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El Escorial revisited: Revised criteria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral

sclerosisBrooks BR, Miller RG, Swash M, et al for the World Federation of
Neurology Group on Motor...

Article  in  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis · January 2001

DOI: 10.1080/146608200300079536 · Source: PubMed


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Benjamin Rix Brooks Michael Swash

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Queen Mary, University of London


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ALS and other motor neuron disorders 2000 1, 293–299 © 2000 ALS and other motor neuron disorders. All rights reserved. ISSN 1466-0822 293

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

El Escorial revisited: Revised criteria for the

diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Benjamin Rix Brooks 1, Robert G Miller2, Michael Swash3, Theodore L Munsat4, for the World Federation of
Neurology Research Group on Motor Neuron Diseases

Conference Organizer for WFN Research
Committee on Motor Neuron Diseases
Chairman, WFN ALS Clinical Trials Consortium
Chairman, WFN Research Committee on Motor
Neuron Diseases
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

Chairman, WFN Research Committees
Airlie House “Current Issues in ALS Therapeutic
Trials’“ Workshop Contributors
Warrenton, Virginia April 2 – 4, 1998

Benjamin Rix Brooks, MD
ALS Clinical Research Center
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Clinical Science Center H6–563
Madison, Wl 53792–5132, USA
Tel.: (608) 263–9057
For personal use only.

Fax: (608) 263–0412


Introduction Requirements for the diagnosis of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neuro- The diagnosis of ALS requires:
degenerative disorder involving primarily motor neurons (A) the presence of:
in the cerebral cortex, brainstem and spinal cord. The vari- • (A: 1) evidence of lower motor neuron (LMN) degen-
ability in clinical Žndings early in the course of ALS and eration by clinical, electrophysiological or neuropatho-
the lack of any biological diagnostic marker make absolute logic examination,
diagnosis difŽcult and compromise the certainty of diag- • (A: 2) evidence of upper motor neuron (UMN) degen-
nosis in clinical practice, therapeutic trials and other eration by clinical examination, and
research purposes. • (A: 3) progressive spread of symptoms or signs within
The El Escorial criteria1 for the diagnosis of ALS have a region or to other regions, as determined by history or
been widely accepted, but it was felt that they should be examination,
revised in order to increase their sensititvity. The criteria together with:
described below represent the result of a three-day work- (B) the absence of
shop, convened at Airlie Conference Center, Warrenton, • (B:1) electrophysiological or pathological evidence of
Virginia on 2–4 April, 1998 by the World Federation of other disease processes that might explain the signs of
Neurology Research Committee on Motor Neuron Dis- LMN and/or UMN degeneration, and
eases. • (B:2) neuroimaging evidence of other disease
This consensus document, reviewed, amended and ulti- processes that might explain the observed clinical and
mately accepted by all workshop participants, has been electrophysiological signs.
placed on the WFN ALS website ( where
additional clinicians, researchers involved in ALS research,
as well as appropriate scientiŽc review bodies and con-
cerned voluntary organizations, have reviewed it, prior to Clinical studies in the diagnosis of ALS
formal publication. A careful history, physical and neurological examination
must search for clinical evidence of UMN and LMN signs
294 BR Brooks et al

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

in four regions (brainstem, cervical, thoracic, or lum- 1. Sporadic ALS – ALS occurring alone or present inciden-
bosacral spinal cord) of the central nervous system (CNS). tally with other preexisting disease processes
Ancillary tests should be reasonably applied, as clinically 2. Genetically-determined (familial, hereditary) ALS –
indicated, to exclude other disease processes. These should ALS, present in one or more generations, associated
include electrodiagnostic, neurophysiological, neuroimag- with different modes of inheritance and deŽned patho-
ing and clinical laboratory studies . genic mutations such as superoxide dismutase-1
(SOD1) mutations or hexoseaminidase A/B deŽciency.
ALS may occur as a genetically determined disease. In
Clinical evidence of LMN and UMN degeneration
some cases, the pathogenic mutation has been deter-
is required for the diagnosis of ALS
mined, e.g. mutations of the SOD1 gene. When there is
The clinical diagnosis of ALS, without pathological conŽr- a family history of such a deŽned pathogenic mutation,
mation, may be categorized into various levels of certainty the diagnosis may be upgraded to Clinically DeŽ nite
by clinical assessment alone, depending on the presence of Familial ALS – Laboratory-supported: ALS presenting
UMN and LMN signs together in the same topographical with progressive upper and/or lower motor neuron
anatomic region in either the brainstem (bulbar cranial signs in at least a single region (in the absence of
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

