. It is real and the most stable
work you can do. It is not your place to scare the
bejesus out of anyone in doing it for this would not be
honorable. Nor is it your purpose to denigrate anyone or
destroy their self-respect. To tread in honor is to
endorse your own self-respect, your own dignity so that
those around you will feel honored to be there.
It is easy to condemn or judge another by arbitrary
means. Much more difficult it is to show respect and to
be respected. The best way to be respected is to be
yourself, your true self. You are most honorable when
you do this. Many can see through your charades and
know what you are in truth. If you are genuine in your
honor and dignity, you will honor the dignity of others.
Most cultures, no matter how primitive they are,
have a code of honor. It may not be the same for
everyone, but it’s there nonetheless. The true human
code of honor is not written in any book but upon the
heart. To find it and tap its energy gives you true dignity
beyond your wildest dreams.
Dignity respects the beliefs of others and does not
seek to derail them. Such respect draws honor to you
and retards fear and distrust. As you honor and respect
others despite what they believe, so you must not allow
others to rob you of your dignity and honor. Hold them
in a sacred place. Breathe them in and exhale them,
embrace them and make them a part of your
consciousness and no one can take them from you. And
being an embodiment of them, you will not dishonor the
dignity of others

My Path is not a spook show or a circus act. My Path is

the Way of Honor and dignity, and respects the honor
and dignity of all the ones I work with or through. I act
with Honor and Dignity by upholding it within others. I
act like a fool by disrespect for what others believe or
feel. It is not an honorable thing to be a fool.

Being in need has much to do with the state of your

consciousness. If you are in a state where you feel that
Life has cheated you out of what you need, then you
will remain in that state. If you think that since you
were born poor you will remain poor for the rest of your
life, then you will remain poor.
But if you have come to the place where you
understand that you have within you the keys to
overcoming these things you can do so. If you want to
change conditions in your life change the way you look
at them and react to them. By getting rid of the attitude
that causes you to create the conditions you find
yourself in, you come to a new level of consciousness.
You may say that you are where you are because of
your karma. This may be so, but the reason you are here
is to correct things that you ignored in a previous life.
Having bad karma does not mean you are fated to suffer
all your life. Because you are where you are, you have
the keys within you to overcome these weaknesses that
keep you in want.
You may say you don’t have the education to be
better than you are. The world is full of successful
people who have no higher education than you have.
If you want to rise above the attitude of want, you
have the power to do so. No matter what anyone else
tells you, this is your time to rise to the occasion and
prove your worth, for you are worth more than you
think you are!
Only those who have the consciousness of poverty
remain in poverty no matter how rich they are. Only
those who have the consciousness of abundance may
break free of poverty no matter how poor they appear.
Once the mind has been set on abundant supply,
nothing is impossible no matter how things appear. I
am rich because I have the Divine Consciousness
within me.

Whatever talents and gifts you have, they were not

given to you “just because”. You have them for a reason
and that reason is to fulfill your purpose for being here.
They are your tools to work with. If you are a carpenter
you have in your possession the tools of your trade. You
cannot build anything without them. So if you would
fulfill your mission here, you will have what you need
to do so.
Many times you have great difficulty in assessing
what you are here for. First of all I would tell you that
you must search your heart, but I would also urge you to
find out what your talents and gifts are. They will give
you a clue. I had a minister tell me once that whatever
ministry I had would make a way for itself. If you use
what you have as much as you can, your reason for
being here will unfold without uncertainty.
Like anything else in this world, your talents and
gifts must be developed in order to function properly. If
you sing, you must develop your voice to the point
where it carries a tune as efficiently as possible. If you
play an instrument, you must practice with it until
playing it becomes second nature to you. If you write,
you must practice and learn from your mistakes so that
your writing may improve.
What do you have in your hand? What do you have
that can be useful in your work? Learn to use it and
your mission will demonstrate itself for what it is. This
is your authority and power.
I am gifted of God. It is given to me to use those gifts
for the good of all concerned. I have talents as parts of
my birthright. It is given to me to develop them as well
as I can for the good of all concerned. In using what I
have to hand, I give testimony to the fact that I honor
the One who gave me the gifts and granted me the
talents. I will use them well.

