Horse Hoof Care: A Guide To Your Horse's Hoof Health

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Horse Hoof Care

A guide to your horse's hoof health

The hoof is one of the most important parts of the horse’s body and the adage, ‘no hoof no horse’ is an
oft-used saying for good reason. 99% of lameness issues occur within the hoof so this is one part of the
horse which owners really should become familiar with.

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Anatomy of a horse hoof
The hoof is a marvel of Mother Natures’ most ingenious design, a closed capsule containing bones,
ligaments, tendons and blood vessels creating a small but powerful support structure which also facilitates
locomotion and acts as a shock absorber.

There are both insensitive and sensitive parts of the hoof which is why it can bear a horseshoe. There are
one and a half bones within the hoof, the pedal bone which is the main one and the lower half of the short
pastern above it. There is also a tiny bone behind the pedal bone called the navicular bone. The pedal
bone is supported within the hoof by leaves of interlocking tissue called laminae which are both sensitive
and insensitive.

There is no pump to promote circulation within the hoof instead, the horse relies on the natural effect of
gravity and his body weight pressing on the plantar cushion which sits above the frog in the hoof capsule.
The pulse of the blood supply can be felt on either side of the horse’s fetlock where the blood vessel is
close to the surface and this is called the deep digital pulse. This is often used as an indicator to assess
lameness or injury. A slight pulse is normal but a strong or bounding pulse indicates inflammation and
should be taken as an indication of something amiss.
There is no muscle below the horse’s knee and hock, instead, a selection of tendons and ligaments
continue down both the front and back of the leg and attach to different areas of bone within the hoof to
provide the mechanism for support, movement and control.

The key parts of the hoof

Hoof Wall – the exterior of the hoof which provides a hard protective layer, it is made of keratin. It takes
the horse around a year to grow an entirely new foot from the coronary band to the toe

Coronary Band also called the Coronet – this is the join of the horse’s skin and hair to the top part of the
hoof and it is the point at which the horn is generated to form the hoof. Injuries to the coronary band will
necessarily cause major disruption to horn growth which will be visible for months as it grows down the
wall of the hoof

Periople – this is the shiny outer layer on the wall of the hoof that looks like varnish. It helps to regulate
the moisture content in the horn and is secreted from the perioplic ring which is above the coronet

Sole – the underside of the horse’s foot so visible when you pick the foot up. The visible outer sole is
tough and insensitive, designed to protect the sensitive sole and other structures which sit beneath it in the
hoof capsule. The sole should be slightly concave and is not designed to be weight bearing. In horses with
flat feet, the sole does weight bear and this can cause different issues such as corns and bruising. A flat
sole can be protected with rubber pads

Frog – a ‘V’ or triangular shaped area which is visible on the underside of the foot, the frog begins at the
heel and extends to a point about halfway down the sole. The frog is designed to provide shock
absorbency, offer grip and should weight bear and come into contact with the ground. Grooves along
either side of the frog facilitate expansion when the frog makes ground contact. Ground contact is really
important as this momentary pressure on the frog promotes the return of blood back up the horse’s leg

Sensitive Sole – this sits directly below the pedal bone and is protected by the tough outer sole

Plantar Cushion – this can also be called, the Digital Cushion, and it is located between the pedal bone
and the Deep Flexor Tendon. It is an elastic and fibrous pad that provides protection from concussion and
helps to push the blood back up the horse’s leg

Lateral cartilages – these are attached either side of the pedal bone and are designed to support and
protect the coffin joint which is the joint between the short pastern and the pedal bone enclosed in the
hoof capsule. They also have a role in absorbing concussion

Laminae – leaves of interlocking tissue which attach to the hoof wall and link to the sensitive laminae
supporting the pedal bone. The divide between the two types of laminae is visible as the junction of the
white line on the sole of the foot
Next, find out how hoof anatomy fits together for
correct hoof conformation

Correct foot conformation

Apart from good quality horn, in general terms, the horse’s feet should be in proportion to the size of the
rest of his body. The front feet should appear round and roughly the same size and the hind feet which are
a slightly different shape should also appear to be a pair.
Apart from good quality horn, in general terms, the horse’s feet should be in proportion to the size of the
rest of his body. The front feet should appear round and roughly the same size and the hind feet which are
a slightly different shape should also appear to be a pair.

