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Interpersonal style questionnaire

For each of the following 18 pair of statements distribute three points between the two alternative
A and B, based on how you usually interact with others in everyday situation. Although some pairs
of statements may seem equally true for you behavior most of the time.
 If A is very characteristic of you and B is very uncharacteristic, write 1 next to A and 0 next
to B.
 If A is more characteristic of you and B, but you engage in A sometimes write 2 next to B and
1 next to B.
 If B is more characteristic of you and A , but you engage in B sometimes write 2 next to A
and 1 next to A.
 If B is very characteristic of you and A is very uncharacteristic write 3 next to B and 0 next to

Be sure that the numbers of you assign to each pair of statements in the space provided add
up to three.

I am usually open to getting to know people personally and establishing
relationship with them
I am usually open to getting to know people personally and establishing
relationship with them

A I usually react slowly and deliberately.

B I usually react quickly and spontaneously.

A I am usually guarded about other people use of my time

B I am usually open to other people's use of my time.

A I usually introduce myself at social gatherings.

I usually wait for others to introduce themselves to me at social
I usually focus my conversation on the interests of the parties involved
A even if this means that the conversations stray from the business or
subject at hand
I am usually focus my conversation on the tasks issue business or
subject at hand.
6 A I am usually not assertive and I can be patient with a slow space
B I am usually assertive and at time I can be patient with a slow space

A I usually make decision based on fact or evidence

B I usually make decision based on feelings, experiences, relationships

A I usually contribute frequently to group conversations

B I usually contribute infrequently to group conversations
I usually prefer to work with and through others, providing support
when possible
I usually prefer to work independently or dictate the conditions in terms
of problem solving

A I usually ask questions or speak more tentatively and indirectly

B I usually make empathetic statements or directly express opinions.

A I usually focus primarily on the idea, concept, or results.

B I usually focus primarily on the person, interaction and feelings.

I usually use gestures, facial expressions, and voice intonation to

emphasize points
I usually do not use gestures, facial expressions and voice intonation to
emphasize points

A I usually accept others' point of you (ideas, feelings and concerns)

I usually do not accept others' point of you (ideas, feelings and

A I usually respond to risk and change in a cautious or predictable manner

I usually respond to risk and change in a dynamic and predictable

I usually prefer to keep my personal feeling and thought to myself

sharing only when I wish to do so.
I usually find it natural and easy to share and discuss my feeling with

A I usually seek out new or different experiences and situations

B I usually chose known or similar situation and relationships.
A I am usually responsive to others agendas interests and concerns.
B I am usually directed toward my own agendas interceders and concerns.

A I usually respond to conflict slowly and indirectly.

B I usually respond to conflict quickly and directly.

We develop habitual ways of relating to others based on what behavior was reinforced when we
were growing up. A behavioral habit is something we do when we interact with others without even
thinking about it. Our predominant behavioral habits can be understood by looking at how open or
self contained we are and how direct or indirect we are.

In first dimension O stands for open and S stands for self contained. An open person is relationship-
oriented supportive of others needs and share feeling readily. A self contained person is task
oriented aloof and not prone to share feelings. The letter you circled (“”O or “”S”) indicate were on
this continuum your tendencies lie. Item 1 to 9 measures those dimensions. Based on your answers
count the score given for As and Bs (self contained) and indicate which is higher open or self

One the second dimension, D stands for direct and I stands for indirect. Direct people are
extroverted and express their thought and feeling quite forcefully. Indirect people hold back and
appear more introverted. Direct people can be thought of as ranging from highly assertive to
aggressive. Based on your answers count the score given you for As (indirect) Bs (direct) and
indicate which is higher D or I.

Four different behavioral style or habit of relating to others can be discerned by how direct and
open you are.

If your score are highest on open and direct, you are an assertive and relationship-oriented
If your scores are highest on self contained and direct you are
an assertive and task oriented director.
If you score are highest on In- direct and self contained you are a task oriented and
low assertive thinker.
If your scores are highest on indirect and open you are a low assertive and
Relationship oriented relater

Item 1-9 A (open) B (SELF CONTAINED)

Your score
Item 10-18 A (indirect) B (Direct)
Your score

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