Genesis Failure Investigation Report JPL Failure Review Board Avionics Sub Team PDF

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NASA Facts

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91109

Genesis Solar Wind Sample Return Mission

Genesis will bring back samples of solar matter these questions. Genesis will also investigate funda-
in the form of the solar wind for analysis in Earth mental assumptions, such as whether or not solar and
laboratories, in order to better understand the origin nebular compositions are really identical.
of the solar system. The Sun's outer layer from which the solar wind
Genesis will head out of Earth's atmosphere to emanates has the same composition as the original
a location where it is balanced between the Sun's and solar nebula. The solar system was formed by the
Earth’s gravities. Once there, gravitational collapse of an
it will open and expose col- interstellar gas-dust-ice
lector arrays of ultrapure cloud. Though the interior of
materials such as sapphire, the Sun has been modified by
gold and diamond to capture nuclear reactions, the outer
particles from the solar wind. layers preserve the initial
solar composition because no
Science Background matter is exchanged between
All the objects in our the interior and the surface of
solar system originated from the Sun.
a cloud of interstellar gas, The collection
dust and ice, known as the approach used by Genesis
solar nebula, which scientists was successfully demonstrat-
assume was relatively homo- ed by the University of Bern,
geneous in its chemical and Switzerland, during the
isotopic composition. Apollo missions to the Moon.
In contrast, the most striking An aluminum foil flag was
feature of the present solar planted on the Moon's sur-
system is the great diversity face and, since the Moon has
among its objects. Even the no atmosphere or magnetic
smallest moons around outer field, exposed to the solar
solar system planets appear to differ among them- wind at the beginning of the mission and brought in
selves. Meteorites can show great differences in at the end. The Apollo experiment measured only
composition from their parent asteroids and comets helium and neon isotopes, but obtained results of
in the asteroid belt. Yet all this diversity appears to great importance, Genesis will be able to measure
have arisen from a comparatively homogeneous solar more elements, more precisely.
To know the conditions, processes and events in Genesis Mission Science Objectives:
the solar nebula that produced these highly diverse · Gather precise data about the relative amounts of
objects, scientists will compare the chemical and iso- the different forms of a given element in solar compo-
topic compositions of the planets with the solar nebu- sition. For some elements -- like oxygen or neon -- it
la compositions provided by Genesis. For the first is certain that these isotopic ratios will differ from
time, precise information will be available to model those found in the same elements on Earth.
Genesis’ sample return capsule

· Significantly improve knowledge about the differing ment at Johnson Space Center, before the collector
amounts of elements in solar composition, called materials were loaded. Also inside the canister is a
solar abundances. Genesis’ goal is to improve by at solar wind concentrator, a bowl-shaped instrument
least threefold the accuracy of estimates of the abun- that will focus the ions in the solar wind to 20 times
dance of each element. The best present source of its normal concentration on a special set of target
elemental abundances has uncertainties in its model- materials. The enhanced concentration is necessary
ing that result in significant errors in the calculated to measure elements such as oxygen and nitrogen
abundances. above the impurity background in all available mate-
· Obtain separate samples of the three different types rials.
or regimes of solar wind. These will be collected sep- After the craft enters its orbit, the solar collectors
arately, and compared to the bulk of the solar wind. fold out, allowing ions and particles from the solar
· Provide a reservoir of solar matter for 21st century wind to embed themselves in small hexagonal collec-
science. The mission phase of sample analysis will tor tiles on the face of the arrays. The solar wind con-
not consume all of the available collector material. centrator is exposed as the collector arrays move out.
The remainder will be carefully curated for future As time passes, the spacecraft encounters the dif-
studies. There need be only one solar wind sample ferent solar wind regimes. These are recognized by
return mission. electron and ion monitors located on the spacecraft’s
Building on these general objectives, the Genesis main body outside the sample return capsule. The
science team has developed a set of 18 specific mea- signals from the monitors to recognize the different
surement objectives to address specific science solar wind regimes are processed by onboard com-
issues. For example, differences in the solar and ter- puters. Once a regime is identified, a collector array
restrial isotopic compositions of nitrogen and the dedicated to this regime is deployed and two other
noble gases (neon, argon, krypton and xenon) will sets of arrays are hidden, providing independent sam-
form the basis for definitive modeling of the extent ples of the different regimes.
of losses from Earth's atmosphere early in the history
of our planet. Mission Profile
The spacecraft was launched on August 8,
Science Operations 2001, from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral,
The part of the spacecraft that returns to Earth, Florida, on a Delta 7326 rocket. It left Earth's atmos-
the sample return capsule, contains a canister that phere and traveled out to a point where gravity from
holds the solar wind collector materials, protecting the Earth and Sun are precisely balanced, called the
them from contamination during launch and reentry. L1 Lagrange point, clear of Earth's magnetosphere.
The canister was built at the Jet Propulsion In early November 2001, it entered into a halo orbit
Laboratory, then cleaned in an ultra-pure environ- around L1 -- an orbit around a point in space, not a
particular body. The collector arrays opened up in

December 2001 to the solar wind, and Genesis orbits in
this position for about two years. Then the arrays will be The Genesis Team
stowed in a contamination-tight canister within the sam- Dr. Don Burnett of the California Institute of
ple return capsule. Technology, Pasadena, Calif., is the principal investiga-
The spacecraft will head back to Earth and return tor of the mission. Lockheed Martin Astronautics,
on September 8, 2004. A few hours before re-entry, the Denver, Colo., has developed the spacecraft and the
sample return capsule will be separated from the space- sample return capsule. Lloyd Oldham of Lockeed
craft. The spacecraft will then perform a maneuver that Martin is the deputy project manager.
will place it in an orbit around the Sun. The sample Dr. Roger Wiens of Los Alamos National
return capsule's trajectory will carry it over the Oregon Laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M., leads the solar wind
coast as it makes its decent into the Utah Test and concentrator project. Dr. Bruce Barraclough, also of
Training Range (southwest of Salt Lake City). The sam- Los Alamos National Laboratory, is the lead scientist for
ple return capsule will release a parachute and be caught the ion monitors. Johnson Space Center, Houston,
in midair by one of two specially-modified helicopters. Texas, will prevent and control contamination of the
The helicopter will then carry its solar booty to a tempo- solar wind collectors, and safely maintain the returned
rary cleanroom located on the nearby Michael Army Air samples. Dr. Eileen Stansbery leads Johnson Space
Field. Center's efforts.
The canister will be transported to the Johnson The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.,
Space Center, Houston, Texas, and the collector tiles manages the mission for NASA's Office of Space
removed and distributed for analysis. Science, Washington, D.C. Data acquisition and track-
ing of the spacecraft are provided by NASA's Deep
Spacecraft and Science Payload Space Network, which is operated by JPL. Spacecraft
The concentrator and arrays are placed in an ultra- operations are performed at Lockheed Martin
clean canister housed inside the sample return capsule. Astronautics, while navigation and flight design are
Simple rotations deploy and retract the collector arrays. coordinated by JPL.
Telecommunications, attitude control, command and Don Sweetnam of JPL is the project manager. The
data handling, power, and propulsion are provided by a NASA program manager is Steven Brody.
flight system deck attached to the sample return capsule.

04/20/04 DCA

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