Poor horn quality in most cases can be rectified with good care and appropriate nutrition but incorrect
hoof conformation can be much harder to manage. A poorly conformed foot may result in strains to
tendons and ligaments in the case of low heel long toe horses and will offer poor shock absorbency in
horses that predispose to a more upright foot.

However, a good farrier and carefully chosen shoes can help support the horse that has some
hoof conformation issues.

What can you do to influence the hoof?

Unfortunately, hooves cannot be influenced in terms of conformation in that some horses are born with
better feet than others. However owners and grooms can still help a horse with conformation issues by
first understanding what they may be. For example, certain breeds tend to predispose to certain types of
hoof structure.

Thoroughbreds can often have flat feet with soles which weight bear on the ground and be low/collapsed
in the heel area. Whereas, cobs or heavier breeds tend towards a much more upright foot with a better
hoof/pastern angle but the lack of angle can increase the concussive effect through the foot and leg which
can cause wear and tear issues later on in older horses.

With better knowledge of the conformation challenges of their horse, owners can influence horn quality
with proper nutrition and external care. Also, good farriery techniques can impact nature’s defects so its
always a smart idea to be on good terms with your farrier - perhaps making them a cup of coffee on a cold
morning is not such a chore after all.
How can your farrier help conformation issues?
Different types of shoeing can improve undesirable aspects of a hoof such as low/collapsed heels or feet
that are too upright/boxy. Horses with a low heel may benefit from a bar shoe, either an eggbar which is
essentially completely round or a heart bar shoe which is similar but has a heart-shaped piece of metal
which sits over the frog hence the name. Supporting the heels helps to prevent injury from overreaching
and also relieves strain on those all-important tendons and ligaments which originate further up the leg.

Corrective or remedial shoeing may be used on a long-term basis for anatomical issues or for a short
period after specific injury or illness, for example, laminitis. There has been huge research and
development into glue on shoes that offer support for laminitic horses and ponies without the trauma of
nailing a show onto an already inflamed foot.

Good farriery is about collaboration with the owner and the vet and this can be just as applicable to horses
recovering from injury as supporting those participating in the sporting disciplines. A different or
alternative shoe is only part of the picture; shoeing intervals, the location of the nails and care of the foot
on a daily basis are all part of a good hoof care programme.
Nutrition and hoof health
The second greatest influence on the horse’s foot other than genetics is nutrition.

A balanced diet should provide any horse with all the dietary requirements for good horn growth but
supplementation can be required in certain circumstances. If the horse is young or resting, he may not be
receiving sufficient quantity of rations to ensure coverage of the necessary nutrients. Illness, injury or a
change of routine can also lead to the requirement for an essential boost which can be provided with
specifically designed hoof supplements.

The most important dietary element for good hoof growth is Biotin which is actually Vitamin H. Biotin is
synthesised naturally within the horse’s body through the processing of fibre in the hind gut so feeding
plenty of long fibre should be the horse owner’s first port of call when thinking about good nutrition and
not just for healthy hooves either. So poor diet would be the first thought when hoof horn is struggling or
potentially that the horse is not absorbing it properly across the gut wall. A compromised gut function
could be caused by either illness or a diet that is perhaps higher in grain-based feeds than long fibre so
there may not necessarily be a perception that the horse is being underfed or is lacking in the correct
nutrition. The horse has evolved to eat long fibre and it is easy to slip away from this with the energy-rich
demands of competitive riding and the plethora of attractive modern mixed feeds available to buy.

When looking for a good hoof supplement, it is important to understand that Biotin should not be fed in
isolation as key dietary elements do not act independently but are all inter-related As well as Biotin, a
good supplement should contain MSM which is bioavailable sulphur and methionine and helpfully, trace
elements such as zinc and manganese.

Feeding the appropriate level for the horse’s size and weight is crucial as otherwise, the supplement will
not be effective. The ballpark figure is usually around 15mg for ponies, 30 mg for horses and 45mg for
larger or heavy horses. This ration is per day. As the horn grows slowly, improvements may not appear
immediately although some products recommend a loading dose at the start of the process to kickstart
good growth. It takes 9-12 months for the horn to grow down from the coronary band and around half that
time for growth at the heels.

Using topical hoof products

There are many products available to help support poor horn growth or look after other aspects of the
horse’s feet.