motor neurons), or the cervical, thoracic, or lumbosacral another cause for the abnormal neurological signs).
spinal cord (anterior horn motor neurons). The terms However, in genetically determined cases where the
Clinically DeŽ nite ALS and Clinically Probable ALS are gene has not been identiŽed (even if linkage is estab-
used to describe these categories of clinical diagnostic cer- lished), the criteria for the diagnosis of sporadic ALS
tainty on clinical criteria alone: apply.
Clinically DeŽ nite ALS is deŽned on clinical evidence 3. ALS-Plus Syndromes – ALS present in association with
alone by the presence of UMN, as well as LMN signs, in clinical features of other neurological diseases which
the bulbar region and at least two spinal regions or the develop in addition to the phenotype of ALS which
presence of UMN and LMN signs in three spinal regions. develop in parallel with the ALS, e.g. extra-pyramidal
Clinically Probable ALS is deŽned on clinical evidence features or dementia. (Appendix 1)
alone by UMN and LMN signs in at least two regions with 4. ALS with Laboratory Abnormalities of Uncertain Sig-
some UMN signs necessarily rostral to (above) the LMN niŽ cance – ALS present in association with laboratory-
For personal use only.

signs. deŽned abnormalities that are of uncertain signiŽcance

The terms Clinically Probable ALS – Laboratory-sup- to the pathogenesis of ALS. (Appendix 2)
ported and Clinically Possible ALS are used to describe 5. ALS-Mimic Syndromes – These syndromes occur as a
these categories of clinical certainty on clinical and criteria consequence of other, non-ALS pathogenic processes,
or only clinical criteria: and do not represent other forms of ALS. ALS-Mimic
Clinically Probable ALS – Laboratory-supported is Syndromes include the post-poliomyelitis syndrome,
deŽned when clinical signs of UMN and LMN dysfunction multifocal motor neuropathy with or without conduc-
are in only one region, or when UMN signs alone are tion block; endocrinopathies, especially hyperparathy-
present in one region, and LMN signs deŽned by EMG cri- roid or hyperthyroid states; lead intoxication;
teria are present in at least two regions, with proper appli- infections; and paraneoplastic syndromes.
cation of neuroimaging and clinical laboratory protocols
to exclude other causes.
Clinically Possible ALS is deŽned when clinical signs of Electrophysiological studies in the
UMN and LMN dysfunction are found together in only
one region or UMN signs are found alone in two or more
diagnosis of ALS
regions; or LMN signs are found rostral to UMN signs and Patients in whom the diagnosis of ALS is considered on
the diagnosis of Clinically Probable ALS – Laboratory- clinical grounds should have electrophysiological studies
supported cannot be proven by evidence on clinical performed to:
grounds in conjunction with electrodiagnostic, neurophys-
iologic, neuroimaging or clinical laboratory studies. Other • conŽrm LMN dysfunction in clinically affected
diagnoses must have been excluded to accept a diagnosis regions,
of Clinically Possible ALS. • detect electrophysiological evidence of LMN dysfunc-
Clinically Suspected ALS may be suspected in many set- tion in clinically uninvolved regions and
tings, where the diagnosis of ALS could not be regarded as • exclude other pathophysiological processes.
sufŽciently certain to include the patient in a research These electrophysiological studies should be performed by
study. Hence, this category is deleted from the revised El qualiŽed physicians according to established standards. It
Escorial Criteria for the Diagnosis of ALS. is essential to interpret the electrophysiological results in
conjunction with the clinical and other ancillary Žndings.
Clinical types and patterns of ALS (Appendix 3)

There are a number of ALS and ALS-like syndromes that

must be recognized:
El Escorial revisited criteria for the diagnosis of ALS 295

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

Brainstem Cervical Thoracic Lumbosacral

Lower motor • jaw, face, • neck, arm, • back, • back,

neuron signs • palate, hand, • abdomen abdomen,
weakness, • tongue, • diaphragm • leg, foot
atrophy, • larynx

