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For more information

Department of the Interior and Local Government

Bureau of Local Government Development
25th floor, DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
Tel. No. (02)929-9235/927-7852
Convergence of Efforts and Partnerships among
National Government Agencies, Local Governments
and Civil Society
With over 81 provinces, 1,489 municipalities and 145 cities
throughout the archipelago, each distinct and with circumstances, that are
unique, linking and alignment of national and subnational planning and
budgeting processes pose as a major challenge.
Reinforced by the archipelagic topography, local governments often
plan and operate in silos oblivious of their role in the broader and longer term
vision for the provincial, regional and national development. Weaknesses in
planning and budgeting coordination across all levels of government resulted
to disconnect in national and local priorities that translates to segmented local
development affecting national growth and the economy.
Now more than ever, there is a need to coordinate and marshal
government efforts to address emerging concerns transcending jurisdictions.
This is to ensure:
 Fulfillment of global commitments for the attainment of the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) where “No one is left behind”
 Adherence to the Disaster Risk Reduction Framework on “safety and
resilience” under the Sendai Framework; and
 Attainment of the long term vision for the country under the Philippine
Development Plan 2017-2022 anchored on the AmBisyon 2040 of every
Filipino aspiring for a “Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na Buhay”.

Statutory systems and mechanisms in planning and decision-making

not being optimized also need to be revitalized such as:
 Broad-participatory engagement of stakeholders to include civil society
organizations (CSOs) thru the Local Development Councils (LDCs)
 Link and coherence of local plans and public investments,
 Complementation of Provincial and City/Municipal plans and
 Alignment and integration of national and local goals and priorities.

Addressing such concerns requires the convergence of efforts and

partnerships among national government agencies, local governments and
civil society.
Physical Planning SPATIAL

 Settlement
 Protection
 Production
 Infrastructure
The Sendai Framework is a 15-year, voluntary, non-binding Vision
agreement which recognizes that the State has the primary role to Reality Gap
reduce disaster risks but that responsibility should be shared with
other stakeholders including local governments, the private sector
and other stakeholders. It aims for the following outcome:

The substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in lives,

livelihoods and health and in the economic, physical, social cultural
and environmental assets of persons , businesses, communities and
Strengthening Local Development Planning by
Operationalizing DILG-NEDA-DBM-DOF JMC 2016-1

Operationalizing the planning approach and the planning process as well as mainstreaming new
planning considerations, the Department will be conducting a series of activities that aim to
1.) harness the function of Local Development Councils as a venue for multi-stakeholder participation,
2.) plan complementation and augmentation, 3.) highlighting the shared oversight function of the
Province-City/Municipality Complementation NGA-LGU Interface
Provinces over its component LGUs, 4.) NGA interface with LGUs and 5.) to ensure plan budget linkage.
This roll-out of JMC 2016-1 will also be the venue to cascade Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-  Provinces shall coordinate with their component For alignment with national goals and priorities
2020, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Disaster Risk-Reduction—Climate Change Adaptation cities and municipalities to ensure consistency with and support to local needs,
(DRR-CCA), and other global commitment to provinces, cities and municipalities. strategic directions and facilitate complementation  LGUs to coordinate with national line
 PDC convenes component cities and agencies for technical inputs and guidance
This shall be done thru the following planning exercises: municipalities to present the PDPFP on sectoral priorities and targets in PDP
for purposes of harmonization • LGUs to engage the community in broad
1. Regional Workshops on National Government Strategic Priorities and SDG alignment
 Province may undertake joint programs between the participatory planning process
2. Provincial Strategic Direction Setting Conference Workshops province and the component LGUs and augment
3. Municipal Project Prioritization Conference Workshops resources of its component cities and municipalities
for project with significant impact to the province as
a whole.
 Component Cities (CC) and municipalities may
provide counterpart resources for projects initiated
by the province.

Shared Oversight of Oversight Agencies and Province Plan to Budget Linkage

Shared To ensure that plans are complemented by the

OAs Province
Oversight necessary resources to include funding for its
implementation, plan to budget linkage must be
budgetary DBM reviews Province reviews the
strengthened by formulating a multi-year
oversight appropriation appropriation
(DBM) ordinances of the ordinances of CCs investment program where actual budgets can be
provinces, HUCs, and municipalities based on. The diagram below illustrates the linkage
ICCs and between plan and budget.
within Metro
/ Manila

local DOF-BLGF issues Province conducts

treasury Manual for the evaluation of real
operations Evaluation of Local property assessment
(BLGF-DOF) Treasury operations.

real DOF-BLGF issues Prvoince conducts

property the Assesment real property
assessment Evaluation and asssessment
(BLGF-DOF) Examination operations
Manual (AEEM)

local DILG issues the CDP Province reviews

developme review guide Comprehensive
nt planning Development Plans
(DILG) (CDPs) of CCs and

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