Hoof dressings have been devised to promote good horn quality and to help prevent and deal with
cracking, dry brittle horn and loss of moisture. Most hoof oils and conditioners will contain properties
that nourish the hoof and also offer some protection against bacteria. It is important that conditioning
products allow the hoof to breathe so do not seal the horn as such so that the moisture level within the
hoof can fluctuate as nature intended. It is also crucial that they do not overly soften the horn.
Nowadays, most manufacturers are aware of the criticism levelled against traditional hoof oils and
provide products for the show ring which will leave a lasting and deep shine without compromising hoof
health. Splitting and cracking can occur when the hoof is too dry and so any products used should support
good moisture retention.

There are also plenty of products to treat the underside of the hoof. Iodine and anti-fungal sprays are
popular during the winter months when thrush can be more of a problem. There are also treatments which
harden the sole of the foot, particularly helpful for thin soled flat-footed thoroughbreds.

Environmental factors and hoof health

Working on artificial surfaces is great for a horse’s joints but sand is abrasive and this can impact the
horse’s hoof over time. Equally, excessively dry conditions can lead to cracking and brittle horn as
moisture is continuously evaporated from the horse’s hoof. Blood and lymph provide nourishment to the
horn cells in terms of moisture but a prolonged dry period can be a red flag to owners who may need to
condition their horse’s feet with a topical moisturiser. If you have access to water when out hacking, a
stream or ford, then standing them in water regularly for a few minutes every day can have the same

Excessive moisture is just as undesirable as excessive heat and long wet winters can cause changes within
the hoof because the hoof is wet for protracted periods of time. Stabling horses are the simplest way to
minimise the horse’s exposure to boggy, wet fields and this is why late winter is traditionally referred to
as, ‘abscess season’. The horse can develop an abscess at any time of year but following prolonged
exposure to wet ground, this time is the favourite. Changes and distortions occur within waterlogged feet
and leave spaces and crevices where bacteria can penetrate and thrive in moist conditions leading to a
build-up of infection and pus.

Good daily, monthly and seasonal hoof care routines

Each season will present different challenges in terms of hoof care. The winter is often characterised by
waterlogged feet and soft heels whilst the summer months are the time of risen clenches and brittle,
cracked feet. Whilst care does to some extent vary according to the conditions, there are some things
which never change:
 Pick out all feet at least once per day especially after bringing in from the field and following exercise
 Check shoes for risen clenches and hooves for any cracking or damage when the feet are picked out
 At any suggestion of an unpleasant odour, the feet should be sprayed with an anti-fungal or iodine spray
 Stick to the shoeing or trimming intervals recommended by your farrier; overgrown feet and long toes are
far more likely to cause problems with chipping and cracking and can give rise to other problems as well
if the correct hoof/pastern axis is not maintained

Key hoof care items for the grooming kit

1. Hoof pick, at least one, some have brushes on the back of the pick to help the removal of dirt and other
2. An iodine spray, a clear iodine spray is more helpful as purple spray stains red after a day or two and it
can be hard to see bruising on the sole
3. A hoof food which will offer support and nourishment in dry conditions as well as look smart for
4. Vet wrap and veterinary padding along with gorilla tape are essential items to treat a hoof abscess and
should always be present in your veterinary kit
Shod versus Unshod
The great debate over which is better rages on endlessly; some people feel that horses should not wear
shoes as this was not what nature intended. However, man has domesticated horses and required them to
work for him, more recently in sporting and leisure roles and shoes can assist with these demands.

At the end of the day, some horses cope very well without shoes and are able to perform in a variety of
jobs, whilst others just don’t. How the horse is kept, the job it is required to do and the local environment
all do, to some extent, dictate how realistic it is to go unshod or barefoot.

The most important thing is to look at each horse as an individual and determine based on ridden work
and conformation whether it is both desirable and possible to go without shoes. Some horses manage to
do without a full set of shoes, usually remaining shod just in front.

Horses which are barefoot or unshod will still require trimming and the attention of a farrier at
appropriate intervals of around 6-8 weeks.
Final remarks on hoof care
Four good hooves are key to the soundness and general health of any horse.

Poor care and inadequate nutrition will be reflected in weak and brittle horn which will crack and fail to
hold a shoe as well as other veterinary issues, both minor and possibly major.

Good hoof care should, therefore, be at the top of the list when it comes to stable management priorities.

What we have learned is that while you cant change your horse's genetics, you can make sure you:
 provide a healthy diet
 keep their hooves clean and dry
 strategize with your farrier and vet

With proper care, you can ensure your horse has the best chance of staying sound.

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