Since you are the embodiment of Life, you are the

manifestation of a portion of the Divine. It is the nature
of the Divine to love, because God is Love.
Love is not meant to be horded like gold but to be
shared with others. You show your love for others when
you treat them with respect and dignity, when you
demonstrate to them that they have worth just as anyone
else does. You do not judge them harshly if they fall
into misfortune or if they do things that seem to you to
be wrong. You do not know what their motives are or
what is causing them to do what they do.
When you deal with others in love, you discover that
there is no room in your heart for arrogance and bigotry.
If they err in their way, remember that you do too. Have
you learned from your error what was meant for you to
learn? If you have, you will allow the natural love you
are to love them and encourage them on their way.
You cannot give yourself to bitterness because of
past hurts. You cannot hate yourself and lash out at
others unjustly because you are hurting inside. This
personal hurt is where much of the condemnation and
judgmentalism comes from. It is contrary to the natural
love that you express without effort.
You have the right to let this natural love flow and
heal the bitterness of your own heart and to demonstrate
it to others. You are a Divine Being. Love gives you a
higher consciousness so that you can embrace others
with open arms and an open heart.
God is Love. God is the Divine Consciousness within
me. Therefore, I am the embodiment of Love for the
sake of everyone I meet in this world as well as for
everything in Creation. By sharing my love with all
things I demonstrate the Love of God and embrace all
that is as a part of the Wholeness of which I am a part.

In order to be able to demonstrate the Love that you are

daily becoming, you must come to grips with the nature
of your human self. You are a sensual person, and you
cannot deny this and be whole. It is a false concept to
think that you cannot be a sensual person and a Spiritual
one at the same time.
This sensuality is not just about sex. It is true that
two people who are to be together are sexually attracted
to each other, but they are attracted in other ways as
well on the mental and Spiritual levels. This is the
secret of true romance – to discover and build upon this
attraction of the wholeness of person on every level.
Romance is the discovery by each person of the
other. It does not happen all at once, but builds little by
little as each invites the other into their world. It is
based on mutual trust and understanding. While each
explores the other one’s world, they do so without
trying to change anything, but accept without judging
what they find. When they understand what makes the
other tick a relationship can develop and they can bond
with each other for life.
When the two become one in this way they will
compliment the other in their personal development on
all levels. Of course there will be disagreements and
spats, but true love finds a way where there seems to be
no way. Remember that as an expression of the Divine
Life that is the essence of every life form, it is natural to
love with everything you have and are.
Part of the dignity that honors me is my acceptance of
the fact that I, as a human being, am a sensual person.
Sensuality is part of my nature. It is as natural as
sneezing and requires that I respect it by respecting the
same feelings in others. I have a right to have these
feelings and to enjoy the embrace of another. I will
honor this with dignity and respect.

There is within you a Reality that knows all things

you need to know to fulfill your purpose for being here.
All the knowledge, all the wisdom is there. All you have
to do is tap into it.
It is true that there are those who want to withhold
the Truth from you, the Truth about who you really are
and what you are really here for. They want to drag you
down into accepting the message of the ages as they see
it. It does not matter to them if what they tell you is true
or not. What they try to teach you was taught to them
and they feel obligated to indoctrinate you.
But you have a mind to think with. You are able to
reason things out and to blend your reasoning with the
intuitive portion of your thought processes. You have a
Sacred Heart that guides you into the right paths.
Many times what you learn from the Divine within
you will not agree with what you have been taught over
the years. Before you learn the real Truth, you will have
to unlearn the teachings of the false dream. In many
cases that takes some doing, and a lot of courage. You
are the only one who can determine if you have it.
It does not matter what others think about that which
you acquire from the Divine and Sacred Heart. For the
courageous True Heart, only the Truth matters. If you
lose friends over the matter of the Truth, were they your
friends, your jailers or just fearful of taking their stand
as you have?
All things given to my care are things I have a right to
know about. I was not sent into this world to be stupid
or foolish but to be knowledgeable and wise. Therefore
there is that within me that causes me to connect with
the Sacred and the Secret, to learn that which I need to
carry forth my Commission. As I rest in the Guidance of
the Divine within me, I know that I will not be kept in
the dark.

The false dream teaches you that you are too dumb
to make an intelligent decision about many things in
your life. Whether it holds up the education card, the IQ
card or whatever, it tries to convince you that to go
beyond the accepted concepts is unacceptable and then
punish you if you do so with social odium and
The foundation of the false dream is fear and duty.
The duty it implies is to uphold the status quo, the
acceptable order, whether it be religious, political or
otherwise. It seems to be rooted deeply within the
human psyche to resist any kind of change, yet
evolution is fueled by it. The growth of any species is
governed by its ability to accept change as part of its
growth process.
You may consider yourself to be an instrument of
change. Before you attempt to change others, you will
need to change yourself, and this will require that you
accept the changes that come in your life as for the
good, not only of yourself, but also of those who are
associated with you. The best way to do this is to
discover who you really are and then just be yourself.
This does not require you to be a superhero, just to
be you, to eat, sleep, and do your work as yourself. You
must do this twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
week. What you do, after all, has your signature on it,
so it should be of the greatest integrity.
Despite what others think, only you can put forth the
effort to do what you need to do in order to allow the
changes to take place within you that must occur.

