Analysis Lab1 Signals

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The purpose of this activity is to familiarize ourselves with the DSP Starter Kit after previously studying
its functions. The given task was to configure a signal from an mp3 device and use the DSP Kit to
produce an output in audio form.

In the beginning, we did not know what to do because of the lack of information and at the same time,
my groupmates and I were extremely cautious while using the DSP Starter Kit. But setting those factors
aside, we attempted to fulfill the task given to us by doing multiple trials and errors such as trying to
configure the DSP Kit by coding and programming it. Because we did not have any productive results, we
compared our methods with our classmates and discovered the simple solution to our task.

After learning the easy way of doing the task, we tried it for ourselves using the DSP Kit designated to
our group and it was a success. The desired audio output was produced and if I were to compare it to
any project that I have made in my previous year, it was almost the same as the function of a

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