Sacred Times & Liturgical Season

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& LITURGICAL Liturgical

SEASON Season?
The liturgical year consists of
liturgical seasons which recall and
celebrate various events in the life Advent is the Season that includes
of Lord Jesus Christ. The four Sundays preceding Christmas.
"Lectionary," the Mass readings A period covering the 4 Sundays
from the Holy Bible, follows a before Christmas during which we
Sunday cycle and a weekday cycle.
The Liturgical Calendar follows a
prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth
three-year cycle, each year being and anticipate his coming again at
represented by the letters, A, B, the end of time.
and C. During the year A cycle, the
Gospel of Matthew is the primary
Gospel that is used for the
readings. In year B, Mark is the
primary Gospel. In year C, Luke is
the primary Gospel. The Gospel of
John is proclaimed on particular
Sundays in each of the years.
In each cycle of the Liturgical
Enrique T. Calendar, you will find six
Umusig Jr. -ADVENT
11-St. Matthew -LENT

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