No one else can make up my mind about anything but

me, no matter how learned they may be. I am guided by
forces only I am able to comprehend in a measure, not
that I am a special bug, but because this is natural for
all. Therefore all decisions are mine and can only be
mine. But I am guided by Divine Consciousness, which
is my Sacred Heart, so what the Divine wants is what I
want. That is my decision.

This dog-eat-dog world tells you to look out for number

one despite all others. So what if you mash a few toes
and ruin a few lives. It’s a jungle out there! Only the
most fit and the strongest survive, and if you don’t,
that’s just tough.
People who think like this wind up in the hospital
more often or in accidents or other problems because
they are inviting the other dogs to eat them. The old rule
is still that you reap what you sow. So if you terrorize
others for your personal benefit, you can, in the long
run, forget about benefiting but as you get terrorized
yourself. If you ruin lives to get your own way, your life
will end up on the garbage heap.
This is why the most wise among humankind have
taught to give of yourself for the sake of others. It is not
just an obligation but a right, and demonstrates your
humanity, passing the seed of kindness from one to the
other. Since you reap what you sow, you attract to
yourself the goodness of others in accordance with what
you have sown.
This does not mean to imply that you are everyone’s
slave and that you must neglect your own work to help
others. You dare not, in fact, neglect your work, for it is
intended to better the lot of all concerned. If you
become everyone else’s slave you cease being yourself,
and this you must not do. You cease being effective
when you cannot express your own abilities in the ways
given to you.
There are those who use your authority to help
others as a way of having authority over you. By
keeping your mind on what they think you should do,
they seek to keep you out of focus to your real authority
to be there where you are really needed, which is not
necessarily where they want you. You know in your
heart where you are most effective.
Always you have freedom of choice. You can be an
angel or a devil as you please, but you must understand
that each has its reward.

It is given to me to be available to be of service to

others when I can. This does not mean that I am
everyone's slave. It simply means that when there is a
need I can answer, I will help as much as I can. What I
can do may not be what everyone wants, but it will be
what I can do and do well. In this I stay within the
range of my own capacity, which is wisdom. And yet
God is able to amplify what I do beyond my own ability
and means.

Everyone faces times of discouragement and sadness.

Everyone has been through those dark nights of things
that go “bump” in the night. When one goes through
these things, the last thing they need is to be treated
without compassion and understanding, to be told to
“get over it”.
Whether one faces the death of a loved one, the loss
of a job, house or car or has been discouraged by people
who do not understand what he is feeling, you have the
authority to step in and help that person in whatever
way you can. You cannot go through their experience
for them, but can only support them as they experience
it for themselves. By being kind and compassionate
without being mushy you can do more by what you
don’t say than be what you say many times. But you
have the authority to be there for them if that is where
you are.
I know that in the many times I have experienced
these things, I was most encouraged by those who were
just there for me than by those who preached at me.
When I was grieving over my wife who had just died I
wanted to throw a brick at someone who told me I was
just wanting sympathy and that I was not a real man
because I cried so much. This is not the right way to
exercise ones authority to be there. Love does not call
anybody names or seek to degrade anyone. It just loves,
and that is what I needed at the time.
When things get out of control for others, you have
the authority to be in control of your excessive need to
help when such would be detrimental to the situation.
One does not help a chick hatch or a butterfly to come
from the cocoon, though a word of encouragement in
the midst of the struggle never hurts. One who acts by
sometimes not acting can be of great benefit. One who
jumps in and helps without considering what they are
doing can do great damage to the one they are trying to
One must face what he must face in his experience
in life and no one has the authority to interfere.
Sometimes it’s the experience of things that gives
strength and teaches one to live as fully as he can.

I am given the incentive to encourage those who are

downcast because of things they cannot seem to control.
I can understand this because I've been there and know
what it feels like. I can minister to the sad of spirit
because this, too, I know and understand. Whatever it is
necessary for me to do to lift them up, I will do.