Upper motor • clonic jaw jerk, • clonic DTRs, • loss of superŽcial • clonic DTRs,
neuron signs • gag reex, • Hoffmann abdominal reexes, • extensor
pathologic spread of • exaggerated reex, • pathologic DTRs, plantar
reexes, clonus, etc. snout reex, • pathologic DTRs, • spastic tone response,
• pseudobulbar • spastic tone, • pathologic DTRs,
features, • preserved reex in • spastic tone,
• forced yawning, weak wasted limb • preserved reex in
• pathologic DTRs, weak, wasted limb
• spastic tone
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

Table 1
Lower motor neuron and upper motor neuron signs in four CNS regions

Neuroimaging studies in the diagnosis dromes, or ALS with Laboratory Abnormalities of Uncer-
of ALS tain SigniŽcance. (Appendix 5)

Neuroimaging studies should be selected in order to

For personal use only.

exclude other conditions which may cause UMN and/or Neuropathological studies in the
LMN signs that may simulate sporadic ALS. (Appendix 4) diagnosis of ALS
There are no neuroimaging tests which provide positive
support for the diagnosis of ALS, although there are neuro- The diagnosis of sporadic ALS may be supported or
imaging methods (e.g. MRI spectroscopy) that may in the excluded by muscle and/or biopsy studies in the living
future be used to support the diagnosis of UMN involve- patient.
ment. Rarely, brain T2-weighted MRI may show increased The diagnosis of sporadic ALS may be proven or
signal in the corticospinal tracts. excluded by autopsy examination. (Appendix 6)

Clinical laboratory studies in the References

diagnosis of ALS
The diagnostic process employed to conŽrm the diagnosis 1. Subcommittee on Motor Neuron Diseases of World Federa-
of sporadic ALS, when the diagnosis is uncertain, includes tion of Neurology Research Group on Neuromuscular Dis-
repeated clinical examinations to document progression, eases, El Escorial “Clinical Limits of ALS” Workshop
repeated electrophysiological and/or neuroimaging exami- Contributors. El Escorial World Federation of Neurology cri-
nations to exclude structural disorders and clinical labora- teria for the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. J
tory examinations to exclude other disorders or support Neurol Sci 1994; 124: 96–107.
the diagnosis of ALS-Plus Syndromes, ALS-Mimic Syn-
296 BR Brooks et al

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis


DeŽ nite speciŽc clinical and exclusionary criteria met; no other diagnosis possible on basis of clinical distribution or
laboratory Žndings
Dementia progressive deterioration of speciŽc cognitive functions
Extrapyramidal clinical features localizable to basal ganglia and/or midline cerebellum
Hyperre exia spread of deep tendon reex outside stimulated territory
Minor subjective and objective complaints conŽrmed by examination (utilization of instrumental sensory testing may
increase the detection of sensory abnormalities)
Onset time of Žrst subjective symptom noticed by patient which later is conŽrmed by examination
Possible speciŽc clinical and exclusionary criteria met
Probable speciŽc clinical and exclusionary criteria met
Radicular distribution conforming to particular nerve root
Region brainstem, cervical, thoracic or lumbosacral spinal cord levels (regional involvement is deŽned by either right or left
sided signs)
Required necessary or sufŽcient
Segment single brainstem or spinal cord level
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Spread involvement of new anatomic segments or regions in the central nervous system
Support neither necessary nor sufŽcient, but may suggest
Systemic non-central nervous system
Weakness decreased isometric strength
Worsening increased weakness of muscles in previously affected segment

APPENDIX 1: ALS-Plus and ALS-Mimic APPENDIX 2: ALS with Laboratory

Syndromes Abnormalities of Uncertain
For personal use only.

