03CHEM Take Home Work

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03Chem | Take-Home Exam | JSolano | Page1of1


Sta. Mesa, Manila

Name: ______________________________________________ Year and Section: ______________

Student No.: _________________________________________ Date: ________________________

Problem Solving.

1. Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 640 nm appears as orange light to the human
eye. Calculate the energy possessed by a photon of this light. (h=6.626x10-34)
2. Molybdenum metal must absorb radiation with a minimum frequency of 1.09x10 15 s-1 before it
can eject an electron from its surface via the photoelectric effect.
(a) What is the minimum energy needed to eject an electron?
(b) What wavelength of radiation will provide a photon of this energy?
3. Microwave ovens use microwave radiation to heat food. The energy of the microwaves is
absorbed by water molecules in food and then transferred to other components of the food.
(a) Supposed that the microwave radiation provides an energy of 1.77x10-24 J per photon to
heat up a cup of 200 mL coffee from 23 °C to 60 °C. Calculate the wavelength of microwave
(b) Suppose the microwave’s power is 900 W (Watt, W, is the SI unit of power; 1 W = 1 J·s;
Power = Energy consumed per unit of time, P=E/t). How long would you have to heat the
coffee in part (a)?
4. Given the following elements/ions, write their ground state electronic configuration and the
quantum numbers of each of their electrons:
a. Copper (Cu)
b. Magnesium ion (Mg2+)
c. Chloride ion (Cl–)

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