Your own personal vision is given to you to fulfill. As

we have said before, you chose to fulfill it before you
were born. That means you have the authority to see it
through, and you have every right to do what you must
do in order to do so.
It is true that there are those who would come to you
and try to lay down some ground rules for fulfilling
your purpose. If what they say does not agree with your
vision, something is wrong. You may have to make a
choice between pleasing them and retaining your own
peace of mind by following your heart.
Others cannot give you rules to follow when it
comes to fulfilling your vision. They do not have the
authority. It is your vision, and you are the only one
who can decide what to do with it. You have the
authority to set the rules you follow, and you have
Divine Guidance from the Divine Consciousness within
you to make the proper choices.
It may be that when you do this, others will question
your authority to do so. The methodology you follow
may be different than the things they believe. You must
have the assurance in your heart, the conviction, to
stand upon your decision in what you do. You cannot
conform to public opinion, but to your own heart, you
must be true.
It may seem to be a hard choice before you, to take
the initiative to pioneer new territory. It is a choice
every teacher of Light has had to face. You have the
wherewithal within you to do what you must for the
good of all concerned. But you already know that you
do not walk your path alone.

Within my heart there is the vision of what I am given to

do in this life. I have every right to see the fruit of my
labor fulfilled and continued beyond my own span. I
have a right to feel a sense of accomplishment, of
knowing that I made a difference. I have a right to feel
at peace.

There is both Light and Darkness within everyone.

There are things that make you feel well with the world
and with God, but there are other things that make you
cringe and pull back, things you know are within you
that you would rather leave alone and not deal with. It is
a time when you must take a deep breath and have the
courage to face them.
Often you will find that those things hidden in
darkness are meant to be there and can be faced when
you have reached the Spiritual maturity to have them
revealed to you. Often, too, you will find that some of
these things, blown all out of proportion by religious
teachers, are not what you thought they were. You have
been so uptight about them that you could not see them
for what they were and are.
Truth is the Revealer of all things, and much of what
it reveals is unpleasant, mostly because your attitude
about them has been so unbalanced. Wisdom helps you
balance your perceptions in order that you may make
wise decisions based on what Truth reveals instead of
what religious and social teachers tell you. Perhaps this
approach may cause you to be criticized and badgered
by well meaning but blind friends, but always Truth
wins out and you arise as victor.
This is not to say that there are not things within us
all that must be done away with altogether as we
become aware of their detrimental effects. Yet the tool
we have to work with is transmutation. “Transmutation,
not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master,”
says the Hermetic Philosophers. This is the ability to
take that which is detrimental and transform it into that
which is beneficial, this, for the good of all concerned.
Therefore one learns to not reject Darkness and
embrace Light, but to know and understand that both
are parts of your wholeness, that one cannot be
complete without the other. This is contrary to most
religious and social teaching, but it is the only authentic
Path to Peace.

There are those things within me that are so dark and

sinister seeming that I have been afraid to stir them up.
Recognizing that I have a Light side and a Dark side
does not give me pause as much as the reality that the
dark is so pitch black! When I gaze at the Light I see
that it is very great and it makes me squint. I have the
authority to face the Darkness as well as the Light, for
both are frighteningly deep. I will trust God to help me
through this.

Healing is your birthright. You may not be a doctor or a

nurse, but you have the power and the right to bring
healing to others. You need not address a specific
ailment, but when you become a conduit of healing
energy, the energy knows where to go. You need not
know about pills or herbs. You but need be an avenue
through which the healing flows.
Healing is energy. Since you are energy as well, you
come from the same Source as healing energy comes.
Therefore it is only natural for you to be able to tap into
that Source and allow it to flow. Since energy is a
flowing essence, you get out of the way as far as your
own thinking is concerned, and just allow it to flow.
The Source may be called many things – the Power
of God, Universal Energy, Reiki or a number of other
things – but it all works the same. It all works to bring
balance and harmony to the being, which is its natural
state. It recognizes that all illness and pain comes from
a disruption of the harmony of the body, mind and
spirit. In restoring the harmony, the being becomes
whole again.
It is your right to help bring this about in any way
you can. It may come when you feed someone who is
hungry – not all sickness comes from germs and viruses
– or comfort a grieving mother. Whatever opportunity
you have, you have the authority to help heal the world!

Everything is energy, including myself. Because of this,

I am tapped into the main line to the Source of all
Energy. I become a conduit of healing energy, helping
to correct the imbalances in the energies of others. I am
but the conduit; God is the Healer. As the energy flows
through me, I allow it to go where it is needed. In this
way, I see results.
Charles Henry Kropf is a Master of Sacred
Science, taking his studies from the International
College of Esoteric Studies of Barbados. He is
also a Reiki Master and does energy work in the
Metro Houston area. He is widely read and is a
prolific writer on matters of deep Spirituality.
Being an inter-dimensional communicator, he has dedicated his
writing skills to recording the messages given to him from Higher
Realms. His special work is the publication of SOTERIUM and
THE BOOK OF DISCOURSES which he has available at his
storefront website.

If you wish to contact him, his email address is:


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