ALS-Plus Syndromes and ALS-Mimic Syndromes must

SigniŽcance (ALS-LAUS) Syndromes
meet the clinical, electrophysiological and neuroimaging ALS with Laboratory Abnormalities of Uncertain SigniŽ-
criteria for Clinically Possible, Clinically Probable or Clini- cance (ALS-LAUS) must meet the clinical, electrophysio-
cally DeŽnite ALS. The predominant presentation in ALS- logical and neuroimaging criteria for Clinically Probable
Plus Syndromes and ALS-Mimic Syndromes is that seen in or Clinically DeŽnite ALS. ALS-LAUS have laboratory-
sporadic ALS, but includes one or more features such as: deŽned features which may be relevant to the develop-
1. Geographic clustering (including disorders seen in the ment of the ALS phenotype. In some patients correction of
Western PaciŽc, Guam, Kii Peninsula, North Africa, the associated abnormality may result in alteration of the
Madras, etc). disease course. Such patients need special consideration in
2. Extrapyramidal signs (bradykinesia; cogwheel rigidity; the context of research studies.
tremor; familial or sporadic).
3. Cerebellar degeneration (spinocerebellar abnormali- ALS-LAUS includes patients with Clinically DeŽnite or
ties; familial or sporadic). Clinically Probable ALS associated with:
4. Dementia (familial or sporadic; frontal lobe type; 1. Monoclonal gammopathy (monoclonal gammopathy
Creutzfeldt-Jacob amyotrophic form). of unknown signiŽcance, Waldenstrom’s macroglobu-
5. Autonomic nervous system involvement (clinically linemia, osteosclerotic myeloma, etc).
signiŽcant abnormal cardiovascular reexes; bowel or 2. Autoantibodies (high-titer GMI ganglioside antibody;
bladder control problems; familial or sporadic). etc).
6. Objective sensory abnormalities (decreased vibration; 3. Nonmalignant endocrine abnormalities (hyperthy-
sharp/dull discrimination; blunting of cold sensation; roidism, hyperparathyroidism, hypogonadism, etc).
familial or sporadic). 4. Lymphoma (Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lym-
7. Ocular movement abnormalities (supranuclear; phoma). Cases of sporadic ALS associated with cancer
nuclear; familial or sporadic). of the lung, colon or thyroid and insulinoma, are cur-
8. ALS mimics (delayed post-poliomyelitis; multifocal rently thought not to be causally related to the neo-
motor neuropathy with or without conduction block; plasm.
endocrinopathies; lead intoxication; infections). 5. Infection (HIV-1, HTLV-1, varicella-zoster, brucellosis,
borrelliosis, cat-scratch disease, syphilis etc).
6. Exogenous toxins (e.g. lead, mercury, aluminum).
El Escorial revisited criteria for the diagnosis of ALS 297

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

APPENDIX 3: Employing 4. quantitative motor unit potential analysis

electrophysiological studies in the 5. motor unit number estimates (MUNE).
diagnosis of ALS
Topography of active and chronic denervation
ALS may be most reliably identiŽed when the clinical and and reinnervation
electrophysiological changes involve a sufŽcient number
of regions so that other possible causes of similar EMG The EMG signs of LMN dysfunction required to support a
abnormalities are highly unlikely. The electrodiagnostic diagnosis of ALS should be found in at least two of the
(EMG / NCV) examination is thus an extension of the clin- four CNS regions: brainstem (bulbar / cranial motor
ical examination used to identify LMN dysfunction. neurons), cervical, thoracic, or lumbosacral spinal cord
(anterior horn motor neurons).
Electrophysiological features of LMN dysfunction • For the brainstem region it is sufŽcient to demonstrate
Conventional EMG studies the EMG changes in one muscle (e.g. tongue, facial
muscles, jaw muscles])
The features of LMN dysfunction in a particular muscle are
• For the thoracic spinal cord region it is sufŽcient to
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

deŽned by electromyographic concentric needle examina-

demonstrate the EMG changes either in the paraspinal
tion to provide evidence of active and chronic denervation
muscles at or below the T6 level or in the abdominal
including Žbrillations and fasciculations. Nerve conduc-
tion studies are also required to exclude motor neuropathy.
• For the cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord regions,
at least two muscles innervated by different roots and
Signs of active denervation consist of:
peripheral nerves must show EMG changes.
1. Žbrillation potentials
2. positive sharp waves
Nerve conduction studies
Nerve conduction studies are required for the diagnosis
Signs of chronic denervation consist of:
principally to deŽne and exclude other disorders of peri-
1. large motor unit potentials of increased duration
pheral nerve, neuromuscular junction and muscle that
with an increased proportion of polyphasic potentials,
For personal use only.

