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El Grito de Dolores is Mexican Independence Day.

Every 16th of September, Mexico celebrates the day that Father Miguel Hidalgo, a Catholic
priest in the small central Mexican town of Dolores, rang the bell of his church and called
everyone to fight for liberty against Spanish rule.

The Independence War, lasted for 10 years. Today, the story is re-acted in every "zocalo",
or plaza, in Mexico.

Flags wave from every structure. Lighted decorations are put up, and people of all ages join
in Mexico's biggest fiesta.

Although "Los Dias de los Muertos" literally means "Day of the Dead", it is really a
Mexican celebration of both life and death.

Day and All Souls' Day-November 1 and 2. Celebrants honor the spirits of family ancestors;
spirits of children are thought to return on the 1st and adults on the 2nd.

Altars are built, and then covered with food and decorations. Cemeteries are decorated
with fresh flowers. Paper mache sculptures depict the dead in an everyday context, such as
skeletons, and most are comical in nature. Through music and feasting, everyone
embraces the totality of both life and death.

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

In December of 1531. A recently converted Indian, Juan Diego, was traveling over
Tepeyac Hill-the former site of an Aztec shrine to the goddess Tonantzin-outside of
Mexico City. Juan Diego reported to the local bishop that he had seen the mother of the
Christian God on Tepeyac Hill and she addressed him in his native language and asked
that a shrine be built for her at the site. December 12, became a Mexican national holiday

Las Posadas, meaning the "shelter", commemorates the events in the journey of
Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem. It begins on the 16th of December and
continues continues through January 6. At each residence people ask for shelter but
they are refused, until at last, they are welcomed in at the last home. They then celebrate
with prayers, food and a "pinata" for the children.

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