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Arturo Alcaraz
Arturo Alcaraz is a volcanologist specializing in geothermal energy development.
Benjamin Almeda
Benjamin Almeda designed a food-processing machine.
Julian Banzon
Julian Banzon researched methods of producing
Ramon Barba
Ramon Barba invented practical flower induction treatments.
Benjamin Cabrera
Doctor Benjamin Cabrera has developed innovations in drug treatments against diseases caused
bymosquitoes and agricultural soil.
Paulo Campos
Paulo Campos built the first radioisotope laboratory in the Philippines.
Magdalena Cantoria
Magdalena Cantoria is a noted Filipino botanist.
Josefino Comiso - Filipino Physicist
Filipino Physicist Josefino Comiso has been warning the world about global warming.
Lourdes Cruz
Doctor Lourdes Cruz has made scientific contributions to the biochemistry field of conotoxins.
Rolando De La Cruz - Filipino Scientist
Filipino scientist Rolando De La Cruz invented an anti cancer skin cream.
Fe Del Mundo - Filipino Doctor
Doctor Fe Del Mundo is credited with studies leading to the invention of an improved incubator anda
jaundice relieving device.alternative fuels.
Pedro Escuro
Filipino scientist, Pedro Escuro is best known for his isolation of nine rice varieties.
Agapito Flores - Filipino Scientist
Agapito Flores has been acclaimed by some as being the inventor of the first fluorescent lamp - isthis

Pedro Flores
Pedro Flores was the first person to manufactured the yo-yo in the United States.
Francisco Fronda
Francisco Fronda is know as the Father of poultry science in the Philippines.
Hilario Lara
Hilario Lara helped establish the National Research Council of the Philippines.
Felix Maramba
Felix Maramba built a coconut oil-fueled power generator.
William Padolina
William Padolina has served as the Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology for
Eduardo Quisumbing
Eduardo Quisumbing was a noted expert in the medicinal plants of the Philippines.
Francisco Quisumbing
Filipino chemist Francisco Quisumbing invented Quink ink.
Jose Rodriguez
Jose Rodriguez is a noted Filipino scientist and researcher who has invented methods of
Eduardo San Juan
Eduardo San Juan worked on the team that invented the Lunar Rover or Moon Buggy.
Alfredo Santos
Filipino chemist Alfredo Santos is a noted researcher in the chemistry of natural products.
Francisco Santos - Filipino Chemist
Filipino Chemist Francisco Santos studied the nutritional problems associated with the Filipino diet.
Gregorio Velasque
Filipino scientist, Gregorio Velasque made intensive studies of bluegreen algae.
Carmen Velasquez - Filipino Biologist
Carmen Velasquez was a noted Filipino biologist.
Gregorio Zara - Famous Filipino Scientist
Gregorio Zara - famous Filipino scientist Gregorio Y Zara
Angel Alcala
Angel Alcala is behind the invention of artifical coral reefs used for fisheries in Southeast Asia.
Benjamin Cabrera
Doctor Benjamin Cabrera has developed innovations in drug treatments against diseases caused
bymosquitoes and agricultural soil.Advertisement.
Rolando De La Cruz - Filipino Scientist
Filipino scientist Rolando De La Cruz invented an anti cancer skin cream.
Roberto Del Rosario - Filipino Inventor
Roberto Del Rosario is the inventor of the Karaoke Sing Along System.
Daniel Dingel - Filipino Inventor
Daniel Dingel claims to have invented a water-powered car.
Clara L. Sylianco,Ph.D
A biochemist. She work mutagens, antimutagents, and bio- organic mechanisms which have nowbeen
widely used in the teaching of biochemistry in local colleges and universities.
Dolores Ramirez, Ph.D ( Biochemical Genetics)
A genetist and biochemist. Her studies incllude the genetics of macapuno, rice hybrids with relatedwild
species, and chemical resistance of some plants to leaf spot, type of plant diasease; and thecytogenitics of
rice hydbrids with related wild species.
Quintin Kintanar, MD, Ph.D ( Environmental Medicine )
A medical doctor, pharmacologist, and environmental scientist. His reseach involved the
molecularmechanisms of lipoprotein biosynthesis.
Nemicio Mendiola
A botanist. His works on blant breeding led to the development of several new plant strains.
Deogracias Villadolid
A zoologist. He conributed to the development of local fishing industry.

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