may mimic or confound the diagnosis of ALS. These

often of increased amplitude
studies should generally be normal or near normal.
2. reduced interference pattern with Žring rates higher
than 10 Hz unless there is a signiŽcant UMN compo- • The motor conduction times should be normal unless
nent, in which case the Žring rate may be lower than the compound muscle potential is small.
10 Hz • The sensory nerve conduction studies can be abnormal
3. unstable motor unit potentials. in the presence of entrapment syndromes and coexist-
ing peripheral nerve disease.
The combination of active denervation Žndings and • Lower extremity sensory nerve responses can be difŽcult
chronic denervation Žndings is required but the relative to elicit in the elderly.
proportion may vary from muscle to muscle.
Electrophysiological features compatible with UMN
Fasciculation potentials involvement include:
Fasciculation potentials are a characteristic clinical feature 1. Up to 30% increase in central motor conduction time
of ALS. Their presence in EMG recordings is helpful in the determined by cortical magnetic stimulation
diagnosis of ALS, particularly if they are of long duration 2. Low Žring rates of motor unit potentials on maximal
and polyphasic, and when they are present in muscles in effort.
which there is evidence of active or chronic partial dener-
vation and reinnervation. Their distribution can vary. Their Electrophysiological features suggesting other disease
absence raises diagnostic doubts, but does not preclude processes include:
the diagnosis of ALS. Fasciculation potentials of normal 1. Evidence of motor conduction block.
morphology occur in normal subjects (benign fascicula- 2. Motor conduction velocities lower than 70%, and
tions), and fasciculation potentials of abnormal morpho- distal motor latencies over 30%, of the lower and
logy occur in other denervation disorders, e.g. motor upper limit of normal values, respectively.
neuropathies. 3. Sensory nerve conduction studies that are abnormal.
Entrapment syndromes, peripheral neuropathies and
Quantitative EMG studies advanced age may render sensory nerve action poten-
In addition to conventional EMG examination, signs of tials difŽcult to elicit in the lower extremities.
chronic partial denervation can also be demonstrated with 4. F-wave or H-wave latencies more than 30% above
other techniques, including established normal values.
1. single Žber EMG, 5. Decrements greater than 20% on repetitive stimulation.
2. macro EMG, 6. Somatosensory evoked response latency greater than
3. turns/amplitude analysis and decomposition EMG, 20% above established normal values.
298 BR Brooks et al

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

7. Full interference pattern in a clinically weak muscle. There is no clinical laboratory Žnding which, if present
8. SigniŽcant abnormalities in autonomic function or with the proper clinical and electrophysiological signs of
electronystagmography. ALS and appropriate neuroimaging studies, rules out the
diagnosis of ALS.

APPENDIX 4: Employing neuroimaging

studies in the diagnosis of ALS APPENDIX 6: Employing
neuropathology studies in the
In patients with Clinically DeŽnite ALS with bulbar or
pseudobulbar involvement, neuroimaging studies are not
diagnosis of ALS
essential. In all other patients, appropriate neuroimaging Pathological studies in the living patient with
studies should be performed to rule out structural lesions sporadic ALS
that may explain the observed signs and symptoms.
Neuroimaging features that cast doubt on the diagnosis of Indications for biopsy
ALS or may be confounding factors in interpretation of Biopsies of the skeletal muscle, peripheral nerve and other
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

diagnostic or clinical trial results include the following: tissues are not required for the diagnosis of ALS, unless the
1. signiŽcant bony abnormalities on plain X-rays of skull clinical, electrophysiological or laboratory studies have
or spinal canal that might explain clinical Žndings. revealed changes that are atypical for ALS (e.g. inclusion
2. signiŽcant abnormalities of head or spinal cord MRI body myositis). In addition, the muscle biopsy may be used
suggesting intra- or extra-parenchymal processes. to demonstrate LMN involvement in a body region that had
However, abnormalities conŽned to the corticospinal not been shown to be involved by other techniques.
tract are consistent with ALS.
3. signiŽcant abnormalities of spinal cord myelography Muscle biopsy
with/without CT or CT alone suggesting lesions as Features required for the diagnosis:
noted above. 1. Evidence of chronic denervation/reinnervation in an
4. signiŽcant abnormalities on spinal cord angiography affected muscle.
suggesting vascular malformations.
For personal use only.

Features that are compatible with, and do not exclude, the

1. Scattered hypertrophied muscle Žbers.
APPENDIX 5: Employing clinical 2. No more than a moderate number of target or target-
laboratory studies in the diagnosis of oid Žbers.
ALS 3. Fiber type grouping of no more than mild-to-moder-
ate extent.
The demonstration of the presence of a pathogenetically rele- 4. The presence of a small number of necrotic muscle
vant gene mutation can assist in the diagnosis of ALS (such as Žbers.
SOD1). There are no clinical laboratory tests which conŽrm
the diagnosis of non-genetically determined ALS. Clinical lab- Features that rule out the diagnosis or suggest the presence
oratory tests that may be abnormal in otherwise typical ALS: of additional disease:
• Muscle enzymes (serum creatine kinase (unusual above 1. SigniŽcant monoclonal gammopathy, inŽltration with
ten times upper limit of normal), ALT, AST, LDH) lymphocytes and other mononuclear inammatory
• Hypochloremia, increased bicarbonate (related to cells.
advanced respiratory compromise) 2. SigniŽcant arteritis.
• Serum creatinine (related to loss of skeletal muscle mass) 3. SigniŽcant numbers of muscle Žbers involved with the
• Elevated CSF protein (unusual above 100 mg/dl) following structural changes: necrosis; rimmed vac-
uoles; nemaline bodies; central cores; accumulation of
Clinical laboratory tests that may be abnormal in ALS with mitochondria (ragged red Žbers).
Laboratory Abnormalities of Uncertain SigniŽcance (ALS- 4. Large Žber type grouping.
LAUS) and ALS-Mimic Syndromes: 5. Giant axonal swellings from accumulation of masses
• Autoantibodies (including antineuronal) of neuroŽlaments, but not of PAS positive bodies, in
• Hormonal abnormalities intramuscular nerves.
• Bone marrow / lymph node biopsy (lymphoma may be
associated with CSF protein >1g/dl) Pathological studies at autopsy other than in cases sur-
• Evidence of infection viving for prolonged periods on life support systems
• Blood and urine lead/mercury levels
• Hexoseaminidase A/B Gross pathological changes
Features required for the diagnosis:
Clinical laboratory features inconsistent with the diagnosis There are no positive diagnostic features on gross patho-
of ALS: logical examination.
El Escorial revisited criteria for the diagnosis of ALS 299

Consensus Guidelines for Diagnosis

Features that rule out the diagnosis of ALS or suggest the pres- • Aggregates of neuroŽlaments in perikarya of the motor
ence of additional disease: neurons (hyaline conglomerate inclusions)
1. Plaques of multiple sclerosis. • Axonal spheroids with accumulation of masses of
2. A focal cause of myelopathy. neuroŽlaments, Wallerian-like degeneration in the
anterior roots.
Features that are compatible with, and do not exclude, the dia-
Light microscopic studies gnosis:
Features required for the diagnosis: Variable involvement of Clarke’s nucleus and the spino-
1. Some degree of loss of both of the following neuronal cerebellar tracts; posterior root ganglia, the posterior
systems: large motor neurons of the anterior horns of columns of the spinal cord and peripheral sensory nerves;
the spinal cord and motor nuclei of the brainstem (V the brainstem reticular neurons and the anterolateral
motor, VII motor, IX and X somatic motor, and XII); columns of the spinal cord; the thalamus; subthalamic
and large pyramidal neurons of the motor cortex nucleus; and the substantia nigra.
and/or large myelinated axons of the corticospinal
Features that rule out the diagnosis or suggest the presence of
Amyotroph Lateral Scler Downloaded from by Dr Benjamin Rix Brooks on 10/09/11

additional disease:
2. The following cellular pathological changes in the
Major pathological involvement of other parts of the
involved neuronal regions described above: neuronal
nervous system, including: cerebral cortex other than the
atrophy with relative increase in lipofuscin and loss of
motor cortex; basal ganglia; substantia nigra; cerebellum;
Nissl substance. There should be evidence of different
cranial nerves II and VIII; dorsal root ganglia.
stages of the process of neuronal degeneration, includ-
ing the presence of normal-appearing neurons, even
The following cellular pathological changes in the
in the same region.
involved neuronal systems described above:
3. Evidence of degeneration of the corticospinal tracts at
the same level. • Extensive central chromatolysis;
• Extensive active neuronophagia;
Features that strongly support the diagnosis:
• NeuroŽbrillary tangles;
1. Lack of pathological change in the motor neurons of
For personal use only.

• The presence of abnormal storage material;

cranial nerves III, IV and VI, the intermediolateral
• The presence of signiŽcant spongiform change;
column of the spinal cord, and Onuf’s nucleus.
• The presence of perivascular inammatory cell inŽltra-
2. The occurrence of one or more of the following cellu-
lar pathological changes in the involved neuronal
systems described above:
Electron microscopic studies
• Ubiquinated intracytoplasmic inclusions in the motor Features required for the diagnosis:
neurons (skeins, Lewy body-like structures) Ultrastructural studies are not required for the diagnosis of
• Bunina bodies ALS.

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